True Martial World

Chapter 321: Warlord

Junyue stood on the ring, the whole person was like a sword. He looked at Yi Yun and smiled. "I have been paying attention to you."

Yi Yun’s heart moved and looked at Junyue.

"In the trials of Tai A Shen Cheng, I want to play against you most! Now, no one else interferes with our battle. In your best condition, I will fight with you, just as I like it. I am very good at this battle. look forward to!"

Junyue said, took out the weapon in the space ring, it was a long sword.

This sword is too long, longer than a thousand army knives, and the blade is wide, one foot wide and the ridge is one inch thick.

This is an overweight sword.

Seeing this sword, the audience was taking a breath. They rarely saw such an exaggerated sword. Even if it was, it was often an ornament. If you use this sword to kill the enemy, you can’t see it. .

This sword is like a door cut from the middle, and the two rear door panels are cut together, end to end.

A person, holding such a sword, looks very uncoordinated.

"So a clunky sword, how to dance, is not flexible."

The warrior who has Taishi Shencheng said that although the weapon is one inch long and one inch strong, it is never as long as possible.

A sword that is more than twice as tall as oneself is bound to suffer from various constraints when dancing.

However, it was only half of the words of the Taishi God City Warrior, and immediately shut up.

Because he was shocked to see that Junyue was free to let go of his hand, and the sword was still floating in the air, then the moon and the toe point, the whole person, stood on the blade.


Many viewers are dumbfounded, can this be done?

Isn't this a sword flying?

The Yuanji territory warrior can't really fly, but the moon and the giant sword can fly in the air, which undoubtedly occupies a huge advantage.

The law recognizes enough realm to make a variety of bizarre fighting methods, which is the power of the law.

"I want to have a sword."

Before Junyue came out of the sword, he even reminded Yi Yun, how confident he was!


A sword is illuminating, and the moon is stepping on the giant sword and flying straight toward Yiyun!

The speed of this sword is so fast that it is too fast to distinguish its trajectory!

Just as the sword flew to the front of Yiyun in the distance of Sanzhang, with the sound of "咔", the sword split!


Yi Yun's pupil shrinks. He looks at this giant sword and splits into more than twenty flying swords!

It turned out that this giant sword is not a whole, but consists of more than twenty swords. No wonder it is so huge!

Between the electric and the stone fire, Yi Yun had no time to think about it, and twenty dozen flying swords surrounded him!

Into the law!

Yi Yun body swayed a series of afterimages, and rushed back!


The purple tungsten steel floor was instantly divided by these twenty flying swords. At the same time, two of them flying swords, flying over Yiyun’s cheeks and body, the sharp sword wind, cutting Yi Yun’s body Vitality, two blood marks, appeared on Yi Yun's face and body.

"The speed is very fast, but unfortunately..."

Junyue hands hold, "Hey!"

The purple tungsten steel floor tile at the foot of Yi Yun stretches out a steel bar with a thick thumb.

These iron rods formed a cage at the moment of Yi Yun’s landing, trapping Yi Yun.

"How do you hide this time?"

Junyue thoughts moved, more than 20 flying swords flew out, thinking of Yiyun in the iron cage flying straight!

A thousand miles!

Yi Yun shouted, the body was infuriating, like a volcano!

The power of the pure yang flame burned the steel cage, and the purple tungsten steel became hot iron, and the cloud body flew out!


The place where Yiyun Station was originally was cut in time.

At this time, Yi Yun changed direction in the air, he held the sound to kill the knife, from top to bottom, straight to the moon.

The knife path is thirty-two words - the king is on the horizon!

The black and white knife knives, with a momentum of nowhere, tearing the air, making a sharp whistling sound!

Sound killing knife, just by sound waves, you can kill!

Faced with this knife, Junyue looks as usual, he reaches out to the palm of his hand and uses the palm of his hand to block the knife of Yi Yun.

what! ?

The audience was shocked at the scene, but just as Yi Yun’s long knife was about to hit the palm of the moon, a huge metal shield appeared out of the air before the palm of the moon.


The sound of the knife, squatting on the metal shield, half a foot thick shield, was broken by the sound of the knife, but the knife is also dissipated at this time.

"Good knife!"

Junyue is sincerely admired. He has always been proud, but in the face of Yi Yun, he is not as good as him, and his age is younger than him. Junyue can't suppress him.

Yi Yun’s understanding of the knife path surprised Jun Jun.

The two men’s fights are too fast, and many viewers around them can’t breathe.

The gentleman's finger was lightly moved. This giant metal shield was suddenly disintegrated and turned into a liquid metal, covering the body of the monarch. Slowly, a metal armor was formed.

