True Martial World

Chapter 366: Give it back to you

Yang Dingkun squinted his eyes, holding his own calf with no feet, and looked at Yi Yun with horror.

"you you……"

His voice trembled and he couldn’t say the complete words.

For the Yuan Jiwu warrior, if the foot is cut off, then it can be connected with a good medicine. After a few months, it can be restored.

However, if the foot is smashed into meat, it is impossible to recover. Only the top-grade medicinal materials can be used to rejuvenate the broken limb. However, in terms of the identity and wealth of Yang Dingkun, it is basically impossible to get this medicine.

Therefore, this foot of Yang Dingkun is completely abolished!

The warrior abolished one foot, and it was worse than one less hand. Yang Dingkun’s desperation in the heart at this time can be imagined!

Yi Yun carried the bricks stained with plasma pulp, watching Yang Dingkun, a faint saying: "You don't have to be desperate, you are going to die here today, and there is nothing to do with less than one foot."

Although Yi Yun’s voice is calm, it contains murder.

In the side of Yang Dingkun, Yang Yuefeng, who is holding a dagger, took out a drop of cold sweat.

"How... How is it possible? You are obviously abolished and repaired!"

When Yang Yuefeng and Yang Dingkun came in, they also saw Yi Yun covered the ice crystals, and a pair of cold poisons entered the body.

However, in a blink of an eye, when Yi Yun’s whole body broke out, those ice crystals all disappeared!

“Is it abolished?” Yi Yun sneered. “Everything you have done on me, and what you haven’t done yet, I will return it to you! Whether you or the Shentu family!”

Yi Yun said here, the body exudes endless murder, behind his back, there is a faint shadow of the blood of the corpse.

This is the 32 words of the knife road - killing for the heart!

When Yi Yun's understanding of the 32-word knives is deepening, as his whole body murders, the illusory blood of this corpse will emerge spontaneously.

Seeing the shadow behind Yi Yun, Yang Dingkun and Yang Yuefeng are pale and their foreheads are cold sweat. " haven't been scrapped to repair it? How can this be?"

Both of them are dead and souls.

A few months ago, when Yi Yun was still at the peak of the purple blood, he was able to win the league competition and defeated Feng Lin and Bai!

At that time, although Feng Lin and Bai were suppressed, they were not completely dealt with by Yang Dingkun and Yang Yuefeng!

Now, Yi Yun has broken through the yuan base, and it is similar to the two of them. Together with Yi Yun’s super-power, facing Yi Yun, they have no courage to resist.

"He still has chains on his body!"

Yang Yuefeng saw the chain of Yi Yun's body broken, and several broken, and several connected.

The chains are engraved with textures on the top of the chain. It is not so easy to break.

Yang Yuefeng slowly retreated. The corner of his eyes turned to the door of the secret room. In the heart, he hated Yang Dingkun. When the guy entered the door, why did he close the iron gate?

He calculated that the opening of the iron gate probably took a time to finger, Yi Yun was bound by the iron chain, only a blow, not necessarily how to be yourself.

And behind him, there is Yang Dingkun back.

At this time, what kind of brotherhood is a joke, how can Yang Yuefeng still manage Yang Dingkun’s life and death?

Yi Yun touched the space ring, with a sneer, "Want to escape?"

Yang Yuefeng's face sank, he knows that as soon as he moves, Yi Yun will attack!

For Yuan Jijingwu, there is no need for physical contact, and the air and swords in the air are also powerful!

Yang Yuefeng carefully watched Yi Yun's every move, cold channel: "Do you think that you can stay under me? You are bound by the chain, the power of the moves is limited, and you only have time to make a blow, can you? ?"

"You want to get rid of the chain, but you have to work hard. The broken chains have already cost you a lot!"

Yang Yuefeng said as he slowly retreated.

He can't just turn around and run away, it will show too many flaws, so that Yi Yun can hit him half-death.

Yi Yunxiao laughed, his palm gently flipped, and took an ancient broken sword from the space ring.

This broken sword is rusty and looks like a newly unearthed artifact.


Yang Yuefeng’s heart glimpsed, and did not know what Yi Yun had pulled out such a rotten sword.

But when he was not clear, the thing that made him blink his eyes happened. He only saw Yi Yun wave with his hand, and the broken sword was on the chain.

Then, just listening to a crackling sound, the lines on the chain flashed sharply, and then the chain was broken by the broken sword!


Yang Dingkun’s eyes were round and round, and he was like a earthy color at this time.

How can this be? That is how the iron chain built by the masters of the Chu Wangfu refining machine will suddenly break off?

The broken sword that looked like it was burning, it turned out to be like a scribble!

"You just said something good." Yi Yun threw away the abandoned chain, and his voice was indifferent. "You said that you can't be too smug, otherwise you might fall from the Temple of Heaven to hell. It is true..."

Yi Yun talked to Yang Dingkun and Yang Yuefeng step by step.

