True Martial World

Chapter 417: Sending a baby boy Shentu Nantian

[Broadcast] Pay attention to the "starting point reading", get the first hand news of the 515 red envelope, and the students who have not robbed the red envelope after the Chinese New Year, this time can show their skills.


Shen Tu Nantian rushed to help the mother-in-law, and the sudden scene completely exceeded his control. He saw the face of the murderous Linjia Laotaijun, and Shen Tu Nantian’s heart was filled with deep fear.

He really doubts that the Linjia Laotaijun will desperately kill the Shentu family including him!

Thousands of mother-in-law struggled and climbed up. She had a smirk on her old face. Ten thousand years ago, she had played against Lin’s old lady. At the beginning, she had a gap with Lin’s old lady. Now, the gap is even bigger. Coupled with a few Lin parents to take the shot, has already hurt the meridian mother-in-law.

As for the other elders of the Shentu family, they did not dare to help the mother-in-law. They were stupid at this time, and they did not know that the female emperor had such a major flaw.

When this is the case, there is no possibility of sophistication.

If the red-eyed wolf is dying and dying, it can be said that it is too weak to withstand the powerful power of the female emperor, but it is old and dead, and even turned into a bone, which is completely unreasonable. Only evil energy can lead to such consequences.

The elders of the Shentu family are worried about being shackled and pond fish.

This is on the land of the Lin family, Lin Laotaijun killed them, it is not difficult!

The result was that Lin and the Shen Tu family completely tore their faces and started a full-scale war.

Many elders of the Shentu family thought of clarifying themselves quickly, but at this time, Shen Tu Nantian first spoke: "Old Taijun! The younger generation did not know that the female emperor had such defects, and did not know why this was the case. Nothing."

When I heard the words of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​Lin Xin frowned, this person is really shameless!

Lin Laotai Jun held the leading cane and went to Shentu Nantian.

Shen Tu Nan Tianping lived in breathing. He just wanted to say something again. Lin Laotai suddenly took a shot. Her wrinkled palm was smashed like a lightning bolt.


A crackling sound, Lin Laotai Jun slaps a solid slap, fan in the face of Shen Tu Nantian!

This slap, completely smashed a face of Shen Tu Nantian, a dozen teeth flew out, Shen Tu Nantian, the whole figure turned like a gyro in the air for more than a dozen laps, and fell heavily on the ground!


Shen Tu Nan Tian licked his face and his whole body was shaking. Originally his face, handsome and extraordinary, Yushu is in the wind, but now he is bloody,

This attack by Lin Laotai Jun also touched the injury of Shentu Nantian Soul Sea. The original Shentu Nantian was tossed by Yiyun, and it was already exhausted. Now it has been hit hard. Shenna Nantian only feels like it is good. Ten thousand hammers, constantly licking his head, his brain roared, painful heart!

Shen Tu Nantian looked up, his nostrils and ears were bleeding outside. Just a moment ago, Lin Laotai’s murderous machine made him almost think he was going to die.

This woman who has been in charge of Lin’s house for more than 10,000 years seems to be amiable, but once she starts to anger, it makes people shudder!


Lin Laojun’s leading cane was heavily on the ground, giving a dull bang, and the floor tiles burned by the old man’s feet were directly shattered into powder!

"Don't be a three-year-old child. You are a ambition of the wolf. You are guilty of misconduct, and you are blinded by old eyes. If you are not a cloud friend, you will make a big mistake. After death, you will have no face to Lin. The ancestors of the ancestors!"

Lin Laotai Jun stayed at a high position for a long time, and now he is angry. It has caused tremendous pressure on Shentu Nantian. Coupled with the injury of the soul sea, he faced the murder of Lin Laotai, and he really couldn’t help it!

"Hand over the ancient emperor! Tell the secret and location of the secret!!"

Under the oppressive pressure of Lin Laojun, Shentu Nantian was difficult to breathe. At this time, the thousand-handed mother-in-law sneered and said: "What is said, but it is a soul contract, not to say that you will die, say, you will Let us go?"

Thousand-handed mother-in-law was almost desperate. She was originally planted in the hands of Lin Laotaijun. She had nothing to say, but today she was planted in the hands of a teenage little child!

She is not reconciled! !

Thousand-handed mother-in-law looked at Yi Yun, and there was a lot of hatred in her heart!

Today, all this, thanks to this little beast, the original benefits of the Shentu family, but now it has become a disaster!

"You don't want to say it, but some people will say that not everyone is as dead as you are."

Lin Laotai Jun said, looking at Shen Tu Nantian, she did not attack the Shentu Nantian, just to know the whereabouts of the female emperor.

Shen Tu Nan Tian mouth twitching, the heart flashed all kinds of thoughts, the situation is really bad.

Even if you say the whereabouts of the secret, the possibility of survival is not great. Unless he and Lin Laotai Jun set a soul contract, set it in the contract, as long as he said the whereabouts of the secret, you can leave the forest home.

Shen Tu Nantian’s life has been going smoothly, why did he encounter such a crisis of life and death? This trip to Lin Family was originally a great opportunity for his life. The beauty and the top-level exercises will be owned by him, but in the end, it became his nightmare!

