True Martial World

Chapter 1649: Wicked Ghost Doctor

The message sent by the blood king only said that the evil hand ghost doctor had flying clouds and flowers and was willing to trade, but did not say the transaction time and did not mention what the evil hand ghost doctor needed.

According to the price of Chaos Sky, the newly blooming Feiyun Liuhua probably has five to six hundred chaotic crystals, and this price is completely affordable for Yiyun.

But the price of a million-year-old Feiyun Liuhua is at least five or six thousand chaotic crystals.

This is a huge sum, not to mention Yi Yun, even if the blood king took it out, it would hurt his muscles.

The blood king has provided the blood of the ancestor god, and then let the blood king take out such a large amount of chaotic crystals, Yi Yun himself was unhappy.

When no news is available, Yi Yun simply retreats.

At this time, Lin Xintong also began to try to consolidate his seal.

She practiced "The Great Rebirth", and the condensing of the God Seal of the Lord Xi was also very complicated. This was a long process. Lin Xintong was not in a hurry, and she explored it bit by bit.

Three days passed, and in the early morning of this day, the Blood King finally received the news from Bao Yao Pavilion that the evil hand ghost doctor arrived at Tian Yao Ancient Market and lived in Yinquan Valley.

Yinquan Valley is located just west of the Tianxu Ancient Ruins. This is a gorge where poisonous insects breed and scorpions are everywhere. Usually, there are few demons coming to this ghost place, but for the evil hand ghost doctor, Yinquan Valley is better than Tian Yao City Much more.

Ghost clan generally don't like to stay with the demon clan. The power of the demon clan is strong. To the ghost clan, these warrior warriors are like a burning stove. Although the power of the evil hand ghost doctor is strong, he also I don't like to see the countless stove flames in the sky monster city, so I'm not comfortable staying.

In the past few days, the news of the evil hand ghost doctor visiting the Tianxu Ancient Ruins has also spread to the Tianxiu City. Ordinary people do n’t know, but the information sales organization of the Tianxiu City has got the news and sold it. The hand ghost doctor is a respectable one, but after all, he is proficient in all kinds of magical mysteries. Some people pay more attention to this matter. Some of them even plan to visit the evil hand ghost doctor.

While these people were still planning, Yi Yun and others had reached the entrance to Yinquan Valley.

This line is accompanied by the Blood King!

The evil hand ghost doctor has a bad reputation. If Yi Yun goes alone, the Blood King is worried that Yi Yun will be in trouble.

Not only the Blood King dispatched, but also Yuling followed, the strongest fighting power of the Blood Palace was here.

In addition, Jiang Xiaorou, Lin Xintong, and Yi Yun's maid, Translingual Spirit, were also present.

The last person was Wei Chihuo of Bao Yao Pavilion, and Wei Chihuo's strength was also good. In addition, Wei Chihuo was in charge of the previous contact with the evil hand ghost doctor. He personally identified the Feiyun Liuhua, in the eyes of Wei Chihuo, of course not Will look away.

Yinquan Valley, cloudy winds, too many poisonous insects everywhere, but there is a blood king, his killing gas alone, so that those poisonous insects dare not come forward.

"Do not kill the road, it really deserves its name." At this moment, a somber voice sounded like a night owl.

Yi Yun looked up. Not far from the front, there was a dead tree more than ten meters high. The dead root of the dead tree was pierced, as if he had been dead for many years. An old man with a short cloak and a black cloak sat casually in the dead tree. Above the old root, it seems to be integrated with this old tree.

The dead tree was noticed just now, but there was no figure under the tree, and now he suddenly appeared as if he had been here.

Yi Yun naturally knew that the person in front of him was the evil hand ghost doctor.

Because this person's cultivation has reached the ghost emperor!

The evil hand ghost doctor slowly raised his head, and under the black cape, a pale face like a corpse was exposed.

Ghost clan warriors, only ghosts below the ghost emperor.

Only after being a ghost emperor and undergoing the baptism of ghosts and heavens, can he breed the bleeding and condense the flesh and blood.

But even so, most of the physical bodies gathered by ghost warriors are as dead as zombies, with pale skin, strange looks, and hoarseness.

However, in the legend, the ghost clan has a peerless arrogance that can hardly produce one person for hundreds of millions of years, and may condense the perfect body, no difference from the living flesh. This ghost clan is no longer called a ghost emperor, but a ghost and **** .

"Evil hand, what exactly do you want to change with Feiyun Liuhua?" The blood king opened his eyes and went straight into the subject.

"Haha, the blood king is really anxious, okay, then we will directly discuss the transaction." The laughter of the evil hand ghost doctor rubbed the wall like sandpaper, which was unspeakable.

"I heard that the Blood King decided not to kill him because he got something, didn't he?"

The evil hand ghost doctor asked Yin Yin, the blood king was shocked!

This is a secret thing for the Blood King. He doesn't know how the evil hand ghost doctor knows.

Indeed, although the blood king had ordinary talents at the time, he was very lucky, and once obtained a black jade bodhi in the secret realm.

This black jade bodhi is the treasure of soul cultivation!

It is precisely because Wuyu Bodhi is in hand that the blood king dares to take the path of indestructible killing. Otherwise, Rao is no matter how resolute he is, and no matter how unwilling he is, he is destined to fall into a dead end on the indestructible path.

