True Martial World

Chapter 276: Life is full of tragedy

What is this energy node?

Yi Yun stunned, the wild beast snake is huge, and its snake gallbladder also has the size of a child's head. If he is so step-by-step, he will extract the energy of the biloba. Once the snake gallbladder explodes, the bile inside is enough to drench him.

It won't be a trap set by Yuehua teacher...

Yi Yun feels that it is not possible. Even if Yuehua is testing himself, he should not do such a thing.

At this time, Yi Yun suddenly realized what, the corner of the corner of the eye slightly stunned, he really found that at this time Luo Huoer seems to be grinding the energy of the extraction, in fact, her eyes have been ghostly to himself.

As a result, Yi Yun understood, this is Luo Huoer's mischief.

Yi Yun is speechless.

"This little girl is really a vengeance. I let her squat once, she thought about revenge and made me ugly..."

"No wonder I will meet you today. This girl will take the initiative to greet me, and the members of the Luohuo Club in this room are actually the ‘spectators’ invited by Luo Huoer...”

Probably Luo Huoer feels that Yi Yun is more fun to be in public, she is alone, but naturally it is not fun.

These members of the Luohuo Club did not know what Luo Huoer had done, and most of them would think that Yi Yun was an operational mistake, and that Lin Lin’s gallbladder exploded.

Yi Yun’s mind flashed through these thoughts in an instant, and everything he knew was already in his chest.

Therefore, Yi Yun put the bones back without hesitation. Then he pretended to check other materials.

At this time, Luo Huo did not put his mind on energy extraction, she has been secretly observing Yi Yun.

When Yi Yun took the bones and bones, she was excited. Waiting to watch the play, but she didn't want this kid, and put the bones back.

Then Yi Yun became more and more tempered, touched this material, and looked at the material, it seems that there is no beginning.

Luo Huoer was so anxious that she was the kind of person who could not hide in her heart.

"This stinky boy, why don't you still do it?"

Luo Huoer was very upset. She was patient and waited for a quarter of an hour. Yi Yun finally began to extract energy.

Luo Huer’s eyes are bright.

Hey, it’s a good show!

She can't wait to see Yi Yun's look of bitterness.

She keeps her eyes open, pays attention to Yi Yun, and does her own thing while pretending to be a model.

I saw Yi Yun holding the bones in his hands, and he didn’t realize the difference.

Yi Yun indulged for a while and began to inject spiritual power into the bones of the bones. He followed the instructions in the notes of Yuehua and slowly extracted the power of the waste in the bones.

In fact, for Yi Yun, it is possible to extract the bone energy without printing, but he still wants to familiarize with everything in the wildness, which helps him understand the absurdity.

"This silly boy, I really didn't find anything, I don't know how he licked the cat and killed the mouse. He got a perfect score on energy control. On the energy of playing, how could this stupid boy compare to Miss? This lady is casually small. Means, it is enough for him to drink a pot. Hey, it will explode immediately, and it will definitely be fun..."

Luo Huoer gloated, this energy trap was designed by herself. It was specially tailored for Yi Yun. It must be said that Luo Huoer is quite smart and the energy trap is very clever.

She brought so many audiences, and they are all beautiful women, so that Yi Yun is ugly in front of a group of beautiful women. At that time, these girls will promote Yi Yun’s look and their girlfriend’s girlfriends, and more people will know. .

Thinking of this, Luo Huoer is very cool, as to whether this method of revenge is not naive, Luo Huoer does not care, this Miss is such a stingy person.

However... With Yi Yun's mental strength not only input into the bones and gallbladder, but the time of the five-feathering has passed, Lin Bing has not exploded.

Luo Huoer’s heart is strange, what is going on?

Originally, this energy trap should be triggered at a glance. Is it wrong? In fact, the destruction of energy balance requires a short process?

Luo Huoer is also not allowed to design traps, she is comforted, still waiting patiently, but...

Ten interest rates have passed, and the bones are still quiet.

Twenty interest... Lin Bing is still fine.

"How come?"

Luo Huoer smashed, the energy trap that she personally arranged, it should have exploded in an instant, now it is all 20 interest, still not explosive?

Seeing that the time has passed, Yi Yun has extracted more and more energy, and has begun to condense on a blank scroll, but Lin Bing is still in the hands of Yi Yun.

Luo Huoer is dumbfounded. Is there a problem with the energy trap he has done?

Luo Huo is self-sufficient and feels that he should not make such a mistake. However... the truth is in front of you.

She hopes that the energy trap in Lin Bone is only stuck, and will soon "normal work", but...

A musk time has passed...

Luo Huoer finally gave up completely.

"This stinky boy, luck is also great!"

