True Martial World

Chapter 334: One hour

People know that under the siege of more than a dozen people, Yi Yun certainly can't hold on for a few rounds, but people want to be the last person to end the endgame and become the man of the Yunlong Kingdom. No one wants to be the second Murong Guang, seriously injured. So take your own future.

At this moment, Yi Yun’s left hand trembled slightly, and one of the blood vessels was slightly raised. Although it did not burst, it still had some overload. It seemed that because of the sword just now, Yi Yun It is still too expensive.

He took out a can of blood from the animal and drank it up.

Seeing these scenes, many people are speechless. They think that Yi Yun should be condemned by the Thunder. He always misleads others, and his hands are beginning to shake. The blood vessels in his arms are also broken, and the energy is still consumed. More, I can't see it. The result is that a sword has almost killed Murong Guang. In this way, it really makes them feel very low.

And what about the blood of the beast?

It seems that drinking it is very effective. If it is the blood of ordinary wild animals, the effect will be very general.

If it is the blood of the Taikoo relics, let's not say how precious it is. The key is that he is only a purple blood, and drinking the blood of the ancients is not easy to absorb.

For many warriors, the blood of the ancients of the ancients is no different from the poison of the intestines.

In the face of this ignorance, the arrogance of these Yunlong gods is hesitant.

They care about their future achievements like rare life. When they feel that they can't beat Yiyun, they didn't take the initiative to stand up for a time.

At this moment, Bai stood silently, and he did not say a word, and went directly to the gods.

Seeing the appearance of white, Yi Yun’s hole was slightly shrunk. He squeezed the hilt with one hand, and his body slowly converges. This moment’s Yi Yun is like a wild beast ready to go.

I have to fight against this black boy!

Yi Yun has already anticipated the hardships of this battle. If he is at the peak, he will be looking forward to a battle with Bai and full confidence.

But... Now, Yi Yun has no bottom in his heart. He doesn’t know how strong Bai’s strength is and what his moves are.

The entire arena was quiet for a while.

People quietly watched the desert, waiting for this final battle.

In the player's seat, Wen Yu, Chu Xiaoyu and other military people in Tai'an Shencheng are worried about Yi Yun. If there is no accident, Yi Yun can no longer use the strongest sword to defeat Feng Lin.

Without that sword, how can I win if I don’t know the depth of white?

Including the elders, Cang Yan and others, but also look dignified, do not know how the outcome of this battle. Now Cang Yan expects that it is not Yi Yun to win this final group finals, but worried that Yi Yun has something to lose, it will not be worth the loss.

In the corner of the arena, there is also a red girl, who is watching it all quietly.

She is Luo Huoer.

Luo Huoer did not play in the league because of her lack of actual combat, but she quietly came to the arena audience to watch the game in this final.

If she only watched the battle and did not explode the special energy in the body, she was not worried about what was discovered.

"Miss, that black man looks very powerful..."

In front of Luo Huoer, there are winter children standing with short legs.

"Cut, are you worried about Yiyun?"

Donger didn't talk at once. She looked at Luo Huoer quietly. She didn't know what Luo Huoer thought. In this case, she felt that she was still shutting up.

On the desert platform, the black boy was holding the sword in his arms, and he did not shoot Yi Yun.

"Is the two ready?" asked the referee of Tai A Shencheng.

At this time, Bai extended a finger and looked at Yi Yun. "One hour! I will wait for you for an hour!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was slightly glimpsed.

An hour? This black boy is going to give Yi Yun time to recover his strength?

On the seat of the honour, the seven-star tower owner frowned.

Although he has full confidence in the dialogue, I believe that even in the face of the heyday of Yiyun, Bai can have a victory of eighty-nine percent, but he does not want to regain his strength at this time.

After all, this war is of great importance. It can guarantee 100% confidence. It must be 100%. Otherwise, the champion of the junior group has already been lost. If the group has a bad pool, he will return to the Yunlong God Congress. Shameless.

"White! You are too arrogant!" The stern voice of the seven-star tower screamed in the white ear. "You have no qualifications to undermine the enemy!"

"It's not arrogant, it's not a light enemy, but I want a real confrontation. If the tower owner is not willing, let someone else take the shot for me."

"You..." The seven-star tower owner glanced at other people, his brows were wrinkled more tightly, and there was no battle between White and Yiyun. Counting on other people had no effect at all.

The seven-star tower master knows the character of white, no matter what others say, the things that white decides will not change. His temper is a headache.

The seven-star tower owner had no longer spoken, and he knew that even if he gave white punishment, it would be useless.

"An hour?" Yi Yun looked at the white, somewhat surprised, he did not expect the other party to have such a request. Looking at the main character of the Yunlong Kingdom, the seven-star tower master, there is no objection.

So, Yi Yun sat down with his knees. "You give me time, I won't keep it!"

"That is what I want!" The white voice is cold. "After an hour of rest, your hands can't be restored. This is actually... not the decisive battle I want."

White looked at Yi Yun's hand, and he regretted it. He wanted to see the style of the sword.

"there will be chances in the future."

Yi Yun took the time to meditate and prune. Just now he drank two cans of gold and blood, which just took time to absorb.

The rest of this time is very important for Yi Yun.

His opponent is not only white, but also others.

He expected that this battle with Bai will be harder than the battle of Feng Lin. After the game, even if he wins, there will be less energy left.

There is still a little left in Jinwubao's blood. It is extremely difficult to deal with the remaining eleven Yunlong Shenguo members by relying on these blood and the remaining energy.

Time passed quietly, people watched on the stage, no one spoke, no one left.

People wait for the time of this hour to pass.

Yi Yun’s hand is no longer bleeding, and the meridians are slowly continuing. As long as the complete pure Yang Jian Gong’s mood is not used, Yi Yun’s hand has no problem at all.

Yi Yun in the meditation, slowly felt the burning of the blood of the golden genus in the body, this power, let Yi Yun body full of fighting.

White looked at Yi Yun through a distance of ten feet. He bit by bit, wrapped around the white cloth on his hand. When the cloth was completely entangled, Bai stood up and said: "Time is up."


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