True Martial World

Chapter 295: Pure yang spirit

Although Yi Yun is extremely excited, but he has not lost his calmness, he is very clear that although the spirit of pure yang is good, but for the purple **** warrior, it is almost impossible to absorb it!

The energy contained in the spirit of pure yang is too strong. It can really be described by the little sun. A purple **** warrior swallows a small sun into the body, and the five internal organs must be burned to death!

Directly consuming the pure yang spirit is almost equivalent to suicide. In fact, even the sages dare not do this.

In the classics that Yi Yun saw, it was recorded in the Tai's Kingdom that there was a sage of the sages, trying to refine the spirit of pure yang into the relics of the wild, slowly absorbed, but in the process of refining, because of pure yang The energy of the spirit is violent, and the ultimate fryer!

Yi Yun knows the terrible spirit of pure Yang, he dare not rush to approach, now Yi Yun can rely on, only Amethyst.

It is impossible to directly devour the spirit of pure yang. He can only go far, relying on amethyst to absorb the energy in the pure spirit.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun is a bit frustrated.

There is too much energy in the spirit of pure yang, and Yi Yun is now limited to repair. It is basically impossible to absorb all the energy of the pure yang spirit by a little bit of amethyst, because his body Can't accommodate it at all!

What can a wild animal eat, let a kitten eat, and how much can it eat?

What to do if you eat the rest, is it lost here?

Next time, this pure spirit may have changed its position. It is not easy to find it.

Yi Yun’s thoughts flashed through these thoughts and felt that his heart was so painful. First of all, with the guidance of Amethyst, he found a large array of lightballs, but the big array could not be broken, and the opportunity was not in front of him.

Then I discovered the spirit of pure yang, but I couldn’t eat it.

This kind of Baoshan is in front of him, but the feeling of not moving away is really maddening.

"No matter how much it can absorb!"

Yi Yun was connected to Amethyst with his spiritual strength and began to try to absorb the energy in the spirit of pure yang. He moved the "Tai Ya Sheng Law" to the extreme, because he is very clear, with his own strength, even if it is only a trace of It is also dangerous to absorb the spirit of pure yang!

A pure yang gas was pulled by the power of Amethyst and floated to Yi Yun.

However... the body of pure yang is just shaking, and there is no energy spill.


Yi Yun slightly glimpsed, he absorbed the power of pure yang spirit with Amethyst, but only absorbed a little pure yang from the outside, the real core energy, failed to absorb?

Why is this happening?

Yi Yun did not believe in evil, he increased the intensity of absorption, above the amethyst, once again appeared the little purple vortex.

And this time, not only the spirit of pure Yang did not respond, the seven-color flower of the plant also shook a little, the petals have a tendency to close!

Yi Yun’s heart stays, what?

Seeing that the petals are slowly closing, I want to wrap the spirit of pure yang, Yi Yun is dumbfounded.

What is this doing!

I used the Amethyst to absorb the pure yang spirit, and I still haven't absorbed anything yet. This pure yang spirit has to be retracted.

That seven-color flower grows in the hell, Yi Yun estimates that most of it is that it has no flaws, rashly attacking, maybe it will be countered by the seven-color flower.

This seven-color flower is probably already psychic!

Right... psychic!

Yi Yun’s mind flashed through this thought, and he suddenly understood why he could not absorb the energy of the pure spirit.

Amethyst can only absorb the energy without the main energy, but can not plunder the energy from other living bodies.

For example, the dead ancients, the dead herbs, and the energy in their bodies, are the energy of the Lord.

But the real life, the energy in their bodies, the amethyst can not absorb.

For example, before Yi Yun captured Tianyun Ziyangshen, because it is a living ancient medicine, Amethyst can not absorb the energy from it.

Now, the pure spirit of the present has possessed the ingenuity, saying that it is a life is not an exaggeration, Amethyst is naturally powerless.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun feels like there are 10,000 grass mud horses running over, he really wants to vomit blood!

What is this with?

Found that the light ball is big, can't crack!

I saw the spirit of pure yang, first thought that I could not take it away, I was already disappointed.

Then I learned that he couldn't even absorb a drop of energy!

See, can't eat.

Do you have to pay so much effort to see the play?

Yi Yun was crazy in his heart. He couldn't help but be impulsive. He wanted to carry a thousand army knives and slashed at the seven colors.

Of course, this is just thinking about it. He is very clear that with his own strength, in front of these seven-color flowers, there is nothing to do.

At this time, Yi Yun suddenly felt a shock.

In the energy field of view, there is another change!

And this time the change is completely different from before. There is something with an amazing murderousness that goes straight to your direction!

There are wild animals! !

Yi Yun did not want to think, the body jumped out, he rushed, while the amethyst converges on the body energy, holding his breath!

