True Martial World

Chapter 193: Absorbing Tianyun Ziyangshen

If Yiyun directly absorbs the energy in the whole herb with amethyst, it is easy to cause the attention and doubt of the Taishi Shencheng refining pharmacist.

However, as in the current situation, Tianyun Ziyangshen has been seriously damaged. Yiyun only absorbs the drug that it escapes, but no one doubts it.

Of course, this kind of thing Yi Yun can only be done once in a while. He can't take back the medicine that is seriously damaged every time, and the value of the damaged medicine will be greatly reduced. Runes will be much less.

In general, the benefits of doing this to Yiyun are not great.

Under the control of Amethyst, the power of Tianyun Ziyangshen was not wasted, and all were sucked up by Yi Yun. These energies condensed into light spots, like the flying elves.

Just as Yi Yun intends to absorb this energy, the Tianyang Ziyangshen, which had already been the same dead wood, suddenly slammed into the soil!

This Tianyun Ziyangshen, in such a severe situation, actually waited for an opportunity to escape.

However, this did not have any use. In the days when Tianyun Ziyangshen had just escaped less than one breath, the surrounding black light flashed, and a light curtain appeared out of thin air, and the range of a radius of ten feet was prohibited.


Tianyun Ziyang participated in the light curtain and was bounced back.

This is the dry squad dedicated to the seal of the spirits. If the Tianyun Ziyangshen is in a state of full prosperity, there is still a way to escape this big array, but now, it is completely impossible.

Tianyun Ziyangshen suffered such a serious injury. At this time, it is smart and chaotic. It can feel its own power passing by little by little. These energies are slowly drifting toward Yiyun.

Yi Yun carries a thousand army knife. Slowly walk toward Tianyun Ziyang.

He doesn't have to keep his hands, and Tian Yun Ziyang is very good. Yi Yun is considering whether it should be cut into pieces for a split, or let it slip away. Then it will be a loss.

At this time, Tianyun Ziyangshen suddenly gave a baby scream, and it rushed toward Yiyun, which condensed the only pure yang in the body into a spiritual sword, and stabbed Yiyun. Eyebrow!

It’s going to be desperate and fight hard!

Yi Yun does not hesitate, holding a thousand army knife, a knife down!


One party is at the end of a strong battle, and one party is at ease. The result of the collision is no suspense, the golden sword is broken, and the thousand army swords are straight down!


Tianyun Ziyangshen was swept out by the thousand army knife!

Yi Yun still has no choice to make Tianyun Ziyang Shenyi two sections, so its value will be greatly reduced.

However, Yi Yun found that even so, the spiritual knowledge of Tianyun Ziyangshen was rapidly weakening, and it seemed to be dying.

The death of a Taikoo drug means that the wisdom it has cultivated for thousands of years will disappear.

In this regard. Yi Yun did not have any compassion. Originally, he and Tian Yun Zi Yang Shen were the battles between you and me, if he could not kill Tian Yun Zi Yang Shen. Instead, it was used by Tianyun Ziyang to use illusion uniforms, so his end may be the nourishment of **** flowers.

Yi Yun looked at Tianyun Ziyangshen. It was found that the color of its surface was gradually dimmed, and it was a pure power. Gradually leaving it, it does not want to live now.

Was caught in refining. It is better to die.

"Well? This power?"

Yi Yun grasped the rhizome of Tianyun Ziyangshen. In the field of Amethyst, he saw a pure purple energy, which escaped from the wound of Tianyun Ziyangshen. This energy is like a smoldering smoke. Into a share.

The general energy form of wolf smoke, Yi Yun is still the first to see.

The energy he had seen before was shaped like a light spot.

Yi Yun slightly hesitated a bit, and then took the source of Amethyst as the medium, pulling this wolf smoke, together with the energy spot of the previous Tianyun Ziyang Shen Yi, and inhaled the body together.

For a time, the medicine is fragrant and comfortable, and it is very comfortable!

At this time, Yi Yunzhen quickly took out a jade box that was one foot square.

This is a pill box made with Lianhua jade, which can preserve the drug to the greatest extent.

Tianyun Ziyangshen has been seriously damaged. It is unrealistic to want to keep the drug completely. Now I have to save as much as I can.

If it can't be saved, it will be absorbed by Yiyun with amethyst.

These energy spots enter the body, Yi Yun feels the heat of the limbs, and the potency of Tianyun Ziyangshen begins to play a role.

What surprised Yi Yun most was that the form was completely different from the energy spot, like the energy of a wolf.

This energy poured into the soul of Yi Yun.


At this moment when this energy enters the sea of ​​Yiyun, Yi Yun only feels the huge earthquake of the soul sea. Immediately, in the sea of ​​Yi Yun, there are a lot of illusions.

These illusions are confusing, some are the scenes of the gods and the Tai's city, some are in the difficult life of Yilian and his sisters, and in the past life, Yiyun's life is bit by bit.

