True Martial World

Chapter 173: Ways to earn runes

"Do you raise?"

After listening to the metaphor of Qin Bald, Junjie in the field is somewhat uncomfortable in the heart. They are all outstanding figures from all over the world. When they come to this godland, they first face the end of the cannon fodder. Oh,

Bringing so many people together is to let them kill each other, eliminate the weak, and decide the real king!

Qin Bald said: "Only the strongest determined in the circle of the strong is the real king. The circle determines your future achievements, so you are competitors between each other! The great power of the human race, both It’s stepping on the martial arts peak step by step through countless geniuses!”

"One million people can't get a sage. A sage is born in Tai's City. How many young buddies should you step on? Tai A Shencheng gives everyone the same conditions. It depends on yourself, whether it is a peerless or a stepper. Go on, be a stepping stone."

The words of Qin Bald are unmasked.

The young Junjies who were present listened and their moods were extremely complicated.

No one wants to be a stepping stone to be climbed up.

For a time, many teenagers have a deep sense of crisis in their hearts.

No matter the temptation of the Temple of the Gods, the desire to make meritorious deeds, or this huge sense of crisis, they are urging them to climb up.

People are always contented. Many of the young Junjies who are present are not bad families. They have come to this mysterious holy place, Tai Ai Shencheng, and they look very beautiful.

But only they know what pressure they are carrying.

Some of them face the brutal competition of family children. Some people shoulder the heavy responsibility of the family, how can they be used as cannon fodder? The pressure they face. In fact, it is not necessarily smaller than the twins before the election of the Kingdom of God.

Young Junjies from all over the country are considering how to earn dragons and runes. It seems that I can only do the chores honestly. These days, I saw in the city of Tai A, so that they also know that there are days outside the sky, there are people outside, they have no extraordinary place, can only start from scratch.

"There are more than ten kinds of miscellaneous servants, there is no fixed remuneration, how much can be taken, all depends on your own skills! But in general, there are still some chores. It is easier to get higher rewards, I am going from high to low. Say!"

"The highest is to do sparring! Some experienced qualifications, when training, will find sparring, you wear armor protective gear, do these people's sparring, insist on a certain time, you can receive the corresponding dragon scale runes If you have the ability to lead some gold masters with a strong sparring mission, the rewards will be considerable, and of course, they will be more vulnerable. If you accidentally lay for ten days and a half, it is very likely. ”

Sparring? Isn't that just a target for others?

These young and handsome people are more proud and proud, if it is before. These shameful things are absolutely unacceptable, but I just heard the words of Qin Bald. Coupled with training, after repeated attacks. They don't care, they are weak like this, what qualifications are there to talk about dignity? Besides, when you live a target, it is better than being a cannon fodder.

If you want to be a strong person, you must first bear the burden and learn to beat!

"The second highest, forging! You don't have the skills of a refining machine, but it doesn't matter. In the process of refining some weapons, you have to forge some special metal and use a casting hammer to forge more than a million times! If you self-recognize People can pick up such a task!"

"The third type, patrolling the city walls, and repairing the guns on the walls! This is a relatively demanding job, and we must understand the knowledge of the formation."

"The above three kinds are considered to be high-paying. The next ones are relatively common, such as standing at the school or city gate."

"For example, after seeing the spirits and poultry beasts raised in the animal hall of Tai's God City, collecting medicines, managing and distributing living materials, etc., they are usually made by female students."

The introduction of Qin Bald one by one, the teenagers in the audience listened, and they all felt that the first three were more reliable.

The first kind of live target sounds sounds bad, but when you give the master a sparring, you can learn the other's offensive skills. In the constant dodge and beating, you can also accumulate experience with the masters, not to mention the high salary, no doubt. It is the most suitable job.

"I reported the first!"

"I also reported the first one, when I was sparring!"

The youngsters in the scene expressed their feelings. Qin Bald has a good memory. Whoever reported the job, he remembered it.

"I reported the second, hitting the iron! I am not too small, I can use it with hundreds of thousands of hammers, and I can practice a little more strength! At that time, I put it on the purple tungsten steel wall and put it on forty or fifty. The arrow, Lao Tzu does not believe it!"

Zhou Kui squatted on his sleeves and said with a sigh of relief. He also had a lot of effort and wanted to do some results. This is a short day, and the stimulation to Zhou Kui is too great!

"I reported the first...joining." Song Zijun spoke. In this group of people, he felt the pressure. The people here are very weak in the mouth of Qin bald, but compared with Song Zijun, they are more than half of them. Strong!

Even if you are doing chores, you have to face cruel competition!

After talking about his decision, Song Zijun looked at Yi Yun, and Qin Bald also looked at Yi Yun.

