True Martial World

Chapter 182: Gatekeeper

At such a horrible speed, Yi Yun is still wearing a silver shirt!

Although the silver shirt has been adjusted to the lightest weight, but there are also ten tripods, so the weight, the inertial force generated under the high-speed body method is very horrible, but Yi Yun with his own understanding of the micro, biochemical biochemicals lost this Strength of the stock.

The body suddenly stopped, Yi Yun double fists, the boxing wind broke! In his body, there seems to be a thundering thunder, squeaking!


With a sound of metal clearing, the Qianjun knife is unsheathed!

The knife light flashes and reflects the moon!

Knife shadows like the wind, splashing water does not enter!

Such a fierce knife light formed a whirlwind in the cultivation room, but did not destroy the slightest furnishings in the stone house. This is precisely because Yi Yun absolutely controls the energy!


Thousands of army knives were returned to the sheath, and Yi Yun’s body rushed from the speed to the stillness, and the whole transition was extremely fast, which simply violated the laws of physics.

Yi Yun stood still in the dark room. Everything in the stone house was as old. The moon in the water, like the water on the top of the cultivation room, was projected onto the ground and condensed into a layer of hoarfrost, while the Yiyun in the standing still seemed to be from the beginning. Didn’t move at the end...

This feeling of freely sending and receiving makes Yi Yun obsessed.

"Happy! It's really hearty!"

Yi Yun feels that he has not been so happy for a long time. The energy of the ancient relics makes Yi Yun more eye-catching. He wants to earn more dragon scale runes and enter the Temple of the Waste again!

Now I can only hope to take medicine.

This work is really my own gospel. It brings to me the most primitive accumulation. Otherwise, it is too difficult to quickly accumulate dragon scale runes in the Taishen City with the strength of Yiyun. Those who have been practicing for four or five years. Everyone is better than him.

Yi Yun received a thousand army knives and walked out of the cultivation room.

Not far from the practice outside. Standing with the old man in charge of managing the Temple of the Wild, the **** gemstone in his eyebrows. Glittering under the moonlight.

The old man looked at Yi Yun with a strange look. "Hey? Did you break through?"

This old man has apparently reached the realm of opening up the heavens and insight into everything. He can see through the repair of Yi Yun. He was surprised to find that Yi Yun was still in the early stage of purple blood when he entered, and now it is already in the middle of purple blood.


The old man touched his beard. From this point of view, his red-brown gem is like an eye, giving a very weird feeling.

"Thank you for the predecessors to praise. Fortunately, break through." Yi Yun is in a good mood. Just after he had absorbed enough energy in the three-headed Lion Hall, he hurriedly came to the cultivation room, and did not pay much attention to the old man who guarded the door.

Now, Yi Yun looks at it carefully, but feels that this old man seems to be a deep pool of water, which can be described as unfathomable...

However, just the next moment, just the unfathomable feeling disappeared strangely, and the old man became very ordinary. There is no trace of volatility around it, as if standing in front of Yiyun at this time, it is just a mortal old man.

This strange conversion made Yi Yun stunned for a while.

He couldn't help feeling. This is a **** city, it is a crouching tiger!

Yi Yun naturally can't see the old man's half-point repair, but the intuition tells Yi Yun. This old man is terrible.

In this Tai A Shencheng. The location of many people looks very humble, but they are top players.

This old man in front of you. The former Qin instructor, and even the sleazy woman of the medicinal materials, the surnamed Wang surnamed, are the absolute strong people of the human race!

"Is it a lucky break? You seem to be a newcomer. Newcomers can earn a thousand dragon scale runes, and once again come to the Temple of the Desolation, you are very good."

The old man rubbed his chin, some new people, very strong, they may quickly earn dragon scale runes through gambling, trading, or from the instructor's reward.

Yi Yun did not speak, the old man suddenly smiled, and then he did not notice the move!

He held out a hand and pointed to Yi Yun's eyebrows.

The speed of the old man is not fast, but this finger seems to contain an indescribable charm, so that Yi Yun’s heart is a glimpse!

He didn't want to think about it, and while the body was retreating, the army knife was unsheathed!

How long is the snowy blade of one person, coming directly to the old man!

Yi Yun did not keep his hands. As for the old man who was worried about the thousands of knife wounds, it was a joke. This kind of repair is an old guy who doesn’t know what the realm is. If he hurts his ability, then he can be too The instructor of Aphrodite.

"Oh!" The old man screamed, "You little guy, it’s really dark! Don’t you know how to be old?”

He just tried to explore Yi Yun, but he did not expect that Yi Yun reacted so fast, and so decided!

The average person is suddenly tempted, always squatting, and some people will put on a look of "predecessors what you want to do."

But Yi Yun, even one tenth of the blink of an eye, there is no pause, directly pulling the knife!

