True Martial World

Chapter 404: Yin, you are not negotiating

As early as in the Valley of the Wild, Yi Yun saw Lin Xinyi's bones, and tried to use the amethyst to control the power of the forest that was extracted from the bones, and succeeded.

For this reason, Yi Yunmeng had the idea of ​​becoming a ridiculous teacher, and got the handbook of Su Niu from Lin Xinyi, and took the first step of becoming a ridiculous teacher.

This time, the Tiantian Tea Party, when Shen Tu Nantian called Yi Yun to play with him, Yi Yun’s intention was to use the amethyst to interfere with the desolation of Shen Tian’s hands in the last moment of Shen Tu Nantian’s exhibition of Yin and Yin. Nantian one.

Therefore, Yi Yunming knows that Shen Tu Nantian is targeting himself, but he will still count on this challenge.

Yi Yun is not a generous person. Whoever is against him, he will be revered.

With the application of the four images of Shentu Nantian to the most critical moment, the radiance of the amethyst in Yiyun has also smashed to the extreme. A black whirlpool appears quietly, and a powerful suction force acts on the four-image seal. All of a sudden it was confusing.

At that moment, Yi Yun clearly felt the blocking of the Amethyst power.

Amethyst can only absorb no main energy. Now the four elephants are printed by Shen Tu Nantian from the blood of the ancients, and Shen Tu Nan Tian has not had time to refine it. These four animal prints are purely unowned energy.

However, this unpowered energy was under the imprisonment of Shen Tu Nantian's law. For a time, Yi Yun also felt resistance.

This is like Yi Yun in the Temple of the Desolation, facing the barrier of the Great Derivatives, Yi Yun absorbs the energy in the sculptures of the ancient relics, and will encounter difficulties as well.

However, Shen Tu Nan Tian was originally a four-image seal that was barely displayed. At this time, his mental strength has been fully occupied and reached the limit of the limit.

The four images are printed in his hands, and there is no feeling of freedom of control. Instead, they are barely maintaining a difficult balance and are ready to collapse.

At this juncture, the interference from Amethyst power has undoubtedly exceeded the limit of Shen Tu Nantian.

"How is this going!?"

Shen Tu Nan Tian was shocked. He suddenly found that the four elephants in his hand were like the wild horses, and they were desperate to break the **** of Shen Tian Nan Tian.

At this time, Shen Tu Nan Tian has extra mental power to bind the four elephants?

As a result, the four animal prints collided with each other, and the light became more and more brilliant. It was like a burning sun, and it was about to explode almost!

Most of the elders of the Shentu family have not been exposed to the four-image seal. After the Shentu family received the four-image seal, there was only one inheritance, and only the most important characters of the Shentu family had the opportunity to practice.

"Haha, these four elephant prints are really unacceptable, and the energy is so strong."

An elder of the Shentu family, excitedly said that the smashing techniques of other ridiculous techniques are gorgeous, but the scene is far less than the four elephants.

Those seals can only be counted as fireworks at most. How can you compare the four elephants like a sun?

"Of course, the three ancient days of the Shentu family that I got in the secrets of this time, the four elephants printed first!"

Several Shentu family elders are full of praise for the four elephants. They also hope that they will soon have the opportunity to learn this set of seals, which is a great improvement for their absurdity.

Lin’s parents also want to follow a few words. They have such a chance for the Shentu family. They are envious of it. However, they just opened their mouths, but they feel that something is wrong.

"How seems to be a problem..."

They saw that at this time, Shen Tiannan, in the center of the big squad, had turned red, sweaty, and the roots of the blue veins on the forehead, the blood vessels on the neck seemed to burst.

"Do not worry, no problem. However, these four elephant prints are not easy, even if they are repaired by Nantian, they are so stubborn..."

The elders of the Shentu family said with a beard that they did not know the specific situation of the four elephants, and naturally they did not understand what had changed. They thought it was normal!

However, after all, there are people who have been in the Shentu family, and some people have contacted Shentu Nantian to contact the four elephants, that is, a thousand hands!

She has just been bragging about the fate of Shentu Nantian with Linjia Laotaijun, Su Luo, Lin Xinyi, etc. Now, seeing the balance of Sixiangyin being broken, it has become a stove to be exploded, a thousand hands of mother-in-law The smile of self-satisfaction was completely solidified, and her pair of dim old eyes also burst into a thrilling light.


The thousand-handed mother-in-law exclaimed, and the mount under her body exploded directly. Her body violently swelled like a daddy who jumped up and rushed to the center of the square.

"Tian Er insisted!" Qiang's mother-in-law's face changed greatly. Her old and thin-legged veteran was connected in the air, and it was necessary to stabilize the horrible energy of Shen Tu Nantian.

At this time, the energy of the four elephants was completely disordered and reached the limit of the explosion.

Shen Tu Nantian's hair was scattered and his expression was awkward. Because of his mental strength, his temples were bursting open. His facial features were twisted together. It was like a smashed painting. Where is the gentleman like a jade?