Up to now, Yi Yun has performed the best.

Although it is not so amazing to Qin Chaotou, Qin Bald believes that after six years of cultivation, Yi Yun will definitely shine, Yi Yun's ranking, although it is basically impossible to rush into the first thousand in a year, but It is still promising to enter a thousand or less within at least three years.

Qin Bald also hopes that he can cultivate a talent.

Yi Yun thought for a moment, smiled and said: "I reported... um, I reported that the medicine was good..."

Yi Yun’s light words make the young Junjie present a glimpse.

Taking medicine?

The bald head of Qin is also slightly wrinkled. He has received new students these years. There are very few people who report medicine, and there are also girls.

After all, if a girl is a sparring partner, she can only be a girl’s sparring. If the boys are not able to get the sparring task because of the excess of the sparring, they can go to the iron, but the girl’s iron is not suitable. The patrol wall maintenance is not an average woman. What the child can do.

Therefore, girls who can't be sparring can only do the medicine collection, look after the spirit beasts, and distribute the materials.

However, Yi Yun, in the eyes of Qin bald, seems to have a good prospect, how can I do the work of collecting drugs?

As for other young Junjies, it’s even more weird to look at Yi Yun’s eyes.

This buddy, isn’t it very powerful?

With his skill, whether it is sparring or iron, it will not be bad. Why is he going to collect medicine?

I don’t know how to know a few girls when I want to take medicine. I cheated people, even when I was taking medicine, I pushed people down on Yaoshan.

Many people think maliciously, otherwise why should he tie the girl to the pile.

"Picking medicine? Are you sure?" Qin Bald looked at Yi Yun deeply and looked forward to Yi Yun changing his mind.

"Yeah! Ok." Yi Yun nodded.

The eyes of Qin Bald’s eyes picked up slightly and seemed to want to see what was coming from Yi Yun.

"I will report the list tonight. Once the remarks are made, I can't change it in three months. It is not only slow to earn dragon scales, but also does not help you to exercise your strength. I will ask you the last time. Are you sure you want to take the medicine?"

"OK!" Yi Yun is very calm and very firm answer.

The people around him were speechless, and Qin Bald was obviously appreciating Yi Yun’s saying so much, but Yi Yun still didn’t appreciate it.

Qin instructor brows wrinkled, after all, he still shook his head, the decision is in the personal hands of the practitioner, he will not interfere, Yi Yun decided that he can't do it.

"Okay! I am going to declare the type of work for you to collect medicine. I am only advising you. In this Taishen city, a slightly better person is really nothing. If you are not careful, you will be drowned in the sea, and you will find it again. Not enough."

"The two thousand newcomers who came here this time also have a lot of good seedlings. The one hundred of you who brought me are from Jingzhou and several small states in the southeastern part of Jingzhou. Compared with the Zhongzhou, compared to the Imperial City, You have been a lot worse than the people who directly recommended the hidden family."

"You probably don't know. One day ago, at this school, there was a new boy who was nicknamed 'Prisoner'. He inserted seven arrows of the wild in the purple tungsten steel wall. He was born into a hidden family!"

"And two days ago, in the Temple of the Wild, there was also a girl from the Imperial City. In the face of the sculptures of the ancients, I realized the true meaning of the law! This girl named Chu Xiaoyu is the town of the current Tai A dynasty. Pearl of the public palm!"

When the Qin instructor said, everyone heard the eyelids jumping slightly.

The crown of the town Guogong...

The genius boy of the hidden family...

Zhen Guogong is the duke of the Tai's Kingdom of God, a duke, or the title of "town of the country" as the duke of the title, he can be said to be a very minister!

As for the hidden family, it is even more terrible.

In the Tai's Kingdom, there are some big families, the deep and unimaginable, even comparable to the royal family.

Some of these families have a long history than the history of the Kingdom of Tai, and they have been established from the predecessor of the Tai's Kingdom, and even the former dynasty of the former dynasty began to be established and passed down.

There are also some families who have helped the founding gods of the Tai's Kingdom to lay down the mountains of Tai A, and then the founding gods have won the territory of the nine kingdoms of the great states for their permanent seal.

These families have been married to the royal family of Tai A, and have had an inseparable relationship with each other. It can be said that these families are also the foundations of the Tai A royalty that can stand for so many years!

Because these families are too detached, ordinary people can't reach them at all, so people call them hidden families, but they are not really hidden.

As for Zhou Kui and others, they are also considered to be large family members. Their family comes from Jingzhou and several small states nearby, but families of that size often occupy a county in a state.

A county-level family is simply incomparable to these sacred families of the god-level family.

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... (to be continued.)

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