True Martial World

Chapter 161: Ara Shrine

Yi Yun walked to the stone table and saw a new set of clothes and a book on the stone table.

The clothes are burlap clothes, and they feel rough to the touch, but they are very different from the linen clothes worn by civilians. This kind of linen is made of silver and silk, and the guns and guns are not in, the water and fire are not invaded, and can be used as soft armor. Otherwise, the general linen, the strength of the training of the Ayutthaya warrior, will be ruined after a few days of wear.

As for the book, there is probably a thick, thin one, and the cover is written with the words "God of the Gods"!

Open this book, Yi Yun found that there is a hole in the book, every page of the book is blank, there is no written text, but the spiritual power can be injected into it, you can view the vast amount of information inside.

In fact, every page is a book that introduces a kind of god.

Yi Yun opened the front ten pages, the differences introduced are -

"Tai A Shencheng!"


"The ancient wild animal!"

"Tianmu Dibao!"

"Mystery rumors!"


There is more than 90 pages in the book "God of the Wild", and each page makes Yi Yun an eye-opener!

The first page introduces Tai's Shencheng. First, it introduces the history of Tai'a Shencheng. Next, it also briefly introduces the rules and regulations of the warriors in Tai'an.

Tai A Shencheng has a lot of cultivation resources, and more than 90% of these cultivation resources can be exchanged for dragon scale runes.

There is also a 10% cultivation resource that requires not only dragon scale runes but also honor points.

For example, if you break a record, it is a huge honor, of course. This is too difficult.

This book has opened up the eyes of Yi Yun. Yi Yun concentrates on reading, and reads it one page at a time. It is not necessary to say that the Tai A Shencheng City is introduced in the previous section. Later, the introduction of various wild animals and treasure medicines in the wild is also a guide to the survival of the gods.

This knowledge is very important.

We must know that some of the elite wild animals of the gods are very ordinary, and even seem to be harmless to humans and animals. If they are not recognized, they are considered ordinary beasts. If you rush to provoke, then it will be too embarrassing to die.

There are some poisonous grasses that look very similar to the treasure medicines. If you accidentally pick them up for medicine, then you will die even more. A generation of handsome people may become the characters of the Tai Ao, who will die in the wrong way. Lost, is there more wrong than this?

The book not only indicates the danger of the gods. It also states that those wild animals are more valuable.

Especially those wild animals with a small part of the ancient blood, although more than the ancient relics, but more than a common wild animal, the value is also more than a hundred times!

As for the true ancient relics. That value is even more immeasurable!

Of course, the level of the wild beast, 10,000 Yi Yun went to die, it must be the first-class figure of the elders of Taikoo Shencheng. It is possible to fight with it!

The ancient relics are born to be the darling of the law. Their affinity for heaven and earth is far from being comparable to human beings.

If you can really kill a Taikoo relic. By making its bones a bony relic, then this relic can definitely set off a **** hurricane!

In addition to being able to obtain powerful energy, the most important thing is to get a small amount of the rules of the ancient ancestors, which is what the people of the world are blind!

This "God of the Gods", Yi Yun has been seeing the middle of the night, until near the dawn, Yi Yun was meditation and tempered for more than an hour, for Yi Yun, this level of warriors, if not a big consumption, Then meditation for an hour is enough to return to full prosperity.


When the day was just around, someone shouted outside the living area.

Yi Yun quickly washed, put on clothes and walked out of the room.

On the open space outside the house, dozens of people have gathered at this time, all of whom are from Yi Yun, including Zhou Kui.

Today's Zhou Kui, still carrying his signature big ring knife and broken skull hammer, gives a feeling of embarrassment.

Zhou Kui looked at Yi Yun, Yi Yun also looked at Zhou Kui, the two just looked at each other and did not speak.

Qin bald touched the chin, and the corner of his mouth was full of playfulness. He came to the young heroes of Taishen City. They were competitors with each other. Resources were limited, and everything was going to be contested. It was normal to stick to each other.

It should be said that this is inevitable.

"Today, take you to the Temple of the Desolation! Depart!"

The bald man did not say a word of nonsense, and took the crowd directly to the center of the city.

The Temple of the Gods is a large hall directly in front of the Central Tower. The Temple of the Gods is huge. It is the tallest building in the entire city of Tai A, except the Central Tower. Many young people come here and feel like they are A cockroach ant entered the magnificent hall where the emperor was.

The pillars at the entrance of the main hall have all been carefully polished, and they are dozens of feet high. The ten people are holding the thickness and it is amazing!

The rocks that built the main hall were heavy and heavy, like a flattened hill, which was spliced ​​together, and the molten iron was poured in the middle. Under the fluorite lamp, the metal glare flashed.

The hall is very wide, Yi Yun looked at the past and saw a lot of people gathered here.

