True Martial World

Chapter 420: Feng Shui turn

After Lin Jia Laotai Jun left Lin Huizhen to leave the venue, Yi Yun did not leave, he still stayed on this mountain peak, absorbing the pure yang in the colorful clouds.

The elders of the Lin family also practiced the pure Yang system, and they also watched this piece of vitality, but only practicing one or two hours under the cloud would not have much effect.

These people simply gave up: "Yun Xiaoyou, do you also practice pure Yang system?"

A young Lin’s parents saw that Yi Yun seemed to be practicing under the cloud, and came over and asked.

After the trial of the drug, Yi Yun’s position in the Lin family rose sharply. The elders of the Lin family were also very polite to Yi Yun.


Yi Yun nodded. The Lin parent laughed and said: "We are ridiculous, but we don't really need to sharpen our combat skills. The pure Yang rule is too esoteric. The practice of absurdity has occupied most of our time. If you choose a simple five-line rule, for example, the fire law is good. In combat, the fire law is similar to the pure sun rule. Although the power is slightly less, the law of learning fire is much simpler. The fire law is much better."

Because I was very impressed with Yi Yun, the old Lin’s parents started to point out Yi Yun’s coming. In his view, the young people are inevitably too high-spirited, and they think that the road of martial arts is too simple, and they have chosen yin and yang, time and space and the like. It is difficult to learn the rules of difficulty, and finally took a lot of detours.

"Thank you for your guidance."

Yi Yun was modest and docile, and he continued to absorb pure yang.

Seeing Yi Yun, the old Lin family was laughing and laughing. Obviously, the boy could not listen to it.

Choosing the pure Yang rule, it seems that this kid also wants to have a great achievement in the martial arts, which is too greedy.

Like the sacred sons of Shen Tu Nan Tian and Lin Xin Yu, they will not try to achieve the ultimate in both. Although they have good accomplishments in the wild, they are actually more inclined to martial arts.

While practicing the laws of the deep martial arts, they will also give up most of the complicated enamel cultivation in the ruins.

The old man shook his head and left.

At this time, the pure yang of the colorful clouds in the sky has been sucked away by Yiyun by one-third.

This absorption speed is not much different from the speed at which the cloud itself dissipates.

Yi Yun is doing this, just holding the thought in case, using the Amethyst to absorb the pure yang that should have been dissipated, so that if the emperor comes to stare at this piece of cloud, he will not know. They are actually absorbed by the Amethyst gods.

At this time, Yi Yun’s body has already been fully absorbed. The pure yang of the female emperor’s relics is softer, and Yi Yun’s body absorbs it and has a limit.

The remaining pure Yang gas, Yi Yun all stored in the amethyst.

Because of their high concentration, these pure yang gases have now liquefied into golden droplets that look like melted gold, pure.

Seeing these golden droplets, Yi Yun’s heart is full of satisfaction, and with them, his own cultivation will increase rapidly in a short time.

Yi Yun has been in the early days of Yuanji, and it is not a short time.

In addition to these golden droplets, there are two kinds of energy inside the amethyst.

The first one is the pure yang spirit, which is obtained by Yi Yun in the door of the falling star.

The second is a very cold cathode energy. At the beginning, Yi Yun was arrested by Shen Tu Nantian in the cell. Shen Tu Nan Tian forced Yi Yun to swallow the seven-day Tianyin Dan.

Among the seven yin yin yin, it contains the energy from the yin to the cold. If it is not because the amethyst absorbs these energy absorption, then Yi Yun has long been repaired as a waste.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun mouth corner has a touch of playful smile, it is time to look at Nantian Gongzi, when Shen Tu Nantian how to treat him, he will return to the original model!

After sucking all the pure yang, Yi Yun did not rush to leave. He glanced at the pile of red-eyed wolves scattered on the ground and collected them.

Through the energy vision of Amethyst, Yi Yun knows that the black evil energy is still hidden in these bones.

Looking closely at this black gas, Yi Yun discovered that after all the vitality and flesh and blood of a red-eyed wolf were swallowed up, this filth energy was not consumed, but it was enhanced.

Of course, because the power of the red-eyed wolf is too weak, the evil energy does not increase much, but this discovery still makes Yi Yun extremely surprised.

What is this evil energy, and it seems to grow?

It sounds bizarre and shocking!

Can this evil energy grow up all the time?

After thinking about it, Yi Yun still shakes his head and negates this idea. It seems that it should not be. The Shentu family refining the female emperor relic, probably using the Tiangu Dibao of Taikoo Zhenling as the material.

Precious materials, they should not be able to find it.

In this case, the female emperor relics they produced, even if they contain evil energy, its power is difficult to grow indefinitely.


If it is only used to deal with Shentu Nantian, it should be enough.

Yi Yun mouth raised a smile and walked toward the dungeon.


The Lin family dungeon is itself a strong fortress.

