True Martial World

Chapter 219: Brother, you are too naive.

"Big...big brother..."

The dwarf of the four bullies, the lack of strength, called the fat man, "The next one is me, I am not... no confidence..."

The strength of the dwarf is also half a catty with Sun Yuan. ¥f. ¥f

If Feng Hai was defeated by Yi Yun before, it can be said that it is a light enemy, but Sun Yuan has already resorted to the means, still being overwhelmed by Yi Yun, this is the absolute strength gap.

Even if the dwarf is unwilling to accept it, he has to admit this fact.

Yi Yun, stronger than him!

The fat man did not speak, he had nothing to say.

Now how to do?

They have so many net worth, they are all pressing on Yi Yun. If they don’t fight, will they admit defeat?

Behind the four bullies, there are also people from the Hongdao Association, and each face is ugly. Many of them have submitted the match table with Yi Yun, and the bets have been handed over. Now they can't be modified.

In this regard, they regretted that their intestines were blue.

I knew that Yi Yun was so perverted that they would not be able to provoke Yi Yun.

And this Yi Yun strength is strong, the weapon is still a brick, with him, it will be knocked by the brick!

For the warrior, losing a battle is nothing, and if you lose a decent, you can barely accept it.

However, it was too shameful to be knocked out by a brick at home.

Yi Yun took the sky and printed it.

He played 12 games on the first day, playing for almost half an hour, playing six hours a day, from the morning dawn, to the sun.

After the second battle was down, Yi Yun clearly felt that the people around him had already seen a lot of awe.

In the Tai'an City, as long as it is strong, even if it is a poor person, it is respected.

After Yi Yun meditated for a while, his third game began.

The opponent is the dwarf of the four bullies.

When Yi Yun came to power again. The dwarf saw the **** bricks in the hands of Yi Yun, and the war had disappeared.

At the beginning of the game, the dwarf suddenly said: "Wait! I have something to say."

"Well? What?"

Yi Yun accidentally looked at the dwarf.

The dwarf swallowed a slobber and said, "That... you... can you change the weapon?"

"Change one? Why?"

Yi Yun looked at the dwarf with a puzzled look.

The dwarf couldn't speak. His original intention is that he does not want to be defeated by the bricks. It is too shameful, but he can't say it.

He can't always say, "I don't want to be knocked by the bricks. You can change a weapon and knock me."

This does not mean that you have not played yet. Just admit defeat in advance!

At that time, he returned to the capital, the same shameful, people would say that the tall and thin people in the four bullies were stumbled by a brick, and the dwarf, because they didn't want to be knocked by bricks, asked Yi Yun to change. A weapon knocked on him, and Yi Yun agreed. So the dwarf was stumbled...

Thinking of this, the dwarf is really incomprehensible!

At this time, Yi Yun shook his head and said: "Do not change, this turned over the sky, I use it very smoothly, in fact, even if it is changed, it is also a change of hoes, hammers, and so on."

Yi Yun’s words are spoken. The dwarf listened and felt that there was such a shame in the heart of the 10,000-headed hoof with a muddy horned giant rhinoceros running through it!

He is knocking on people and getting addicted!

The dwarf is angry!

"I am fighting with you!"

The dwarf pulled out a machete and rushed to Yiyun!

In the process of charging, the dwarf figure swayed. Touch the hand with a hand and shout

"The avatar!"

With the violent drink of the dwarf, his body was split into two!

what! ?

Many people look at it!

Does the body become two in a flash?

Before the skinny monkeys showed their residual steps, the body became many, but those were just afterimages. The afterimage is not moving, just stay in people's iris and confuse the line of sight.

But now, this dwarf's avatar, that is the true body is divided into two, that avatar, also rushed to Yi Yun, and launched an attack!

Yi Yun is also a slight glimpse, but he immediately saw the doorway.


The dwarf and his avatar jumped up and rushed to Yiyun from the left and right directions. The two scimitars crossed into a cross.

"Across the cross!"

The sharp and shining knife light is about to be emitted, and at this time, Yi Yun's footsteps move, and it appears in front of the dwarf and his avatar.

The hand is falling from the bricks.

"Hey! Hey!"

The two bricks are sturdy and solid. Under the general body of Yi Yun, the dwarf has no possibility of evading.

Two scimitars flew straight out, and the dwarf and his avatar were covered by Yiyun two bricks from the air.


The dwarf fell heavily on the ground, and his "divided body" completely lost his ability to move, and the seven twists and turns twisted into a ball.