These people have men and women, and the number of women is about one-third. Jinlongwei is full of men, but there are many women in the trials of Tai’s City. Some of these women are from the big family. Some come from the royal family, and some come from Qing Weiwei, which corresponds to Jinlongwei. This Qingweiwei is the women's army.

Most of the people in the hall are well-dressed. At first glance, they are born in extraordinary style. Some people, dressed in aristocratic costumes, in addition to flying fish clothes, there are also swearing clothes!

蟒 ,, is the baron to wear!

The title of the Tai's Kingdom of God cannot be hereditary or even lifelong. If the military loses strength for some reason, then his title and treatment may even be cut off. Of course, the wounds for the national battle are not included in this list. .

Yi Yun looks at the teenager who wears a squatting suit, but around the age of fourteen, he was named a baron when he was young. The reason is that this person has a superhuman talent!

"The 14-year-old baron... I don't know how far his strength is?"

Yi Yun said to himself in his heart, and suddenly his pupils shrank slightly and looked in the other direction.

There, there was a brocade boy, dressed in a prisoner’s suit, and a golden knives sitting in a chair.

Prisoner clothes, Viscounts!

A fifteen-year-old boy, was named a Viscount?

What is the concept of the Viscount, the general of the Jinlong Weitian Capital City Yan Menglong, but a Viscount.

A teenager, quite like a general!

Yi Yun was really surprised.

He found that although there were many people in the hall, there was no one in the circle around this group.

The ninety-nine people in the room were standing, and the boy, sitting in a chair so lightly, was like a king.

The teenager stared at the square, holding a purple long sword in his hand and wearing a red ring on his finger.

"Space ring..."

Yi Yun recognized this ring, a space ring, the price is extremely high, Yi Yun has no space ring now, he has been carrying a large animal skin wrapped in a half-human high on the road to the gods.

"Do you know him?" Yi Yun asked Song Zijun around him, he gestured to the boy with his eyes, and Yi Yun did not expect that, with his eyes, he was actually noticed by the other party!

The boy’s eyes swept to Yi Yun and Song Zijun, but they stayed for a very short period of time, and they no longer care about Yi Yun, and their eyes turned to other directions.

It is this very short-term confrontation that makes Song Zijun breathe a sigh of relief.

"Sword meaning! His eyes have already realized a rudimentary form of swordsmanship..."

Just now the boy looked over and saw that Song Zijun felt that his eyebrows were like a sword. Han Sensen’s touch made his pores shrink.

The swordsman can repair his sword, and he can make his own arm, palm, and feet into a sword. It is the same as a sword, and even at the end, even the eyes can be used as a sword to kill people with gaze!

This boy has not yet reached the realm of looking like a sword, but it has begun to take shape.

"Who is he?" Yi Yun asked again.

However, Song Zijun just shook his head, "I don't know..."

Song Zijun was born in the Song family of Jingzhou South County. Jingzhou was originally one of the 108 states. The South County is also a small place in Jingzhou. The South County is insignificant compared to the vast Taishen Kingdom. So many Junjie, Song Zijun did not know.

At this time, next to Song Zijun, some people said: "His name is Yang Gan, he was born in the Tai A royalty. He entered the Tai'an City at the age of twelve. He has been here for three years. Now Yang Gan has already broken through the rankings in the world. One hundred, he is afraid that this year, the first 30 shocks!"

"Tai A royal family!" Yi Yun took a deep breath, the entire Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom, this giant, the family, but no family can compare the royal family!

As for the county-level families in Jingzhou, in front of the royal family, it is more like an ant.

Since the establishment of the Kingdom of Tai A, this royal family has continued for millions of years.

For millions of years, the royal family of the Tai's Kingdom of God has strict regulations on the marriage system. All members of the royal family must be married by their elders and must not be privately married. Otherwise, they will abandon the royal identity.

The marriage object chosen by the royal family is either a super-family with profound knowledge, or an ancient secret group with outstanding blood, or a generation of heavenly arrogance with a personal talent.

In short, all talents, elites, arrogance, and royalty are constantly absorbed, so that the blood of their descendants is getting stronger and stronger, so that the possibility of birth genius is even greater.

It is also this kind of inhuman system that ensures that the Tai A royal family can prosper and prosper.

The heritage of the royal family has long been unimaginable. Among the royal family, there are countless treasures of various natural materials. However, the origin of the royal family does not mean that they can enjoy these resources at will. The royal population has too many people, only the royal family. The best in the middle is qualified to let the royal family try their best to cultivate.

Under this circumstance, it is not surprising that Yang Gan was at the age of fifteen and got the title of Viscount.

Push the book: "The Age of Espionage", the classical Xian Xia, the author will fly the little fish, the story of a man who is unwilling to be fate, book number: 3474795. (To be continued.)


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