True Martial World

Chapter 301: Pure Yang Jiangong

Yi Yun took out a set of clothes from the space ring and put it on, then he fell and flew away to the fairy palace.

This sword-like mountain does not look high, but when it is really climbing, Yi Yun feels that this mountain seems to have a kind of magic. The distance of climbing is like being stretched. He has climbed for an hour. Only to the top of the mountain.

Above the top of the mountain, the mountain wind whistling, Yi Yun overlooking this piece of land, only feeling everything that I saw and seeing, seems to be shrouded in a layer of misty smoke, suffocating.

At the entrance, the bronze gate is now closed, and the world is once again isolated from the world.

A piece of the world that didn't know where it came from, which left behind the strength of the strength of the Tai's Kingdom of God. Now only this fairy palace is still well preserved, and everything else has already been made.

Yi Yun turned around and looked up at this fairy palace.

The shape of this fairy palace is also like a sword, straight into the sky.

Around the Imperial Palace, there are four large columns, and the columns are engraved with various reliefs.

Yi Yun silently walked to the column before watching the relief.

The embossed connection is a whole, and the sculptured scene makes Yi Yun scared.

He saw the dragon that was locked by the chain, and saw that the Terran Emperor was suppressed and saw the peerless power and broke the world.

Among them, there are scenes of great wars. The two sides of the war seem to be two different races. One rides on the ancient wild animals, and the other side controls the magic weapon.

"The fall of this world's debris will be related to the war recorded in the relief..."

Yi Yun carefully read each picture and was impressed by the grand scene. It is hard to imagine how broad the world is.

The world you see now. I’m afraid it’s just a drop in the ocean.

Even if they are the sages of the Kingdom of God, how much can they spy on the world?

Walk through this huge column. Before Yi Yun came to Xiangong, he looked up and looked up. On the top of the fairy palace, there was a golden plaque. The words on the plaque seemed to be erased by anyone, leaving only a few broken strokes, revealing a fierce gas.

Close to the fairy palace, Yi Yun felt a ▲$▲$, the stock is difficult to say and suppress. This feeling of oppression comes not only from the ** but also from the spiritual world.

It seems that there is an invisible force that suppresses the energy movement of Yi Yun and suppresses all his life activities.

His heart, breathing, blood flow, and even thoughts have slowed down.

A black stone sculpture stands in front of the gate of the Imperial Palace, and the statue is as high as ten feet. The sculpture is a tall, middle-aged man. His face was covered with black and red scales, his eyes were as deep as a star, and he had a long sword behind his back.

Although only a sculpture was placed there, there was a barbaric atmosphere of the ancient times and the pressure of the peerless powers. Spread to all directions, on the cloud, let Yi Yun heart and shock.

Behind this sculpture. There is a black stone tablet with a broken side. The text of the stone tablet seems to be carved with a sword. The words are powerful and free. It seems to force the stone to come out.

Looking at the text, Yi Yun seems to have a figure of a person who is volleyed with a sword.

Is this stone tablet carved by the middle-aged man of the sculpture?

Yi Yun looks at the words on the stone tablet. The writing of the text is somewhat different from the present, but Yi Yun has also read the classical books such as "Tai Ya Sheng Fa" and "The Beasts of the Beast", but they also understand it. .

On the stone tablet: "Let's kill the stone monument, Mingwu mind! Waiting for it, the heavens will collapse, the Qiankun will not exist, I will be the heaven and earth, the life and death, the reincarnation, the soul of all beings, the casting of my sword, the immortality Blood, kill the demon! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A total of seven killing words, one is more shocking than one!

Seven kill stone tablets!

Yi Yun took a deep breath, these few words, just read it, he felt a murderous murder, it seems that this person has unlimited hatred in his heart, trying to annihilate the sky.

"Who is this person, actually wrote on the stone tablet, and when the heavens and the earth collapsed, when the Qiankun does not exist, he will become the heaven and earth, take the lead in life and death... This momentum..."

Yi Yun secretly screams, this person who is on the monument is really incredible.

Yi Yun looked up at the top of the stone tablet. The thickness of the stone tablet was three feet, but it was cut off by a sword and left a very flat cut surface.

After Yi Yun walked to the stone tablet, it was even more shocking. The sword that cut the stone tablet continued to extend backwards. On the ground, a long black gully was left, and it was getting deeper and deeper. width.

Looking along this ditch, Yi Yun is even more shocking.

It turned out that this sword has been extended to the rear of the Jianshan Mountain, along the mountain, has been squatting down.

The mountain peaks of several thousand feet were cut out into a neat gap, and the gap spread to the earth. Above the desolate land, a straight canyon was created by the sword, and the canyon was deep and bottomless, extending to the end of the field of vision. Halfway through, a large river was cut off by the waist and a forest was opened.

