True Martial World

Chapter 163: Taikoo Relics Sculpture

Yi Yun glanced at the six stone gates, and the stone gates were similar. The only difference was that the reliefs on the stone gates were different. Some were three giant beasts, some were big snakes, some were raptors, some were giant sharks...

Six stone gates, just pick.

Yi Yun just thought about it for a moment and went to the stone gate of the three giant beasts.

At this time, Yi Yun found that Zhou Kui also went to the stone gate of the three giant beasts.

"Hey! The stone gate of the three-headed Lion Peng, among the six stone gates of the Waste Temple, its difficulty is one of the best!"

Zhou Kui apparently knew something about the Temple of the Wild, and his words made Yi Yun’s heart move.


It seems that this cultivation place is not so simple.

"How, is there any courage to compare with me? This sacred temple is a place to consider the true ability. It is useless to sneak a sneak attack."

Zhou Kui smashed the hoe, not without irony, apparently he was still worried about the sneak attack of Yi Yun yesterday.

After eating under the Yi Yun, Zhou Kui regarded it as a shame. He felt that he had lost a lot of money. This time he entered the Temple of the Waste, and he wanted to find it back.

Beside Zhou Kui, he also followed a number of warriors of the Xuanwu Army. They are all followers of Zhou Kui and their brothers.

They occupied another sixteen places at the gates of the three giant beasts at a rapid rate.

For a time, the entrance to the three giant beasts, in addition to Yi Yun, a member of the Jinlongwei, the others, all of them are the people of the Xuanwu Army!

The majestic teenagers of these Xuanwu Legion looked at Yi Yun with a playful look. It felt like a group of wolves looking at a small sheep that fell into a wolf's nest.

"In the Temple of the Waste God, it is forbidden to fight. Otherwise the consequences will be serious!"

I noticed the smell of gunpowder in the air, and the bald man was not salty or sloppy.

What is the battle? It’s normal in Tai’an City, as long as it’s not in some situations where it is forbidden to fight. In other places, as long as you don’t make a living and don’t ruin people, it doesn’t matter.

Therefore, a bald man will not manage the struggle of the practitioners at all, but will condone.

The team he brought out, if he fights with others and wins, he will reward and lose. He has to be punished.

"The guys, like a group of flies, stare at you!"

Xu Zheng was behind Yi Yun, and he was rumored.

Yi Yun shrugged and said casually: "Just."

During the talk, Yi Yun marched to the gate of the three giant beasts.

Zhou Kui smiled and followed.

The members of other Xuanwu Legion also swarmed.

"call out!"

A white light flashed, and the stone door did not open. I will directly **** in Yi Yun.


Yi Yun’s vision was blurred and it was clear. He hadn’t had time to figure out what was going on, but he suddenly felt a scalp explosion. In the midst of it, he seems to be stared at by what horrible existence. I only felt a vast pressure that could not be resisted, such as mercury and diarrhea shrouded in myself.

"what happened?"

Yi Yun followed the direction of the strange and powerful pressure. I saw in front of myself a towering sculpture of a wild animal!

The sculpture is dark in color. It has a dark golden luster and is like a lion and a lion. Like Peng Peng, it has three green-faced animal heads, and the hair is scattered. There is purple electricity in each eyelid of the skull. There are three pairs of wings that are more than ten feet long, as if they are going to go to the sky at any time.

There is an inexplicable pressure on the body, which makes Yi Yun feel uncontrollable and raises a small feeling.


Suddenly, Yi Yun, who had been watching the beast, only felt as if thunder had ringing in his mind. Yi Yun could not help but shake a few times. The whole body had a very depressed feeling.

At this time, a voice was introduced into the ears of Yi Yun. "The three-headed lion-peng sculpture is the beginning of the establishment of the gods and gods. It was the first city owner of Tai A Shencheng. This is a true ancient relic. The golden water of Da Yan Wu Jin is poured and cast! This sculpture contains the pressure of the ancient relics and the true meaning of the first city owner of Tai A Shencheng to stay in the sculpture! It is all personal. ”

The sculptures made by the Taikoo relics after the real body, pouring the golden water of Da Yan Wu Jin?

The origin of the sculpture in front of the eyes, Yi Yun heard the shock, this turned out to be a real ancient relic, no strange can have such a terrible pressure!

In front of the three lion sculptures, Yi Yun only felt breathless, and the tremendous pressure made him almost want to kneel on the ground!

Yi Yun clenched his teeth and adjusted the weight of the silver shirt to a minimum, which was barely supported.

At this time, beside Yi Yun, the white light flashed one after another, and one after another of the Xuanwu Legion was sent in.

The first nature is Zhou Kui. I have to say that Zhou Kui really has a bit of skill. In the face of the great pressure of the three Lions, he just stood up and stood firm.

As for others, it is bad, their strength is much worse. Although they are psychologically prepared, they suddenly suffer from this overwhelming pressure. They are all overwhelmed and difficult to support. One of them is a sly, directly Wrote on the ground!

