True Martial World

: Finale (4) Return

"He is the devil !?"

Human disciples saw the three-meter-tall stingy demon and held their breath. m

They hate the Marshal and the Patriarch!

The return to the ruins is because of them, and not only that, the number of poisonous creatures they have had over the years is not countable, and even family members and teachers of the young people died in this catastrophe this day.

Mai boy clenched his fists, his eyes filled with deep resentment and resentment. But he knew that, as far as he was concerned, this kind of unwillingness didn't make any sense at all, and the magic handsome was too strong.

Not to mention the magic handsome, that year under the command of the magic handsome, a true magic general, has swept all the powerful under the God of the Gods.

At that time, the true demon will join hands with the **** of Heavenly Gods, and will be invincible in the White Moon Emperor ’s ascension ceremony. If it is not Yi Yun's return, he will destroy the God of Heavenly Gods and the true gods. Are going to die.

The true demon will still be like this, let alone the strength of the magic handsome, let alone need to say, he reached the realm of the **** king is no doubt, and even in the **** king, the magic handsome is quite strong.

On the other hand, several **** kings returning to the market, because of the lack of heaven, their **** king realm is not complete, using the vitality of heaven and earth, and even consuming their own life.

Even if they join forces against the handsome, they are not opponents at all!

This is still the case for the God of Returning God, and other warriors who are not in the realm of God King are really like ants in front of the devil.

At this point, the magic handsome just appeared here, and the monstrous magic flame spread out on him, making it difficult for people to breathe, many geniuses who were not enough to cultivate, and even difficult to stand.

They wanted to stay strong, but the absolute gap in power could not be resisted after all. Some people knelt directly on the ground after a few breaths, their bodies trembling and their faces pale.


These geniuses are not only the practice of martial arts from an early age, but also absolute geniuses among their peers. But today, in front of the enemy, they just fell down with a little coercion. The practice of martial arts for so long was to kneel the enemy It is a shame!

Mai Mai ’s self-cultivation is not high. After all, he is young. At this time, he just feels like a big mountain pressing on himself. His body is cold and his heart is almost stagnant, but he does n’t know where the energy is coming. , Insisted forcibly.

He had sweat beads on his forehead. He could not see anything in his eyes and could not hear his ears. Everything around him seemed to be isolated from him, but he only clenched his teeth with the conviction of nowhere. Standing.

Although he knew that there was no point in supporting him, it would not cause a decisive harm to the magic handsome, and he only suffered a small share of the insignificant number of coercive pressure Nothing more.

But even so, he didn't want to retreat anymore, Terran, he had already retreated too much.


Just then, a cold yell came, and in the frantic madness of the devil, it seemed inconspicuous.

But it was this voice that gave Mo Shuai a slight pause and he turned his head.

An immortal fairy appeared on the square. She has a beautiful appearance and a dusty temperament, which makes people feel intimidated at first glance. However, it is surprising that there is no energy fluctuation in her body. Just a mortal.

Magic dust snow!

It is incredible that a mortal person can be completely unaffected under the coercion of the devil.

"It is indeed the reincarnation of the ancient **** king. Even if you lose your power now, it is so brilliant."

The coercion of the magic handsome comes from the level of life, and although the magic dust snow has lost its power, her level of life has not really fallen, otherwise she would have died old in this long time.

After all, she is the ancient **** of the eight gods, and the ancient **** of the eight gods were all disciples of the emperor. Their strength far surpasses the contemporary **** king, and also greatly exceeds the magic handsome.

It is naturally impossible for Mo Shuai to crush the magic dust and snow with the might of life.

"Xiao Long, you have devoured the power of many rules in the land of hope these years. Today is the day for my disciple to select disciples. What are you going to do!"

"Ha ha ha ha! This is here to help you eliminate some unqualified waste, you should thank this." The magic handsome laughed wantonly, with his giggling, some young disciples who could not stand his coercion vomited. Blood, meridians broken.

"Weak! Too weak!" Mo Shuai shook his head. "My magical power of swallowing the sky has reached the bottleneck. I want to swallow all the sources of human genius to understand, but you are not even interested in swallowing your waste."

