True Martial World

Chapter 319: a knife

"Small sister-in-law, playing well!"

When Chu Xiaoying stepped down, several younger brothers and sisters of Tai A Shencheng City rushed to come up and handed the wound medicine to Chu Xiaoyu.

Chu Xiaoying's face was somewhat unnaturally Yin Hong. When she stepped down from the stage, she actually shook her body and spit out a blood.

"Small sister-in-law!" Wen Yu and others were shocked and hurriedly helped Chu Xiaoyu.

Yi Yun saw the wounds of Yi Yunchu Xiaoyan, his brows were wrinkled. This injury was more serious than he had originally thought. Lin Biao was indeed not ordinary. He cultivated a very rotating attitude, in his attack, There is also a spiral of strength.

Chu Xiaoyu seems to have not been hit, but the spiral force contained in the flywheel has invaded the meridians of Chu Xiaoyan along the wound, and damaged the meridians of the meridians.

This kind of injury needs to be restored for at least one or two days. Now, the injured Chu Xiaoying will fight, and her fighting power may not be less than 50%.

In the face of many strong enemies, only Chu Cheng, who has 50% of the combat power, is obviously unable to do so.

"Sorry... I wanted to make a quick fix, but I didn't expect it... not worth the candle."

After spitting out this blood, the red color on the face of Chu Xiaoyan disappeared and became paler.

Yi Yun shook his head. "If you don't speed up the battle, you will lose too much energy for a long time, and you will be unable to fight again. The result is the same."

Lin Biao is indeed very strong. With the strength of Chu Xiaoyu, it is really not enough to win over Lin Biao.

In the elders, people saw a scene of Chu Xiaoyu vomiting blood.

"It's a pity. Now it seems that there are only Yi Yun alone, and his opponent, there are six people." Some of the elders of Yunlong Shenguo, some gloating.

Yi Yun will face a wheel battle. Whether he can support the Junyue is still a problem.

At this time, on the side of Yunlong Shenguo, a person walked into the ring, this person, skinny, looks like a weak feeling of wind, but his eyes are like a knife, contains a murder.

"Yes! He turned out to be the second one. Before the prisoner, he was defeated in his hand!"

Seeing the same people walking on the field, a small teacher around Yi Yun said with amazement.

"Oh?" Yi Yun slightly stunned, the original prisoner lost to him.

"Hey, from the secret family of the gods, the secret family he is in, has the ability to make shackles, and this is also a sorcerer!"

"Hey? Weird name..." Yi Yun has heard of the gods and secrets. In some places of the gods, there are some tribes with a long history. These tribes are not as backward as the small tribes of the cloud. Because the gods are extremely dangerous, the mortal tribes do not want to continue, and the secrets that can survive in the gods have their own talents.

They often have unique heritage and are very difficult to deal with.

"I didn't expect that there was a descendant of the gods and secrets, and went to the Yunlong 72 Tower to experience..."

"Easy brother is careful, this is very difficult, the weakness of the teacher is the body, but when some of the divisions fight, the body will shrink into a defensive super strong, it is like a turtle shell, although there is no attack Force, there is no speed advantage, but it is very resistant."

"The same is true of cockroaches. He retreats into the 'tortoise' and fights in the tortoise shell. If you attack his body, it will be finished, because when you attack, his cockroaches will use your strength. Whenever possible, launch a lore!"

At this time, Wen Yu finally played a role. She knows a lot about the masters of Yunlong Shenguo, and it is the focus of Wenyu.

Wen Yu continued: "The most sensible way to deal with him is to attack his embarrassment. As long as he has killed all his jealousy, then he is like a tiger without a minion. It is not enough to fear. Although, his body At that time, there was still a strong defense, but no hesitation, he basically could not fight back. At that time, it was just a target that would not move. It would be easy to defeat him like that!"

"However... it’s not easy to deal with the embarrassment!"

Wenyu is doing his homework, and he has begun to introduce the weaknesses of the cockroaches. "The cockroaches are all made with special techniques, either metal armor or sturdy beasts. These defensive forces are terrible, if you want It’s hard to break the cockroaches directly!"

"But fortunately, there are weaknesses... Every cockroach, there is a core array in the body to accept the owner's ideas. Although this core statistic also has layers of protection, it is better to destroy a ruling than to destroy the whole 傀儡. It’s much easier. As long as the law is destroyed, then it’s a dead thing that won’t move, so the easy brother wins!”

Wen Yu said a big pass in a breath, Yi Yun listened to nod, simple way: "Understand."

Wen Yu is happy in his heart, and finally he is not using it at all.

At this time, Yi Yun has already embarked on the downfall.

With a smile, he sarcastically said: "Is researching tactics? Hey! That little girl seems to be fully prepared. Does she let you attack the core of my shackles?"

Wen Yu talked to Yi Yun with all the energy, but he couldn't hear it, but he guessed what Wenyu said.

