True Martial World

Chapter 373: Tianyuan World

After accepting Yi Yun as a famous disciple, Su Zou did not immediately rush to Tianyuanjie, but searched around in the cloud, he wanted to find those who had entered the secret with him, but unfortunately, those people Missed.

This made the Soviet Union sigh, and among those people, especially Wen Yunwaiting Li Wenyun, was his old friend.

Together with Li Wenyun, he went to the Tianyuan world and explored many secrets together. Until then, Li Wenyun sealed the Hou in the Tianyuan world, and the Su robbery became the absurd master of the major forces in Tianyuanjie. Both of them had some achievements. .

At this time, Wen Yunhou was injured because of his age, and he returned to the Tai’s Kingdom to return to the old age. It’s been hundreds of years. Until two years ago, the cloud was born, and Wen Yun waited for the Soviet Union to explore the secret. As a result, who knows, this secret is a forbidden place.

Su Niu guessed that this is a land of ancient seals. As for what seals it, he is not clear.

After Su was robbed into the secret, he quickly separated from the old friends. Later, he was trapped in a purple enchantment, and he was able to get out of it until now.

As for those old friends who are alive or dead, the Soviet Union has no way of knowing it.


Su robbing the feelings, repaired to his realm, but also lived for tens of thousands of years, life and death are bearish.

Yi Yun is silent. At this time, he does not know what to say.

The suicide took out a floating flying boat from the space ring. After the formation of the formation, the flying boat rose to the sky.

They flew to Tianyuan, and even after some long-distance transmission arrays along the way, they had to fly for several months.

Along the way, the Soviet Union stopped and stopped, he learned a lot of things.

Yesterday night, in the Tai A Shen Guo Kingdom, Yun Long Shen Guo, including several small countries around, there are many places with purple light rising from the sky.

Among them, the purple light of the gods is the most terrifying, it is like a road to heaven, illuminating the world, it is shocking.

After the purple light, the gods of the gods led to the birth of the purple cloud, and the scene was more grand than the purple cloud that was born in the past.

In this way, the Soviet Union also understood that the secret that he had entered in the first place should be related to the vision of heaven and earth last night.

Not only does the cloud have a mystery, but in other places, there are also the same mysteries, and these secrets are connected together.

The abandoned people do not know what they have done in the city of Tai A, and they have caused this vision of the heavens and the earth, and several other secrets far away from millions of miles have been spurred and echoed.

It was also because the purple light rose into the sky, the secret of the trapped suicide, changed, and the purple enchantment disappeared, so he was able to get out of trouble.

And the shepherd boy, he saved Yi Yun in Chuzhou City, and after Yi Yun was placed in the cloud, he should have arrived at the Tai'an City to plan the vision.

The vision was spurred, and the Soviet Union robbed the tyrannical, and it just happened to hit the cloud cloud, which was attracted by the purple light of the secret.

All this, to be clever, is unfortunate.


The floating boat galloped, and Yi Yun stood still at the porthole of the flying boat. The flying boat passed over a piece of wild and forest, and came to the sky above the ocean.

In the past, Yi Yun had seen the ocean naturally, but the sea that Yi Yun saw was completely different from the sea in this world.

In the past, the sea will start to storm, and even if there is no wind, it will always be a surge of waves, never stop.

However, this sea is completely different. It is too calm, there is no trace of waves, and it is very quiet.

And the sea water is reddish, like the color of blood in the water, shocking.

"This piece of sea is called 'Do not cross the sea.'" After the Yi Yun, Sulu said, "Call it 'not crossing the sea' because no one can get through it. We are flying over the sea now, but In fact, what we saw was only a small strait caught between the gods and the heavens."

"To the north, it is the real non-crossing sea. This sea is boundless, can't find the end, and it is dead, where there are few fish and shrimps, no deep sea, lurking some mutant wild animals, the level of these wild animals. It is difficult to measure, even if I am not in the depths of the sea, it is extremely dangerous."

"In the past, there was a human being, who wanted to leap over the sea and find out. However, he flew for seven or eight years, and the more he went to the depths of the sea, the thinner the world would be. Without the strength of heaven and earth, the emperor would slowly Weak, finally had to return halfway..."

The suicide said the legend of not crossing the sea, and said: "This is not to cross the south of the sea, there are mainland bridges connected with the gods, and the countries of the Tai's Kingdom of God and the Yunlong Gods are located on this Continental Bridge..."

Su Luo said this, Yi Yun was shocked, no wonder that the shepherd boy wants to destroy the Taishen Kingdom, China Unicom and Tianyuan.

It is hard to imagine how big the gods are, and the millions of miles of the Taishen Kingdom are just a part of the Continental Bridge connecting the Tianyuan World.

This flight, Su Luo told Yi Yun about a lot of rumors about the world, and the introduction of Tianyuanjie, Yi Yun was greatly surprised.

