True Martial World

Chapter 359: vicious


In the sky above Chu Wangfu, a time-space black hole appeared out of thin air. It engulfed Jiang Xiaorou, leaving only the black space law light, slowly dissipating in the void...

Zhou Bo was full of swords. He looked at the disappearing door of time and space, and his face was already stiff.

He did it. Although he could not kill Shen Tian Nan Tian, ​​he sent away the young master. He also died without regret.

"Old beast! Bad me!"

Shen Tu Nan Tian licked his neck, his eyes have become a beast of wild beasts! !

In the wrath of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​the figure flashed and rushed to the front of Zhou Bo, and took a slap in the face of Zhou Bo’s spirit.


When people heard the sound of the cracked neck, Shen Tu Nantian directly pressed Zhou Bo’s head into Zhou Bo’s chest.

His neck has been completely broken, and the skull is completely cracked, terrible!

Shen Tu Nantian's hair is scattered, his body is full of blood, his hands are still stained with brains. At this time, he is like a demon who chooses to succumb!

People are holding their breath, so if you are cold!

After Shen Tu Nantian fully showed his fierce side, he was judged as two people!

His means of exerting on Zhou Bo can be said to be inhuman!

Even the king of Chu, it is also a trembling heart, shot the attack on Shen Tu Nantian, who broke the Shentian Nantian event, but his most trusted steward.

"Chu King!"

Shen Tu Nantian used the scarlet eyes to look at the Chu King!

Chu Wang held his breath and sweated his forehead.

"Xiao Wang did not check people and made a big mistake." Even if Chu experienced a lot of storms, he could not lift the momentum in front of Shen Tu Nantian.

This is the absolute repression of strength. Whatever your identity, it is meaningless in the face of strength.

"Please Nantiangongzi anger, my grandfather is also blinded by traitors. Today's business, you must blame Yiyun for this guy who eats outside, if not for him, the strength of Nantianzi's extraordinary sanctification, how could it be attacked by the old thing , Yi Yun this person..."

Yang Dingkun looked at Shen Tu Nantian to attack his grandfather, and hurriedly said, turning the spear to Yiyun.

"To shut up!"

Shen Tu Nan Tian screamed, and it contained a sharp sound wave of vitality, turned into a sharp sword, and went straight to Yang Dingkun.


Yang Dingkun’s body was shocked, and the eardrum was damaged by the tympanic membrane.

Yang Dingkun trembled and squatted directly on the ground.

He looked at Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​and his heart was inexplicably inexplicable. He no longer dared to say a word. Just now, he almost thought he was going to die.

"What do I do, can you teach me?"

Shen Tu Nantian voice is gloomy, people understand that, let Jiang Xiaorou run away, Shen Tu Nantian has been angry to the extreme, this time, who hits who is unlucky.

It is not surprising that he suddenly shot and murdered to vent his anger!

And if he really does, Yi Yun... will undoubtedly bear the brunt!

Shen Tu Nan Tian step by step to Yi Yun, blood dripping along his fingers, drop by drop, on the bluestone ground.

A strong sense of oppression makes everyone hold their breath.

"Yi Yun..."

Chu Xiaoyu and other people who have made good friends with Yi Yun, this time a heart has mentioned the eyes of the blind.

Yi Yun this time, I am afraid that it is fierce and less!

They can only watch with their eyes. As for standing up and asking for Yiyun, it is a joke, not only useless, but will follow the funeral.

"You are really courageous!" Shen Tu Nantian eyes flashed in the cold.


Beside Yi Yun, the explosion of vitality, the cracking of earth and stone, Yi Yun body shocked, directly rolled out, hurt and injured!

Shen Tu Nantian walked to the front of Yi Yun and reached out to grab the neck of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun is all blood, his eyes are blurred, and it is difficult to breathe.

At that moment, he could feel that as long as Shen Tu Nantian exerted a little force, he could directly twist his cervical spine and throat, and even the entire skull would be screwed down!

Death has never been so close, life is completely pinched on the hands of others, this feeling is powerless!

"It is because of you! Originally, I will get a heart-level blood Dan, repaired into a leaps and bounds! But ... you have won the sneak attack for the abandonment of the genius, let the little enchantress run away! You are very good! Killing you 10,000 times is not enough to calm the hatred in my heart!"

Shen Tu Nantian, pushing the blame on Yi Yun.

Jiang Xiaorou's identity is special. For Shen Tu Nantian, it is indeed a big chance to get Jiang Xiaorou. However, when he sees the opportunity in front of himself, he is slipped away. How can Shen Tu Nantian not hate it! ?

Yi Yun sneered, and at this point, he said nothing is meaningless.

To blame, you can only blame your own strength is too weak, otherwise, even if others want to take his sister alchemy, he has to swallow his voice, whispering the next four to plead with Shen Tian Nantian to let go of Jiang Xiaorou.

If he couldn't make it, he was beaten up by a meal. After someone saved Jiang Xiaorou, he became a scapegoat and a punching bag, facing the end of being murdered.

