True Martial World

Chapter 411: Drugs will conflict

As Yiyun stood up, the entire venue suddenly became very quiet. Everyone looked at Yi Yun with a look in his eyes.

They all feel a little worried. In this scene, if anyone is standing up to say something, it should be a suicide, a Linjia Laotaijun, or a top-ranking figure of the Shentu family.

What does Yiyun stand up for? In his capacity, how can he qualify for speaking?

"You?" Shen Tu Nantian looked at Yi Yun and sneered. "Who is your surname? Is it Lin Family? How old is it? Is it a geometry? You know what the situation is now? What are the statuses of many elders?" Many predecessors didn't speak, which round got you talking!?"

Although Shen Tu Nantian can't wait to kill Yi Yun, but after all, in front of the Lin family and many large family leaders, he needs to maintain the image of his modest gentleman, not to be too vulgar.

Even so, his words are full of ridicule and disdain. His three questions all point to Yi Yun's weakness. Yi Yun is a junior, and his strength is not good. In the third place, he is still an outsider. It doesn't matter. He suddenly said at this time that he had something to say. It is really rude.

"Under the Yun Yantian, Lin Jiakeqing, the disciple of the elders of Su, the age of fifteen, repaired as the initial base of the Yuan..."

People did not think that in the face of the obvious ridicule of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​Yi Yun was calm and calmly answering his questions, as if he did not hear the irony.

Such behavior undoubtedly angered Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​and also made all the people in the Shen Tu family angry at the scene. Even the Lin family did not understand Yi Yun’s behavior.

"Elder Sue, this is..." Lin Jia Laotai Jun looked at the Soviet Union, and her heart was puzzled. Her impression of Yi Yun was very good, and this teenager also gave her the feeling of advancing and retreating, knowing the number of gifts. She did not know Yi Yun. Why did you suddenly stand up?

The suicide was also a fog, and his cheap apprentice never let him worry.

"Enough!" At this time, on the Shentu family side, an old voice suddenly sounded, this voice contains a powerful energy fluctuation, so that everyone listened to the ear!


The angry face of the mother-in-law, slamming the seat under the body, directly shattered the armrest of the seat into wood powder!

Thousands of mother-in-law's body slowly stood up, a pair of dirty eyes, staring at Yiyun, like the old vultures who stared at the prey.

The negotiations between the Shentu family and the Lin family, she was angered everywhere, and had already had enough.

Especially half a month ago, her most beloved grandchildren, Shen Tu Nantian Soul Sea, was regulfed. After using a lot of value-added psychotropic drugs, there is still no way to completely cure the soul sea. Now it is still recovering, and the cultivation speed is Greatly damaged.

She also recorded this account in Lin’s body. If Lin’s family did not question the history of the Shentu family, they questioned Shen Tu Nantian, why they organized the Abalone Tea Party, and let Shen Tu Nantian carry out the danger at the Aboriginal Tea Party. Hyun? In front of this unknown child, he not only spoiled the game at the Aboriginal Tea Party. Now, at such an important moment, he has again stirred up.

"Where the small beasts come, they still don't understand the rules! If it is in the Shentu family, it is not big or small, I don't know that the little beasts of their own two babies jump out and yell, and the old body has already shot the dead!"

Thousand-handed mother-in-law said sullenly, her words were not only Yi Yun, but also secretly mapped the Lin family's family rules, so that this small and small animal born in such an occasion. She can't understand the top of the Lin family, she can only use this insinuation to breathe a sigh of relief.

After listening to the words of the mother-in-law, Lin’s old lady’s face also sank slightly.

"Thousand-handed mother-in-law, what is the meaning of this?" In this case, the Lin family old lady can not help.

"Lin Laojun." The tone of the Qiangpo mother-in-law was not so polite before. "Do not blame the wife and I speak hard. This marriage is indeed proposed by my Shentu family. But isn’t it better for Lin Family? Married into our Shentu family, but also Lin family, the future is the peerless female emperor of your Lin family, Nantian just followed a little light, and for this reason my Shentu family also paid a great price to refine the female emperor relic!"

"Although I said that because of the beast tide ten years ago, my Shentu family was hurt, but it is not asking for the shelter of your Lin family. I will not say that the Shentu family will seek development in the next few decades, but only keep the family heritage, or do it. of!"

In the face of the pressure from the hard-working and hard-working mother-in-law, Lin Laotai was silent.

A thousand mother-in-law will not really tear her face with Lin Laotai, and she turns to Yi Yun. "Small beasts, if you don’t look at Lin Laotai’s share, the old man will shoot you directly today!"

Between thousands of hands and mother-in-law, a momentum is pressing on Yi Yun's body. This is not the pressure of the emperor. It is just the atmosphere of the superiors formed by the thousands of mothers and grandmothers.