At this time, the door of the Chamber of Secrets was still closed. With the strength of Yi Yun, Yang Yuefeng decided not to set his own attack and opened the door.

"We fight with him!"

Yang Dingkun held his own calf and said with guilt, he was a leg, and he could not escape Yiyun’s sword anyway.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that he was pushed by the back. His cousin Yang Yuefeng actually pushed him who had already broken his leg to Yi Yun!

"Brother, help me stop for a while!"

Yang Yuefeng said, madly rushing outside the secret room.


Yang Dingkun’s heart was awkward. He had only one leg left. How could he withstand Yang Yuefeng’s full force and his body flew to Yi Yun.

Yi Yun sneered and stepped forward.


Yang Dingkun gave a desperate scream. He held a long sword and stabbed Yi Yun to a sword!

At the same time, Yi Yun has put away the broken sword. How can a low-profile person like Yang Dingkun be worthy of being killed by the sword of the owner of Chunyang Jiangong?

That is simply an insult to this sword. This sword should be like the blood of the gods like the bronze giant!

When the sword was broken, Yi Yun went into the air with a bare hand and punched Yang Dingkun’s face!


Yang Dingkun made a scream, and he was slammed on the face by Yi Yun. His whole body, his face was collapsed, his eyes were squeezed out of his eyes, and his facial features were all punched by Yi Yun. Rotten!

Yi Yun changed his fist into a claw. He grabbed the face of Yang Dingkun and took the body forward. He put Yang Dingkun's back of his head on the metal wall of the chamber.


A burst of sound, Yang Dingkun's brain blossoms, blood splashing!

Yang Dingkun had only one eye left, his eyes were gone, and his eyes were completely left. His face is gone, and all his blood is behind his head.

He and Yi Yun, the strength gap is too big!

At this time, Yi Yun turned his head and saw that Yang Yuefeng was closing the scene!

The door of this Chamber of Secrets can only be opened from the outside when it is closed. This gate is also made of the same metal material as the chain. The two-foot-thick iron gate is many times stronger than the chain, even if it uses pure yang. The sword of the owner of the sword palace is not easy to break open.

"Goodbye Yi Yun, although I don't know why your repair is restored, but what about it, Nantian Gongzi will solve you!"

Yang Yuefeng used the air to transmit sound, but it was only a moment to pass this passage into Yi Yun’s ear.

He does not believe that Yi Yun can break this door. Even if he can break open, it will definitely take time, and these times are enough for him to escape.


The door was closed and the sound of the metal lock was so sweet.

Yang Yuefeng took a sigh of relief. This place should not be left for a long time. He must leave immediately, and then report all the things happening here to Shen Tu Nantian.

Now, Shen Tu Nantian can use the front of the market to transmit sound to the secret room, but Yang Yuefeng has no way to pass the information out.

However... just as Yang Yuefeng turned around, his whole body blood was solidified!

He saw that in front of himself three feet away, Yi Yun stood there like a ghost, watching his eyes was like watching a dead person.

How is it possible... so fast?

Yang Yuefeng really collapsed. I thought I had seen the vitality. In a blink of an eye, I went to **** again!

When Yi Yun was in the purple blood environment, his speed has surpassed many Yuan Jijing Tianjiao by virtue of his incorporation into the law.

What's more, Yi Yun has broken Yuan Ji, his speed is within a short distance, you can really use teleport to describe!


Yi Yun said faintly, as if the judgment of fate.


Yang Yuefeng screamed, holding a dagger and stabbing Yi Yun.

Yi Yun was so angry that he waved out with one hand and pinched the wrist of Yang Yuefeng by virtue of his strength!

Yuan air flow turns, Yi Yun forces rise.


The sound of a broken bone broke, and Yang Yuefeng’s hand was directly twisted by Yi Yun!

Yang Yuefeng’s hand was twisted at a strange angle, painful, and he bit his teeth and banged Yiyun’s Dantian!

However, Yi Yun’s other hand shot out with lightning and caught Yang Yuefeng’s other hand.

Therefore, the technique is re-applied, and it is a "squeaky" sound!

Yang Yuefeng hurt his face and his face was twisted by Yi Yun!

The dagger in his hand fell and was caught by Yi Yun.

"You... don't die."

Yang Yuefeng's new life is desperate, and he is staring at Yi Yun with grievances and making a vicious curse.

However, Yi Yun just sneered, and as soon as he slammed his hand, the dagger pierced and pierced Yang’s eyes.


The eyeball burst, Yi Yun this knife, pierced Yang Yuefeng's eyelids, directly nailed Yang Yuefeng's head on the wall!

The powerful force completely broke the brain of Yang Yuefeng. Yang Yuefeng was convulsed all over the body, and the blood mixed with the brain slurry continuously flowed out of the eyelids.

Such a **** scene, Yi Yun did not feel anything.

He is not a killer, but when he is filled with hatred, watching this **** scene brings him an indescribable pleasure.

"I said, what you want to do to me, I will return it to you!"


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