True Martial World

Chapter 324: Thousand water family

Yang Gan is a royal family in the Tai Afghan Kingdom. In this league competition, he is undoubtedly the second person in the Taishen City. Yang Gan has always been proud, but Yang Gan has also taken pride in the face of the Yunlong Shenguo. , mention the spirit of twelve points.

Before the war, he also collected information about the genius of Yunlong Shenguo.

However, the league competition took place too rushed. Yunlong 72 Tower and Tai'A Shencheng were far apart. Yang Gan could not use the power of the royal family. In such a short period of time, he could investigate the situation of Yunlong 72 Tower. He can collect It’s just some regular information.

In this conventional information, some of the Yunlong 72 tower genius information is extremely limited, Yang Gan only knows their weapons, commonly used moves, as for their real cards and killers, Yang Gan is not clear.

For example, the previous Junyue, but also very little information, and the fat people in front of us.

Yang Gan only knows that this fat man is born in a gods and secrets, but all involved in the gods and secrets are very tricky, they have unknown blood heritage, and ethnic secrets.

For example, the cockroaches that used to control cockroaches were also born to the gods, but there is no doubt that the fat man in front of you is much stronger than cockroaches.

In this battle, Yang Gan did not lose momentum, but he knew that the battle would be very difficult.

"Game start!"

With the referee's order, Yang Gan's whole body circulated, and a tiger appeared behind Yang Gan. This is Yang Gan's legal totem.


The tiger screamed, and Yang Qian’s body rushed out. In the process of rushing, his body ignited a burning flame.

This is pure inflammation.

As a member of the royal family, Yang Gan is now a member of the royal family. The core practice he has studied is also the "Tai Ya Sheng Law."

Compared with Yi Yun’s "Tai A Sheng Law", Yang Gan's "Tai A Sheng Law" still can't show the shadow of Tang Gu's day, but with the mid-term cultivation of Yuan Yuan, the pure sun flame burning on Yang Gan's body. More vast!


A sword burst out, the pure sun flame sprayed thin, at the same time, the tiger behind Yang Gan, also flew to the fat man of Huang Yi.

The tiger roared and the claws slammed down. The fat man in yellow clothes smiled. He extended his right hand and relied on his arm to stop the claw of the tiger!

court death! Yang Gan's face reveals a murderous machine, and uses his arm to stop the claws of the totem tiger. This fat man doesn't want to hand it!


The fierce impact, Huang Fat fat body shocked, then slammed half a step, the purple tungsten steel floor under the foot, stepped on a deep footprint.

The shirt on his arm was broken, but the arm was fine.

Fat man's mouth smirked, he actually only relied on the arm, blocking the attack of the totem tiger!


Yang Qian’s big earthquake, how is this possible? The totem tiger behind him is a mutated golden eye tiger. This kind of wild animal is endless, and you can smash a small mountain peak with one claw. That is the real power of the mountain!

The legal totem behind him is worse than the real variegated gold, but its claw power is by no means blocked by the physical strength of the Yuan Jiwu.

Yang Gan believes that even Qin Haotian should not have such a terrible physical strength!

Is this the secret technique of the fat family belonging to the gods?

Yang Gan’s heart was awkward, but the attack on his hand was unambiguous. He slammed the sword, and the pure Yang’s inflammation sprayed down to the fat man.


The fat man used his big hands to the palm and caught the sword of Yang Gan!


Yang Gan spurred "Tai Ya Sheng Fa" to the extreme, the pure sun flame poured down, the fat man blocked Yang Gan's sword, but could not stop the burning fire of pure Yang.

This flame covered him all over, the fat body was full of fire, and his hair burned.

But the fat man in the fire, but laughed happily.

"This is your strength, just like the feeling of roasting fire in winter, very warm, hahaha!"

The laughter of the fat man echoed in the arena and fell into the ears of Yang Gan. It was like a curse. "How is this possible? Pure sun flames burning, he didn't feel a little bit?"

In the end, what kind of gods are secrets, can you pick up the mutated gold eyes and claws with empty hands, can you burn yourself and laugh?

Yang Gan is really scared. He feels that his opponent's strength is completely beyond his imagination.

And he didn't even know what the other person's dependence was. He told him that it was impossible for someone to have such a strong flesh, but the facts were in front of him.

I don't understand the secret technique that the fat man relies on. Yang Gan knows that he will lose no doubt. Now his strongest attack can't hurt the fat man, and the other party, even the weapons are not out!

Yang was panicked. He used both hands to force the sword to smash and pull it out from the fat man.

And the fat man seems to be invulnerable. Even so, his palm does not have a trace of blood.

"Tai Ya Sheng Law" - the sword of the next day!"

Yang Ganyi sword swept the flame, picked up the golden whirlpool of the next day, and the sword edge stabbed the heart of the yellow fat man!

