True Martial World

Chapter 475: The second floor of the tower

Many testers present, they think they are not as good as Lin Xinyi, but they only feel weaker than Yi Yun, and compared to Shen Tu Nan Tian, ​​everyone is a rating of "Shi", who does not accept anyone.

Unexpectedly, the two guys, Shen Tu Nan Tian and Yi Yun, chose the array they could not touch. It was crazy.

"They will suffer, and the two markets will not be enlightened. Even if they are under the pressure of the great emperor, they will not be able to do so.

Some people have said that the majority of people present are in this mind. They are waiting to see Shen Tu Nan Tian and Yi Yun.

At that time, the dazzling flash of the altar was shot, and immediately, with the sound of the rumble, the whole altar sank.

People only think that the light flashes, the time and space rotate, and once again, they find that they have reached an independent space.

Look around, no one else, only yourself.

They are isolated from each other.

It’s not surprising to think about it. The trials who entered the first level, each of them were divided into two arrays, and they could only understand the two. If they were with many people, they could exchange them. The so-called choice also lost its meaning.

At this time, Yi Yun was also transferred to an independent space, but the situation he faced was different from other people.

On the independent space where Yi Yun is located, there is a door leading to the outside. Yi Yun looks up and sees that outside this gate, there is a staircase that floats like a ribbon and leads to a higher place.

At the end of the ladder, there is a palm-sized door, and a white light is shining inside the door, which is obviously the entrance to the second floor of the tower.

The second floor of the tower of the gods...

Yi Yun picked up his eyes and lowered the edge of the first floor of the tower. It was for the trials to choose two arrays to enlighten. What would be the second floor of the tower?

I have already got the rating of “Zong” and are eligible to go directly to the second floor. Yi Yun will certainly not miss it.

First look at all the resources on each floor, in order to make overall arrangements.

Yi Yun collected the two arrays, one by one, and picked up the stairs. When Yi Yun walked to the end of the ladder and looked at the scene outside the second floor, Yi Yun was shocked.

The second floor door is not big, but outside this door, it is actually a vast and vast world.

The wilderness of the Ma Pingchuan, the wilderness is full of cyan sparse turf and bare black rocks, stretching to the end of the world.

On the wasteland, there are long clouds floating in the sky. Because the distance is too far, the clouds are very low, and you can faintly see the unknown wild animals flying in the clouds.

"This is the second floor of the Tower of God?"

Yi Yun lived, it looks exactly like another world.

Yi Yun originally thought it was an illusion, but after turning on the energy field of vision, everything around him couldn’t really be true.

Especially those wild animals flying in the sky, from the energy fluctuations emitted from them, these wild animals are not like the energy spar-driven shackles, but the true flesh and blood.

Living wild beast?

Yi Yun feels unbelievable. There is no kind of wild animal that can survive for so long. After the establishment of the secret of the female emperor, it has been living until now.

Unless...the world is vast enough, wild animals can thrive in it and continue to produce offspring.

Thinking of this, Yi Yun was shocked, the ancient female emperor, will such a vast world, into the tower of the gods?

Or, the second floor of the Tower of God is actually a space entrance, connected to such a world?

Where is the world? Is it in Tianyuanjie?

No matter which means, Yi Yun feels incredible. The ancient female emperor really has the power to reverse the world.

Yi Yun jumped down from the entrance of the second floor. His body flew down like a meteor, and the wind whispered in his ear.

Far away, Yi Yun saw the wild beasts hidden in the clouds in the mountains. He suddenly realized that the second floor of the tower was perhaps a trial place.

Get the battle on the first floor and practice on the second floor.

And the endless wild beasts in the wilderness can be used as targets for actual combat.

"A good atmosphere of heaven and earth!"

After Yi Yun landed, he took a deep breath and felt that every pore in his body was relaxed and comfortable.

He looked around, he is now in a position on a cliff, this cliff, there is a hundred feet high, Yi Yun overlooking the bottom of the cliff, seeing the clouds there, there is a rock gap on the hillside of the cliff.

Yi Yun jumped down, his body borrowed continuously in the air, like a gliding eagle, fluttering on the rock gap.

Yi Yun sat cross-legged and took out two layers of the array, placing the array on the knees.

The energy is injected into it, and the scene in the array is slowly showing up...

Haohao does not cross the sea, the green shirt swordsman and the black armor warrior...

Yi Yun瞪 big eyes, watching the two people on the sea level, two peerless emperors, the same mysterious identity, as strong as the strength.

Yi Yun didn't know why they were fighting, and they didn't know the history that seemed to be hidden, but he could see that there was no discussion between the black warrior and the green swordsman, but a life and death!

The green shirt swordsman, the behavior is debauchery, but after he saw the black armor, his screaming intentions made Yi Yun feel suffocated.

A sword, cut the world!

Yi Yun’s heart was shocked. Although he had an unusual understanding of Kendo, he could not bear such a sword!

Not to mention Yi Yun, Lin Xinyi is also difficult to bear.

I can't face the sword light, let alone understand the mystery from the sword.

This is a strong sword far beyond the realm of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun's heartbeat accelerated, and the big mouth gasped. When the sword came, he felt his chest seemed to be opened.

Yi Yun thought about it and took out the broken sword of Chunyang Jiangong from the space ring.

The quaint vicissitudes of life, the broken swords stained with rust, seem to have been buried in the underground for a long time, and even in the hands will feel that it will soon break the decay.

Holding this broken sword, for a time, a cool coolness was passed from the broken sword to the body of Yi Yun.

Yi Yun re-ignited the market.

This time, inexplicable, Yi Yun's mood is much calmer.

In the blue-sword swordsman's earth-shattering sword, once again separated from the sea, Yi Yun's eyes widened, his pupils contracted, and tried to see the mystery of this sword.

Swordsman's tingling eyes are like needles. Even so, Yi Yun still keeps his eyes on it and tries hard to see.

He wants to see clearly, the sword of the sword contains the meaning of the sword!


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