When Mo Shuai talked, his eyes glanced at the many disciples of the people who were present. His eyes, like the ferocious beasts chosen by others, were trembling.

Huan Chenxue's face changed: "Jiaolong, you want to devour my disciple of the fantasy sea world !?"

"What about swallowing it? But some ants' lives." Mo Shuai said dismissively.

Phantom Xuexiu's eyebrows fluttered and her face covered with frost. She could not wait to destroy the Devil Marshal. In recent years, because of the existence of the Devil Marshal, it has devoured a large amount of the power of the heavens and earth, and the old snake has damaged many Shouyuan .

But he intensified, and now he is going to directly devour the disciples in the fantasy world and absorb the rules they have cultivated.

"Magic dust snow, are you murderous? Hahaha!" The magic handsome seemed to have heard the world's funniest joke, "Magic dust snow, have you forgotten a little, you can survive here, thanks to the deity Alms, how about I have devoured thousands of your disciples here today? You can try to resist me. "

The devil dismissed him, and he glanced at the appraisers again. Suddenly, a teenager caught his attention.

"Well? Congenital fire spirit tire? No wonder you can repair it so much that you can withstand my coercion. Until now, you can find a treasure in this group of waste, which is rare ..."

The man with the handsome eyes locked was the Mai boy, who licked his lips and became very interested.

Eating such a congenital fetus is extremely good for you.

However, at this time, the juvenile Mai was already in a confused state because of the heavy pressure on his body. He just suddenly felt that the coercion on his body was reduced. The drastic changes made it difficult for his body to adapt. The boiling blood in his body almost broke the meridians.

His body shook, and he flew into the sky before he responded. A huge force pulled him and began to approach the magic handsome.

"Oh! It's really buried, it really is a congenital fire spirit. If you practice for a few more years, it will be even more delicious. Unfortunately, it's a pity, but I can't wait now to eat it!"

Mo Shuai grinned, revealing two rows of sharp and fine teeth in his mouth.

"Come on, be a part of me. In return, I can remember your name. What's your name?"

Mo Shuai stared scorchingly at Mai Mai, although he had put away the coercion, but because of the closer distance, the sense of suppression of life level from Mo Shuai was more obvious.

It's like a weak animal, facing the ancient beast, even if the other party doesn't show any murderous force, it also has a huge sense of oppression.

All the young disciples present at this time felt unthinkable that the Devil Marshal was already so powerful. To what extent would the ancestral **** who devoured the Guixu heavens be so powerful?

By this time, Mai Mai had understood his destiny.

He was not afraid of death in his heart, but he did not expect that his death would be so meaningless and swallowed up by demons.

He learned martial arts from an early age, wandered on the edge of life and death, and worked hard with his life. He finally reached this step. The road to martial arts was blocked and he could only come to the fantasy sea world to seek a glimmer of hope.

He has a ridiculous ideal. He wants to go out of his own martial arts ultimate path in the sinking Guixu, and even in the distant future, he can make up the missing Tao of Guixu.

This ideal, he never said to anyone, because it is too impractical.

Now it seems that he is dreaming foolishly. He has just come to the fantasy world, and before he has participated in the assessment, he has become a devil's ration!

Is there anything more tragic than this?

Faced with the fate of the fate, the resistance of the weak is so weak.

"What is your name?"

At this moment, the voice of Mai Mai teenager rang again.

Mai Mai wanted to laugh, but he didn't speak, but he suddenly hesitated.

This sound ... isn't it from the devil?

"What is your name?"

The voice came from the ear again. It was not as evil and sloppy as the voice of the devil, but with an indescribable affinity.

At this time, the magic handsome, because he did not get a response from Mai Yi, apparently has lost patience, he has opened his mouth and wanted to swallow Mai Yi on the spot.

"I ... My name is Luo Yan."

"Luo Yan? It really is ..."

The voice seemed to be feeling something, Mai Mai had not understood the meaning of this sentence, and at this time, the two rows of fangs of the magic handsome had bitten into Mai Mai's head.

But just then ... time suddenly stopped.

Suddenly the time is still, the magic handsome is like a petrified, motionless.

