True Martial World

Chapter 254: Pure yang body

"This field, Yi Yunsheng!"

On the desert, the referee announced the result of the game. .... ...

People listened and felt that if they were in a dream, when Li Hong came out to join the Tianshan Mountains, then it was unstoppable, so the tremors of the people completely gave people an unmatchable feeling.

However, in the face of Yi Yun, he still lost, his Tuo Tianshan, even with his long stick in his hand, all were opened by Yi Yun!

"Li Hong, who ranks more than a thousand in the rankings, has been killed by Yi Yun! This is Yi Yun, you must go against the sky!"

A newcomer qualifying, it rushed to nearly a thousand, in the usual years, when someone can rush to a thousand or so at the end of the first year, it is already incredible, will be the power of Tai Ai Focus and draw.

No one doubts that if he gives Yi Yun a month or two, he will settle in the first thousand, and he will not even use it for so long.

In less than half a year, one thousand before the list, is this still a person?

"You said, is it possible... Yiyun now has a thousand strengths before the impact?"

I don't know who said it. The people who were present listened to it, and now they hit the first thousand?

Think about it, Yi Yun's newcomer qualifying, there is still a fight!


Some people say that although Yi Yun defeated Li Hong in a powerful manner, he is also very expensive. It is still unlikely that he wants to rush to the top one.

After all, the first thousand people are basically all Yuan-based warriors. With the Yuan-based warriors, the long-term strength of the other party can drag you down.

In any case, Yi Yun’s newcomer qualifying has achieved such results, and it’s been something that has never happened in Tai’s City for nearly a hundred years!

In particular, his two months of "Tai A Sheng Law" is even more shocking.

At this time, in the corner of the audience, Yang Dingkun’s face was blue.

When Li Hong was seen to be flying by Yi Yun, and the long sticks in his hands were split into two pieces, Yang Dingkun only felt that Yi Yun had a knife and was lying on him.


He lost 50,000 dragon scale runes and lost the "laws true solution"!

That fifty thousand dragon scale runes. Li Hong wants to return it to him. He is not a meatache, but the "law is true solution"!

That is the inheritance of the Chu Wangfu, usually under the circumstances. Outsiders want to learn the "true law of the law", unless they join the Chu Wangfu, but before Yi Yun, they have rejected the recruitment of the Chu Wangfu.

Under such circumstances, he lost the "true law" to Yi Yun. If the family knows this, he will be punished!

Thinking of confinement, deduction of resources, and even more serious family law, the skin of Yang Dingkun’s face was twitching.

He struggled to clench his fists and his arms were shaking slightly. "How could it be? This is Li Hong's waste! It was lost to this little beast!"

Yang Dingkun gnawed his teeth, and he was thinking about how to not give the "laws true solution" to Yi Yun, but the gambling rules of Tai A Shencheng were protected by the law enforcement team. The enforcement of those law enforcement teams. Each one is cold and ruthless, all in accordance with the rules, he wants to get back to the "law of the law" from the hands of law enforcement, that is a dream!

At this time, suddenly a fire was shining in the arena, and it exploded!


Above the stands, law enforcement gave a glimpse.

"Elders voice!"

Several law enforcements made it stand up, and the information contained in the fire was suddenly introduced into their ears.

"Yi Yun! Jiange, Cangyan two elders have please!"

The referee said to Yi Yun, this referee. It is also a law enforcement agency.

The trialers around listened and they were speechless.

It is the elder's summon!

Yi Yun came to Taishen City for only three months, and was called several times by the elders?

They have been mixing in the city of Tai A for several years, let alone being summoned by the elders. It was the last time I saw the elders on the side, or the light of Yi Yun.

If it is not Yi Yun, how can the elders of the city come to the arena to watch the newcomers?

"This is the younger generation."

Yi Yun hugged the referee and was about to leave. At this time, the referee asked: "Yi Yun, you still have a game today. Do you want to continue to challenge?"

Now Yi Yun’s ranking is already one thousand and twenty-eight, and then challenge, it really has to hit the first thousand.

Yi Yun hesitated.

A thousand before the impact, what about the challenge of the Yuanji territory?

He feels that in his current state, it is still difficult to think of the cross-level warriors.

After using the infuriating day, I will use the true spirit of the next day to spur the 32-word knives. Yi Yun uses up to three to four times to "go to the world" or "kill the heart."

Only four knives, as long as the other side blocked, he lost.

Especially with Li Hong, in fact, Yi Yun also exposed his weakness, that is, repair is too low, lack of vitality.

The other side has insight into this, taking defensive and consuming tactics, then Yi Yun’s odds are small.

Yi Yun shook his head. "Not for the time being."

In the arena, he will certainly come back, but not now. Today, Yi Yun has too many comprehensions to digest, and Yi Yun also hopes to realize the law as soon as possible.

With the help of the law, the efficiency of using the energy will increase a lot.

In this way, it also compensates for the weakness of its lack of strength.

"Okay." The referee nodded. At this time, a law enforcement led him to the front of Yi Yun and said, "Come with me, I will take you to the Central Tower!"


A quarter of an hour later, in a hall of the Central Tower, Yi Yun saw two elders, Jiange and Cangyan.