Ok? this is……

Seeing this mixed illusion, Yi Yun suddenly understood that the energy of this purple wolf smoke is actually the spiritual power left after the destruction of Tianyun Ziyang Shenzhizhi!

Although Tianyun Ziyangshen is only a herb, it has a strong spiritual power after it has produced spiritual knowledge.

Otherwise, it will not create an illusion.

Spiritual power is the means of attack and self-protection of Tianyun Ziyangshen. After the death of Tianyun Ziyangshen, its broken spiritual energy is the best medicine for raising souls.

Yi Yun’s heart was happy, and he began to quietly absorb these energies. For a time, his soul sea seemed to surge in the stream, and the spiritual energy of Tianyun Ziyangshen, like the spring spring, washed and moistened the soul sea of ​​Yiyun. Let Yi Yun feel uncomfortable.

Hidden, Yi Yun feels that his soul seems to have undergone some slight change, but he does not know what this change means.

At this time, in addition to spiritual energy, the power of Tianyun Ziyangshen began to play a role. They flowed into the meridians of Yiyun, emitting a faint sound of tiger screams, and a breath of yang in the body of Yiyun. Spray all over the place.

The Tianyun Ziyang ginseng contains a wealth of pure yang. These forces are the essence of the days of Ziyang Ziyang's thousand years of experience, and after many times of purification, each point is invaluable.

Slowly, Yi Yun’s body steamed out a hot mist. His entire skin became red, as if it had been boiled by boiling water.

Tianyun Ziyang ginseng medicinal masculine, and at this moment is three more time, the atmosphere of the Taiyin is rich, Yiyun's body is masculine fire, and the body is rolling yin, unconsciously, the two shades of the sun and the sun meet in the Yiyun body.

Under the deliberate influence of Yi Yun, the two breaths formed a wonderful yin and yang cycle.

Yi Yun's body is hot inside, and the outside is cold, as if it alternately falls into the hail and the stove.

With the digestion of the drug, Yiyun's pores ooze a trace of black blood, which is the injury and congestion accumulated in the Yiyun body for half a year. At this moment, it was forced out by the force, making Yi Yun clear and refreshing.

The muscles become more and more firm in the medicinal tempering, and the bone blood grows vigorously with the integration of the medicine.

This process does not know how long it lasted, and Yi Yun has completely immersed himself in his own world.

From three to dawn.

From sunrise to noon...

The sun is shining, the yin of the cliff top has already been swept away, and Yi Yun sits on the cliff, just like a sculpture, motionless.

The absorption of the drug contained in Tianyun Ziyangshen is a slow process. After all, it is a fortune medicine. At the beginning, Yiyun absorbed the energy of three lions of an hour. They used a full night to digest it. Drop it.

Slowly, another day passed, and at night, a thin crescent moon was hung on the horizon.

Tonight is the second day, the yin slightly faded a little, the water mist condensed, Yi Yun's body, like frozen snow, his hair, brows have a layer of faint hoarfrost.

Slowly, Yi Yun has absorbed 70% of the power of Tianyun Ziyangshen.

In particular, the spiritual power of the purple yang ginseng on that day brought unimaginable benefits to the spiritual sea of ​​Yi Yun.

Yi Yun clearly feels that his knowledge of the sea is expanding and expanding! Spiritual strength is constantly rising!

As long as Yi Yun thought about it, his mind had a lot of illusions in his mind. Yi Yun even had a feeling that if he wanted to, he could let these illusions fly out of his knowledge and influence others!

It seems invisible, Tianyun Ziyangshen that confuses people, the ability to derive illusion, was inherited by Yi Yun in general!

The second night, this way again.

On the third morning, Yi Yun, who had been meditating, suddenly heard the soft sound of his own soul. It seems that something broke.

Then, he suddenly felt a strong suction, the whole body's mental strength, and even the blood and bone marrow, were drawn by this suction, and gathered to his own eyebrows without warning!

This kind of feeling seems to be taking away the blood of his whole body, and even the feeling of the soul, so Yi Yun is shocked!

How is this going?

Blood, bone marrow, and soul are more and more condensed in the eyebrows, as if to breed something here.

What followed was a strong pain. Yi Yun felt that someone had pierced his eyebrows with an awl and kept spinning inward!

It hurts too!

Yi Yun’s forehead oozing cold sweat, and his body’s blood was out of control, which made him panic.

Yi Yun connects the spiritual power to the amethyst, and wants to stabilize the blood and energy of the body. However, at this time, Yi Yun suddenly "sees" the blood and spirit of his own eyebrows. It was slowly condensed into something like a bead.

The beads are blood-stained and connected to the surrounding meridians and blood vessels, becoming an inseparable whole.

When this bead appeared, the feeling that it seemed to take away his whole body's blood disappeared, and the pain suddenly eased.

Everything has returned to normal, the only change is that Yi Yun's eyebrows have such a small bead.

Ok? what is this?

... (to be continued.)

Chapter 193: Absorbing Tianyun Ziyangshen:

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