True Martial World

Chapter 460: Non-human torture

The children of the Shentu family are full of confidence in Shentu Nantian. Now that more than 90% of the people have been eliminated, and Shentu Nantian is still missing, they are more confident.

At this moment, the light door flashed, a figure was bounced out, and the whole person fell to the ground and rolled a few laps.

He held the sword and stood up. His expression was sullen and his face was murderous. He seemed to be shooting again.

This person is... Gongsun Hong!

"Well? This is..."

Suddenly bombed to the Blackrock Square, Gongsun Hong did not react to it until he saw many people looking at himself, especially the young Junjies from the fire sect.

"Haha, Hongshi's younger brother is really extraordinary, and has been supported until now."

"After all, I was the first in the three years since I was in the fire!"

Congratulations from the geniuses of the fire, let Gong Sunhong slightly stunned, but he reacted instantly.

Looking around, Gong Sunhong found that most people were eliminated before themselves.

"It turned out that I have been holding this for so long."

Although Gong Sunhong did not reveal anything on his face, he was very satisfied with his performance. It seems that this trial is a great achievement!

This is normal.

Gong Sunhong has always had full confidence in his talents, but he has been repeatedly attacked in the secrets of the female emperor. Even his own heart has some doubts about whether he is a top genius.

This time, he tried to test his achievements and finally gave Gongsunhong confidence.

Gong Sunhong looked around and found Yi Yun in the crowd.

After seeing Yi Yun, Gong Sunhong breathed a sigh of relief, and his mouth couldn’t help but bend slightly, revealing a hint of ridicule and contentment.

For the first time, I was just a bit of luck.

The second trial, to test the true ability, Yi Yun, such a person will be exposed, and accordingly, of course, they will be a blockbuster.

At this time, the light door flashed again and again, and several people were bounced out. Among these people, Yi Yun saw a person claiming a tooth.

This young man with a thin body has left a deep impression on Yi Yun. His eyes are always showing a stern purpose.

Because these people persisted for a long time, they immediately got the congratulations from their disciples after they appeared.

Up to now, the second trial of the female emperor's secret, from the first person to be eliminated, has been two quarters of time.

And that person in the secret of the female emperor, but also insisted on a little more than a quarter of an hour, that is to say, people who have not yet come out, the time of persistence is three times the earliest people who have been eliminated.

The longer the time, the more people expect.

The Shentu family, especially those who are Shentu Nantian's followers, are all full of red light. Shen Tu Nantian has not shown signs of coming out. The stronger their future big brothers, the more benefits they will get.

"There are two people who are Shentu Nantian and Lin Xinyi."

Someone suddenly said that people looked around and found that it was.

It was another quarter of an hour, and so far, the second trial has begun half an hour.

Shen Tu Nan Tian and Lin Xinyu, two people, still in the light door.

People face each other and are amazed. For so long, they have not come out yet?

The demons experienced by people, the demons will become stronger and stronger over time. It is hard to imagine that after Shen Tu Nan Tian and Lin Xinyi experienced so long, the demons they face will be strong.

"It’s been so long..."

In the corner of the square, Yi Yun touched his chin. I don’t know what Lin Xin’s heart is, and Shen Tu Nantian’s demons should not be his own...

In the Guangmen, I had a confrontation with Shen Tu Nantian, but Shen Tu Nantian was likely to fight with himself.

This situation really makes Yi Yun feel a strange feeling in his heart.

At this time, the light door flashed, the last two people in the secret, Shen Tu Nantian was first bounced out.

"Southern Big Brother!"

The followers of Shentu Nantian were quick-eyed and rushed to meet Shentu Nantian.

Sticking to the time of half an hour, this is incredible! I don't know how many rewards I can get!

However, as soon as they saw the appearance of Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​they were a little dumbfounded...

They looked at Shen Tu Nan Tian and fell heavily on the ground. His face was completely iron, his body was stiff, his head was scattered, and his hair was covered with layers of ice crystals. His nostrils and ears were bleeding outside.