The bright knife was pulled out. If you don’t say anything, the girl will cut it. This is a style of work that makes the old man feel very surprised, but he also appreciates it.

Although the old man's mouth is strange, but the movement on his hand is unambiguous, his finger gently flicks on Yi Yun's blade.

Just listening to the "squeaky" metal scorn, the tremor power, passed to Yi Yun's wrist, Yi Yun only felt a wrist, his knife was smashed.

The ridge is the weakest place for a knife.

The old man easily grasped the weakness of Yi Yun's move, and the next moment, the old man's finger, has been gently placed on Yi Yun's forehead, like a little water.

Yi Yun only felt a forehead burst of numbness, just like an electric shock, the thousand army knife in his hand almost broke hands!

Yi Yun stepped back a few steps, which stabilized the body.

"Hey, kid, if I want to kill you, you are already dead."

The old man took back his fingers.

Yi Yun turned a blind eye, and he felt very speechless about the old man who was bullied.

What "I want to kill you, you are already dead", this is no nonsense, your strength, to kill me is not easy, how can I stop your attack?

The old man saw Yi Yun’s thoughts and shook his head. “I know that you are not convinced, but the one that just opened your blade, I pushed the speed to a level three points slower than you, and the power only used one hundred. Ding, there is no usage, it is true, the world is just a simple bullet, one finger!"

"You were bounced off by me because your knife has too many flaws and it is completely flawed!" the old man said mercilessly.

After listening to the old man, let Yi Yun not make a sound, think about it, his own knife method is really not very good, only a few strokes of the knife method, are used from "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian" and "Dragons and Tigers fist".

This is not an orthodox knife, and its own "Tian Xuan Jiu Jian" is a half bucket of water.

If you are not as good as your own, with the speed and strength of the knife, you can easily crush the other side, for example, Yi Yun has a second defeat to Zhou Kui, that is, with a fast word, there is no solution, no problem with the knife.

However, as it is today, the opponents who are stronger than themselves, the easy-to-make knives of Yi Yun immediately show flaws.

Yi Yun feels a little pressure, and his own flaws are really enough!

Now Yi Yun really takes the shot, only one body.

As for other aspects, his ** power is not outstanding enough, the knives are full of loopholes, and there is only one set of gongs and dragons, and the true meaning of the law is still at the stage of beginning to comprehend.

Compared with those of Tao Yunqi and Lian Chengyu, Yi Yun can of course crush them, but there is still a gap between Junjie and Yiyun, which are cultivated by the royal family and the hidden family.

Take the refining body as a complete, pulse like a dragon, the people who can be in the army of the gods, I am afraid most of them have reached this level!

Not to mention the royal family and the people who hide the family.

The gap is very big, and there are too many aspects to make up for it!

Yi Yun’s time is precious, and the Dragonscale Rune is equally valuable!

The old man said: "For the warrior, the cultivation of oneself is the most important, but the use of weapons can not be sloppy. I recommend you go to a local sword scare palace!"

"Oh? Sword Museum?"

When Yi Yun heard the name, he felt that it should be related to the sword.

"Predecessors, the younger generation is using the knife first, is it necessary to use the sword? Or, use the sword to the knife method?"

Yi Yun does not exclude the use of swords, anyway, his knife method has just started, nothing can be considered.

Just use a sword, but also buy a handful of weapons, a good sword is not cheap!

"Hey, the sword scare palace, not only related to the sword, you know when you go! If it is the first time to go to the Sword Mark Palace, there is a 50% discount on the dragon scale runes, and an hour as long as the fifty dragon scales Text, you can consider buying twenty hours at a time..."

The old man smiled and looked at Yi Yun, Yi Yun opened his mouth, some speechless, this is another thousand dragon scale runes!

The resources of Tai A Shencheng are too expensive!

Like Zhao Qingcheng, these girls who do not figure out the strengths, come to the Tai'an City, are all tight, and every dragon scale rune must save flowers.

But those top resources, tens of thousands of dollars, the gap is great!

No wonder Hongxi said that 10% of the people in Taishi Shencheng enjoy 90% of the resources!

"I want to go to the Sword Mark Palace. I have to go elsewhere. I have too many resources. The dragon scale runes are not enough to make a profit! I have to upgrade my strength first, and I am strong. I will go to the arena to make a dragon." Scale runes should be faster!"

The original accumulation, the most difficult to start, Yi Yun is still only in the middle of purple blood, if you reach the late stage of purple blood, purple blood peak, he has confidence, take a walk in the arena!

In the past five days, Yi Yun has already asked. Tai's God City's World of Heaven and Earth, the list of which is the arena of the row!

The first place in the list, that is, the first in the arena, this person is Qin Haotian!

Yang Gan and Yao Yao, who I saw before, can also rank in the arena in the arena. For the trials who have only come to Taishen for three years, this is already quite outstanding! (To be continued.)

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