Seeing that a thousand hands and mother-in-law came straight, Shen Tu Nan Tian fiercely bite his tongue and forcibly forced out a blood. He wanted to force himself to insist on even a blink of an eye with the power of burning blood!

These four animal prints can be combined with the essence of the Taikoo relics. This is a four-headed ancient relic, and once it breaks out, it is not a play.

At this time, Yi Yun has quietly retired to a safe distance. He saw that the seal of the thousand-handed mother-in-law has been played, and Shen Tu Nantian also burns the blood, and the soul sea is overdrawn to the limit. At this moment, Yi Yun is in the mask. Under the cover, his mouth curled again in a curve, revealing a meaningful smile.


Yi Yun mouth gently moves, in an instant, the amethyst is pushed to the extreme.

He is waiting for this moment!


The fragile energy balance between the four elephants was completely broken. The energy of the ancient colonies was smashed, and the powerful power of the wildness was vented, forming a horrible storm vortex!


Shen Tian, ​​the first to bear the brunt, made a scream!

The thousand-handed mother-in-law who is already close at hand is stunned. The seal on her hand is a very scary time. It can be pressed into the four-image animal print to stabilize the situation, but this is the point. The gap in time is like the separation of the sky!

The energy has exploded, and of course, the ridiculous seal has no effect. Under the anger of a thousand hands, the handcuffs crushed the seal, and her sleeves waved and waved to the explosive energy storm!


Thousands of mother-in-law's gowns collide with the energy storm, and they are shot in the air. In the face of the powerful strength of the mother-in-law, this energy storm is instantly annihilated by most of them!

However, Shentu Nantian was originally on the other side of the explosion. Although the Qianmao mother-in-law blocked most of the explosive energy, she blocked her own side, and Shentu Nantian South, she could not take care of it!

The energy of Taikoo's legacy was originally beyond the limit of Shen Tu Nantian's control. Shentu Nantian relied on the four elephants and the big array under his feet to control them. Now the energy of the ancient relics is exploding in front of him. How can Shentu Nantian withstand it? Can you live?

The remaining energy storm, without a fancy impact on the chest of Shen Tu Nantian, he only felt that the chest was hit by a mountain. He had a broken rib on the spot and the sternum was broken. The whole person vomited a blood and flew straight out!


Thousand-handed mother-in-law has been mad at her anger. She slammed her hands and flew out in long sleeves, and wrapped her in Shentian Nantian.

However, at this time, Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​who has already turned pale and his body trembled, apparently his physical condition is already too bad to be worse!

In addition to the chest was severely damaged, the sternum was crushed, and the heart and lungs were damaged, the most important thing was that his soul sea was rebellious!

This ancient method of absurdity is originally a smelting technique that is also true and evil.

Shen Tu Nan Tian originally wanted to use the spirit to fight back to Yin Yiyun, but now he is eating his own fruit. He himself has endured the spirit of the four elephants!


At the foot of Shentu Nantian, the huge array broke out. At the two corners of the market, Shen Tufeng and Shen Tuhai, who were aware of the aftermath, were also swept into the energy storm of the explosion.

Although they are far apart, but the repair is far less than Shentu Nantian, the situation is not much better, both people are physically injured, the internal organs are damaged, the mouth is full of blood!

The only thing they are stronger than Shen Tu Nan Tian is that they have not been mentally rebelled, so that their injuries will be much easier to adjust.

Only Yiyun, because he knew that it would explode, and retired in advance. At the time of the explosion, he flashed his body and hid behind a bronze dart in the corner of the square.

This bronze big trip, originally a forest home refining, used to keep the magic weapon of Tianhuayuan heaven and earth, naturally will not be destroyed by the explosion that Shen Tu Nantian made.

Therefore, four people in the field, only Yi Yun was not affected.

After the shock wave of the explosion dissipated, Shen Tian Nantian, who had been looking at the original sentiment, had become a dead fish. Shen Tuhai and Shen Tufeng, who were just as prosperous as they were just now, became like dead dogs. Some people in the place, whether they were Lin’s parents or Shen Tu The family elders, as well as the many juniors of the two families, are stunned!

What exactly is going on?

The scene reversed too fast, and none of them reacted!

Originally a large-scale demonstration of ancient law and abundance, it turned out to be such a situation.

The most dazzling heroes of the three Shentu families, the two lie down, the other is rolled up by the sleeves of the mother-in-law, and the atmosphere is smashing, and the big place in the heaven and place under their feet is completely broken. .

At this time, they just saw Yi Yun turned carelessly behind Da Ding. He was the weakest among the four and the youngest, but this Yi Yun did not say that he was injured, and even the hair was gone. !

Seeing Yi Yun like this, all people have a strange color on their faces.

At this time, he is in stark contrast to Shen Tu Nan Tian and others!

How is this done?

Many people roll their throats and open their mouths. They can't be closed for a long time.

The most collapsing is the Shentu family elders. They have just blown the cowhide, but now they are reversing, so they are not expected.

The script should not be like this. It should have been Shentu Nantian’s splendor, and the four-image seal was perfected. The refining of the ancient bones was right!


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