True Martial World

Chapter 380: Try it out

The suicides slowed down ten times, and Yi Yun saw it clearly in the Amethyst field of view. In addition, Yi Yun had a good memory, so the small thousand seals and Xuan Jing’s hands of the Soviet Union have already I remember seven seven eight eight.

But remembering the suicide technique is one thing. It is another matter to completely imit it. The things you remember may not be made.

So Yi Yun’s inquiry about Su’s robbery replied conservatively: “I can probably see some clues about the methods of the predecessors. As for imitation, I should be able to imitate the three or four.”

"Three or four percent? Kid, very confident." Su robbery's voice is not a positive, smile is also a bit of fun, although Xuan Jing hand and Xiao Qian Yin are relatively low-level methods, but it is not so easy to learn.

Generally, beginners can read it again and can understand some of the appearances. If you can do it, you can imitate some furs. It is very good.

There is a certain foundation. In the days of absurdity, there are two or three years of basic absurd apprentices. If you can imitate more than 20%, it is worthy of the genius.

Of course, the so-called imitation of two percent here is actually to make more than 20% of the many printing techniques of Xiao Qian Yin and Xuan Jing.

As for doing right, better than doing, and doing well, there is naturally a gap.

For beginners, it is not easy to do the right thing.

Yi Yun saw a sloppy smile, and his heart was quite speechless. By the way, the old man was a teacher. He was also drunk. The masters of the family had a style of commander in every move. When they taught the apprentice, they were either serious or serious. Good temptation, anyway, I am looking forward to the apprenticeship.

And when I switched to this old man, I usually didn't have a serious time. When I taught the app and asked the apprentice, I also saw the meaning of your joke.

Yi Yun is too lazy to say anything. He silently took out the ridiculous array from the space ring. When he was preparing to practice with a high-grade bone, the suicide had already taken out a common bone, throw it at Yi Yun.

"Use it?" Yi Yun brows a pick.

"Of course. You still think it is not enough? To practice the abundance of the heavens, to lay a good foundation, first learn to walk, and then learn to run. So soon after you begin to learn the wilderness, first practice the ordinary bones for a year or two, refining 10,000 pieces. The above-mentioned bony relics, then talk about other."

"Don't look at the quality of the wild power contained in ordinary bones, but the law itself is the same. The energy of ordinary bones is easier to control, which will bring you closer to the most perfect rule."

The ridiculousness of the heavens focuses on the foundation, so the cultivation of the ruins of the heavens begins with the simplest bones, including the suicide. When he first cultivated the ridiculous technique, he also rectified tens of thousands of ordinary bony relics.

Yi Yun did not fight with the Soviet Union. As a master, Su Ruo naturally had his ideas. This is like the story that Da Vinci painted eggs when he read in his previous life. It is said that when Leonardo da Vinci learned to paint, his teacher asked him to draw eggs all the time, probably similar to his current situation.

Yi Yun picked up this ordinary bone, with Amethyst in hand, he clearly felt the energy flow of every bit of the bones.

And next to Yi Yun, Sun’s middle-aged man and his little apprentice are also watching Yi Yun.

Sun’s middle-aged man looked at Yi Yun and appreciated Yi Yun’s concentrated expression. He slowly nodded and said: “Su Lao, your disciple has no side to heart, calm and calm. It’s a good seed. How long has he learned the absurdity?”

Su robbery said: "He has been studying for a few months. I just accepted him as an apprentice. Before he was a ridiculous person who learned from others, if I started teaching at the beginning, his level would at least be half stronger than now. ”

Su robbed confidently said that although he had just smashed the old guys who participated in the ridiculous tea party, they were all vanity, and they wanted to show their skills every day. In fact, the Soviet Union has forgotten that he is one of the old men.

"Haha, Sue Lao said. There is a teacher of Su, that of course the level is higher! Su Lao is capable of turning into a magical ability." Sun’s middle-aged man smiled and echoed.