People only see this, this is actually not a avatar.

The road of martial arts, when cultivated to a very high level, may have a avatar, but the current dwarf is far from such a realm.

His so-called avatar is actually a sly, the dwarf is throwing out the shackles, covering it with his own vitality, simulating the illusion of his own, plus the speed is too fast, which has caused the effect of the avatar.

This kind of means, for Yi Yun, which condenses Tianmuzhu, is nothing at all. He sees it at a glance.

The dwarf was defeated, and it was also knocked out by Yi Yun.

At this point, no one can escape the magic of Yiyun bricks, that brick, in the hands of Yi Yun, became a terrorist weapon for all Hongdao members to watch a nightmare.

A brick knocks a big bag on your head and asks you not afraid!

They couldn't imagine that they would go up a little while, and they looked at Yi Yun's bricks and knocked them down.

I have already anticipated the results of the game, but I have to stretch my head to knock on people. Is there anything more painful than this?

At this time, the members of the Hongdao Association who have declared war with Yi Yun are like needles!

A teenager suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "This kid must have cultivated a special practice! We have been deceived by him. He seems to be arrogant, giving a feeling of not being very powerful. In fact, he uses a kind of Very overbearing, very powerful moves! And the carrier of this move is... brick!"

This boy is awakening the dreamer!

People have looked at each other and suddenly felt that the boy said it makes sense!

However, some people have questioned, "Is not right... his original weapon is not a long knife... Is that long knife the weapon he is best at?"

Regarding the questioning of this question, the former teenager has vowed to deny: "Brother, you are too naive, don't be blinded by appearance. Have you ever seen Yi Yun fight with the long knife? He came too After the city of Aphrodite, I have been collecting medicine! Picking medicine! Collecting medicine! Or collecting medicine! He has not played with us, and he does not know how to practice it!"

"I have a 70% grasp, Yi Yun is a secret law, and this school is likely to be related to bricks. In this world, there are swords, knives, and guns. Why is there no 'brick method'? Don't think that this sounds ridiculous. Think about it. The world's exercises are so strange and varied. It's normal to use a brick to be a major weapon!"

This teenager is increasingly feeling that his reasoning is correct.

People have also suddenly realized. "Brother, you are right! No wonder, this kid I met him this morning. He swayed to the arena. He knew that there were so many people waiting to challenge him, but he didn’t Going to my heart, it seems like nothing! He is too calm, this is not normal!"

"Yeah, when he came to power, the old **** was there. A dead pig was not afraid of boiling water. Before that, when we gambled with him, I increased my bet. It seems that he has long been confident. 'Brick method' is a school, he is not afraid of us! This is easy, it is too embarrassing!"

The more people think about it, the more they feel, the more they see through the secrets of Yi Yun.

At the same time, the young people of the Hongdao Association also expressed their anger at Yi Yun’s use of the law. They also reacted now, and the previous raises were all on Yi Yun’s!

This kills a thousand knives!

But now the problem is, even if they know that Yi Yun has cultivated a secret method, the weapon is a brick, but the key is how to crack it?

They have too much difference with Yi Yun's strength, and they still have to be knocked up!

"Brothers, we have to find a way to control the bricks in his hands, not to be confused by the appearance of this brick. It may seem a bit funny, but in the hands of Yi Yun, it is the most terrible weapon in the world! ”

Someone made a concluding statement.

Other teenagers, followed by the appendage: "Yes, you should regard the brick as the sharpest knife, sword, gun! Let's say the swordsman, some swordsmen, use the sword to get radiant, you can achieve the 'people's sword' The degree, the swordsman of the sword, their body is the sword, the sword is the body!"

"This Yi Yun, maybe also cultivated to the point of 'people and bricks together'!"

"Well? 'People in the bricks and ones'!? So powerful!? Impossible! The difficulty of 'one person in one brick' should be no less than the 'one person in one'. This kind of realm is only those who have extraordinary understanding, talents. The ultimate person can reach..."

I heard that Yi Yun is likely to have "one person and one brick", and the teenagers are full of faces, too tricky!

They also have their own weapons, but no one can be integrated with weapons!

"I am not alarmist. I have seen the martial arts of the "Swords of One". They are very simple. They are often a sword, but they have already defeated their opponents. The appearance looks like there is no fancy place."

"Now, Yi Yun is like this. It is a brick that knocks down. It looks like a normal move, but it beats the opponent. It is very similar to the ‘people’s sword,’ it should be ‘people’s one.’”

... (to be continued.)

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