True Martial World

Chapter 415: Black gas

Shen Tu Nantian, Qiang's mother-in-law, and the long-browed old man, the three seals of the seals, all fell on the hands of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun opened the energy field of vision. In the energy field of view, the female emperor relic is still awkward. It is just a black snake, but it is like a scar, so that this original perfect female relic, revealing a dangerous and evil atmosphere. .

Yi Yun poured into the amethyst with his spiritual power, and surrounded the evil spirit with the power of Amethyst.

Before the gambling, Yi Yun experimented, and Amethyst was effective for this female emperor.

When the power of Amethyst came into contact with the evil atmosphere, Yi Yun felt a sensation in the whole body, as if there was a chill, flowing into his body along his own meridians, making him feel the chill of the bones.


The black snake, constantly humming, was shrouded in the power of Amethyst, struggling to break free from the amethyst.

This makes Yi Yun feel a glimpse of this, this arrogance, knowing the instinct of struggle, which means that it has evolved into a smart!

Some medicinal herbs, relics, because they use too many natural treasures, the grades are too high, plus too long time, they can be derived from the wisdom, in the moment when the warriors want to swallow it, fly Escape.

At this moment, this female emperor relic has just been refining, and there is a tendency to produce intelligence. This is really impossible.

If the female emperor relics really have the ingenuity, especially if the black snake has the ingenuity, Yi Yun can't separate it with Amethyst.

Because Amethyst can only work on the inanimate energy without life.

Yi Yun glanced at the three Xuanjing handprints on his hand and did not hesitate to hit the three characters on the black snake.

"call out!"

The seal was suppressed on the body of the snake, and its struggle was significantly weakened.

"If you let this relic stay in the relics of the ancient Zijin for a month or two, it is afraid that it will be able to take advantage of the heavens and the earth and become more difficult to control. By that time, I have no way to have Amethyst."

"Before Shen Tu Nantian said that this female emperor relic in the relics of the ancient purple gold, the medicinal properties will continue to pass, after a year after the disappearance of medicinal properties, I am afraid he was fabricated, in order to force the Lin family to decide the marriage."

Yi Yun’s heart flashed through various thoughts. He looked up and looked at Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​and his mouth was full of a smile.

"Southern Son, the second one."

Shen Tu Nantian's face sank, coldly screamed, endured the pain of the soul sea, began to condense the second mark of the Xuan Jing hand.

At this time, many people are watching Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​including the top of the Lin family, and Lin Xinyi.

Under the eyes of the public, Shen Tu Nantian, who loves his face, can make a fool of himself.

However, if you want to wear a fat man, you must endure the pain of swollen face. Shen Tu Nan Tian now has some regrets. After he is injured, why should he conceal his injury and force him to pretend to be indifferent?

The second, third, fourth... until the twentieth mark.

Shen Tu Nan Tiandu was barely finished.

However, after twenty, Shentu Nantian became more and more strenuous. The blue veins of his forehead were uplifted. Because of his mental strength, he became blind and red, and there was no longer a modest gentleman who was calm and comfortable.

At this time, Lin Xinyi is still watching him. In the face of his future woman, Shen Tu Nantian does not want to weaken the momentum.

Now let Shen Tu Nantian insist on the random killing of Yi Yun after the failure of Yi Yun.

However, the time of this half hour is undoubtedly the second of the year for Shentu Nantian!

Yi Yun this time, in fact, long ago with the Xuan Jing hand's signature, completely banned the struggle of the black snake, originally Yi Yun extracted black snake, not relying on Xuan Jing hand, but relying on the power of Amethyst.

He can now extract the black snake at any time if he wants.

However, seeing Shen Tu Nantian's appearance, Yi Yun felt that if he did not delay the time to the end, he really was sorry for the so much effort made by Shen Tu Nan Tian.

"Nantian son, you seem to be very hard? Is the soul sea pain? In fact, Xuan Jing hand you have completed the small half, there are still about sixty, in fact, this kind of pain, pain, and get used to it."

When condensing into the fortieth mark, Yi Yun looked at Shen Tu Nan Tian: "Caring".

Shen Tu Nan Tian sullen face, endured the pain of the soul sea, bite his teeth: "You still manage yourself, you only have two quarters of life."

At this time, at the edge of the venue, an hourglass has been erected, and a grain of quicksand has passed silently from the top of the hourglass, like a passing life.

In the past quarter of an hour, Xuan Jing’s seal has been pinched to the 80th mark.

Shen Tu Nan Tian's expression is stunned, his forehead is sweaty, and the five senses are twisted together.

At this time, he can no longer disguise, even a child of seven or eight years old can see at a glance that Shen Tu Nan Tian is already the end of the strong.

The seal printed by Shen Tu Nantian is no longer perfect.

