True Martial World

Chapter 1636: Bilinhou

She didn't speak after she closed her hand, standing silently behind Yi Yun.

Although Honghuangshi is not as good as the Tianxiu Ancient Ruins, Shaomangxuan has a transcendent status in Honghuangshi and has only half stepped into the high-rise of Honghuangshi.

This is no better than the princes who are still fighting for the crown prince. When Yi Yun first saw Transmitter, she knew she was so talented, but she was also very surprised.

Shao Mengxuan is just fine, he has transmutation as a maid, but it is normal.

Ke Yiyun, he is a personal family!

At this time, transmutation had been changed by Yi Yun with "Zhangxinghuatianshu", and everyone present did not know where transmutation came out. In their opinion, a genius girl of the demon tribe, who, at a young age, succeeded as a demon junior, was willing to be a servant of a deity of the human tribe?

There is also Lin Xintong, this girl, with a terrible bone age, has such a wicked fighting power. Just now Lin Xintong was one enemy and four. If it wasn't for Yi Yun to stop, she would have killed one person. Such talents make everyone present feel extra shame.

It's so useless. Compared with the human race girls, they seem to live on dogs.

And Yi Yun, a human being, has a demon servant girl willing to obey him, and a peerless genius willing to be his woman, can he be weak?

"Senior Yu, I live in Rouyun Villa and will not eat for nothing. I do need His Royal Highness to provide me with some resources, but the resources used by me are more meaningful than those used to support these Wuhe people.

Yi Yun spoke with no worries. This was almost a face-to-face attack, but at this time, no one dared to refute anything. The sword of the genius genius girl was still embedded in the neck of the demon king, and it was not pulled down!

That demon lord dare not move now.

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Who am I, so crazy!" Just then, a long laugh came.

People looked at each other, and saw a man wearing a python robe, sharp eyes, and a bit of the king's spirit came out.

Seeing this man, everyone in the audience was immediately happy.


"It's Bilinhou!"


Looking at this man, Yi Yun didn't know the identity of the other person. He could be named Houye, and he was regarded as respected in the Tianxu Ancient Market.

"The Demon King Peak ..."

Yi Yun felt the cultivation of this man, the demon monk's cultivation, corresponding to the human race god, naturally also in stages.

Human races are divided by how much the seal of the God Seal is condensed.

The demon king is divided by the number of times the demon queen is tempered. The first demon demon, the second demon demon, and the three demon demon dan almost correspond to the human seal of the seal of the seal, the double seal of the seal and the three seals of the seal.

In fact, the number of times of tempering does not fully represent the strength, and some demon queens once quench the dan, it is equivalent to other demon queens three times.

The emperor seal of Yijun is the same, and Yiyun ’s seal of emperor seals is more than ten others. The seal of Heavenly Seal is too scary. It is almost impossible for Yiyun to merge another seal of Heavenly Seal, let alone get it. Three of them.

In this case, the God of Two Seals is already the limit of Yi Yun.

However, in the case that the degree of tempering cannot be measured, the number of times of the tempering of Yaodan that can be easily distinguished has become a criterion for juvenile strength.

At this time, the Bi Linhou deliberately revealed his strength.

This is an obvious deterrence. Many people who will show their own temperament of Yaodan will generally hide it.

"Don't get down?" Yi Yun chuckled, this was nothing more than showing himself.

However, he originally thought that Jiang Xiaorou Rouyun Villa should be her guest, but Jiang Xiaorou's guest, how could there be Houye?

This person seems to be special.

Yi Yun noticed that when Yu Ling saw this Bilin Hou, there was an indescribable dislike in his eyes.

Yu Ling didn't like this Bilin Hou? This made Yi Yun affirm that Bilinhou was not Jiang Xiaorou's guest, or at least not a regular guest.

But in this case, it seems that the guests of Rouyun Villa respect the Bilinhou, and even have a look of respect for the Bilinhou, which is interesting.

"Don't you introduce yourself?" Yi Yun asked lightly.

Bilin Hou didn't speak, and the followers around him proudly said, "My master is the Marquis of the Heavenly Demon, and my sister Mrs. Biyun marries into the Blood Palace and honors the Royal Concubine! The title of Houye is given by the current emperor!"

This follower said in a few words, Yi Yun understood, it turned out that this guy is the little **** of the blood king. It is no surprise that the blood king is satisfied with the concubines, who are thousands of years old. This lady Biyun should be young.

Interesting, the queen of the blood king is Xiaorou's mother, and the royal concubine should be the first person under the queen.

