True Martial World

Chapter 249: Knife and sword

"The young king of Chu, Wang Dingkun, the king of Chu, should be the first force to draw me."

Yi Yun thinks of Xu Qingyun of Ling Xiaomeng. When he first met Xu Qingyun, it was because of a lobbyist at the Chu Wangfu, he wanted to give himself benefits and let him join the Chu Wangfu.

However, Chu Wangfu has a hidden soul contract for his own conditions. Once signed, he will serve the King of Chu for many years.

At that time, Xu Qingyun appeared and stopped the lobbyist.

Although it is not Xu Qingyun, Yi Yun is unlikely to sign the overlord treaty, but this kind of thing is always quite disgusting.

Yi Yun didn't like the Chu Wangfu. He was robbed by the fire and wanted to hang his own Yang Dingkun. Naturally, he didn't mind crating him once.

"The law is really good, I promised!"

Yi Yun said slowly, originally he set up the pit, just to give Li Hong a jump, that is, to want to pit some of Li Long's runes, I did not expect that there are people who come to the door, but also to Jumping in the pit, the stop can not stop.

Therefore, the bet of this time is getting bigger and bigger, and Yi Yun’s estimate is out.

"Yi Gongzi, when they joined together to lie to you, too holy law."

Seeing Yi Yun promised, Zhao Qingcheng was anxious, and the girls around him were worried about Yi Yun.

Although Yi Yun is very powerful, Li Hong is also a famous figure in the circle of trials of the two-year trials in Tai'an Shencheng.

Li Hong’s character is gloomy, his heart is hot, his strength is terrible, and Yi Yun is playing with him. It’s really empty!

"Haha! This is what you said! We have already recorded with the filming position. Now we can go to the arena of the Arena to file the case. You can't go back!"

A few younger brothers were overjoyed. Once they were filed, it was a matter of nailing.

However, Yi Yun was too lazy to care about them at this time. He picked up a piece of animal meat and continued to eat.

"Kid, let you be arrogant for a while. You will cry tomorrow! Let's go!"

A few younger brothers sweared a few words and gimmicks.

Yi Yun looked too lazy to look at these few people, he continued to eat wild animal meat, Zhao Qingcheng and others. I don't know what to say.

When there was no time, Yi Yun took out the truth that Tai A Shengfa and Li Hong’s gambling laws were true, and they spread throughout Tai’an City.

Even the senior testers who have come to Taishen for four or five years are very concerned about this matter.

This is mainly because the bet is too holy!

"Too A holy law is afraid to gamble!?"

Many senior testers listened and they all became jealous.

They have been mixing in the city of Tai A for several years. Tai A Sheng Fa Yu Jian, they have no chance to touch even touch, let alone learn.

"This is easy, it is crazy, too A holy law to him, less than two months, this does not want it? Really defeated!"

"Also, maybe after Yi Yun exchanged Tai A Sheng Fa, I learned a bit and felt that I couldn't learn. Anyway, it is useless in my hand. It is better to be a bet."

Some analysts said that Yi Yun’s overall feeling is very strange. His knife is very overbearing, but the understanding of the law is very weak, and the talent has also been heard.

In this state, it is not easy for Yi Yun to learn to be too holy.

Just like a prisoner, it is similar to Yi Yun. Yi Yun is sharp. Prisoners are powerful. The strength of the prisoner is beyond the reach of the newcomers, but many people are skeptical if they say that the prisoner can be made into a holy law.

This is not something you can learn by fighting. Still have to look at understanding, talent!

Only the people like Chu Xiaoyu, in the eyes of people, are most likely to be made into the holy law.

"This is the glory score of the drug collection. Do you know how to cherish it? In the future, he should know how rare it is to honor the glory points!"

People said indignantly that they all felt. If you change the glory points of the Holy Law, you can give them.

Yi Yun naturally will not pay attention to the reaction of senior testers to this matter.

At this time, he has already gone to look for Cang Yan, intends to enter the tomb, and use this night to continue to hone his knife.

Li Hong is a strong enemy. Yi Yun does not know the strength limit of Li Hong. Although he has confidence in tomorrow, he does not guarantee 100% chance of winning. He must go all out.

This time, Yi Yun will not waste a little.

This is a gamble, winning, and a true solution to the law. For Yi Yun, who is about to enlighten the law, it is also a gift in the snow!