Tianyuanjie, the reason why it is called "Boundary", not Tianyuan, is because Tianyuanjie is actually very different from the area where the Tai's Kingdom is located.

Although Tianyuanjie and Tai'a Kingdom are in the same world, even the Continental Bridge is connected. In fact, the laws of Tianyuan and Tai's Kingdom are very different.

Tianyuanjie, a system of independence, in Tianyuanjie, the heavens and the earth are more intense, but also more violent, these elements should not be controlled

In the Tai's Kingdom of God, a warrior who can take out the sword for ten feet, to the Tianyuan world, his sword is afraid of only five feet long, and the perception is also the same, even if they open the purpose of the military, when they use the perceptual exploration around At that time, the range that can be explored is much smaller than that of the Tai's Kingdom.

“Why is there such a strange rule?” Yi Yun is hard to imagine, and in the same world, how is the difference so big?

"I don't know." Su robbery shook his head. "In fact, the Tianyuan world did not exist at first, but it was formed later. The time and space of Tianyuanjie are more stable than other places. Those tyrannical elements, the natural treasures that were born, also More precious."

"Here, it is like a higher-level world. The military is practicing in the Tianyuan world. It has long been subjected to the pressure brought by the strength of the heavens and the earth. It has better resources and better inheritance. Therefore, Tianyuanjie is already the center of the human race. The area, the number of masters here, is far from being comparable to other regions."

"A region like the Tai's Kingdom of God, if a family is strong, it is possible to establish a country, to be a royal family, to practice the world, but not in the Tianyuan world."

"Tianyuanjie, there is no country, because there are too many powerful families here, such as the Shentu family, such a strong family, can only occupy a small area."

"The major forces are fiercely competitive. Therefore, in the Tianyuan world, a family is formed. Many families fight for each other's interests, but there is also a marriage alliance."

"There is a combination of division and separation, birth and death, new family birth, and old family destruction. Some of the super families have continued in this kind of battle. Their roots are deep and terrible, but even this is the case. It is impossible for the family to establish a country. Once it is established in the Tianyuan world, it is very likely to be besieged by other families."

After the suicide was explained, Yi Yun’s heart suddenly realized that it was like this... It’s no wonder that when it comes to Tianyuan, it’s the Shentu family and the Lin family. The name of the family sounds weaker than the Tai’s Kingdom. It is.

However, on the strength, they are far beyond the A-God country.

"Zizi!" Su robbed the shoulder of Yi Yun and said: "The Lin family and the Shen Tu family are actually very close. The two families have been fighting each other for most of these years, but they have also used common interests before. And the alliance, if you go to the Lin family, it is interesting."

Su robbing half-jokingly said, Yi Yun listened, silently, his trip to Tianyuanjie has not yet begun, it is already doomed to be full of challenges and tribulations, of course, there are opportunities!

"You see, the sea is not so calm, we are slowly approaching the heavens."

Yi Yun looked down from the porthole, and the red sea water began to ripple, a bit like the waves.

"Under the Tianyuan world, there is a black whirlpool called the funeral god! This name is not called casually. It is true that the gods will not come back."

"The funeral **** is located in the depths of the sea. The whirlpool is terrible. It is dark and lacquered. It is like a door to time and space that leads to the outside world. It engulfs the sea all day and night, but does not know Where are the seawater swallowed?"

"The whirlpool has a terrible suction. The emperor is too close, and he will be sucked in, and then fall into the seemingly endless abyss and cannot return!"

"Make the gods, it is named!"

"What is there in the burial gods is not known now, and it is unclear whether those who enter the burial gods are going to die or die."

"Some people believe that the burial of God is not a dead place, but a passage that has no return. Through it, you can travel to a different world. Therefore, there will be a great emperor left in Shouyuan. At that time, I went into the funeral spirits and wanted to see what was inside and I wanted to try it. Is there a certain chance to continue my life?"

Su Luo said here, Yi Yun listened secretly.

Do not cross the sea...buried the gods...

Originally in the impression of Yi Yun, the Great Emperor is already inaccessible, but listening to the Soviet Union, it is said that in this world, there is such a desperate situation, the Emperor is helpless.

This is the power of creation or the law of heaven, awesome!

As the flying boat moves forward, the sea is getting more and more turbulent. This is naturally caused by the burial of the gods. A whirlpool, the tide of the sea has spread to this place, and its horror can be imagined.

At this time, Yi Yun saw a distant sea and fog, and there was a towering cliff.

This cliff is full of heights, like a wall of gods, standing between the sky and the sea.

"There is Tianyuanjie! Tianyuanjie is above the funeral gods. A large part of the land you see, a lot of floating on the sea, no one knows, what power is supporting the Tianyuan world, so that it does not sink... ..."

(The setting is a bit too much, many are foreshadowing, display settings, chapters without plots are difficult to write.)


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