As soon as he entered the door, Cang Yan looked at Yi Yun like a monster, and the sword song was also up and down, and Yi Yun looked inside and outside.

"Boy, have you actually completed the "Tai Ya Sheng Law" in two months?"

Cang Yan seems to be here now, and I feel that this is incredible.

"Hey..." Yi Yun didn't know how to answer for a moment. Didn't he tell Cang Yan that he actually learned it in only twelve or three days?

Yi Yun’s undecided attitude is regarded as the default by Cang Yan.

"It's really awful! It took four months for the old man to learn the "Tai A Sheng Law". The time you used was only half of the old man."

When Cang Yan boasted the clouds, the shortness of the sword song was revealed by the way.

What did Sword Song want to say? When he heard the words of Cang Yan, he was a little embarrassed. He coughed and said slowly. "Old man, I remember that you spent five months studying "Tai Ya Sheng Fa"? I am still a month more."

Hear the words of the sword song. Cang Yan’s old face was red, and he said: “It’s not a good idea to learn “Tai A Sheng Law”. I’m slow to learn. But I’m not a sage for more than four hundred years. It is."

Cang Yan said a little proudly.

The sword song was speechless, and the old man’s face was thick enough.

"Old guy, don't you say that you are more than eight hundred years older than me!"

The sword song and the pale face are the sages. The relationship between the two people is inconsistent, and it is normal to occasionally argue.

But... they are in front of the juniors, but they will maintain their majesty and will not bicker.

Now that they are in front of Yi Yun, I feel a little bit flattered by Yi Yun.

He understands that because Cang Yan and Jian Ge, they all regard him as a junior like a disciple, and they will have no scruples in front of themselves.

This also explains. The second old man attaches importance to himself!

"Haha! It's earlier than you! It's earlier than you! Speak up... Kid!" Cang Yan turned to Yi Yun. "I just said that people who learn "Tai A Sheng Law" are not necessarily able to achieve sages. Really, it is said that in the past 5,000 years, there have been many juniors who are faster than me to learn the "Tai Ya Sheng Fa", but there are only a handful of achievements in the sages! Although you have completed the "Tai Ya Sheng Law" in two months. But don't be complacent. You are far from being a sage."

Cang Yan is afraid that Yi Yun is young and eager, and the spirit is too strong, swearing.

Yi Yun is a human being. Of course, understand this truth, he said: "The younger understand."

"Yeah." Cang Yan nodded. "Speaking, more than a hundred thousand years ago, someone left the record of the fastest learning "Tai A Sheng Law". That person has become a sage and a sage. The leader in the middle."

"Well? Learn to record the "Tai Ya Sheng Law"?"

Yi Yun stunned a bit, and the speed of studying "Tai A Sheng Law" can also make a record?

When I knew that he had learned, he reported it.

Yi Yun feels a pity that such a record, the reward will definitely be rich!

It seems that it is necessary for me to understand what records can be broken and quickly accumulate glory points.

"How long did it take for the predecessors to become "Tai A Sheng Law"?" Yi Yun asked.

Cang Yan extended two fingers, "Twenty days!"

"Twenty days!?"

Yi Yun’s heart was shocked, “So fast!?”

He knows that he can use the ten-day process to build the "Tai A Sheng Law", relying on the help of Amethyst, but in the history of the Tai's Kingdom of God, even someone on his own, only 20 days to become "Tai A Sheng Law"?

What kind of talent is this!

Maybe that person also has an adventure, but Yi Yun believes that no matter what the adventure, there will be no Amethyst so bad.

"Is it surprised? I was surprised when I heard it. Actually... that person is a pure yang body. He practiced "Tai A Sheng Law" with half the effort. In the end, the man named Chunyang real person, and created a pure Yang Palace... but later, The Pure Yang Palace has been destroyed, it is really impermanent..."

Cang Yan slowly came, Yi Yun listened to a slight glimpse, pure body?

"Tai A Sheng Law" is a pure Yang attribute, the person of pure Yang body, learning is also a matter of course.

Think about it this way, it is not a pity that he did not report the fastest time to learn the "Tai A Sheng Law". He is not a pure yang body. He was known to be a "Tai A Sheng Law" in ten days. No explanation.

However, the name of the pure yang body is a bit familiar, it seems...

Yi Yun’s heart is moving.

Lin Xinyi!

Lin Xinzhen is not a natural Yinmai!

Because of this natural yin pulse, Lin Xinyi traveled all over the world to find ways to continue the zen.

Yi Yun was entrusted to Lin Xinyi, and Yi Yun also promised to find a way to help Lin Xin’s continuation.

Now concerned about Lin Xinyi's body, Yi Yun couldn't help but ask: "Predecessors, the younger generations have heard of a constitution, named natural yin, this kind of physique, Shouyuan will not exceed four hundred years, practice When I am in a high state, I will be hindered by the entrance to the country... But the younger generation just heard the predecessors say that the predecessors of the pure Yang body were made into sages."

"I don't know if this pure yang body corresponds to a natural yin pulse? What is the relationship between the two?"


... (to be continued.)

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