In the face of the praise of Sun’s middle-aged man, the Soviet Union’s robbery accepted it. He took a cup of tea at random and took tea while watching Yiyun’s absurd performance.

Yi Yun took a deep breath and took the bones in his hands. His mental strength sank into the Amethyst, and a familiar feeling rushed into his heart.

For a time, in the vision of Yiyun's Amethyst, the bones in his hands, every trace of energy, he can see clearly.

As long as his mind is moving, these energies will be pulled out by Yi Yun as if they were smeared.

Yi Yun began to print with both hands. For Yi Yun, it is meaningless to extract the energy part alone. This is just a cover-up.

The seal of Yi Yunjie was taught by Master Yue Hua at that time and was used by beginners.

"Tianyueyin, the technique is calm, not in a hurry, very good." Sun surnamed middle-aged person commented.

The suicide slightly removed the teacup at the corner of his mouth. He did not expect that this kid really had two sons. If he only learned a few days of absurdity, there would be such a level, and the day was quite good.

At this time, Su Luo, Sun surnamed middle-aged people can not see, in the hands of Yi Yun, the wild bones have bloomed purple light, countless light spots fly out of the wild bones, like the elves around Yi Yun is spinning.

The vision of Amethyst's absorption of energy can only be seen by Yi Yun. It seems that there is a mysterious rule that isolates human exploration.

Su robbing and Sun surnamed middle-aged people can only feel that the energy in the riddled bones has been continuously separated by Yi Yun, and the whole process is very stable.

Using low-level bones to extract energy, I can't see the advantages of Yiyun, but even so, the perfect energy flow trajectory makes the middle-aged Sun surnamed quite astonished. "Elder Sue, you just said that you are an apprentice. Only a few months of absurdity?"

"Oh..." Su robbery habitually licked his beard, and he did not expect Yi Yun to have such a calm approach, this kid, it is not for me.

He didn't believe that Yi Yun had only learned this for two months. If that was the case, his talents would go straight to Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi is a genius. Su robbed a large age, and the baby apprentice who found it hard to find her to inherit her clothes.

Although it is normal to say that the talent of a ridiculous genius is close to Lin Xinyi, Yi Yun is just a kid he has encountered casually in the cloud. At that time, nothing seemed special. In this case, the Soviet Union Later, he discovered that his talent for the wilderness was better than that of Lin Xinyi. How could he not be surprised?

"It took a few months for the kid to say it myself. I don't know the true and false. Now it seems to be so sloppy, almost half of what I was when I was studying the wilderness at the beginning of the year."

The suicide murderer said that the middle-aged man named Sun was laughing and not speaking.

At this time, Yi Yun took the ridiculous power of the wild, and began to display Xuan Jing's hand. In his mind, he recalled the tactics of Su Bo, and the flow of energy per filament, he wanted to be clear.

"Xuan Jing hand ... the first print ..." Yi Yun ten fingers linked, began to seal.

The first seal was hit by him.

It is easy to imitate the hand shape. It is easy to use the memory of the warrior. If you look at it again, you can imitate it vividly. The hard part is to guide the power of the wasteland and let the power of the wildness condense into the desired print.

However, to guide the power of the wild, it is not difficult for Yiyun who owns Amethyst.

Therefore, under the guidance of Yi Yun, the power of the wilderness condensed into the first seal. It was like a little purple butterfly, flying in the air.

Next, the second print...

Yi Yun was able to do the same thing, and it was a seal printed by him, dancing in the air, all of which was perfect for him.

When the first one was printed, the suicide did not react, but the second stamp was as perfect as the suicide.

Next, the third, the fourth, one by one, fluttering in the air.

Su robbing slowly, his mouth is slightly open, this kid, really fake?

The seal of Yi Yunjie was not only successful, but also the energy form was very good. The process of printing did not see him panic, everything was orderly.

This makes it really hard to believe that the suicides will appear in the hands of a newcomer.

... (to be continued.)

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