Biyun can become a royal concubine, and Bilin can seal the prince. The power of this Bi family is also feared. I am afraid that a large part of the pressure of Xiaorou's mother comes from Bijia!

This Bilin Hou is probably not much older than Shao Manxuan, so young and vivacious, with a good background and a self-respecting genius, would he be willing to be a Houye?

I'm afraid he still wants to turn clouds over the chaos! That's why he temporarily entered Rouyun Mountain Villa and mingled with Jiang Xiaorou's guests, who nominally helped Jiang Xiaorou win the crown prince. In fact, who knows his abacus?

Now the blood king has only Jiang Xiaorou, a daughter. If Madam Biyun also gave birth to blood, what would happen to this Bilin Hou?

This is probably why Yu Ling doesn't like Bilinhou.

Just a brief introduction, Yi Yun guessed the Bulin Hou seven or seven hundred and eighty-eight, the relationship between the imperial ancient fair royal family this day is really complicated!

"I heard Ben Ho's nephew, recently recognized a younger brother?" Bi Linhou said lazily.

Yi Yun responded a moment later, and Bilinhou said that the niece was Jiang Xiaorou, but what kind of identity Jiang Xiaorou was, his nephew called too casually.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaorou knew him for only a long time, and he had already known the news. It seems that Jiang Xiaorou's "attention" is a little too close!

"Benhou heard that this cheap brother's surname is Lin. Could it be you ... Lin Gongzi? Hahaha!" Bi Linhou laughed. Even Hou is taking care of the resources, and Hou is also in charge of the resources. Why, do you question that Hou is inadequate to manage Rouyun Villa? "

The second half of Bi Linhou's words are already severe!

He quenched Dan three times, already standing on the top of the demon king, Lin Xintong was genius again, he didn't pay much attention, Yi Yun came to the field under his management, how could he tolerate?

"The waste housekeeper of Rouyun Villa was originally you." Yi Yun laughed, "No wonder you came out, these swarms of the crowd followed the smelly feet. It turned out that you sent them with resources? Your Royal Highness? Resources, develop your own wings? When Mrs. Biyun's blood is born, you will use the accumulated contacts to pull all these wastes and throw them under the door of the new master, right? Hahaha! "

Yi Yun spoke unscrupulously!

Speaking of this, Bilinhou's complexion turned blue, and everyone around him changed his face, including Yu Ling, who also fixed his eyes and looked at Yi Yun!

Yi Yun's words offended many people! Many people understand this kind of thing, but they won't say it.

Because Mrs. Biyun, the background is too strong! She couldn't marry and become a queen, and only became a concubine. In addition to the resources of the Blood Palace, most of them were provided to Jiang Xiaorou. It was actually a kind of compensation for Bi Linhou to manage money.

This was a tacit understanding that everyone was unwilling to announce, but it was broken by Yi Yun's mercilessly.

"I said, your sister's name may not be very auspicious, Mrs. Contraception. I'm afraid it's hard to have a child in this life." Yi Yun said in a second sentence, speaking with vigor, not because he was afraid of Mrs. This remark involves the blood king, and it is not good to speak in public.

"You're looking for death !!" Yi Yun's words completely annoyed Bilin Hou, he did not expect that Yi Yun was so crazy! This is no longer just a provocation, it is simply a reason that can be used to kill Yi Yun.

"Oh!" At this moment, Bi Linhou hissed, and the power of his blood boiled. At this moment, the blue blood appeared behind him, a green shadow of a ghost!

The barley is dancing, and the clouds are turning! Over the entire Rouyun Villa, there was a dark cloud in an instant, as if it was going to rain down!

"The power of the ants, dare to fight for true dragons?" Yi Yun watched the power of Bilinhou suddenly, and suddenly snapped it.

This palm carries the power of heaven, like the fall of the sky!


How could the dark clouds that had gathered together just withstand the forces of the sky collapse and break apart! Even with the green crickets behind Bilin Hou, the original Zhang Yao dance claws, but now suddenly sobbed, as if suffering a great horror, was directly crushed into a ball!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The strength of the body and blood on Bilinhou was like a piece of glass, which burst directly, and even he was crushed to the ground with Bilinhou!


The corner of Bilinhou's mouth was bleeding, and his face was full of horror. He never expected that Yi Yun was so strong.

"Ah!" Bi Linhou screamed, and strange blood lines appeared on his body. This seemed to be some kind of family mystery, but Yi Yun didn't care. The palms continued to strengthen, and he only heard the sound of "Kakaka", All the blood lines on Bilin Hou's body burst!