Wen Yu's face changed, and this feeling of being completely mastered is very bad.

"Unfortunately, the little girl said that the tactics are good, but it is useless to me. I am totally different from other sorcerers. This is related to my blood talent, hehe!"

Hey smiled, Wen Yu heard his face more and more ugly, so she said that she had no bottom in her heart.

When it comes to blood talent, you can't say it. Maybe you don't need the core method at all, you can control it.

Wen Yu felt a sense of frustration. Is it just wrong to collect intelligence?

"But, the little girl said something right, that is... the defense of my body is really impeccable!"

Suddenly a hoarse scream, his body shrunk and completely retracted into a tortoiseshell.

This tortoiseshell is semi-spherical and is made of an unknown alloy. The whole body is golden and glittering. The surface is covered with a mysterious pattern. These lines flow, and the infusion of vitality forms a protective shield.

Two layers of defense!

In the audience around the audience, people see secretly, a layer of vitality shield, plus alloy shell, Yi Yun to hurt the body of the shackles, it is necessary to break the two layers of defense, the difficulty can be imagined.

And the surrounding cockroaches, how can you let Yi Yun attack the body of 隗煜.


A total of eight baboons appeared around the hustle and bustle.

These eight skeletons have different shapes, some are pure metal, some are made of unknown wood, and some are dead bodies.

Eight cockroaches, holding a variety of weapons, they are around the hustle and bustle, forming a large array, surrounded by the middle!

"No, when I was dealing with prisoners, I only had six cockroaches! Now on Shang Yiyun, he has a big squad in addition to eight shackles, plus the abnormal defense of the body. Invincible? And he said, he has no weaknesses of the general teacher! How can he win him?"

In the face of this big battle, Yi Yun's face was so heavy that he smeared the space ring and pulled out a long knife in the ring.

The knife is black and the body is only two feet side by side, but it is five feet long.

The blade is straight and cold, and its pattern is engraved with a beautiful pattern like broken ice.

This knife is called a sound knife. It is the weapon that Yi Yun chose in the weapon hall of Tai A Shencheng.

The meaning of the name of the knife is that it can kill people by the sound waves sent by the knife!

Used to the thousand army knife, Yi Yun still prefers the straight long knife similar to Tang knife. The sound killing knife is slightly shorter than the thousand army knife, but the quality is greatly exceeded!

"Oh? Going out of the knife? It's fun! Unfortunately, it's still useless!" The hoarse voice came from the tortoise shell.

At this moment, Yi Yun moved, and his body jumped out and rushed to the front.


Yi Yun's whole body broke out, like the next day's spurt, this rising spirit, formed a virtual shadow of Tanggu Fusang after Yi Yun.

It’s awesome! !

Yi Yun’s eyes flashed through the cold, and the killing machine on his body, like the tide, burst out!

"Call! Call! Call!"

Eight cockroaches rushed out and gathered toward Yi Yun.

At this time, Yi Yunyin slashed the knife and slashed, and did not leave the knife at all.

Those cockroaches, the speed is very fast, a row of snowy blades, sharp claws, smashing to Yi Yun!

Yi Yunxin is like a water stop. He will expand into a big body, see the stitches, use the speed of the attack, and open an awkward attack with an incredible angle, just in a blink of an eye, he rushes to the body of the skeleton. !

The sound of the knife that has been converging has flashed a pleasant cold at this time!

Attack the ontology directly! ?

The audience was shocked, Yi Yun did not look for the weakness of the embarrassment, but the target of the embarrassing body, and the two-layer defense of the embarrassing body, almost impeccable!

In the elders, many elders of the Yunlong Kingdom have a smile on their lips.

Attacking the ontology is simply stupid, which is tantamount to digging the grave.

They seem to have seen the Yi Yun attack without results, the move is old, and then besieged by many beggars, seriously vomiting blood.

The idea of ​​the elders of Yunlong Shenguo is also the idea of ​​the tortoise.

He smiled and screamed at the defensive shield of the tortoise shell, while accumulating strength and preparing for the counterattack.

In front of him, Yi Yun has no side to heart, Yi Yun is murderous, climbing to the extreme, and integrating with the next day!

The way of the knife, go forward! !

The sound killing knife sends out the general whistling of the dragon, and it is integrated with Yi Yun!

The human knife is one!


The bright light of the knife, across the long day, the sun and the moon suddenly eclipsed, leaving only this smear light, such as the next day is generally shining!

This knife has no fancy impact on the tortoiseshell!


The horrible explosion sounded, and the flash of infuriating weather filled the eyes of everyone, and there was no way to see what happened.

When the light disappeared, people saw the scene that made them stunned, and the five-footed knives completely penetrated the tortoiseshell.

It penetrates from one side and passes out on the other side, revealing a three-inch long snow-curved blade, with a knife on the blade, dyed with blood...

Hey, together with the tortoiseshell, is being carried through! ?


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