True Martial World

Chapter 409: Black snake

"A year..."

Lao Taijun’s face was so heavy that she looked at Lin Xinyi. At this time, she was also in a dilemma. She finally knew why the Shentu family was willing to give in, and let Lin Xinyi try to eat the female emperor.

According to the Shentu family, this female emperor is extremely valuable. Any one refining is not an easy task. The Shentu family cannot give you a try, and then give the Lin family several years to consider. When I really treated Lin Xin’s pulse, I refining the same relic to Lin Xinyi.

Now let Lin Xinyi eat the first one, it is necessary to take the boneless relics every month for the next eleven months. That means that the Lin family must show their attitude towards the marriage proposed by the Shentu family in a short period of time.

For example, Lin Xin’s grandmother and other grandfathers who support the Shentu family, of course, have no opinion. The aunt’s grandmother smiled and said: “Nan Tianxian’s don’t sell it, and quickly take out the female emperor’s relic, give us an eye-opener. !"

As soon as this statement came out, there were also some parents of Lin, such as Liu Shugong, who said that they couldn’t wait.

"Okay, then I will open the pillbox. This bony relic is the top figure in the Shentu family. It is combined with several hidden high-ranking people to take a shot. It takes a lot of talents to refine. successful."

"After the successful refining of the female emperor, she immediately sealed it in the relic box. On this relic box, there are seven seals banned. Now six of them have been solved. In the end, this crucial prohibition must use my spirit. The imprint is untied, which guarantees that there is no loss of efficacy."

Between Shen Tian and Nan Tian’s speech, regardless of tone or demeanor, they naturally showed a faint arrogance. It seems that a few days ago, his ugly anger at the Abandoned Tea Party has been swept away.

When Shen Tu Nantian took out the female emperor's relic, he was really proud and proud. There is this relic in hand, let alone the Lin family junior, even the top members of the Lin family should respect him.

"One of the seven seals can only be solved by the spiritual imprint of Shentu Nantian. The Shentu family really highlights the status of Shentu Nantian."

Lao Taijun was slightly indulged. She naturally knew the intention of the Shentu family. The original process of refining the bones was not related to Shentu Nantian. However, the Shentu family had to arrange one of the seals. Open, this is to force the addition of a halo to Shentu Nantian, which is equivalent to telling Lin Jia, Shen Tu Nantian is the master of the future Shentu family, and his position in the Shentu family is detached.

"Well, I have to open the seal, please wait and see."

Shen Tu Nantian smiled, and he squeezed out several seals in one hand and injected his spiritual mark into the relic box of the ancient Zijin.

The mental strength required to verify the spiritual imprint was actually insignificant. However, Shen Tu Nantian was injured too much before, which was such a small process of unlocking the seal, but his face changed slightly and his lips were slightly paler.

Shen Tu Nan Tian took a deep breath and forcibly pressed the pain of the soul sea, so it was easy to open the relic box. However, the blue veins of his forehead bounced slightly, but many people saw it, he actually did not hurt.

Of course, at this time, no one cares to laugh at Shen Tu Nantian, because everyone’s eyes are attracted by the female emperor in the box!

Among the pill boxes of the ancient Zijin, there is a layer of white silkworm silk satin, above the satin, and there is a crystal clear relic in Enron.

This relic is not a sphere, but like a ring-shaped finger. In the middle of the hollow, there is a shadow of a red snake slowly swimming.

Shen Tu Nantian hands put the female emperor relic out, this relic, like a small sun, exudes pure pure air of pure yang!

And relic itself, it is also like a life, at a glance, the value is extraordinary!

"It is indeed a baby!"

The parents of Lin, who are present, are all like a torch. They can see the value of this relic at a glance. They can’t help but talk.

"The red shadow of the little snake is the condensation of the pure spirit. This female emperor is the thing of the yang, and right, the heart is a natural yin, the excess of pure yin, and only this is the sun. Things can help the heart continue to succumb to the pulse!"

"If the old man is not mistaken, the material of this relic should be added to the fate of the Taikoo true spirits, and it is still the ancient and evil spirits of the pure yang!"

The wild beasts of the ancient and the true spirits are extremely rare, and they are also deep in the depths of the gods, and it is difficult to capture them, and the pure and sacred ancient spirits and beasts are even less.

The bones of this wild beast can be imagined.

"No wonder the Shentu family has such self-confidence. There are such female emperors at this level, and they continue to have a heart-breaking pulse. It is indeed eight or nine points!"