Looking at this situation, it is hard to imagine what Shen Tiannan experienced in Guangmen.

Those followers did not know how to be good for a while. Shen Tu Nan Tian turned to kneel on the ground and began to retching.

But he vomited for a long time and did not spit out anything.

A few followers were stupid and didn't talk. The appearance of Shen Tu Nantian is a bit bigger than the image of the brilliance that they originally wanted. It is worse than Gong Sunhong. Even Yi Yun, the guy, the time he insisted was not too long, but when he popped up the light door, he was also very decent.

"Southern Big Brother, are you okay?"

A younger brother quickly took out a medicinal herb from the space ring and wanted to feed Shen Tu Nantian to eat.

This younger brother, who participated in the first trial with Yi Yun, always thought about killing Yi Yun’s Shen Tuo teenager.

He was most diligent about Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​and he was obedient.

However, when Shen Tu Nan Tianyi saw the medicinal drug handed out by Shen Tuo, his eyes were red.

Seven days of Yin Dan! !

In the secret world, he was finally saved by Yi Yun, and he was fed by Yi Yun for more than a dozen seven-day-old Yin Dan!

The horrible experience stimulated Shen Tu Nan Tian’s knowledge of the sea, so that he was still immersed in the demons, and his consciousness was not sober.

The current Shentu Nantian is almost the same as the fire.

I want to give me medicine! ?

Shen Tu Nantian suddenly screamed, and a fist hit the Shentu teenager's lower abdomen. The Shentu teenager screamed, and wow spit out a blood. The whole person flew out like a broken kite.

However, after the Shentu Nantian attack, in the secret of the female emperor, a beam of light was lowered. This beam completely shrouded Shen Tu Nantian’s body and bound him.

This is a rule from the secret of the female emperor. No one can take a shot at someone else, or they will be imprisoned and temporarily restrain the power.

In fact, when Shen Tu Nantian shot, his strength has already begun to be quickly imprisoned, otherwise his strength, the younger brother who is only 16 or 17 years old, will definitely be killed by Shen Tu Nan Tian.


The whole body was imprisoned, and the **** light tightened the flesh and blood of Shen Tu Nantian. Shen Tu Nan Tian snorted and fell to the ground.

The younger brothers around were stunned, and they did not think that this was the case.

They have retreated, staying away from Shentu Nantian, and relying on Shen Tu Nantian to struggle under the rules of the female emperor's secret.

Until a while, Shen Tu Nan Tian slowly saw the situation around him.

It turned out that he had already arrived at Blackstone Square.

Shen Tu Nantian had a deep foundation. Although he was too strong in the second trial, the soul sea was rebelled by the demons, and he was unable to extricate himself. However, after he came out of the secret, he quickly recovered himself.

The previous experience was just a trial...

Fortunately, it is just a trial.

Shen Tu Nan Tian Chang was relieved, and his forehead and back were all cold sweat.

In the secret world, the experience he suffered was incomparably true. It was just like real, and the more and more people were tortured. The more he was afraid of anything, the more he came.

Seeing that Shen Tu Nan Tian seems to have returned to normal, the younger brother around this dare to come over: "Southern Big Brother, you are fine..."

"Southern Big Brother, the time you insisted on is the second longest among all people, too powerful!"

Long time?

It was long enough. When he got to the back, he was **** by Yi Yun with a chain and began to linger and torture for a long time.

Think about that experience, Shen Tu Nantian must be crazy.

He fed himself to eat a dozen or so seven days of Yin Dan, then blasted his dantian, broke the body meridians, began to cut his flesh, then sprinkled the eggs of the heartworm in the wound, and made him a late Heart-wrenching.

Finally, he was castrated by Yi Yun.

He suffered so much torture and finally died unwillingly.

When he died, he was finally ejected into the secret, and his second trial ended here.

For Shen Tu Nantian, everything in the mysterious realm is absolutely true, so torture, if it is repaired by a person with insufficient mind, the mind has collapsed.

... (to be continued.)

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