The next moment, when a man in black stepped out of the void, it was generally easy to cross a threshold at will, but no one knew that this threshold crossed the gap of a billion universe.

"Luo Yan ... Are you from the Rock family? Did something happen to Rock?"

After the man in black appeared, he looked at the boy in Mai clothes. Although his voice was calm, he was worried.

As for the fierce, unbelievable devil, he was completely ignored by the man in black.

At this moment, everyone is holding back!

Sudden changes left them unresponsive.

As for the devil, he had changed his face at this time. He looked at the man in black like the devil.

Although in his time and space, the flow of time has been slowed down infinitely, but the mind of Marshal can barely move.

This man, he ... he seems to be ... Yi Yun! ?

As an eagle dog under the **** of the gods, the magic handsome naturally recognized Yi Yun, but he couldn't believe it. Why did Yi Yun suddenly have such a powerful power?

One thought!

It was just a thought, he was completely imprisoned, his body could not move half a minute, and his soul was almost sealed.

Faced with such a huge power, he was like an ant, held down by the dragon's claws.

At this time, Yi Yun turned his head and looked at Mo Shuai.

He was just a little lighter, a sword of law less than a foot long appeared out of thin air, and the sword pointed at the eyebrow of Mo Shuai and drifted slowly.

This fluttering little sword made the monster handsome cracked!

However, his body was sealed, and even if he desperately wanted to resist, it would not help at all. His soul was roaring unwillingly, but he could not make any sound.

"Master ... Master ..."

Moshuai just twitched his lips slightly to make the word shape.

Yi Yun shook his head slightly: "Your master is waiting for you in Huang Quan. If you want to find him, I will send you there."

What ... what! ?

The eyes of Moshuai are full of thriller and incredible color, and the next moment, this sword of law has been inserted into Moshuai's brows.

At that moment, Mo Shuai felt indescribable pain. He didn't die immediately, but seemed to have fallen into the eighteenth floor of **** and suffered various torments.

"The sword of fateful reincarnation, this sword is the cause and effect of your fortune, take it slowly yourself."

When Yi Yun talked, he immediately lifted the time prohibition, and the devil handsome twitched and fell down from the air.


The handsome man's heavy body smashed the ground, his body twitched again and again, and after ten breaths, he slowly lost his vitality.

This time may seem short, but the devil handsome has endured the pain of the century, his features have been distorted, and the muscles of his body are twitching fiercely.

The devil is dead!

Yi Yun glanced at the other big demon servants again. These demon servants are all under the hands of the demon handsome, and their strength is better than the original true demon.

But in the face of Yi Yun, everyone was frightened.

They haven't responded yet, Yi Yun shot a glance, but had penetrated the soul sea of ​​these demon servants like a sharp sword.

The eyes of all the servants immediately lost their sight, and they fell down from the air like a rotten flesh and died directly!

Mai Mai looked at Yi Yun blankly. The scene in front of her looked like dreaming.

He couldn't believe that being as strong as the devil was able to suppress the super strong who joined the king of Guiyin to join the market, he was killed at random like a chicken.

And the other half step of the demon king's servant, even the most thoughts to kill, even without hands ...

What terrible strength is this?

Not only Mai Boys, everyone in the field was shocked. The huge square where thousands of disciples gathered originally was silent at this time.

Everyone looked at Yi Yun, and someone already remembered something, and they frequently looked at the huge sculpture in front of the square.

This man in black is somewhat similar to Yi Yun's sculpture, but not exactly the same.

Is it really ... Yi Yun?

But Yi Yun didn't leave Guihui for a long time, but he was chased away by the ancestor of God. After only so many years, why did he have such terrible strength.

And he said before, "Your master is waiting for you in Huang Quan. If you want to find him, I will send you."

What does this word mean, that the **** of the ancestors has been killed by Yi Yun?

Many people have this idea in their hearts, but they can't believe it.

Until then, a laugh broke the silence in the field

"Ha ha ha ha! Boy, I know you are not so easy to die, you can count back, if you don't come back, I will be sucked by the old man."

Suddenly hearing this excited voice, everyone looked back in surprise, but saw that the person who said this was the old snake of the defender of the magical sea formation.

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