True Martial World

Chapter 382: Passing through

"When you were making the bones, there were some deficiencies in the techniques..."

Su robbery said, once again for Yi Yun to demonstrate the Xuan Jing hand, this time, the Soviet robbery is more serious, every action is broken down, patient professor Yi Yun. ←,.

Once the suicide is serious, he is indeed a very good master. Yi Yun’s control of energy is naturally not a problem, but learning the printing method requires a lot of time.

The suicide did not speak. He repeatedly demonstrated for Yi Yun. From Xuan Jing hand to Xiao Qian Yin, each of the seals was broken down by Yi Yun. In this way, it continued for a whole night, until the next day. early morning.

The two were unconsciously, and they have been in the sacred room for more than a dozen hours.

Yi Yun is sweaty and uses Amethyst continuously. He consumes a lot.

However, the old man of the Soviet Union has always been fascinated.

At this time, the Soviet Union had a flash of fire in front of him, which was the light of the notes.

"Well? Heart is out!"

Suo robbery, let Yi Yun heart in the move, the knot in his hand also stopped, Lin Xinyu out?

Before the suicide news to Lin Xinyi, now Lin Xinyi went out, apparently specifically to see the Soviet Union.

"I went to see my heart, right... or you can go together." Su Luo suddenly said to Yi Yun.

Yi Yun stunned, can I go?

For this girl who is kind to herself, one is two years, Yi Yun really wants to see her.

Yi Yun followed the suicide, left the Tianhua Peak where they were, and flew toward Yuzhu Peak, another main peak.

Yuzhu Peak, located in the inner area of ​​the 18 main peaks, is not high in the mountains, and the mountains are covered with arrays of methods.

At this time, Yi Yun fell on the Yuzhu Peak, it was the time when the clouds filled the morning, and looked down. Underneath him is a sea of ​​clouds. Above the sea of ​​clouds, it is a piece of green bamboo forest that is like a washed, just like a fairyland in the world.

Yuzhufeng lived. Mainly Lin's son-in-law, the male Lin family can usually go up the mountain, but a region of Houshan is a restricted area for male children.

Su Zhan took Yi Yun and came to the jade bamboo temple on the top of the mountain. The entire Yuzhu Temple was built in the bamboo forest. The tiled used in the dome of the main hall is made of jade and looks green.

This makes the entire Yuzhu Temple in the bamboo forest, seemingly incomparable, as if the hall was not built by hand, but naturally generated in the bamboo forest.

One has already waited at the door, and Yi Yun and Su Zou came, and they took the two to the door.

Inside the Yuzhu Temple, it is also the pine sea and the bamboo.

The more easy cloud is unexpected. Inside the Yuzhu Temple, many buildings are made of bamboo and pine. Among these buildings, the fragrance of bamboo and rosin is preserved, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

“The old Taijun of Lin’s family likes bamboo. This jade bamboo temple was built by her old man.”

Su Luo and Yi Yun said, Yi Yun listened a little bit, listening to the tone of the Soviet robbery, this old lady is not too young. Even the suicides called her an old man, at least four or five thousand years old?

Xiao Yan took Yi Yun and Su Luo, and went through the other hospitals before coming to a new bamboo house.

Yi Yun saw it far away. A handsome white girl, holding a long sword, practicing swords in the bamboo forest.

Her movements don't look fast, but they give people a feeling of flowing water, and each sword can pierce and move around the bamboo leaves. These bamboo leaves, under the sword of the girl, seem to have some kind of spirituality and come alive.

This woman is Lin Xinyi who has been with Yi Yun for two years.

The suicide stopped and watched Lin Xinqi practicing the sword. His eyes were full of loving kindness. In this two-year period, Lin Xinyi’s artistic conception has made great progress. She is just a casual sword. Every sword trick is integrated with the surrounding environment. If it is described, such an artistic conception is called "a sword and a scene."

Every sword is presented to a different landscape of the sword.


Seeing the Soviet robbery, Lin Xinyi stopped the sword in her hand, and her face was filled with a happy smile. After she had been with the suicide, she had been thinking about the suicide, because she knew that the secret of the suicide was very Danger, no news for two years, she is of course worried.

"Well? You are... Yi Yun?"

Lin Xinyi saw Yi Yun and was taken aback. In two years, Yi Yun changed too much, from a child to a Lang Lang teenager.

Lin Xinyi is tall and tall. Two years ago, Yi Yun was only taller than Lin Xin’s nose. Now, Yi Yun is faintly half a point higher than Lin Xinyi.

"Lin girl, I haven't seen you for a long time." Yi Yunxiao's smile, for a long time, he has experienced too many things, and now I look at Lin Xinyi, he will inevitably have some feelings of goodbye.

"Well? Who are you?"

At this time, a pointed female voice sounded, Yi Yun looked back and saw a middle-aged woman wearing a red palace dress, slowly walked over.

Next to the woman in the palace, she followed a white-haired elder.

