True Martial World

Chapter 388: Hyun skill

The appearance of Lin Xinyu naturally became the focus of everyone. Shen Tu Nantian smiled and rose up slightly: "Lin girl, I haven't seen you for a long time."

In this case, even if Lin Xinyi had no good feelings about Shen Tu Nantian, he nodded politely.

Into the position of the honour, Lin Xinyu sat in his own position, silent.

Shen Shen Nan Tian did not entangle Lin Xinyi, except for a polite greeting at the beginning, he no longer harassed.

Even some of Lin Jia’s disciples who are unhappy with Shen Tian’s Nan Tian have to admit that Shen Tan’s words and deeds and attitudes have made people feel uncomfortable.

Although it is now the Shentu family's willingness to marry more, Shentu Nantian does not feel that he is seeking Lin's family. His words and demeanor are not humble and just right. For Lin Xinyi, Shen Tu Nantian did not pursue excessively. Not too cold, such a man, very popular with girls, and even a lot of Lin's young girls, watching Shen Tu Nan Tian have some heart.

A young handsome man with good looks, temperament and strength is really the ideal object for entrusting life. Even if he can't be a wife, it is also very good to be a beggar.

Tea conversations will be carried out in an orderly manner. A group of great people will have a tea conversation on the seat of the honour, talk about some insights about the ridiculous skills, exchange ideas, and look happy.

Su robbing did not speak much, and Lin Xinyi did not speak a word, only Shen Tu Nantian around the source, such as fish.

The current Shentu Nantian, even in the Lin family, there are many supporters, such as Lin Xinyu's aunt and grandmother, Liu Shugong, at this time have talked with Shen Tu Nantian hot.

The aunt who was wearing a palace dress, called a "Southern Heavenly Man", was intimate.

"Nan Tianxian is really good, not only is the strength outstanding, but I also heard that Nan Tianxian has a profound accomplishment in the ridiculous technique. After a while, it is not as good as the above, so the old body is also open to the eye!"

Lin Xinyu's aunt and grandmother, an old face laughed into a flower.

"My grandmother praised me, but I was only involved in the ridiculous technique." After the wife of the palace dressed herself introduced herself, Shen Tu Nan Tian Li used the same name as Lin Xinyi, which seemed more cordial. The road is full of thorns, although the qualifications of Nantian are still unsatisfactory, but they are also struggling. Xiuwu has taken up too much time for me, and I can’t afford too much energy to practice the abandonment, so I just walked some sidelines. Tao, at the moment, I will only combine the blood and the refining method of refining bones."

Shen Tu Nantian said that he is modest. In fact, many priests who are mainly martial arts, such as Lin Xinyi and others, will be involved in alchemy, absurdity, and arrays. This is a broad experience and a future road to martial arts. It is also very helpful, as is Shentu Nantian.

At this time, Yi Yun, who was on the evening wind pavilion, looked far away at Shen Tu Nantian and his eyes gloomy.

What is the method of smelting bones combined with blood Dan and relic...

In addition to the precious bones of the wild animals, the blood of many wild animals is also of great value and can be used to refine blood Dan.

However, for Shen Tu Nantian, the best material for sulphur Dan is not the blood of the wild animal, but the blood of the abandoned people!

How can Yi Yun forget that when he was in Chuwang House a few months ago, Shen Tu Nantian caught Jiang Xiaorou. The first thing was to let the king of Chu vacate an alchemy room for him and take the blood of Jiang Xiaorou to heal the blood Dan!

Now that Shen Tu Nantian was asked by so many people, he also used his blood and Dan and bone relics to advertise his own ridiculous skills. After Yi Yun listened, it was naturally a murderous heart.

"Haha, the scope of the wilderness is too wide, there is a mastery, it is enough!"

There are forest parents who are attached to the road. Even those elders who do not support the marriage of the Lin family and the Shentu family are still enthusiastic about Shen Tu Nan Tian. After all, no one can guarantee the future. It is definitely not wise to offend this grandfather.

