True Martial World

Chapter 391: Bone trap

Xunzi Yue has said that the five elements of the bone array is his one-handed arrangement. In terms of reason, the people in the array actually have an advantage, while those who break the line are inferior.

Generally, if you can compete, if you can completely break it, it means that the strength of the broken person must exceed that of the array.

Xunzi Yue did not take advantage of Lin Yuan's cheapness in this respect. He was arrogant in his heart and simply looked down on Lin Yuan. He threatened that Lin Yuan would win if Lin Yuan took away more than 30% of the waste.

The power of 30% is very low.

Being blinded by the scorpion month, Lin Yuan also took a sigh of fire. "I can’t say anything, look at me to break your bones!"

If you are a layman, you can't see any doorway. It is like a child taking a bunch of animal bones and placing them at random.

However, when Lin Yuan stepped on the bones, he looked calm and he could see that these bones were treated with special techniques.

There are five kinds of wild bones in Jinmushuihuo, which are corresponding to the five-line wild animals, and they are not the average level of wild animals.

For example, the bones seen in the front of the moon are the bones of a beast.

Lin Yuan can't tell which kind of wild animal it is. This bone looks very special. It is smooth and round, like a piece of colored glass.

"Zi Ziyue, although this man is arrogant, but it does have some strength. The big array he has laid is the fusion of the elite-level wild beast and the beast-level animal bones. It is the position of the inner circle and even the king-level wild beast. The bones, if you want to break this battle, you must first find the eye."

In the surrounding pavilions, people talked about it, they did not expect that after the scorpion month, the method of confrontation of the ridiculous will be like this.

However, this way, compared to the previous rough run of the rune, is indeed more technical, and can continue to fight.

The array of Xunzi Yue is here, and it is possible that several people can't break up in succession. This is where he relies on Lin Jiajun's wheel battle alone.

"This bone should be the center point of a dozen or so bones nearby, and it is also one of the big eyes."

Lin Yuan has already counted this. There are a total of one hundred and eight bones in this large array. There are nine in the eye. Each twelve bones is a group. Each group has a central bone. This central bone is also a matrix. Where the eyes are.

If you break the center bone, this group of small arrays will be broken.

Before the scorpion month said that his line would break through 30%, even if Lin Yuan won.

Although Lin Yuan was dissatisfied with the words of Xunzi Yue, he began to study the five elements of the bones, and he slowly regained his pride. This is not easy!

In any case, I won first, and if I didn’t break the 30% of the bones, it would be a shame.

"I just want to take away the power of the waste inside the four bones, and break through the four groups of small arrays, I will win."

Lin Yuan thought this way, and completely infused his own mental strength on the smooth and rounded glass bone in front of his eyes. This bone exudes a sense of burning, which should be a skeleton of the wild animal of fire energy.

As Lin Yuan’s thoughts sank, somehow he suddenly felt dizzy, as if he had been inhaled into the wilderness for a time and entered a world full of fire everywhere.

"Well? This is!?"

Lin Yuan was alert in his heart. He immediately gathered his spirit and wanted to withdraw his consciousness. At this moment, the round bones of round and fire-like glass collapsed!


The fire blew, and a red hot fire smashed out of the bones. This fire opened the mouth of the blood, and bit it down to Lin Yuan.


Lin Yuan made a scream, although the incident suddenly, his soul was retorted, his headache was splitting, but at the moment when the fire was in crisis, Lin Yuan still tried his best to fight out.


The energy explosion, the fire was defeated by Lin Yuan, but at the same time, Lin Yuan’s arm was broken because of the huge impact force caused by the collision with the fire. The fist was full of blood!

Lin Yuan itself was swept by the shock wave of energy, and flew out and fell heavily on the square.

His face was pale and his body was gently twitching, apparently seriously injured.

In fact, the injury on his arm is nothing, the most important thing is the trauma of his soul sea. Originally, he used his own spiritual power to explore the bones, but he was turned back by the bones and damaged his soul.

Such an injury, to be good to raise the soul Dan to conditioning, and at least half a month, he can not use his own mental power.

"What happened? What happened just now?"

There was a forester's junior unknown, so a glassy wild bone suddenly collapsed, and a fire was found, which hurt Lin Yuan.

"It is the illusion of the essence left after the death of the wild animal!"

A forester’s old man said, he was very surprised. This junior named Yuziyue, who mastered these techniques, was really amazing.

"The bones of the glaze are actually the 'brain stone' in the head of the beast-classed beast - the red-fired python, and when the scorpion will kill the red fire, it will be red fire. The essence of the spirit, sealed into the brain, and then use this brain stone to make a group of five lines of bones!

