True Martial World

Chapter 167: leapfrog

Many people are looking at Yi Yun. It is amazing to choose two training clothes. However, if Yi Yun can't wear it, the joke will be too big.

Yi Yun put a black exercise suit on his head, and both arms were put into the sleeves in turn.

In the moment when the exercise clothes are completely worn, the formation is launched!

Yi Yun suddenly felt the body sinking, two hundred and fifty tripods, plus the weight of the silver shirt and fifty tripods, all added to Yi Yun's body.

So heavy, the ground seems to be stepped on!

In the streets of Tai's City, all the floor tiles are made of special materials, in order to support the training of the warriors, otherwise these streets will soon be destroyed.

Really put on.

Zhou Kui's eyelid jumped and saw the scene he didn't want to see.

He had to admit that he had underestimated the kid before.

However, even if he has the ability, how long will it last?

Just a time in the temple of the ruins, I used to consume so much, Yi Yun could not be consumed.

Zhou Kui bit his teeth and put on two training clothes.

When he put it on, he suddenly felt the weight of his legs, and he felt the thinness and emptiness of his body.

Wearing such a heavy exercise frog jump, he certainly can't hold on for a long time. "It's not good. When Yi Yun is tired on the ground, I will take off the red exercise clothes."

Zhou Kui made such a plan, and Yi Yun couldn't take a few steps anyway.

"Frog jump, start!"

Under the command of the bald man, everyone started to leapfrog.

Many people are paying attention to Yi Yun, especially the people of the Xuanwu Legion, waiting for Yi Yun to be crushed by two pieces of practice clothes.

"Let's walk, two hundred and fifty, don't crush your knees."

Someone thought maliciously.

Among the team of 100 people, Yi Yun was in the front position, and he took a deep breath, deep and jumped!


The weight of three hundred tripods. The ground is shaking gently.

During the leapfrog process, Yi Yun can clearly feel the vibration of every muscle in the body.

Three hundred tripods, just the ultimate weight that Yi Yun can bear, under such weight. Yi Yun's muscles are even slightly paralyzed, and his whole body's joints are also striking each other.

Yi Yun feels that the exercise clothes he wears is like a heavy hammer. Beating your body.

In the process of beatings, the energy of the ancient relics that he had not had in the body to absorb was absorbed into the flesh and blood of Yi Yun little by little, nourishing the blood of Yi Yun, and strengthening the muscles of Yi Yun. Broaden his meridians.

This feeling is so comfortable!

"The energy of the ancients of the ancients is really different!"

Yi Yun is burning, and Dantian seems to be burning a fire, a wave of ancient energy. Impacting the blood of Yi Yun, let his blood flow accelerate, the whole body squeaks a squeaking sound, like the sound of firewood burning in the fire!

Time and time again, Yi Yun took off and fell. He breathed deeply and his steps were very stable. He even felt that he was nourished by the energy of the ancients. Your own strength is constantly increasing.

The energy of the Taikoo relics was quickly absorbed by him while he was in the limit of exercise.

quickly. Yi Yun has already jumped a dozen times. Not only is there no way to support it, but there is a tendency to be more and more free.

How can this be done?

The people of the Xuanwu Legion are somewhat worried, and Zhou Kui is even dumbfounded.

They are all experts in leapfrog training. They know from the movements of Yiyun and the action of landing. Yi Yun is not deadly, but he can really control the weight of these two hundred and fifty feet!

Perhaps the power of Yi Yun can't support too far, but according to this trend, at least a few dozen feet in front, he can jump smoothly.

Zhou Kui's eyelids flicked and felt his legs twisted.

As for the members of other basaltic corps, they swallowed and swallowed each other.

How is this possible? This kid's endurance is so good? At the time of the Temple of the Gods, have you kept so much physical strength?

"Quie, what should I do?" A Zhou Kui's younger brother said with concern.

"What can I do, follow him to jump, I don't believe that he can't stick to him." Zhou Kui slammed his scalp down, and the frog jumped with two hundred and fifty feet. With his current strength, he could support it for a while. With Yi Yun who supported for a long time.

"Yes, Kui Ge is right, that kid is definitely better than Kui Ge! The weight-bearing buddy of the four hundred tripods can take up the five-six-mile road, not to mention the two hundred and fifty."

"Quiego killed him, the brothers are quite you!"

Zhou Kui’s younger brothers are quite confident about Zhou Kui.

Zhou Kui took a deep breath, and his forehead was violent, squatting and jumping!

Zhou Kui felt on his two knees as if he had pressed a mountain.

The place where the weight-bearing frog jumps the most is the knee. If the strength is not enough, the knee will be injured.

In this way, Yi Yun is in the front, Zhou Kui is behind. Zhou Kui stared at the back of Yi Yun and kept up with Yi Yun.