Being shackled with life, there is no room for rebellion, this is the sorrow of the weak.

Shen Tu Nantian looked at Yi Yun, his eyes were killing, but his hand, although stuck in the neck of Yi Yun, never really pinched.

He was silent, and his thoughts flashed through his heart.

Killing Yi Yun, can not solve the hate of his heart, this feeling is like, was bitten by the poisonous ant, although the ant was trampled to death, but bitten is bitten, can kill the poisonous ants can hate it? ?

This will not restore the situation at all. Shen Tu Nan Tian still can't catch Jiang Xiaorou, and it can't cause any blow to the desert.

Killing a human being, the wilderness does not feel anything at all. Probably only that Jiang Xiaorou will fall into hatred, which may have made her.

But what if you make good use of Yiyun?

Shen Tu Nantian remembers that when Jiang Xiaorou was not hurt for Yi Yun, he said that his life was appointed by Shen Tu Nantian, as long as he put the words of Yi Yun.

Jiang Xiaorou is absolutely concerned about the safety of Yi Yun.

Thinking of this, Shen Tu Nan Tian stood up and let go of Yi Yun.

He said to the old man behind him, "Take this little beast away and declare it to the outside world. Ten days later, he will be betrayed by the crime of betrayal, divided by the capital punishment, and he will be ruined!"

Ling Ling heart! ?

When I heard the name of this criminal law, several old people were hopping.

The so-called lingering heart is the cruelest criminal law of the Shentu family. It can only be used by the military, because mortals cannot bear such torture.

In thirty-six days, with a red-burning blade, cut 36,000 knives on the inmate and cut a thousand knives a day!

After cutting the knife edge every day, place the eggs of the heartworm on the wound. The eggs slowly hatch and eat the flesh and blood. The teeth of the larvae of the heartworm are poisonous. The venom is infused into the body, and the flesh and blood are tasted. It is really difficult to describe.

After the last 36,000 knife cuts, the heartworm will also sneak into the heart along the blood vessels and meridians, and the worm will die.

In this criminal law, the heartworm is the most painful. The general Yuan-based warrior can't bear this criminal law. It will be tortured and died in a few days, so that when the Shentu family is executed, it is necessary to use the medicinal herbs to continue the sentence. Life.

"Don't you want to lead the abandonment to save?"

A few old people suddenly guessed the intention of Shen Tu Nantian.

"Yes, killing this kid is no different from pinching an ant. It doesn't make any sense to me, and I can't remedy anything. But if I release the news, I will delay the kid's heart, and the little demon girl will soon I will know that in Chuzhou City, I am afraid there will be spies in the desert. The news will be transmitted the first time."

"The little demon girl will not sit idly by, and by then, we will have a chance!"

After listening to a few old people, they are all slightly indulged. An old man said: "Is this easy cloud, is there such a great value? After the news of the abandon, we must know that we will lay down the trap in advance, knowing that it is a trap, I am afraid that no one will be so stupid. The foolishness, not to mention Yi Yun is only a personal class, if the abandon is not saved?"

Yi Yun is only closely related to Jiang Xiaorou, and has nothing to do with the aristocracy. The high-level of the abandon, how can Yi Yun die? For a human being, sending a bunch of masters to take risks, knowing that there are traps to jump in, is this possible?

"Try to know, there is no loss, if no one really cares about his life and death, he will be ruined!"

Shen Tu Nan Tian said in an understatement, he decided the fate of Yi Yun.

And around Yi Yun, all the Tai A gods and warriors can not stop.

I think they all feel sad, this is their country, and Yi Yun is also their domestic genius, Shen Tu Nantian casual words, will be executed Yi Yun! And they can only watch!

"You must immediately report this matter to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Chu Xiaoyu made up his mind that although the Emperor may not have saved Yi Yun, but as the master of the Tai Afghan Kingdom, there is always a certain amount of speech...

At this moment, Shen Tu Nan Tian suddenly remembered something, he went to Yi Yun, pinched Yi Yun's chin.

He gently flipped one hand and added an ice-blue remedy to his palm.

This medicinal herb, like a puck, emerged with amazing coldness, and the surrounding water vapor quickly frozen and condensed because of the coldness.

An remedy exudes an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Shen Tu Nan Tianju looked down at Yi Yun, with a sly smile on his face. "I really don't like you to look at my eyes... You are afraid of me on the surface. In fact, my heart has already hated me very much. I can't wait to kill me and then quickly. Let's go!"

"You are thinking, if the disaster is not dead, I will try hard to find revenge in the future? Hahaha!"

Shen Tu Nantian saw through the thoughts of Yi Yun, and his eyes flashed a scornful color.

"How can I let you be imprisoned, **** night and night looking forward to killing me? You like ants like this, there is no such thought at all, otherwise, that is the embarrassment of my identity!"

"I will never let your hopes go, so that your heart is as dead as a dead body."


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