True Martial World

Chapter 251: Tuotianshan

On the ring, Li Hong held a long stick and stepped closer to Yi Yun. As he moved, his momentum also climbed. Oh,

"What's wrong? Isn't your knife fast? There are hidden knives that are coming out. When I block all your knives, everything is over!"

Li Hong is extremely confident in his defense.

In the eyes of Yi Yun, flashed a cold mans.

He slowly reversed the blade. In fact, Li Hong said that there is nothing wrong with Yi Yun’s martial arts for so long. What he lacks most is actual combat!

Li Hong himself, in the history of the gods and wild animals, I do not know how many times to kill, this is great for his sticking and combat experience.

Even the other weaker families, as new people, they do not kill much with the wild animals, but when they grow up, they often learn from their peers.

Actual combat is always the best way to sharpen martial arts.

On the other hand, Yi Yun, he is really experiencing a lot of battles, except for the discussion with Lin Xinyi, killing with the beasts in the Valley of the Wild, and then the election of Jinlongwei, and this newcomer qualifying.

In every battle today, Yi Yun is very serious, especially the battle of evenly matched forces. This is a test for himself and the best way for him to sharpen his own swords.

"Since you have to look at my knife, as you wish!"

Yi Yun stepped forward step by step, the body is full of vitality, energy in accordance with the trajectory of the 32 words of the knife, in the meridians.

The king is on the horizon!

Yi Yun holds a thousand army knife, a knife and a slash, and the black knives of the black and white, sprayed out thinly, like a bright half moon, with an imposing momentum, rushed to Li Hong!

Li Hong screamed, the turbidity of the earth was surging, and the whole body scales violently.

Yi Yun’s knife is heavily entangled in Li Hong’s body.


The fierce explosion, Li Hong's scales are violently broken. Knife Mang is too strong, Li Hong was directly smashed!

Li Hong’s body slammed into the wall next to the gods’ desert, and it was a strong shock. The armor frame on the other side of the wall was shaken, and the sword and the sword were smashed and fell to the ground!

Seeing this scene, people are subconsciously swallowing the mouth, Yi Yun's knife. Power is really strong!

"Oh... good knife!"

Li Hong was sitting in the corner of the wall, and the scales of the whole body were slashed from the chest by Yi Yun. He went to the waist and left a knife with a knife length of two feet. The scales near the knife edge were completely broken.

But this knife, after cutting the scales, the power is also consumed almost, and ultimately did not completely break Li Hong's body strength. Just let Li Hong suffer a slight injury.

Li Hong wiped the blood of the mouth and stood up. The scales on his body were quickly repaired with the surging of the yellowish gas.

"Knife is good, but unfortunately, your strength is not enough, and then you can hurt me. I just wanted to try the defense of "Tian Tiangong." This is also the only chance for you to hurt me..."

"There is a lot of nonsense." Yi Yun frowned, Li Hong's defense is indeed strong, and he realized the moves in the 32 words of the knife, he actually resisted. No hiding!

"I can take my second knife and I won't be too late!"

Yi Yun Qianjun knife cross, a horrible murderous outbreak, the knife is the killing of the soldiers, in the mortal country, the knife can not help but sword. The sword is a ritual. Emperors, gentlemen, and scribes will choose to wear sabre, but the knife is not the same, the sabre is the one who really needs to kill!

The owner of the knife tomb, the murder of the knife, also written into the 32 words of the knife!

As if for a moment, after Yi Yun’s body, the blood of the corpse is emerging, and the position where Yi Yun is located seems to have become a blood pool hell!

Killing for the heart!

Thousands of army knives smashed out, blood waves splattered, and the whole gods and deserts seemed to have turned into a **** world!

Seeing this knife, Li Hong’s eyes were sprayed with a thick war.

"Come out, extend Tianshan!"

Li Hong holds a long stick, and the heavy one is on the platform. The khaki-colored vitality of his whole body, such as the tide, is poured into the Shentai!


A big earthquake trembled, a mountain and a mountain rose at the foot of Li Hong!

This mountain, towering high, mountain body!

This is the mountain that Li Hong has condensed with the strength of heaven and earth, but it is no different from the real mountains and rivers!

"Well!? Is this?"

Yi Yun’s heart jumped, and suddenly there was a mountain in front of him. How can he not be surprised?

However, Yi Yun was shocked, and the thousands of army knives in his hands continued to hesitate without hesitation.


A knife smashed a blood that spread tens of meters, but this blood was all taken down by this mountain!

Li Hong, actually sacrificed the mountains and rivers, and took down Yi Yun’s murder!


The harsh sound of the sound, the knife of the thousand army knife, broke into the mountains and rivers seven or eight meters deep, leaving a shocking knife edge, but finally can not go deeper.

The knife light is exhausted, and this mountain is still floating on Li Hong’s head.

The mountains and rivers are more than 20 meters high, and the mountain bases are also more than ten meters long. It doesn't sound too big, but it looks very shocking!