Although the face has been lost, Shen Tu Nantian still tried his best to persist. After all, helping Yi Yun find the defects in the female emperor's relic is the content written in the soul contract. Shen Tu Nantian is worried about the problem of the soul contract.

"Heaven, stick to it, there will be a little time left."

At this time, the tone of the mother-in-law of the thousand hands rang in the ear of Shen Tu Nan Tian.

Shen Tu Nantian nodded hard, and took out a soul-raising Dan from the space ring and swallowed it directly. Then, his face had an unusual flushing color.

The injury of his soul sea was recovering. After today’s tossing, his wounds want to heal, I am afraid it will take a few more months.

He really hates to die!

There are fewer and fewer sand grains in the hourglass, and only the last small point is left.

In the surroundings, Su Luo, Lin Jia Lao Taijun, and Lin Xinyi, all squeezed a sweat for Yi Yun.

Time is only about the last one hundred or so! But looking at the female emperor, there is not much obvious progress.

Lin Xinyi's hands are pinched together, and the plain ten fingers are constantly interlaced. Lin Xinyi, who is always in the air, is not able to calm down at this time.


Lin Xinyi passed the sound to Su robbery, but the Su robbery also shook his head: "I can't see it for the teacher. I am afraid that there is only a variant of the kid's eyes. I can see something."

Yi Yun's variant eyelids are mysterious and elusive to the presenters. They can see what the mutant eyelids can see and what effect they have. They are completely unclear.

No one would think of the existence of amethyst, and the amethyst is simply beyond the world they know.

In fact, the older generation of the Shentu family had scanned Yi Yun's whole body with the perception of the sky, but they did not find any abnormalities. Therefore, they could only agree with the fact that Yi Yun's eyes were mutated.

Eighty interest, sixty interest, seventy interest...

Time passes by, and there is only a small amount of sand left in the hourglass.

Seeing that there was not much time, the hearts of Lin Xinyi and others were hanging up. As for Shen Tu Nantian, although he had painfully reached the extreme, his mouth showed a smirk of pleasure.

A negligible little person can cause him to hate so much, except for the cloud in front of him, then it is only a few months ago.

The Yi Yun has been scrapped by him, and this kid, he will kill him with more cruel means!

There are still 30 interest!

Shen Tu Nantian eyes blood red, he looked at Yi Yun, and looked at Lin Xinyi.

In the state of the sea of ​​spirits, Shen Tu Nantian has become almost crazy. He sees Lin Xinyu’s eyes and has less cover, and a little more naked greed!

In fact, compared with the abuse of Yi Yun, Lin Xinyi is the greater motivation to support Shentu Nantian. This brings the pleasure of Shen Tu Nantian to thousands of times and thousands of times more than the killing of Yiyun!

Lin Xinyu’s expression is as heavy as autumn water.

Seeing that there is only twenty interest left in the time, the full set of Xuan Jing hand has been completed, Lin family have held their breath, and the needle in the field can be heard.

The people of the Shentu family, etc., showed a happy smile.

In particular, Shen Tu Nan Tian and Qian Shou mother-in-law did not hide their embarrassment and pleasure at this time.

"Kid, see how you die!"

The thousand-handed mother-in-law smiled like an old witch. In order to apply for the marriage of Nantian and Lin Xinyi, she had already endured for two years. Now she has tolerated the little animal in front of her eyes and pulls her urine. She has long been fed up. Now!

When Shen Tu Nan Tian smashed Lin Xinyi, he became the "Beauty of the Emperor" and eventually became the top emperor.

The Shentu family can not only survive the crisis, but also become the hegemonic family in the Tianyuan world.

Ten interest!

Almost all the sand left in the hourglass can be counted with the naked eye.

Thousands of mother-in-law and Shen Tu Nan Tian are looking at the hourglass with one heart and one mind, waiting for the end of the last time, they can get everything they want!

And just then, the change is sudden!

Yi Yun’s female emperor’s relic suddenly trembled. The auspicious light above the relics fainted, and a trace of black air flew out of the relic and flew to Yi Yun’s hand.

This black gas looks embarrassing and evil. Even if it is bound by many of the Xuanjing hand's seals, it still struggles fiercely, like an evil black worm, giving a chilling feeling!

In the last moment, Yi Yun used the amethyst to pump out the black gas hidden in the female emperor. People were wide-eyed, and the sudden blackness made them unexpected.

"what is that?"

Not only the elders of the Lin family, but even the elders of the family and the Shentu family, all of them are full of surprises, and the blackness of Yi Yun’s hands makes them feel uneasy.

Was it raised by the female emperor? How is it like living, if you eat the female relic, this black gas, is it also hidden in the body?

People didn't have time to figure out the black gas, but at this moment, Yi Yun's fingers flicked, this black gas, like the bones of the bones, was suddenly shot into the fire wolf body by Yi Yun!

This wild beast is the experimental wild animal chosen by Yi Yun!


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