Yi Yun is very clear that the wild animals that appear on the layer of Hell are definitely not the ones they can deal with.


Yi Yun only listened to a fierce bird song, wearing a cloud cracked stone, straight piercing ear drum!

This bird seems to have met, and Yi Yun’s heart is cold. This is the flamingo that I saw on the periphery of Hell!

Can easily swallow the fire, the power of the unimaginable Firebird, it can make yourself torn apart with a single claw!

Yi Yuntou does not return, just open the energy field of vision and look at the situation behind.

I saw the raging fire, the huge flamingo, spread its wings, and slammed it down. It was full of feathers and dragged the colorful phoenix that burned the flames!

Its goal is to grow seven colors of flowers in the basin!


The two giant claws of the flamingo caught the large flower stalks, and at the same time its sharp scorpion, it also smashed into the corolla of the seven-color flower!

The corolla is violently deformed, but the seven-color flower has amazing toughness. Even if the flamingo tears it, its corolla does not rupture.

"call out!"

A clear sound, the colorful flames rushed out from the heart of the flower, rushing toward the firebird!

This is an attack launched by Pure Sun!

Seeing this pure yang spirit flying, the flamingo is like an enemy, it screams, and the plumage is erected like an arrow.


The claws are broken, and the flamingo catches the pure spirit!

However, the fire of pure yang is burning, even if this flamingo can't stand it, its claws will soon be burned, and a piece of blood is falling, blood is dripping!

Behind it, the original wound also re-cracked and overflowed with blood.

Yi Yun remembers that when he first saw this flamingo at the periphery of Hell, he saw a **** basin with a washbasin behind it. Around the blood hole, there were traces of burning, and even the visceral bones were exposed. It is.

The flamingo swallowed fire, also to heal his own injuries.

Now look at the scene of the flamingo capturing the spirit of pure yang, Yi Yun suddenly understands, it seems that the big hole behind the firebird, in all likelihood, is the pure yang spirit left behind!

The flamingo went deep into **** and discovered the pure yang spirit. It wanted to swallow the pure yang spirit. The result was hurt by the pure yang spirit. It may even be that the pure yang spirit was swallowed by the flamingo. After that, it was worn out of its body, so it left a shocking big hole!

The flamingo came out of hell, in fact, it was to repair the wounds. Now it is making a comeback, or for this pure yang spirit!

"I actually hunted on the monster's mouth... If it was discovered by it, then it would definitely go to the ground and tear me apart."

Yi Yun was afraid after a while, but fortunately he had an energy field of vision. In the case of Hell, all the feelings of the wild beast were weakened. With the energy field of vision, Yi Yun first discovered the flying firebird.

Otherwise, he will be a little slower for half a second, and he will have no bones!

The flamingo roared, the wings fluttered, and under the fire, a storm of violent storms!

Numerous colorful flames were swept away, and Yi Yun was far away. I still felt the burning heat on my face. The amethyst energy shield was also blown by this wind, like a fragile eggshell.

"Awful!" Yi Yun looked at the battle between the firebird and the spirit of pure Yang, and his heart was shocked.

In the face of such a existence, Yi Yun has no resistance at all.

Even if this flamingo is so devastated by the devour of pure yang, then its remaining strength is far from what Yi Yun can handle.

Yi Yun remembers that when the firebird opened a big hole behind it, he could instantly kill two fires.

He can only wait here, until the flamingo swallows the spirit of pure yang, or after the failure to swallow again, leave here.

When the flamingo leaves completely, Yi Yun can come out. As for what can be done, Yi Yun does not know, and probably continues to study the esoteric, I don’t know what year and month to study.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun is also helpless, they all blame their strength is too weak, so that he can not get all the opportunities in this hell, this fire bird eats meat, he does not even have soup.

Yi Yunzheng was impressed, and suddenly his hands and feet were cold, and his heart was fiercely clever.

He felt that just a moment ago, a murderous rush passed over here and locked his body!


Yi Yun's conditional reflection explores the energy field of view, and in the energy field of view, within a radius of ten miles, there is no wild animal lurking, only the fire bird and pure yang spirit!

It was the murderous fire of the flamingo, and it found itself!

Yi Yun took a breath of cold air. He didn't think that when the firebird struggled with the spirit of pure yang, it could also find itself hiding all the breath.

It has such a keen sense of sensation! ?

Yes, this flamingo does not know how many years of living. Although it can not spit out words, it is very intelligent.

It is clear in the heart that when it swallows the pure yang spirit, it is the time when it is the weakest, even if it is seriously injured, a wild-level wild animal may kill it.

In this way, it will never allow any threats to its existence in the vicinity, so as not to compete for the benefit of the fishermen.

Therefore, when it fights with the spirit of pure yang, it is the most sensitive time of its sense of sensation. It carefully searches for everything around it and discovers Yi Yun!


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