After Lin Xinyi saw the two people, he took a little bit of a ceremony. "I have seen my grandmother, six uncles."

Both of them are Lin Xinyu’s elders and the top of the Lin family.

The woman in the palace, I looked at Yi Yun deeply. The original Su robbing a young boy like a disciple or a medicinal child came to the Yuzhu Temple. She was already a bit strange. After all, the Yuzhu Temple was occupied by Lin’s daughter. The place, the suicide to see the heart, generally do not bring outsiders.

Since it is brought, it means that the relationship between Su and the kid is not normal. Now it seems that even Lin Xinyi knows him, which makes her even more surprised.

"He is a friend of mine."

Lin Xinyi explained in a faint way.

"Friends?" The palace ladies repeated these two words, slightly frowning, looking at Yi Yun's appearance, it is not like a big family, not mentioning the other, the space ring worn by Yi Yun, As for the type of road goods, how can Lin Xinyi make friends with such people?

Although dissatisfied, but the palace woman is not good to say anything, Lin Xinyi is now sensitive, except for that, anything else, she will follow Lin Xinyi's mind.

"Grandmother, six uncles, come to me, what does this green bamboo Xiaoxuan do?" Lin Xinyi asked a faint question, it seems that the arrival of these two is not very welcome.

"Let's come over and see you, why don't you want to see my grandmother?" The woman in the palace dress kindly pulled Lin Xinyi's hand.

In the Lin family, the elders who supported the proposal of the Shentu family marriage accounted for about half, and the palace ladies and the old man next to him were among them.

In their view, the marriage between the Shentu family and the Lin family is a win-win result. Although in recent years, the Shentu family and the Lin family have been fighting for various interests, the two sides have some grievances, but in the face of interests, these little grievances are not What is it?

The main one is a peerless female emperor, which is too tempting for Lin.

Once the natural yin vein is cured, Lin Xin’s future prospects will be limitless.

Relative to the ancient female emperor, Shen Tu's ancestors, including the abandoned shepherd boy who was born ten years ago, are not enough to watch.

It is definitely the most peak figure in the world. In the vast history of this world, I am afraid that I can't find a few people to compare with the peerless female emperor.

In addition to family interests, this is also a good thing for Lin Xinyi. The original Lin Xinyi Shouyuan was less than five hundred years old and was destined to stop before the sages. Such a tragic fate will be reversed.

She has not only become the master of the entire Tianyuan world, but since then has a long life span of hundreds of thousands of years, can create their own era, which is really enviable.

You know, life expectancy is even more attractive than power for those who are at the level of Shen Tu ancestors!

That is at least a few hundred thousand years, maybe even millions of years, such a good thing, where to find?

This woman in the palace is a pity that she is old and weak, and it is not a natural yin. Otherwise, she is 10,000 who are willing to marry the Shentu family and get a big chance for this day. Moreover, it is not a matter of accepting the marriage of the Shentu family. It is a big family with the Lin family in the middle of the family. Resources and inheritance are not lacking.

As for Shen Tu Nantian, if Lin Xinyi does not like him, then it is good to keep the distance. The military martial arts, many times a retreat is a few decades, and Lin Xinyi went to the realm of the saints, and the year is closed. Not seeing is net, what can't be accepted?

It can be said that a thousand and ten thousand, Lin Xinyi is not willing to arrange their own destiny, which makes the palace women unable to understand, is Lin Xinyi prefer to die five hundred years later, and will not let go of what she called I am proud to accept such a big chance that others can't ask for it?

Although many family elders are in favor of this matter, they cannot use it so much that things are so dragging. Many elders have led Lin Xinyi, but they are useless.

The women in the palace are clear that most of the elders of the family are not very harmonious with Lin Xinyi.

Because Lin Xinyi was born with a ruined body, even if the talent is good, who will care about a person who has lived for less than five hundred years?

When Lin Xinyi was young, he was very cold in the family and even ridiculed.

However, there are two people who care about Lin Xinyu. One is the Linjia Laotaijun and the other is the Sujia.

Lin Xinyi has the deepest feelings for these two people. If the old lady is willing to persuade Lin Xinyi, the effect is absolutely different.

However, in the past two years, the old Taijun Jun has been hesitant. On the one hand, the old Taijun thought, if the Shentu family can really refine the spirit, she tends to let Lin Xinyi accept the marriage with the Shentu family. After all, after all, She didn't want her most loved granddaughter to die less than five hundred years old.

On the other hand, she is not willing to let Lin Xinyi violate her own wishes, so the old Taijun has been vacillating. Anyway, for the martial arts, two years is nothing, she wants to wait and see.

Laotai Jun does not express his attitude, then another person is a suicide.

The attitude of the suicide is very important. The woman in the palace dress knows that the suicide is coming to see Lin Xinyu, so she came in early in the morning, she is afraid that the suicide said what should not be said, the oil on the fire .

[Thanks for starting from scratch~ becoming the ally of the real world, thank you very much. This chapter is a bit late. 】


... (to be continued.)

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