True Martial World

Chapter 343: Dust settled

"This kid! Really recovered completely??"

Cang Yan looked at Yi Yun and stared at him. He couldn't understand what Yi Yun had done in the end. It was only half a quarter of an hour to come back and live a dragon, which is a violation of common sense.

He looked at the city of Tai A Shencheng with the eyes of the inquiry, but he saw that the city of Tai A Shencheng looked at Yi Yun with great depth and did not know what he was thinking.


Yi Yun stood on the platform of the gods, holding a knife, holding a sword and looking at the Yunlong God of the Warriors.

At this moment, Yi Yun was stained with blood stains, this blood, there are enemies, but also his own, although he was wearing a ragged clothes, but his momentum, but like the king of the return of the triumph, squat!

"Who else?"

Yi Yun asked, he did not deliberately say this sentence, but his voice, but it contains a long-lasting force, let this sentence echo back and forth in the arena.

"Who else? Who else? Who else?"...

When I heard Yi Yun’s voice, the audience was holding their breath.


One person, one knife, one sword, fifteen gods in the war cloud dragon **** country!

The generation of Yunlong Shenguo is still a generation of geniuses, a prosperous world that has not appeared in at least a hundred years!

Otherwise, the main character of the Yunlong Shenguo Seven Star Tower will not propose the finals of the juniors to determine the number of seats.

However, in this case, the Tianjiao of Yunlong Shenguo, but they were called by Yi Yun alone, no one dared to fight!

Now, the warriors of Yunlong Shenguo are all dumb.

This is the final of the group. In the face of Yi Yun, it is just like facing a humanoid ancient relic!

Yi Yun's strength and endurance. The ability to withstand the pain is incredibly powerful.

Not to mention that he easily defeated thousands of water. In the fierce battle, they defeated Feng Lin and Bai in succession. Before the Murong brothers alone, Yi Yun went to the limit twice, and went up to challenge Yi Yun, but the result was spiked!

Faced with such a terrible opponent, it really makes people unable to raise the courage to fight against it.

He seems to have endless power, giving an invincible sense of despair.

For a time, the warriors of Yunlong Shenguo face each other, but no one dares to come to power anymore. Just kidding, fighting with such a humanoid, isn't it looking for death? Murong brothers are role models!

In particular, this Murong Fei was hurt more than Murong Guang. He was smashed with two blood holes, and he lost one hand, and he lost most of his life.

Although he still sighed, but it was abolished, he will be opened in the future with the same level of Tianjiao. Let his talent level drop by one level.

Who is willing to go to Yi Yun with such a heavy price?

"Yunlong Shenguo, no one is going to fight?" The referee asked.

All the audience. They all look at the nine remaining warriors in the Yunlong Kingdom.

These nine people, all of a sudden became the focus of the audience, and the taste of becoming the focus at this time is really uncomfortable.

It would be a shame to defeat it. They are still the kind that they don’t even dare to fight, which is even more shameful.

Face the eyes of everyone. Nine people are like needles, they simply can't wait to become a glimpse at the moment. This way no one pays attention to them.

I really regret participating in this league competition. Most of them have not shot at one time.

When they were in the youth group, they didn't have a chance to shoot because they were too strong.

At the time of the group match, they still didn't have a chance to shoot, but the reason was that they were too weak!

Nine people, dodging the eyes of Yi Yun and many viewers, it is already obvious that the abandonment of the war.

Seeing that nine people abandoned the war, the elders of Yunlong Shenguo were angry, but they were helpless. They also knew that in the case that Yiyun had recovered, these people went up and the result was only abused.


The elders of a Yunlong Shenguo beat their thighs, and the Tianjiao selected by a country was defeated by one person. The frustration was too strong!

As for the audience of Yunlong Shenguo, this time, there is no temper at all, and all of them are dumb. If they say that Yiyun has lost the wind and white, they still have a fire in their hearts. Now, even this The fire was extinguished by a basin of cold water.

Originally, they could still say that their top genius in Yunlong Shenguo is almost the same as Yiyun, but it wins a lot.

But now, the number is also being defeated by Yi Yun. What else can you say?

"In this case, I announced that this championship is the final of the championship.

On the gods' desert, the referee enthusiastically announced that he was equally excited to be the law enforcement of the Tai'an City.

With the announcement of the referee, the warriors of the Tai's Kingdom began to scream.

"Yi Yun! Yi Yun!"

If it is not law enforcement that maintains order in front, they all want to go to the stage and throw Yi Yun up.

This victory is really not easy!

The battle process was fierce and difficult, and it was almost Yi Yun’s one. He did his best and made several overdrafts!


Chu Xiaoyan took a deep breath and looked at Yi Yun’s eyes full of admiration and curiosity. When Yi Yun told her to delay the time, she really did not believe that Yi Yun could recover to near the peak in such a short time. status.

How did he do it?

"Yi brother, you are too powerful!"

However, when Yi Yun walked down the gods of the desert, the contestants of Tai A Shencheng, the younger brothers and Wen Yu, all gathered around to congratulate.

They are excited and excited.

Although they said that they had a lot of numbers in this game, they also played, and it was not meaningless. They collectively won time for Yi Yun.

Seeing the smiles of these little teachers and younger sisters from the heart, the nerves that have been tight in Yi Yun’s mind have also relaxed slightly.

He smiled: "Not my credit."

Yi Yunyi has some indications, but these young teachers naturally did not hear it. They thought that Yi Yun said them.

Rao is that they usually like to brag. At this time, they are also embarrassed to be greedy. They scratch their heads one by one, and they are embarrassed to say: "You are too modest in Yi Shixiong. We have this effect, we just ignore it..."

Yi Yun smiled and did not explain, he knew that Luo Huoer did not want to stretch.

He looked at the audience inadvertently, but saw a red figure, hiding in a corner, her elbows on the railing, and the small hand holding the chin.

This girl is Luo Huoer, beside her, still following Xiao Xiaodong.

"Hey! This guy is stinking again, no Miss, he is still awesome!"

Luo Huoer said uncomfortably, she originally liked the character of the show, but because of the family secret, she had to keep a low profile, otherwise she would be killed by her father.

This feeling of being a behind-the-scenes hero is really bad!

"That is! Miss is the most powerful!" Winter child hurriedly nodded, for fear of being late, Luo Huoer pinched her face again.

... (to be continued.)

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