At the time when Shen Tu Nantian suffered from death threats, physical pain and serious suffering from the sea of ​​spirits, Yi Yun looked up and looked at the sky.

Above the sky, the heavens and the earth gathered together from all directions, forming a huge cloud.

This cloud is more than a dozen miles wide, surrounded by gold, and the most colorful in the middle, beautiful!

From the cloud group, Yi Yun can feel the pure and sultry pure yang, Yi Yun knows that this vitality cloud was formed after the explosion of the female emperor.

The female emperor relics is made of the pure bones of the Taiyang relics of the pure yang family, and is made of many natural materials and pure sun artifacts.

The ancient ridiculous sorcerer who wrote the female emperor's relic is trying to introduce the purest pure yang in the female emperor, to fill the yin with the sun, and to get through her body.

It can be so strong and pure, the pure yang gas is too difficult to refine the relic, pure yang to the extreme, it will explode.

Then the ancient sorcerer, in the relic, added a sinister to evil power to adjust the relic balance. Now the power of yin to evil is taken away by Yi Yun, the power of pure yang explodes, but it has not disappeared. Gathered above the sky, it formed a huge colorful cloud.

If there are a few more hours, this piece of cloud will dissipate, and during this period, it will become a treasure land for practicing pure Yanggong.

However, even the most powerful pure-armed warrior, in these few hours, the pure Yang gas that he can breathe is extremely limited, and can be described as a cow.

But Yi Yun is not, with Amethyst, Yi Yun can inject all the power of pure Yang into the Amethyst in the case of God's unconsciousness!

This vitality cloud is a huge treasure for Yiyun!

Thinking of this, Yi Yun is excited.

Amethyst absorbs energy, leaving no traces. After one or two hours, people will only think that it is pure Yang, and they will dissipate themselves. They will not know that they are actually swallowed by Amethyst.

If you want to do it, Yi Yun immediately controls the Amethyst and absorbs the pure yang in the sky.

This pure yang is too pure, and Yi Yun has never been exposed to such grades of energy.

Moreover, these energies are not as violent as imagined. The ancient antiquity of the ancients did not know what techniques were used to make these pure yang energies as soft and easy to absorb.

We must know that in the ancient times, when the peerless female emperor was to cure her own natural pulse, she was still very young, and she was of course limited. Too much tyrannical power, how can she bear it?


In the vision of Yi Yun, he can see the endless colorful light spots coming to himself. These light spots, except for Yi Yun himself, no one can see.

Yi Yun feels that his body seems to be a sponge, and those light spots are like the most sweet springs, absorbed by his greed.

More and more light spots are getting more and more dense. In the energy field of view, Yi Yun’s own body seems to have become a round of the sun, emitting a colorful light!

Yi Yun feels like being shackled, a warm and powerful force, from head to toe, washing the body of Yi Yun, deep into the bone marrow, deep into each meridian, deep into the internal organs.

Yi Yun felt refreshed and uncomfortable, and that feeling made Yi Yun feel that he seemed to be sublimated.

He clearly felt that every cell of his body was swallowing the power of pure yang, growing and evolving under the immersion bath of pure yang.

Cells become more and more energetic, as if they have autonomous life, and their order seems to be more perfect, in line with a certain law.

The changes in these cells made Yi Yun realize that his body seems to be changing subtly.

Could it be that……

Yi Yun suddenly moved in the heart, he realized that a possibility, his pure yang body, afraid that it has evolved again!

From the beginning, Yi Yun got the pure Yang spirit after getting the pure Yang spirit, but now it has evolved to a higher level. Although it is not enough for perfect pure Yang, it is getting closer and closer!

Thinking of this, Yi Yun feels very comfortable.

Shen Tu Nantian is simply a treasure boy!

However, he gave the treasure to himself, but he was so pitted, it was really excessive...

Yi Yun touched his chin and a smile appeared in his mouth. Obviously, he felt that he had no feeling in his heart.

At this time, Shen Tu Nantian was full of blood. He naturally did not know the thoughts of Yi Yun at this time, but he did not know that Yi Yun was rushing to swallow the Shen Tu family and paying a great price to refine the female emperor.

Moreover, the evil energy has been abandoned by Yi Yun, and he absorbs the essence of the essence, without side effects.

If you know this, Shen Tu Nantian is afraid that he will directly blow up the lungs and die.

[A book friend asked under the shackles of the soul contract, why can a thousand mother-in-law attack Yiyun? Is it a bug? 】

[When the cocoon was written, I considered this question. The soul contract sets the punishment that is made after the breach of the contract, rather than the protection in advance, which is too intelligent. What's more, the Qiang mother-in-law attacked Yi Yun and did not violate the contract. The contract signed at that time was that if Yi Yun found out the defects of the relic, the mother-in-law would tell the secret of the female emperor's secret. 】


Ps. Chasing more children's shoes, free appreciation of the ticket and the starting point of the coin there is no ah ~ 515 red envelope list countdown, I came to pull a ticket, seeking overweight and appreciation tickets, and finally rushed!

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