The dungeon is made of special metal, which is indestructible!

In addition, anyone who is thrown into the dungeon will be imprisoned, and then the characters such as the Wan Gui Emperor will be thrown in, and they will not want to turn over any waves.

The Linjia Dungeon once imprisoned a big devil who made waves in the Tianyuan world. As a result, he was imprisoned until he died.

The dungeon is located in the killing peak of one of the main peaks of the 18th Lin Family. It descends from the hill, a passage that is several kilometers deep. The dungeon is under this passage and goes deep into the mountain.

"Open the door!"

Yi Yun took the hand of Lin Jia Lao Taijun and easily entered the dungeon. In a big cell, Shen Tu Nan Tian and Qian Shou mother were imprisoned here.

On the hands of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​the chains are tied to the feet.

This scene, Yi Yun really feels too familiar.

Thirty years of Hedong in the 30 years of Hedong, a few months ago, Yi Yun was locked in the dungeon by Shen Tu Nan Tian with a chain, but now it is completely reversed.

It is really impermanent.

Next to Shen Tu Nantian, the whole woman was chained and chained, like a ghost. She saw Yi Yun appear, and she suddenly struggled to rush to Yi Yun.


The chain was tightened, but she was still struggling with her mother-in-law, but she still couldn’t catch Yi Yun. Looking at her eyes, she seemed to want to bite Yi Yun’s bite into pieces.

"Little beast! Today, you remember to me, the old body will make you die like death!"

Thousand-handed mother-in-law hates Yi Yun too much, and today all this is thanks to Yi Yun.

Seeing the hatred and the old face covered with wrinkles, Yi Yun shook his head: "You seem to have not accepted the reality of being sealed. Now you have not threatened me..."

Yi Yun said, suddenly raised his hand, and the unrelenting slap in the face.


A crisp sound, the whole hand of the mother-in-law was thrown heavily on the wall, her face was full of dry and black, stained with mud, but this is not Yi Yun hit, but before the Lin family Lao Taijun The joint attack of many elders of the Lin family made her hurt like this.

"Small beasts? Hey!" Yi Yun took out a square towel from the space ring, wiped off the black blood on his hand, and threw the square towel on the ground. "How many times have you been so jealous of me? Ten times, my temper is really good, I have been forbearing you to the present, you old witch..."

Yi Yun said, and it was a relentless punch, and it was on the right eye of the mother-in-law!

This kind of boxing to the feeling of meat makes Yi Yun very happy.

Thousand-handed mother-in-law looked at Yi Yun. At this time, she really wanted to blow up, but she couldn’t help Yi Yun. In her life, she had been so shackled, and was beaten by a small ant-like person!

"Surname of the cloud!" Shen Tu Nan Tian stared at Yi Yun, "Do not forget, in a few days, I will go out here, the family elders, will use the news of the female emperor, exchange me!"

"How do you treat me today, I will remember. Let people stay on the front line and advise you to leave a back road for yourself!"

Shen Tu Nan Tian is clever, he knows that now insulting Yi Yun, will only suffer from the flesh and blood.

The hero does not eat before the loss, he will eventually leave the forest family as a threat, warning Yi Yun not to mess.

Yi Yun touched his chin and nodded. "It makes sense! But as you said, then I should cherish the time now. I must first abuse enough of this..."

Yi Yun said, a slap in the face of Shen Tu Nantian.


Yi Yun's hand was firmly drawn on the face of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​accompanied by this sound, Shen Tu Nan Tian snorted, the whole person was drawn by Yi Yun.

He had all kinds of injuries, and he was almost completely left with a breath. He was also imprisoned and repaired. He was slap by Yi Yunfan. Shen Tian Nan Tian only felt that a thousand drums roared in his ears, and the whole man was lying on the ground. Get rid of it.

The trauma of the Spiritual Sea is too deadly. Shenna Nantian now pulls the injury with a little bit of mental power or external attack, and the headache is splitting.

"" Shen Tu Nan Tianhong looked at him and stared at Yi Yun. "I have no enmity with you. Why are you doing this to me?"

Shen Tu Nan Tian no longer dared to say anything hard.

Thousand-handed mother-in-law, Yi Yun, was slapped.

He threatened Yi Yun, and the end is the same.

In this case, he can only be soft.

"Innocent and innocent?" Yi Yun's mouth, a ridiculous smile emerged.

Yi Yun’s words made Shen Tian Nan Tian’s heart move.

Is there a hatred?

Think about it carefully, why should this kid bring a mask to cover up his appearance? And it seems that the voice is not his own, he obviously wants to hide his identity.

There was an ominous premonition in Shen Tian Nan Tian’s heart. He stared at Yi Yun’s eyes. Yi Yun’s mask would not cover his eyes, but it was difficult to recognize anything with his eyes alone.

Shen Tu Nantian just thought that Yi Yun’s eyes were familiar, but he did not confirm where he had seen it.


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