They are very bragging outside, and when they really test the ability and the quantity, it’s not a matter of moving their mouths!

"Waste!! Don't be a mother like a girl!"

Zhou Kui still has the strength and arrogance. He is indeed deeply rooted. In fact, it is his strength to bear the pressure!

He smiled and looked at Yi Yun: "Come on, let's compare it to see who is better!"

Zhou Kui laughed, quite a bit of a sense of pride.

Yi Yun just glanced at Zhou Kui and did not respond to anything. He was thinking about everything in this wild temple.

The Temple of the Waste God is not only a place to bear the pressure of the ancients, but the true meaning of the sages in the sculptures of the ancient times may be the more precious things of this cultivation.

While resisting the pressure of the ancient relics, you should realize the true meaning of the saints!

Sacred sages, how can we have such a good experience, not to mention that these experienced people are still new people, the strength is not strong, it is not easy to withstand the pressure, let alone calm down to realize the true meaning.

Even Yi Yun, not easy, just for a while, his forehead has sweated.

As for Zhou Kui, he seems to be a little stronger than Yi Yun. His forehead is violent, and the whole body is squeaking. It is this momentum that is amazing.

Zhou Kui looked at Yi Yun and said: "This kid is more powerful than I thought. He really has a bit of skill, not only a sneak attack."

Zhou Kui has a lot of effort to compare with Yi Yun. He has always been paying attention to Yi Yun. Zhou Kui has sufficient confidence in his endurance and ability to withstand pressure. Even if he is not as good as Yi Yun, he will have the confidence to win Yi Yun, not to mention now. He was better than Yi Yun in the beginning, and he was better than the back.

Victory is what Zhou Kui expected, he will not like anything for it, he just wants to see where Yi Yun's limit is.

However, Zhou Kui did not know that Yi Yun at this time did not actually put his mind on the test. It should be said that Yi Yun had made Zhou Kui air from beginning to end.

Yi Yun is single-mindedly observing the three lion sculptures in front of him.

"The ancient relics, this is the pressure left by the ancients of the ancients, the strength of the ancient relics, more than the human race, even if the elders of the city, do not dare to say that they will be able to cope, and take the ancient body of the ancient The relics that have been made, once they have flown into the world, are enough to set off blood and hurricanes! Even the Terran sages will want to get it, nourish their bodies, and understand the laws contained in the relics of the ancient times."

"The name of this ancient relic is really worth it!"

Yi Yun is the first time to see the real Taikoo relics, although it is sealed in the real estate.

So is it possible...

When Yi Yun entered the Temple of the Waste, and saw the sculpture of the three lions, there was an unstoppable thought in his heart. This thought made him breathe.

He closed his eyes and let his consciousness enter the ethereal state. His mental power was linked to the origin of the amethyst at the heart. Then, Yi Yun suddenly opened his eyes!

Yi Yun’s vision has turned into a white one. In front of Yi Yun, the sculptures of the three giant beasts began to light up.

Yi Yun feels that his spiritual strength, attached to the amethyst, has slowly linked to the sculptures of the ancient relics in front of him.

It is only the storage of the ancient sacred gold of the ancients, but it hinders the infiltration of Yiyun.

This great gold is a magical metal. It is born with the property of absorbing the strength of the heavens and the earth. It is used to seal the body of the ancient relics. After millions of years, the energy contained in the ancient relics is not Will reduce, but will continue to increase, more and more pure!

In front of the three lions, the true body of the lion is actually more energy than the Tai Ai Shencheng, and its value is even greater.

The sculptures of the six great ancient relics of the Temple of the Wild, can be said to be the treasure of the town of Tai A Shencheng!

This is also due to the great derivation of gold, the characteristics of Da Yanzhenjin, is to make energy easy to come in, it is difficult to go out, it can be said that only can not enter.

It is a pity that although Da Yan Jin Jin has the effect of cultivating the true nature of the ancient relics, it took too long.

Over 100,000 years, millions of years, the Terran sages have to die, can not afford, can only afford the super power of Tai A Shen Guo, can be passed down from generation to generation, while relying on the super fortress of Tai A Shencheng, protect Taikoo The safety of the original kind, or it has long been stolen!

Yi Yun is now against the characteristics of Da Yan Jin Jin, and the opposite is true.

He adjusted his breathing and concentrated on it. Little by little, with the absolute control of Amethyst on energy, he drew energy from Da Yanjin!

Slowly, the head of the center of the three giant beasts is getting brighter and brighter. More and more energy, from the three giant beast sculptures gathered in all directions to the middle of the skull, seems to be broken.

When this energy condenses to the extreme, a pigeon-sized light group is squeezed out from Da Yan Wu Jin, slowly drifting out, and under the traction of Amethyst, it comes to Yi Yunfei.

Seeing this light group, Yi Yun’s heart is overjoyed!


... (to be continued.)


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