He couldn't see the expression of Yi Yun, and he could only judge whether Yi Yun was close to the limit by virtue of the movement of Yi Yun.

Many times, there is a goal to follow, in fact, people can persist longer.

For example, the runners of the long-distance running, the second runner-up with the first runner, the pressure will be much smaller.

Zhou Kui is now planning this, he is confident in his own strength. The strength advantage, coupled with the psychological advantage, will not lose if you look at it.


As time passed, Yi Yun has been calmly advancing at a constant speed. In the process of advancing, the ancient blood of the ancients is constantly refining and being integrated into Yiyun's flesh and blood.

This kind of pure energy is so powerful that it is too bad.

Yi Yun jumped over and felt the whole body was burning. His body was filled with a slap of energy, and it seemed that he would explode if he did not vent.

Under the stimulation of this energy, Yi Yun jumped more and more vigorously. He only felt that there was a whistling tiger inside the body. The whole body was full of strength, and he could not wait to jump a few feet high.

Yi Yun suddenly felt that three hundred tripods are not enough!

At the beginning, Sanbaiding was already the limit of Yiyun, but now, Sanbaiding has been unable to suppress the energy of the ancient relics in Yiyun.

His thoughts moved, and the weight of the silver shirt on his body increased by thirty trips!

Three hundred and thirty tripods.

This weight is equal to the energy of the ancients.

Under the limit, you can better force Yi Yun's physical strength, compact his blood, and put the energy of the ancient relics into his own flesh and blood.

This kind of experience can clearly see that my strength is improved, and the experience of cultivation is upgraded, so that Yi Yun is immersed in great joy. It feels like watching the trees in spring, and picking up the buds little by little.

Slowly, Yi Yun has adjusted the weight of the silver shirt to a hundred tripods. That is to say, Yi Yun has now reached a weight of three hundred and fifty trips, which is more than fifty trips before!

The energy of Taikoo's legacy has brought the power of Fifty Ding to Yiyun.

Although Yi Yun is sweaty, but in the eyes, it is full of excitement, his eyes are like lightning in the air, bright and incomparable.

At this time, Zhou Kui naturally could not see the expression and eyes of Yi Yun. He could only see the back of Yi Yun, Zhou Kui, biting his teeth and following Yi Yun.

"He won't work soon..."

Zhou Kui thought this way, this is also the driving force to support him to jump.

Every time he jumps up and falls, it is like going to the execution ground.

Originally ten feet, twenty feet, Zhou Kui still does not think there is anything.

Ninety feet, one hundred feet, Zhou Kui's legs have been numb.

Next, two hundred feet, three hundred feet... Zhou Kui's knees are shaking.

Up to now, it has been four hundred feet!

Four hundred feet ah... It takes a time to spend an hour in the Temple of the Waste, and what is the feeling of weighing two hundred and fifty frogs and jumping four hundred feet?

Zhou Kui is not so tired in this life!

However, in front of him, Yi Yun actually jumped a bit.

Zhou Kui is going crazy, how can he insist on this fucking?

What is wrong?

Zhou Kui often hopes that the next interest will not work, but ... he still sees Yi Yun's forward leap, it seems completely tireless.

The speed of Yiyun has been not slow, and even the distance of each jump is strikingly consistent...

Zhou Kui gasped and sweated his eyes.

Four hundred feet next... five hundred feet...

Zhou Kui has already lost weight in the body and is dizzy.

"That's going to work, I'm so tired...he must be...and barely insist on..."

"I just need to... just keep it for a while... I can, I can..."

Zhou Kui is like a self-hypnosis to comfort himself. However, he opened his eyes and looked at him with a sweat. He looked at it incredibly. He found that the back of Yi Yun had been getting farther and farther with him.

Even so, Yi Yun is still again and again, jumping tirelessly, as if to jump to the ground. is this possible...

Zhou Kui really can't believe it. Now, let's not say that he insisted on jumping to Yiyun when he couldn't move. He said that Yi Yun had opened his distance, and he had already been four or fifty feet.

And the distance of four or fifty feet has become the insurmountable sorrow of Zhou Kui!

In terms of speed, it is not as good as Yi Yun. That is to be considered, he is not good at speed.

But strength and endurance are the places he is most proud of. This place is not as easy as Yi Yun?

The biggest setback for a genius is to be defeated in a crushing manner in his most confident aspect.

From the psychological blow, Zhou Kui felt that the brain was hypoxic, top-heavy, and the vision gradually blurred.

He has not heard anything, only his own breathing and heartbeat.

He had been supported by a willpower that he refused to accept. Now the body is completely exhausted. Because of the tremendous blow to the spirit, he has a loose breath and no more strength.


Zhou Kui’s body swayed and fell to the ground. The whole person fell and fell. (~^~)

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