Luo Huoer gnawed his teeth and whispered. Now she just wants to know, what is wrong with the energy trap she has set up?

In her mind, the principle of the energy trap was completely deduced. There should be no problem...

Slowly, and in the past a fragrant time, Yi Yun has completed the refinement of the power of the bones of the bones. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and put the bones on one side.

"I can refine so much... It is not enough to repair, there is no way to extract all the power of the waste inside." Yi Yun said that the physical strength is not enough, in fact, if Yi Yun with the help of Amethyst, full firepower, How many ribs are not enough for him to refine.

"Hey? Luo girl, how do you look so bad?"

Yi Yun’s “not understanding” looks at Luo Huoer.

Luo Huoer had a small face black, and she couldn't understand why Yi Yun's luck was always so good, so he was hiding.

"I'm fine." Luo Huoer said a hard way, and did not go to investigate Yi Yun does not call her sister.

"Oh..." Yi Yun shrugged and no longer took care of Luo Huoer. He said: "I am too expensive, I have to add it, you continue."

Yi Yun said, went to the corner of the hall and sat down on the knees. He swallowed a bone relic, closed his eyes and began to meditate.

"This useless guy, no effort to refine this energy..." Luo Huoer scorned Yi Yun, but what made her very uncomfortable was that such weak **** could win herself!

After a little hesitation, Luo Huoer looked at Yi Yun again. She found that Yi Yun seemed to cut off the perception.

In a safe environment, when the martial arts meditate, they often cut off the perception and are isolated from the surrounding environment, so that the effect of meditation is best.

Now Yi Yun seems to be the same.

Luo Huoer swayed twice at random, and determined that Yi Yun couldn't notice himself. She quickly walked to the stone table where Yi Yun just extracted energy and picked up the ribs that Yi Yun had just operated.

"Hey, miss, what are you doing..."

Winter children saw the action of Luo Huoer, strangely asked.


Luo Huoer made a squeaking gesture, and quietly looked at Yi Yun, and determined that Yi Yun did not respond, only to begin to explore this rib.

She now wants to know what is wrong with the energy trap in this bone.

Based on her own madness, the traps that she laid down would not explode? Have you made a mistake!

Could it be that the traps I designed have fundamental theoretical errors?

If there is such a mistake and you don't know it, it can be dangerous. Maybe it will happen because of this wrong theory!

Luo Huoer sinks her heart, she sinks her mental strength into the bones and bones to explore the energy structure, and wants to see where the error is.

In the wilderness, Luo Huoer is someone who has something to figure out.

However, when Luo Huoer’s mental power had just touched the energy trap, the energy balance was instantly broken, and the four kinds of absurd powers broke out wildly.

Thunder is too late!


Luo Huoer was originally focused on finding the mistakes of the energy trap. She did not think that Yi Yun’s spiritual power had gone into nothing. When her mental power came into contact, the energy trap exploded!

What is the reason for this! ?

Suddenly the explosion, Luo Huoer almost no time to react, she suddenly jumped backwards, but the green snake's bile was still spurted out by the energy, drenched Luo Huo!

This is also the layout of Luo Huoer in advance, just to prevent Yi Yun from catching up when it is wrong, but now, all the designs, Luo Huoer have their own tricks!

Want to cry without tears!

Luo Huoer stayed in the same place, the whole body's bile was squatting down, the hair was wet, and the clothes were wet a lot. The face was green and oily, like a cat that fell into the dirty ditch.

Luo Huoer was completely petrified, and the whole person stood there silly, and his brain was blank.

"Miss! Miss! What happened to you?"

Winter children never thought that Luo Huoer just picked up the bones and bones, and suddenly exploded. The members of other Luohuohuis were also shocked. They stopped the practice of absurdity in their hands and hurryed to see Look at Luo Huoer has nothing to do.

"President, what happened to you?"

"Is the president okay?"

A girl, asked with concern.

After listening to these people, Luo Huoer is really crazy, who can tell me how this is done! ?

At this time, Yi Yun also stopped his meditation because he heard the movement.

His expression was full of doubts and came over, squeezed into a group of young Yan Yanyan girls, strangely looking at Luo Huoer, "Luo girl, are you okay? This is an explosion? What happened? Energy is out of control. What?"

When the sorcerer refines the bones, if the energy is manipulated, it may cause an explosion, just like the refining pharmacist refining the medicine.

However, it is generally only half-baked that the ridiculous division will make such a low-level mistake. For a skilled savage sorcerer, even if the refining of the boneless relics fails, they will not let the energy explode.

Luo Huoer is of course not a half-baked priest, and the energy is out of control. For her, it is a face-lifting!

But now, in addition to the loss of control of energy, what is her explanation?


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