And the fat man just sneered, he didn't evade, and he pressed Zhang Yang to the palm!


Jianfeng pierced the body of the fat man in Huang Yi, and at the same time, the palm of the fat man of Huang Yi was also firmly pressed on the chest of Yang Gan.


Yang Qian’s chest was shocked, and the body flew out. The volley spit out a blood.

The fat man of Huang Yi was also penetrated into the body by Jian Feng. He seemed to have nothing, but grinned, and the blood in his mouth was fascinating.

The long sword passed through, the yellow fat man was laughing, the scene was very strange, his body swayed, one hand grasped the sword front, and pulled out the hot long sword little by little.

"Good sword, unfortunately... useless to me!"

The fat man wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, as if the sword of Yang Gan was not stabbed on him.

Seeing this scene, the arrogant Yang Gan, almost collapsed.

How can there be such an opponent, does he have an undead body?

Is it the secret of the gods that is not dead? How can an opponent with an undead body be defeated?

Yang Gan never felt so powerless.


"What happened? The game didn't start long ago, what are they doing?"

In the arena, people look at the "war situation" on the gods' desert, and they are all unknown.

After the referee announced the start of the game, Yang Gan and the fat man stood ten feet apart and did not move.

The only change is that there is a secret essay in the fat eye of the fat man. This secret text is sparkling and reveals an ancient mysterious atmosphere.

"How are they just standing, why not fight?"

The warriors who have the city of Tai A ask, they are also looking forward to seeing a fierce battle against Mai Mang, but the actual situation makes them completely unable to touch their minds.

However, in the seat of the Tai A Shencheng instructor and deacon, many of the Tai A Shen Guo Xiong masters were dignified.

"The battle has already begun..." A Taishen city instructor said, the voice was a little worried. "The trick used by the fat man is illusion. The situation is very bad. Yang Gan has already fallen into the illusion."


Many of the warriors of Tai’s City have heard it all, attacking with illusion?

Is there such a move?

Someone suddenly remembered something and looked at the mark of the fat man's eyebrows. Is the ancient secret text with shimmering light the source of illusion?

Look at Yang Gan, at this time, he is already sweaty, and the hand holding the sword is shaking slightly. It seems that the mental state is extremely unstable!


Although I don't know the specific situation of the illusion, but look at Yang Gan's appearance, I know that Yang Gan may not be able to support it.

In the world of illusion, the fat man is the absolute master. Once the other party is caught in illusion, then he can only be at his mercy.

What does the fat man's spiritual world view come up with, what will happen in this illusion world, so the fat man in the illusion world is already invincible!

"Thousands of water family, it is indeed unparalleled in illusion." In the elders, a white robe elder with a fairy bone touched his beard and smiled happily.

"Nature, it is a pity that the thousands of waters have a thin network of people. There are not many people in this generation. Some gods and secrets seem to be very difficult because of the inheritance of blood.

Another white robe elder interface said that these two white robe elders were two people who had been bickering with Cang Yan before because of their low voice.

During the conversation, the two also smiled and looked at the pale face. Cangyan had just given the Yi Yun token and let Yi Yun go to the tomb of the sword. He came back shortly and was stared at by the two white robe old men.

Two white robe old men intentionally reminded Cang Yandao: "The biggest advantage of illusion attack is to ignore the other's body, moves, exercises, and artistic rules. As long as the other person's mental strength and strength are not enough, then once they fall into a fantasy, no matter what There is no point in the move."

Cang Yan understands the meaning of the two people. They all mean that Yi Yunxiu is limited and it is difficult to stay awake in the illusion world.

Cang Yan snorted and didn't bother to answer. He grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds while licking the spirit sunflower, but he was also slightly worried. If the demon knife can't beat this fat man, then I don't know if Yiyun has played against this fat man for two days. What will happen?

Cang Yan is thinking, just at this time, above God’s desert, Yang Gan suddenly trembled, his nostrils and ears were bleeding outside. He was pale and blind, and seemed to be in the world of illusion. Was defeated by fighting spirit!

The fat man snorted and his body jumped up. He was like a bear who had violently rushed to the front of Yang Gan. He had a solid punch and banged on Yang Gan’s chest!


A loud bang, Yang dry sternum broken, the body fell out, heavy fell on the purple tungsten steel wall, directly fainted.

From the double attack of the soul sea and the flesh, Yang Gan could not bear it.

"Ha ha!" Huang Yi fat man laughed, "It's really easy!"

With the illusion of fighting, Huang Yi fat man from start to finish, in addition to the illusion of the world of moves, he just made a move.

For a time, the Yunlong God of the Warriors on the auditorium burst into a tidal cheer.

Huang Yi fat man closed his eyes, stretched his arms and enjoyed the cheers and shouts. This is his stage, this is his glory.

This kind of feeling of cheering for everyone makes the fat man fascinated!


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