This metal armor is much more exaggerated than the armor worn by the prisoner. It is difficult to estimate its weight, but Yi Yun is clear. In the body of the moon, this metal armor will not have a cumbersome feeling, because Month can manipulate it as you like.

"The metal of this armor is made of special iron. It is completely controlled by my mind. As long as I infuse it, it will be indestructible, but if the strength is not as good as mine, I will not break my defense. My The repair is now suppressed at the beginning of the first entry, the total amount of strength and strength are more than you, so you can hardly hurt me."

The sound of the monarchy is calm, it seems that it is only presenting a fact.

"Can't break your defense?" Yi Yun's eyes flashed a fine man, and his attacking power has always been very confident. "I have to try!"

Yi Yun suddenly stepped on the ground with one foot, and his figure turned into a streamer!


After Yi Yun’s body, the infuriating air broke out on the next day, forming a shadow of Tang Gu.

Yi Yun’s sound killing knife ignited the burning pure sun inflammation.

The knife path is thirty-two words - the human knife is one!


A knife smashed, the inflammation of pure yang broke out, and everyone in the flash of sight was white.

Yi Yun’s knife is solidly smashed on the armor of Junyue. From the right shoulder to the outside of the left thigh, the blade passes, and the metal armor near the knife edge is burned. How long the knife edge is shocking!


Yi Yun’s heart was a glimpse. With such a knife, he barely kept his hand, but when the sound was smashed, Yi Yun felt the riots in the armor of the moon, the strength of the moon, and the combination of metal essence. Together, the hard-working ones have offset most of their own enthusiasm.

Did not hurt the body of the moon!

"Good knife!" Junyue bit his teeth, because of the vitality of running the body, it was hard to be hit by Yi Yun, and his forehead was bulging, which seemed awkward.

"However, it is a little worse..." Junyue grinned, and his eyes burst into a fierce!


Around the moon, twenty-four flying swords, all came to Yi Yun Qi!


Twenty-four flying swords were inserted on the ground of purple tungsten steel. The explosion broke out and Yi Yun exhibited into the micro-facies, but it was still impacted by this force. His body flew back, and the ground fell back a few feet away. .

Junyue’s defense is too strong, and the embarrassment that Yiyun defeated before is not a level at all.

The so-called absolute defense, Junyue did not brag, the strength of his strength is not as good as his people, it is really difficult to break this armor.

At this time, the armor of Junyue was already being repaired, and the huge knife that was originally pulled out by Yi Yun began to recover slowly.

Not a moment, this knife edge disappeared, the armor is as clean as new, as if Yi Yun’s knife did not lie on it.

The audience at the Tai'an City, who was present, did not know what to say when they saw these scenes.

This kind of law control ability is terrible. If you can't break the defense of Junyue once, then he can recover again.

"Jun Yue! Junyue!"

On the side of Yunlong Shenguo, there were trial-makers who began to cheer and cheer.

In particular, some female trial-makers are even more mad. In the world of warriors, strong and talented men are undoubtedly easy to win the hearts of girls.

"Jun Yue will win!"

"Sweeping the Tai'an City! Killing these helpless guys!"

The people of Yunlong Shenguo are more and more shouting.

The people in Tai's City are not very good.

At this time, the monarchy is indeed extraordinary. He wore overweight armor and flew twenty-four flying swords around his body.

These flying swords are heavy and light, long and short, and powerful!

The defense is strong, the attack is so horrible, and people can't afford the courage to fight it.

Yi Yun looks dignified.

Such an opponent is really tricky.

The Five Elements Rule, although lower than the Pure Law rule, but when the other party's understanding of the law exceeds itself, then the law can exert the combat power, that is not the level of the law can be measured.

It is not a last resort, Yi Yun does not want to use the totem of usage, it is really a bit shocking, after use, there is no explanation.

But now, it seems that the general moves are hard to beat the moon.

Junyue’s body slowly flew up. He used his mind to act on his metal armor. In the air, he was condescending and looked at Yiyun.

Twenty-four flying swords are arranged around his body like peacocks.

"Your speed is very fast, and the body is strong. Even if I try my best to fly the sword, it is difficult to seriously hurt you. Therefore, I have to use the last sword."

Junyue said, the whole body flashed with colorful streamer, a purple energy sword, which gradually emerged from behind him and fell into the hands of the monarch.

This sword of energy is thin and long, like a purple beam of light shot from the hand of the king.

Under the stage, many people were shocked when they saw this purple light.

"The law of the totem, this is the law of the king of the moon!"

The sword-like method of the totem, this is the form of the totem of the swordsman's dream.

Junyue sacrifices his own legal totem, and is already doing his best!


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