It was through the Wuyu Bodhi that the Blood King persisted for a long time on the road of indestructible killing, but in the end, he was still on the verge of falling into magic.

It was not until he went to Tianyuan Realm that his realm fell, his heart was hidden, away from the hustle and bustle of the struggle, and he lived a mortal life with his mother Jiang Xiaorou, and finally succeeded.

In fact, Wuyu Bodhi has not much effect on the Blood King. After all, the blood king ’s immortal killing has been completed. Wuyu Bodhi ’s soul-cultivating effect is much weaker for the Blood King who majors in Qi and blood.

However, Wuyu Bodhi carried the memories of the Blood King. When he was the hardest, he turned on this Wu Yu Bodhi.

It is very important for the blood king.

The Blood King is a nostalgic person, which is evident from his consistent treatment of Jiang Xiaorou's mother.

"How do you know I have that thing?" Xue Wang asked coldly.

The evil hand ghost doctor smiled slightly and said, "His blood king's cultivation process is not top secret. Someone can guess one or two through clues. The soul-cultivating effect of that thing is no longer necessary for his blood king. , But it is a great benefit to the old. "

Ghosts are mainly for refining souls, and any spiritual treasure that has the function of raising souls is worthless.

A black jade bodhi, if used well, plus some other soul-cultivating spiritual treasures, can even help the evil hand ghost doctor to survive the second ghost road disaster, and breed a more perfect flesh body!

No wonder the evil hand ghost doctor is willing to come up with such a precious Feiyun Liuhua, originally for the Wuyu Bodhi!

Indeed, the value of Wuyu Bodhi to the evil hand ghost doctor is far greater than Feiyun Liuhua.

The Blood King took a deep breath, and his expression was complicated for a time.

Yi Yun can see clearly that he is the person who can best understand the mood of the blood king. Think about it from the ground. If someone wants to change his original amethyst, can he be willing?

Of course, the value of Wuyu Bodhi of the Blood King cannot be compared with the original amethyst.

The difference is too great.

"Predecessor Blood King, let's just stop this deal. We knew that the evil hand ghost doctor had planned this, and we shouldn't have come."

Yi Yun took the initiative to speak. Feiyun Liuhua didn't necessarily need to use it so well. Some who just bloomed could accept it.

At this time, the evil hand ghost doctor took out a jade box, and at the same time, he also took out a small space ring.

The jade box was opened, and there was an array in the box. The array was in an excited state, and the energy converged into a hemispherical barrier, sealing a cloud-like flower in the barrier.

This flower is no longer a flower. Ordinary people can hardly see its shape, and only find it unpredictable and elusive.

This is Feiyun Liuhua, in terms of quality, this strain has been regarded as the highest peak.

"There are three thousand chaotic crystals in the ring, and three demon emperor Jiuqiao Yuanyang Dan!" The evil hand ghost doctor said, "Her Lord of Blood, you should know the value of Jiuqiao Yuanyang Dan. This is for your cultivation, Great benefit! Wuyu Bodhi is not very useful to you anymore, and Jiuqiao Yuanyang Dan may even help your bloodline go further. If you are willing to exchange, these are all for you! "

The evil hand ghost doctor said well. If the two sides exchanged words, the blood king would definitely not lose, and even took some advantage.

From this point of view, the evil hand ghost doctor is afraid to cross the second thunder robber, but from the skin color of the evil hand ghost doctor, his first thunder robber is not a success, the condensed flesh is too dead, he is probably Want to completely reborn through the second thunderstorm.

"Her Majesty, old decay has come up with the best conditions, don't you agree?"

With that said, the evil-handed ghost doctor seems to have lost patience.

The Blood King sighed, "Just let me change it with you!"

Although it is a thing that carries memories, but after all, it is a thing, and it is inferior to others.

For Blood King, the most important memory in his life was his wife whom Tianyuanjie met.

At first, because he suddenly left, to complete his obsession, and to show his ambitions, he almost made his wife suffer unexpectedly in the Nether, which made the blood king even more guilty.

Now, Jiang Xiaorou is all his wife ’s obsession. If Yi Yun's elixir can really make Jiang Xiaorou's bloodline go further, the blood king is willing to give up something.

Hearing the words of the Blood King, Jiang Xiaorou bit her lip tightly. As a daughter, she didn't need any words. She knew her father's love was like a mountain.

"Good!" The evil hand ghost doctor threw Feiyun Liuhua and the space ring.

The Blood King took out a pure black bodhi seed with the brilliance of black jade, and touched it last time, wrapped it with the power of blood and flew to the evil hand ghost doctor.

Feiyun Liuhua and Space Ring in your hand!

Yu Chihuo took the lead and took a look at it. There was nothing wrong with it.

Give it to the Blood King, and the Blood King explores it a little bit, and then gives it to Yi Yun again.

"Her blood king, there will be a period!"

The evil hand ghost healed, his body flickered, and it disappeared into a plume of black smoke.

And this Feiyun Liuhua is still in Yiyun's hands. Yiyun took a closer look and collected the Feiyun Liuhua, but after that he hesitated and put it in his hands.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lin Xintong was most sensitive to Yi Yun's emotions.

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