Many of the oldest generations of the Lin family, after seeing this bony relic, are full of excitement.

This feeling is like the swordsmith who saw the top good sword.

Just looking at these levels of relics is a great treat for them.

What about this level of relics, there are eleven!

After identifying the female emperor, the eyes of the people have been concentrated on Lin Xinyi.

They are waiting to see the effect of this female emperor's use on Lin Xinyi, which is really something that Lin's parents always look forward to.

"Haha, this elder is really a good eye!" Shen Tu Nantian mouth has a proud smile. "This female emperor is indeed refining the pure bones of the Taiyang true spirit. As for what is the ancient and the true spirit, I can't easily disclose it. We Shentuo family, using this Taikoo true spirit's life bone, can just refine twelve relics, these relics have a kind of connection in the dark, a refinement is a whole set ""

People don’t know whether Shen Tu Nantian’s words are true or not. He only knows that this is another time. Once he tries to eat this wild bone relic, Lin’s family must make a decision. The Shentu family cannot be wasted for a trial. The whole body of the Taikoo true spirit.

Lin Xinyi was silent. She knew that Shen Tiannan was in the palace, which made her not want to try this relic. Once she ate it, she owed the Shentu family and things would become entangled.


Lao Taijun saw Lin Xinyi’s thoughts. At this time, even the old Taijun who always loved Lin Xin’s heart would not stand on the side of Lin Xinyi.

The big family should pay attention to the number of rituals. The original Lin family had already promised to let Lin Xinyi try to eat the female emperor. Now the Shentu family has come up with such sincerity. If the Lin family temporarily repents, it will inevitably be criticized.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this female emperor relic itself makes the old Taijun heart, and she is increasingly convinced that the Shentu family can cure Lin Xinyi's natural pulse.

If there is no certain certainty, how can the Shentu family invite such important figures from the major families to witness this conference?

"I didn't expect that the Shentu family would come up with such a relic..."

Not far from Lin Xinyi, Su Luo also sighed and shook his head secretly. Even if he did not like the suicide of the Shentu family, this time there was nothing to say about the female emperor.

In all fairness, he hopes that Lin Xinyi can give it a try. After all, Lin Xinyi’s natural pulse wants to continue. He wants to succumb to his own strength. He does not want to see Lin Xinzhen’s death at a young age. In vain, she wasted her unparalleled talent.

"Heart, you have to think about it, the arrow has to be sent on the string. If you don't try this female emperor today, this conference is afraid that Lin will not come to Taiwan."

The Shentu family invited so many families to come to witness, which is equivalent to forcing the Lin family, but the Lin family elders are happy to see this situation.

Lin Xinyi was silent. For a time, the meeting became quiet. All eyes were gathered on Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi’s attitude is crucial!

The atmosphere became dignified, and people knew that it was a huge pressure to fall on Lin Xinyi.

A young girl, even if she has the courage of others, may not be able to counter such pressure!

At this time, no one noticed that on the chair in the corner of the venue, Yi Yun, wearing a mask, stared at the relic, his eyes glowing.

This female emperor... seems to be...

When Shen Tu Nantian opened the relic box, Yi Yun has already opened the energy field of vision.

Amethyst's energy vision, through all the illusions, directly sees the essence of things, even Yi Yun in the tomb of the tomb, after tens of millions of years of history, Yi Yun can use the energy vision of Amethyst See the most original energy mark in the knife marks and sword marks carved by the owner of the Tomb Sword Tomb.

This is the power of the Great Emperor's ridiculous division.

However, when Yi Yun used the energy field to explore the female emperor, he saw something unusual.

Among the relics, there is a hint of blackness that lingers in it.

This black gas, lurking under the red snake, it is like a thinner and smaller black snake, swimming slowly.

However, once the energy field is turned off, the black snake is not seen at all. It is like a strange ghost, which makes people feel scared!

I don't know why, when I saw this black snake, there was a strong sense of uneasiness in Yi Yun's heart. This is the feeling that Yi Yun has never had before!

This relic, maybe there is a problem!

Suddenly aware of this possibility, Yi Yun's complexion became dignified.

At this time, the atmosphere in the field was still dignified, Lin Xinyi did not speak, everyone looked at Lin Xinyi, the situation was cold!

"Shen Tu Gongzi, you will take the relic to take a look at the old man."

At this moment, Lin’s old lady suddenly spoke up.

It’s really awkward. She wants to speak out to ease the atmosphere. By the way, she also checks this relic to see if it will have any problems.


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