Such a mountain is extremely horrible. If it is not relying on the power of the law, Li Hong can never lift it. It is the real force of pulling the mountain!

The surrounding audience is looking silly.

Too exaggerated, with a hill, blocked the knife of Yi Yun?

"It is the law of the earth! Right, before Li Hong's vitality is khaki, and the earthy earth is also the most suitable for the defense-oriented "Tiantiangong"! The earth's vitality, into the expansion of the sky and then into the gas Scales can increase your defenses by one level!"

"Let the law of the earth, in the "Tian Tiangong", this Li Hong, is really a genius, many people, practicing "Tian Tiangong" can not be practiced, let alone combine their own rules with "Tian Tiangong"!"

Li Hong, ranked first among the two-year trials, is by no means a general.

Moreover, he is about to break through the meta-base, and the Yuanji in Dantian has already taken shape.

This Yuanji prototype has brought Li Hong's deep real yuan, and it is also the basis for him to use the earth's vitality to form this hill!

Otherwise, I changed Chu Xiaoyu. Although she did a good job in the ice law, she also condensed dozens of icicles at most, which consumed a lot of vitality. After two moves with Yi Yun, she was exhausted.

This is the advantage of the purple blood peak, the quasi-yuan base warrior. The gap that is cultivated is difficult to overcome in the same genius situation!

Looking at the huge blade of seven or eight meters deep on the mountain, Li Hong smiled. "How can you open a mountain with a knife? Your knife is not bad, but unfortunately, the mountain I am condensed, you can never Break open!"

Li Hong took up the long stick and condensed the mountain, and the consumption of Li Hong was also great.

Tuo Tianshan is the embodiment of Li Hong’s law of repairing the earth. Once it is condensed, Li Hong’s combat power will climb to the peak.

"It turns out that the law of the earth..."

Yi Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the mountain in the sky. Also, Chu Xiaoyu took control of the power of the law. Li Hong stayed in the city of Tai A for a year, and experienced a battle of the gods, he again Why didn't you understand the law?

As the first place in the two-year trial, he always has something he can get.

"The power of the law, this is a force that I urgently need to control." Yi Yun heart secretly.

"This is the end! I am defeating you with the extension of Tianshan, you should be proud!"

Li Hong thought about it, holding a long stick and waving it straight!


The mountain trembles, the whole mountain, straight down to Yi Yun, using a mountain as a weapon to attack?

The surrounding audience is an eye-opener.

A mountain of vitality, this is the thousand army knife can not be blocked anyway.

Yi Yun, indeed, is not likely to resist.

He unfolded into the micro-body method and flew out.


The mountains and rivers are on the gods, and people feel that the entire arena seems to be obviously trembled, like a slight earthquake.

"This... If you are in this mountain, I am afraid to be dead..."

People have squeezed a sweat.

In Tai'an Shencheng, the murder in the contest is subject to jail, but at this time, Li Hong has already killed his eyes, and where is he still in prison?

Among the crowd, Yang Dingkun’s mouth smirked.

Li Hong did not let him down. This extension of Tianshan Mountain, Li Hong has taken control of the situation, he is very much looking forward to Li Hong to turn Yi Yun into a meat.

In that case, he not only won the "Tai A Sheng Law", but also one less talented competitor.

In fact, Yang Dingkun can not be too genius in the city of Aphrodite, such as Qin Haotian, Li Wei, Qiao brothers and so on, all of them died in the experience.

Tuo Tianshan has repeatedly pulled out, but Yi Yun has also dodged again and again. Every time it looks dangerous and dangerous, but Yi Yun is unharmed.

Faced with different opponents, all kinds of endless battles have made Yi Yun an eye-opener.

Li Hong’s impression of Yi Yun is greedy and sinister. He did not expect that he could perform such a means in the ring.

Yi Yun knows that his own martial arts road has just started, and may face various opponents in the future, and some are not even human races.

They will have all sorts of weird moves. If you don’t know how much you are tempering now, how long you will know, you can’t say that you will overturn the ship in the gutter.

The battle is getting more and more fierce, people are widening their eyes, lest they miss any wonderful scene.

The audience gradually discovered that Yi Yun’s body is too fast, and Li Hong’s mountain is too big. Although there are laws to promote it, the speed is very fast, but it’s difficult to want to hit Yiyun.

Yi Yun also seems to have embraced this idea, relying on the micro-big form of body, repeated dodge.

It is always consuming to spur the mountains and rivers, and it is impossible to last.

At this time, Li Hong’s mouth was a little ridiculous. “Want to consume my physical strength? Do you think that Tiantianshan is so simple?”

Li Hong’s thoughts were moved, and the long stick in his hand pointed out, “Minute!”


A thunderous general bang, Tuo Tianshan exploded in the air, turned into countless large and small stones, like a starry sky, shrouded the entire gods!

These mountains and rocks, the big one has a basin size, the small one is only the size of a fist, dense and dense, all around the Yiyun, completely surrounded by Yiyun.

"Is it very impressive? How do you hide under this?"

... (to be continued.)

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