Yi Yun pinched the tip of his nose. He was so stingy. Naturally, he did not like others to point at his nose. He ignored his hand and cautiously cuffed his mouth. He said softly: "I thought... people are on. The age should be steady..."

Yi Yun said this sentence, everyone in the field is paralyzed!

Including Su Luo, Lin Laotai Jun, but also did not react for a while.

What is he saying? Although he is not a slut, but his tone, this muzzle is no doubt more hateful than the monks!

Moreover, in fact, Yi Yun said that yes, although Yi Yun stood up and talked on such an occasion, it was a little bit big or small, but the thousand-handed mother-in-law jumped out because of Yi Yun’s words, and it was really lost!

The eyes of the mother-in-law were suddenly red, and the blood of her whole body seemed to be on her face, and the blood color swallowed the wrinkles on her face bit by bit. She looked at Yi Yun with horror and anger, and the expression was like an old cat who was suddenly pulled off his tail.

"Small beast, you are looking for death!"

Thousand-handed mother-in-law wanted to shoot and killed Yi Yun. At this time, Su Niu and Lin Xinyu stood up at the same time, and the suicide was flashing, and it had already flashed to Yi Yun.

Lin Jia Laotai Jun, is also a gas machine locked Yi Yun, as long as the thousand hands of the mother-in-law, Lin Laotai Jun can use the means to pull Yi Yun back.

"Yantian, what are you doing!"

Su Zhan while protecting Yi Yun, while some collapsed said that he is really speechless, Yi Yun this is what to do, in front of so many people, the lessons of a thousand hands mother-in-law!

"Do not do anything, just... I think there is a problem with the female emperor who took out the Shentu family!"

Yi Yun said in a sentence that it seems to be well-informed.

For a moment, the entire venue was quiet, whether it was the old parents of Lin, or the top executives of the Shentu family, all of them were stunned.

However, the old people of the Shentu family only took a blink of an eye, and they all glared at Yi Yun.

"Little, what are you talking about!"

"There is no reason for this, even the filth of my family's fees has been innumerable. After many years of hard work and refining of the female emperor, the Lin family does not give a statement today, the old man will never give up!"

The elders of the Shentu family have already been intolerable to Yi Yun, and at this time, the thousand hands of the mother-in-law are sullen, a pair of turbid and full of murderous eyes, it seems to be easy to shoot through the general!

She said one word at a time: "I want Lin, give this little animal to the old man! Otherwise, this female emperor, you don't eat it!"

Thousand-handed mother-in-law has already reached the extreme, she began to threaten Lin Jia with the female emperor. If she does not hand over Yi Yun, the female emperor will no longer give Lin Xinyi!

Many Lin parents are old, this face has changed.

This female emperor relic, related to Lin Xinyi's natural and ruthless, is related to whether the Lin family can produce a peerless female emperor who dominates the Tianyuan world.

Although Yi Yun’s value to Lin’s family is not small, it is almost negligible compared to Lin Xin’s.

They don't know what Yiyun is crazy. At this time, although many Lin parents always want to protect Yiyun, but they can't stand Yiyun's own death, you are so good, why bother to provoke this old woman?

This thousand-handed mother-in-law has always been sorrowful, especially after she is old, she is more paranoid and poisonous. Whoever offends her and falls into her hands will definitely die!

“Is there a problem? Is there any problem?”

Yi Yun’s sentence touched the sensitive nerves of Lao Taijun. She would reluctantly agree to this marriage. They are all considering the life expectancy of Lin Xinyi. If there is a problem with the female relic, it will definitely make the old Taijun violent. thing!

"Can there be any problem, Lao Taijun, Hugh is going to listen to this kid gibberish!" At this time, Lin Xinyi's grandmother stood up, she had long seen Yi Yun unhappy.

"The Shentu family spent so much at the cost of refining the female emperor relic. Is it not poisoning inside, losing a treasure medicine, and offending our Lin family, just to kill the heart? It’s a joke! what is the benefit?"

"And, Lao Taijun also personally tested the female emperor relic. Isn’t the old Taijun’s eyesight better than him? According to my opinion, this kid is handed over to the Shentu family. Anyway, he is not our Lin family. !"

Lin Xinyu's aunt and grandmother, sneer at Yi Yun, killing herself, no wonder others!

Lin Xin’s grandmother said that in fact, it is also the old opinion of all the parents of Lin. What can Yi Yun say that this female emperor has a problem?

However, Lao Taijun did not immediately negate Yi Yun, because Yi Yun’s performance in the Absurd Tea Party, she felt that Yi Yun is not the kind of uninformed person. In the eyes of Lao Taijun, there was a glimmer of light: "Yun Xiaoyou, let me talk about it, why do you think this female emperor has a problem?"

After asking this sentence, Laotaijun said to Yi Yun with a metaphor. "Yun Xiaoyou, you have to think about words. If you can’t say it, you can still protect your life, but you will endure it. More pressure and criticism."


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