Yi Yun has been watching for a long time, as if this broken world is divided into two by this sword. What a power!

Could it be that the person who wrote the stone tablet in this moment, after writing the stone tablet, because of the hatred and unwillingness in the heart, a sword broke out, leaving such a shocking sword mark?

Waiting for my world, killing the demon...

Who is the demon? Did the man who left the sword mark failed in that big battle?

Yi Yun looked at this sword mark, and felt faintly. In addition to the terrible murderousness in this sword mark, there is still a silence.

After seeing it for a long time, Yi Yun felt pain in his eyes, and even the skin felt a tingling sensation. The muscles of the body could not help but tighten.

The more you look at it, the more the sword in the sword mark is invented, so that Yi Yun does not dare to move when he is standing still. He breathes more and more heavy, like the enemy of life and death, just like this sword, he will soon pass through time and space, kneeling on his heavenly spirit.

After tens of millions of years, I can’t think of this sword mark, there is still such a sword!

Yi Yun Yunqi pure gas, which relieved this feeling.

"It has been so long, and there are such powers. If it was the same year, the power of this sword would probably be able to open the whole **** directly..."

Yi Yun feels that if he returns to the sword mark thousands of years ago, it is the sword left in the sword mark, which makes him unbearable. This left sword is enough to kill him.

Yi Yun took a deep breath, and the existence of these levels has exceeded his understanding.

He turned and left the sword mark and walked to the gate of the fairy palace.

The door of the ancient Shu, without any carvings, Yi Yun step by step approach, the closer to the door, Yi Yun feels like a sword in the back, as if to cut his body.

He held his breath and walked hard to the front door.

Yi Yun has not reached out to push the door, there is a streamer flashing, directly sucking Yi Yun into it, the light turns, Yi Yun is already inside the fairy palace.

The hall is dimly lit, and the ground is covered with black, unknown rocks. The first thing that shines into Yiyun’s eyes is a sword that is inserted obliquely on the ground!

This sword, the sword is ancient, the sword front is rusty, and there is an obvious broken grain on the blade.


Yi Yun feels in his heart, this is definitely a peerless sword, but unfortunately... the blade is broken, the spirituality is lost, and after such a long time, it may be fragile!

Yi Yun walked silently and reached out and slowly grasped the hilt.

At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly saw a black shadow standing in front of himself, and he was shocked and suddenly jumped back, and the army knife was unsheathed!

When you look at it, the black shadow, the shape of the body is shaking, it is not a physical, but like a faint burning flame.

It is wrapped in a black cloak, with only two red eyes, very bright, like a gem in the night.

"you are……"

Yi Yun originally thought that it might be an unknown creature, such as the "demon" mentioned in the Seven Kills.

However, he felt that this shadow did not kill him.

If there is such a killing, if you can exist in this fairy palace, I am afraid that you will be able to let yourself go away.

"How long has it been... even someone can come in..."

The shadow of the shadows is sorrowful, with an indescribable desolate.

"Predecessors are the guardians of this fairy palace?" Yi Yun asked tentatively.

The black shadow said: "I am the sword spirit... With the masters fighting for years, now, my body has been destroyed, leaving only a skeleton of the soul, sleeping in this pure Yang sword palace, in this way , slow down my time of dissipating. Now, because you came in, I just woke up, but sleeping for so long also made me burn out..."

The shadow of the black shadow is weak, and Yi Yun listens to the heart. "Is the seniors sleeping for tens of millions of years?"

"I can't remember... I have been wandering in the stars for too long, and I have fallen into this world. I thought that no one can get into this door. I didn't expect you to have this chance..."

Wandering in the sky?

Yes, tens of millions of years, just the time when the world's debris fell into the wild, before this world debris did not know how long it was drifting.

There are a lot of questions in Yi Yun's heart. This black shadow sees the idea of ​​Yi Yun and says: "In the past, you don't need to ask more. Compared with this world, you are not bad. There is a low-grade pure yang body. You If you can dominate the world, it is not very easy. However, this is not enough. The ones you want to ask are actually useless. The inner layer of the sword palace, you can't enter unless you realize that the master stays in the sword palace. Sword, then you may be able to refine this sword palace and get the things left by the master in the sword palace, but that is too difficult and too difficult for you..."

Yi Yun is silent, and his heart is clear. In the eyes of the black shadow sword, he is probably only a wild world. He is an ordinary boy with excellent luck. His qualifications are still barely, but he is barely.

On your own, want to realize the sword in the sword palace?

The black shadow sword spirit obviously does not hold any hope.

A person who wants to repair a sword needs a very high talent. Yi Yun obviously does not have such a Kendo talent, and his weapon is still a knife.

Falling into this world, probably this black shadow sword has never thought of continuing its inheritance. (To be continued.)

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