True Martial World

Chapter 290: Falling Star Gate

Through the red light in the eyes of the strange fish, everyone can clearly see the range of four or five meters around, they are back to back in a circle, facing this group of strange fish. Look

Yi Yun clenched the too cang bow. At this moment, he was very calm. He knew very well that if they were fighting in front, they were afraid of being bitten into pieces.

"There are three vortexes in the 100 meters below the pool. I use the bow and arrow as a signal. When I shoot an arrow, all of us will rush together. You take out the heaviest object in the space ring, speed up the fall, and at the same time move the body to the extreme. Maybe we Can also rush into the whirlpool"

There is no way to escape now. Although the whirlpool is full of unknown dangers, it is better to feed the fish than here.

"it is good!"

Prisoners and other people have promised one by one, only waiting for Yi Yun’s signal arrow.

Yi Yun took a deep breath, he turned his hand, and there was one more thing in his palm. It was a lure!

At that time, Yang Haoran left the lure grass, now this lure grass has a time of use, Yi Yunyi does not do two, he will force his own strength into the lure of the grass, all of a sudden will lure All the smell in the grass is forced out!

Then, Yi Yun puts the lure grass into a hollowed-out arrow cluster, bends the bow, and takes the arrow. All the spirits are poured into it.


The bowstrings contend, like a thunder in the water, this wind-hunting arrow with the smell of lure grass, straight out!

The direction of Yi Yun’s archery is the direction that Yang Haoran fled!

The lure of the beast can simulate the breath of the power of the wild, and has a strong appeal to the wild animals. These strange fish are immediately attracted by this lure after a moment of pause.

A group of strange fish, chasing the arrow and swimming like lightning!


Don't use Yi Yunduo, Chu Xiaoyu and others have already exploded all the energy and swim to the depths of the waterhole!

After Yi Yun, after all, there are still a small number of strange fish, because Yi Yun and others suddenly fled. And chasing them.


Chu Xiaoyan screamed, the prisoner took out the big shield in the space ring, opened the road with a big shield, and the body rushed. The grotesque fish has been reduced by three-quarters, and there is no way to form a surrounding trend.

Chu Xiaoyan also took out the long sword, the sword dance was like a cloud, and there were four or five strange fish that blocked the road, and they were forced to open by Jianqi. The five men rushed to the bottom of the pool.

Just dive a few tens of meters, people feel a strong suction, they do not need to swim, they are involuntarily sucked by this vortex!

The water is flowing too fast, and the strange fish have shrunk under the whirlpool. They are swinging their tails, balancing their bodies and not chasing them down.

And Yi Yun, Chu Xiaowei and others. They are all like duckweed in the storm, it is difficult to control their bodies, and they are involuntarily inhaled into the depths of the earth with high water flow.


Yi Yun and others entered the endless tunnel. The tunnel was completely dark. Yi Yun could see the surrounding environment with the view of Amethyst. The underground tunnel was about ten feet wide and the stone wall was smooth and inhaled. It’s like riding a dragon, it’s extremely fast, and it’s involuntarily!

This underground tunnel is not a straight one. But there are still a few branches, because the water is rushing, Yiyun can't control his own turn. After passing through a branch, Yiyun is speechless, and the surrounding Chu Xiaoyu, prisoners and other people have disappeared. He has one more person left!

Endless darkness, faster and faster, Yi Yun’s heart is extremely uneasy, this comes from the fear of the unknown, he does not know what the underground world has.

"The flow of water is so urgent, there should be an exit, perhaps leading to an underground river or underground lake."

Yi Yun comforted himself like this. If there is no exit from this whirlpool, he will die in this endless tunnel.

The rapids in the water lasted for about a quarter of an hour, and the water slowly ceased to be cold, but became warm.

The long-term suffocation, even the military can not stand, Yi Yun originally had a sigh of relief has long been exhausted, and now he relies on the strength of Dantian to maintain his life activities.

At this moment, Yi Yun only listened to the "bang" loud noise, he felt that he was thrown out by a vigorous force, the light suddenly bright, Yi Yun opened his eyes and saw that he actually flew into the air.


Yi Yun breathed a lot, and he stretched his body in the air, just like a bird returning to the sky.

Yi Yuntou saw it, he saw a huge hole, spewing water out of the water, forming a big waterfall!