"This is left in the red stone of the brain, because the resentment that is killed by human beings, once triggered, will break the brain and turn into a murderous murderous shadow. If the person who has just probed is slow to respond Some, I am afraid that I will die on the spot."

Although many ridiculous divisions are not good at fighting, they are proficient in some killing techniques, such as setting traps in the bony relics.

This is the real ridiculous killing.

There are traps in the bones, and even if the people who break the line know that the trap exists, it is not easy to break. Because it is necessary to break the battle, it is necessary to sink the mental power into the bones. Once this happens, it will trigger the trap and be abandoned. The spirit of resilience, the results can be imagined.

Unless the skill of the wilderness is superb, and the moment when the spiritual power sinks into the wild bones, the traps under the scorpion moon are solved, and Lin Yuan obviously does not have this ability.

Lin Yuan's pale face retreated to the evening wind pavilion. He had already eaten a soul-receiving Dan, and he also connected the broken arm bone and barely recovered some vitality.

"I care about it, I care about it. I didn't care about this guy's way. If I knew that there was a trap in the bones, I would definitely not."

Back to Lin Yuan in the evening wind pavilion, facing so many younger brothers and sisters, he couldn’t stand it. He used to pre-war command and arrange the order of playing, which made him like the leader of the evening wind pavilion.

As a result, the scorpion said that he took away 30% of the energy and won. As a result, Lin Yuan tried to withdraw the energy of the first bone, and the trap was defeated.

He was not able to take away the energy of a half point. It was a shame!

"This kid, first use 30% energy to divert my attention, let me ignore the possibility that there may be traps in the bones, too embarrassing!"

Lin Yuan thought about it and said a reason that was not very convincing. In the distance, Yi Yun listened slightly and shook his head. The battle of the Heavenly Masters was originally to use his own ability to create various obstacles for the other side. It is a very common practice to set traps in the bones.

When I first came into contact with the ridiculous technique and refined the bones of the bones, because Luo Huoer was mad at himself, he also set a trap in Lin Bing, and wanted to let Yi Yun’s mental strength enter the lining of the bones. , splashing Yi Yun a bile.

The result was broken by Yi Yun, and Luo Huoer harmed himself.

Of course, compared to the pure mischief trap of Luo Huoer, this way of smashing the savage beasts is even more lethal, which is to be dead.

"Is there anyone coming?" On the square, the scorpion said, and took a piece of bone from the space ring instead of the original red fire, the bone is not the fire. But the water system.

This surprised people, the five-line bone array under the guise of the moon, the bones placed each time can be different.

Such an ever-changing array of methods is the most troublesome because it is difficult to find out its laws.

"But all the apprentices under the age of 18 can challenge my five elements of bones! Can break 30%, even if you win!"

Xunzi is extremely confident. His provocation is such that Lin’s disciples are fierce. The scorpion is only sixteen years old, but he is arguing that the apprentices under the age of 18 can challenge him at will.

However, although people are dissatisfied with their hearts, they also know that the big array under the scorpion moon must be very difficult to deal with. Lin Yuan, a pro-disciple of the middle-aged man named Sun, is placed in the Lin family. His level of absurdity is also very outstanding, but he In front of the five elements of the bone array, but half of the energy was not extracted, and directly failed.

Lin Yuan said that he was too careless, and this was a trap. But in fact everyone knows that the traps set by Xunzi Yue are very clever and hidden, so that Lin Yuan could not find it, otherwise he would lose so. Unsightly.

In this case, if someone explicitly tells Lin Yuan that there is a trap in the bones, then he is afraid that there is nothing to do.

Yi Yun looked at the square moon, gently pinching his eyebrows, he came to participate in the Aboriginal Tea Party this time, the purpose is very clear, is to tear down the Taiwan!

Before the big group of 64 people, Lin Yuan let Yi Yun go up, Yi Yun is of course not interested, then the group battle, the participation is a group of small shackles, Yi Yun will only waste mental energy, no meaning.

What he wants to play is that at this time, the other top apprentice apprentices appear, this is the time for Yi Yun to shoot.

Yi Yun stood up and did not speak, walking toward the edge of the evening wind pavilion.

The young girls in the evening wind pavilion are wondering what Yi Yun wants to do, and at this moment, Yi Yun’s body does not rise up, like a feather, leaping to the center of the square...

At the same time as Yi Yun leaped, in the other small pavilion in the middle of the lake, there was also a young girl who vacated and flew toward the lake center square.


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