On the side, Yu Ling was shocked. This is the secret technique of Bijiaqing. It involves the blood of the distant ancestors. Although the power of Bilinhou is limited, it is not easy to be cracked by Yi Yun. This Yi Yun, strength Somewhat terrible.

I am afraid that he has approached the quasi-god!

"I just said that the housekeeper of Rouyun Villa should be changed. Look at you. Not only has you taken care of Rouyun Villa completely, but it is also a waste wood. You are so embarrassed by the power of this three-legged cat. I do? "

"When I met, I showed you your three times of quenching, I thought you were a master. It seems that your three times of quenching are just used to scare and frighten people, like a mourning dog."

Yi Yun kept shaking his head, and Bi Linhou was desperately struggling, but still being dead on the ground, his flesh and blood began to crack, but he lay on the ground and couldn't stand up at all, which was a shame!

Yi Yun's mouth slightly tilted, and Lin Xin pupil said, "Heart pupil, broken his Yao Dan."

"Okay." Lin Xintong pulled out her sword, and she was too lazy to care about Bi Linhou's identity. Yi Yun was her husband, and she would only listen to Yi Yun.

Seeing Lin Xintong's indifferent look, he didn't hesitate to sword out, Bi Linhou's face changed, and once the demon dan broke, he was basically a waste!

"Stop!" Yu Ling said, "You can't move him."

Bi Linhou has a strong background, and he will have big trouble if he is abolished.

Yi Yun smiled: "Since senior Yu pleaded for him, I can spare him, but ... this man is too wasteful. I think the steward of Rouyun Villa is no longer suitable for this position. How about giving me? "

Yi Yun said these words with a grin, and the soldiers around him heard the cold sweat on the palms.

This Yi Yun is too overbearing!

They originally saw that Yu Ling brought a human tribe, and thought that they could bully and bully. The human tribe was in the circle of the demons, just like a little sheep entering the wolf pack, but unexpectedly, Yi Yun chose people completely Ancient Demon Eater!

These people together, plus a Bilin Hou who is extremely powerful regardless of their origin or personal strength, have been completely suppressed by Yi Yun!

Yu Ling took a deep look at Yi Yun and was silent.

She really doesn't like Yi Yun. This person is too crazy. At first glance, she has huge ambitions. With Xiaorou's unconditional trust in Yiyun, she also worried Yuling, afraid that Yiyun cheated Xiaorou. Can Roneng be in control?

Of course, Yu Ling didn't like Bilinhou, and his wolf ambition was almost on the bright side!

Although Yi Yun on one side may have deceived Jiang Xiaorou, he may have really dealt with Xiaorou after all.

The Bilinhou on the other side is already a real hammer, and by measurement, Yi Yun is always a better steward.

The strength is not as good as being forced to give up the position, and Mrs. Biyun cannot say anything.

So Yu Ling simply chose not to speak.

Bi Linhou also died and supported: "I am the son of the Clan of Cling, you dare to abolish me, Cingling will not let you go!"

"Oh? I'm quite scared of you." Yi Yun smiled, he glanced at Lin Xintong, "satisfied him."

Lin Xintong said nothing and shot it directly.

Sword light is like a three-footed white cricket, piercing the demon dan in the belly of Bilin Hou!


Bi Linhou yelled, and at this time, Lin Xintong's sword had penetrated through the body, and he did not hesitate to come out!


The long sword had cut into the flesh, and the moment the sword's tip touched Yaodan, it stopped stiffly.

But this is not Lin Xintong's hand up, but Yu Ling pinched Lin Xintong's sword.

Yu Ling was also surprised, this girl, how dare to do it! This sword, if she can't stop it, Bilin Hou is really dead!

At this time, Bi Linhou was already sweating. When he got to his position, it was worse than being killed. Even if he could get revenge on Yi Yun in the future, he would be abandoned if he was abandoned.

"You ... you ..." Bi Linhou's lips trembled.

"From today on, the position of the steward of Rouyun Villa will be assumed by Lin Gongzi." Yu Ling took a deep look at Yi Yun and said the words.

Immediately, she spoke to Yi Yun's ear again: "I know you have ambitions, but Xiaorou trusts you very much. If you lie to her, I will never let you go!"

"Ambition?" Yi Yun smiled slightly. "I think Senior Yu has misunderstood. My ambition is not at all in Tianxu Ancient Market. I want this steward position, but I think it is convenient to do things with this status!"

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