The scene under the waterfall made Yi Yun shocked. At the moment, he was a red sea of ​​clouds. The thick waterfall flowed into the red sea of ​​clouds, as if he were practicing.

This scene is really a wonder!


Yi Yun rushed down and threw himself into the red sea of ​​clouds. He only felt a burning scent. He rushed to the surface, and the pure yang of the place was raging, ten times more powerful than the previous canyon!

Even if he cultivated the Tai's holy law, Yi Yun felt that the pure yang was too strong, and after he inhaled, Dan Tian seemed to have ignited the flame.

So high!

When Yi Yun rushed through the fire cloud, he looked at the ground below, at least a distance of a thousand meters, he fell from a mountain cliff.

Yi Yun was in a hurry. When he was near the ground, Yi Yun bowed an arrow and shot directly above the vertical rock wall. This arrow had a rope attached to the tail.

Through the arrow, Yi Yun grabbed the whole person and swayed, and easily fell to the ground.

Yi Yun looked up, this is a magnificent world.

The sky is covered with lingering red clouds.

The peaks are continuous, and the clouds are full of vitality.

The blushing trees are all towering.

Farther away, there is a hundred miles of red, and the flames rise, as if it is a desperate death.

Life and death, draw a clear line here.

From time to time, there are dull beasts coming from faraway places, shaking the world.

Seeing these scenes, Yi Yun’s heart is jumping, he really can’t imagine that it’s a world underground!

An underground world, will it be so vast?

"Is this still falling into the stars?"

Yi Yun’s thoughts crossed this thought, and at this moment, another person in the sky fell.

Yi Yun looked up and saw Chu Xiaoyu! It seems that although there are several roads in the whirlpool, many roads lead to the same world.

"call out!"

With the sword smashing the air, Chu Xiaoyu used the power of the sword's anti-seismic force to easily land. Like Yi Yun, when she suddenly came to this world, her heart was full of shock.

"Here," Chu Xiaoyan's eyebrows are rising, and the scene in front of her eyes is confirmed by the memories in her mind. Slowly, she has a vague concept to the world.

"This is probably the door to the stars!"

Falling Star Gate! ?

Yi Yun was shocked. He naturally knows that the gate of the star has fallen, and the tens of millions of years have fallen into the huge stars of the stars. The core part of it falls in the gate of the falling star. The fire of pure yang is raging and eternal.

The Gate of the Fallen Star is the core area of ​​the Falling Stars. It is circulated in the Tai'an City. There is very little information about the Gate of the Stars, because ordinary trials will not enter here.

"We actually entered the door of the falling star. Is this the door of the star, not a fallen star falling from the sky? A comet, a world?"

Yi Yun felt incredible. Originally, he imagined that even if the comet was bigger, it would be a bigger pit. After ten thousand years, even if the fire of pure sun in this pit is never destroyed, there will only be a burning The **** of the blazing flame.

But in front of these scenes, it is hard to imagine that this is caused by a comet.

Is such a vast world underground or on the ground?

If it is on the ground, why do you not see the world when you overlook the stars?

If it is underground, what is the vast sky and the sea of ​​clouds?

Chu Xiaowei said: "It may not be a comet comet. It is just an external statement. Before I heard my father say that the stars falling from the stars, it may be a cave house left by a peerless powerhouse. Tens of millions of years ago, this Dongfu descended from the sky and took out the gates of the stars and the stars."


Yi Yun’s heart-breaking earthquake, a cave house left by a peerless powerhouse?

A cave house, out of the stars, and smashed the tens of millions of years of pure Yang inflammation, and found a magical world of magnificent and colorful?

What kind of person is this peerless powerhouse! ?

Such a strong, left Dongfu, what level should it be? Will there be a shocking heritage inside?

"Forget it."

Upon perceiving Yi Yun’s mind, Chu Xiaoyan sighed and shook his head. “Since ancient times, the Tai’s Kingdom has not known how many sages have explored the stars and want to see the entrance of this mysterious cave. However, everyone has nothing to gain. Therefore, the so-called fallen star is the saying of Dongfu. In fact, it is only people's speculation. Whether it is, or two."

"Even if it is really a cave, with the ability of our two juniors, even if the air is in the air, it is impossible to enter."

(To be continued.)

Go to the cloud. Come to the pavilion to get the view.]

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