When Cang Yan opened the door to the tomb of Yi Yun, Yi Yun suddenly moved his mind and glanced at the tomb next door, thoughtfully.

That is the tomb of the sword! !

If you look into the tomb of the sword again, what about it?

Yi Yun knows that he is not a natural knife. When he chooses a knife in Jinlong Weitiandu arsenal, there is no legendary flesh-and-blood feeling.

He can comprehend the thirty-two words of the knife path, and has nothing to do with his achievements in the knife path. It is entirely based on his energy vision, and at first glance, he sees the flow path of the source energy contained in the thirty-two words of the knife path.

This flow trajectory is actually equivalent to the law of the knife!

Then, if you go to the tomb of the sword again, do you have any extra gains?

The rules in the tomb and the tomb of the sword are the highest avenues that many sages can't understand. This kind of high avenue is here, and there are very few people who come into comprehension, because they can't understand it!

Since I have such a convenient condition, why not understand more, have a broader vision, and look farther?

"Boy, what are you doing, why not go in?"

At this time, Cang Yan’s voice interrupted Yi Yun’s thoughts.

Noticing Yi Yun’s gaze, Cang Yan’s brow wrinkled, “Boy, you are not interested in the next tomb of the sword”

Yi Yun stunned for a moment, and did not know what to say.

He knows that the knives in the tombs and the tombs of the swords, for the sages of the past dynasties, even if they just want to understand one, are almost impossible things, let alone two at the same time.

Cang Yan looked at Yi Yun with a strange look. "Bad boy, warn you, don't give me crazy! It's hard to see that you have such talent in the knife, you don't waste it!"

"You can understand the knife path in the 32-word tomb of the tomb, and prove that you have a keen sense of the knife path. The more you respond to the knife path, the more you react to the kendo."

Cang Yanyi Yi Yun said that the average person is talented in a kind of weapon. He can go to the extreme on this kind of weapon. It is already very difficult. He wants to go to the extreme on both weapons. I haven't heard of it in my life!

"Knife kendo, can't you go to the extreme at the same time? That knife tomb and sword tomb"

Yi Yun suddenly thought, knife tomb and sword tomb, is it possible, is it by one hand?

If this is the case, how much should that person’s accomplishments in the martial arts be?

These thoughts, Yi Yun did not say, or else the face may be paralyzed, he entered the tomb, but had the opportunity to go to the tomb of the tomb, but in the heart of Yi Yun rooted

While Yi Yun walked into the tomb of the knife, Li Hong was also meditating in an expensive practice room.

A bonanza, a gas snake visible to the naked eye, flows into Li Hong's body.

With the influx of vitality, Li Hong's flesh and blood, like the waves, rushed.

Li Hong clenched his fists. He wanted to use this one-night cultivation to achieve his best state, and at the same time further consolidate the cultivation of the body that would be cast into the Yuanji.

Li Hong has made various guesses about Yi Yun’s hidden strength.

Yi Yun hidden repair is impossible, he is definitely the peak of the mid-purple blood, there are people looking at the sky.

The law of the totem is not possible, he did not go out hunting wild animals.

Unless the method of law and law, Yi Yun has reservations, but those things, with the understanding of a purple **** warrior, can not be against the sky.

Li Hong envisioned that even if Chu Xiaoyu’s rules were learned and moved to Yi Yun, Yi Yun was not his opponent.

Taking a step back, Imagine Yi Yun also secretly learned some powerful exercises. Even if he learned the secret of the Duke of the Taiguo Kingdom, such as picking stars, Li Hong also believes that he can still win. cloud!

Moreover, with the origin of Yi Yun, where to get the family practice of the Duke-class family.

How to count, this battle, you can win!

Li Hong’s eyes are bright and his nails are deeply entangled in the palm of his hand. He is extremely eager to win this battle of tomorrow.

Nothing in the night, whether Yi Yun or Li Hong, are suffering, the upcoming battle is too important for them.

In the early morning, the sun rose, and the testers of the Taishen City got up early, and they gathered into a stream of people and came to the arena.

The people who came to watch the battle today even had more battles than Yi Yun and Chu Xiaoyu.

People are looking forward to Yi Yun and Li Hong set such a gamble, what will happen.

(To be continued.)

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