Relative to other remote corners of the tea party, the Linjia high-ranking staff on the honourable seat has not stopped to talk with Shentu Nantian. So Shenna Nantian has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone. He can be said to be the protagonist of this tea party.

On the side of the Shentu family, the seniors of the older generation have deliberately let out the stage and let Shen Tu Nantian perform.

If the many elders of the Lin family have affirmed Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​then this marriage will naturally succeed in the majority.

After the tea party was held for half an hour, Shentu Nantian stood up and said: "Everyone, this time, the Aboriginal Tea Party is for everyone to exchange knowledge about the abundance of the heavens, and to improve together. The second is to prove to the Lin family that my Shentu family is still worthy. The level of absurdism. Now that most of you have already eaten enough, it is better to let the children of the Shentu family perform on stage to show off their skills. It is also a bit of interest for everyone!"

Shen Tu Nantian said, with a look of his eyes, there was a disciple who was sitting in the outer seat of the Shentu family. He couldn’t wait to jump on the lake heart square. He looked like a 16-year-old, wearing the standard costume of the Shentu family. Shake.

"You seniors, you Junjie, in the next Shen Tujun, this year, seventeen years old, Shen Tu family ridiculous master Shen Tuyan Fei's direct disciple, this ridiculous tea party, masters gathered, in the next fight to perform some small tricks, throwing bricks to attract jade, ugly!"

Shen Tujun said, hit a ring finger, a piece of wild bones appeared in the hands of Shen Tujun as magic.

The presence of the experts in the field of absurdism, people can see through such a long distance, this bones should be just the bones of ordinary wild animals.

In fact, for the 17-year-old absurd apprentice, the control of the ordinary wild bones seems to have lost some price, but as long as you can manipulate the pattern, it is also pleasing to the eye.

"Get up!"

Shen Tujun sang a clear drink, and there was a ridiculous array in his space ring. Then, Shen Tujun's ten fingers repeatedly pinched, and one by one was shot by him and flew in the air.

For a time, the energy in this wild bone was quickly extracted by the Shen Tujun.

The characteristics of Shen Tujun's display are speed, ordinary bones. His speed of extracting energy is very fast. He only used a dozen times of time. The energy of Shen Bianjun's wild bones was extracted by him!

This piece of wild bones turned gray and white and was thrown away by the Shen Tujun.


A fragile sound, the bones that lost all the essence turned out to be broken on the ground like porcelain.

At this time, the Shen Tujun re-printed, and after a while, the power of the wildness in the sky formed a rune under his control.

These runes are all controlled by the Shen Tujun, like a group of birds flying in the sky.


When Shen Tujun waved his hand, all the runes were like birds flying toward the phoenix.


Shen Tujun waved again. The rune immediately spread out, just like an arm.

A group of runes, like a group of flexible fish, under the control of the Shen Tujun, the movements are neat and uniform.

"it is good!"


On the surrounding pavilions, the Shentu family, and the families of the Shentu family, their absurd apprentices applauded and applauded the Shentu Army.

This method of Shen Tujun is obviously not used to refine the method of rejuvenating the bones, but to simply show his energy control and printing skills. It is completely the nature of the illusion, the real refining of the bones relic, of course, no one will Control the runes to do so many flashy moves.

In the seat of the honour, the seniors of the Shentu family and the Lin family looked at such performances and were slightly beheaded.

However, such as Su Ru, Sun surnamed the middle-aged man, but there is no such thought, this is the confrontation between the two family's ridiculous skills, especially the two former savage masters have already fought, they certainly can not be compared to others. .

A forest family's elders, nodded to a small pavilion outside the tea party, and a teenager in purple leaped onto the square.

He said with a fist: "In the next Lin Yue, Lin Jiahuang Tianshi Lin Fenglang directly passed the disciple, is also seventeen years old, watching Shen Tuxi one person performing, too thin, I am itching, I plan to cooperate with you Fan, it’s a blog, everyone laughs!”

Lin Yue said, take out the bones that have already been prepared, and use the fastest speed to extract all the wild power contained in the wild bones. Then, with his hands and links, he will turn all the power into the seal. Hey, a group of Fuyin suddenly danced.


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