True Martial World

Chapter 477: Funeral

It has been a day and night to enter this confined space, but Shen Tu Nantian has been meditating.

Practice can not be rushed, to be a peerless emperor, not only has extraordinary talent and air transport, but also needs to sharpen his own heart.

Get an ancient supernatural power, you need to bathe and burn incense before reading. This is not a useless ritual, but to adjust yourself to the best state.

Now, Shen Tu Nantian is like this.

When Shen Tu Nantian entered the ethereal state of selflessness, he opened his eyes. He shot with one hand, and the black filming array floated in the air and slowly rotated.

The energy was injected into it, and the shadow in the array immediately appeared.

The giant python appeared, followed by the black armor, riding a dream beast, a spear!

Seeing this spear appearing, Shen Tu Nantian pupil shrinks, he feels, it is like there is an invisible big hand, pinching his heart, let his heart stop, the whole body blood stagnates!

"Persevere, stick to it!"

Shen Tu Nan Tian said to himself in his heart.

He was sweaty, clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and nailed his nails into the palm of his hand, flowing out of the red blood.

Watching this array itself may be the test of the virginity of the female emperor.

Shen Tu Nan Tian Li Zhi became a peerless emperor, so ambition, you need to have great strength to support.

A small array, it only shows illusions and illusions, what is this?


Shen Tu Nan Tian Yang Tian Daxu, his body vitality to the extreme, the blood vessels on the neck of a root bulge, his eyes, also hurt by spear light, the corners of the blood flowing out of the blood!

However, when this spear penetrated the heavens and the earth and penetrated into the blood of the giant scorpion, Shen Tu Nantian could not bear the huge pressure and vomited a blood.


Shen Tu Nantian body was bounced out and fell heavily on the wall.

He wiped the blood from his mouth and his face was pale as paper.

At just ten minutes, he seemed to have experienced a big battle, not only was it extremely expensive, but also suffered a minor injury.

However, he did not see the pictures in the market.

It’s even harder to read and understand.

Shen Tu Nan Tian took a deep breath and he swallowed a healing relic from the space ring and began to meditate.

Those who have aspirations, things have actually become, the road of martial arts, originally was to open up a boulevard in the void of nowhere to go.

This process will encounter endless difficulties, difficulties, and obstacles. Only when you are in a hurry, you will succeed.

Among them, it requires great perseverance, air transport, and unparalleled talent. Otherwise, there are hundreds of millions of warriors in the world. Why have people who have achieved great peers since the ancient times?

Shen Tu Nantian warned himself that his heart was calmed down.

"I want to climb the peak of the martial arts. This is difficult, what is it?"

After Shen Tu Nantian recovered a little, he once again picked up the black front...


Time lapses, day after day, outside the secrets of the female emperor, among the raging tides, people of all major powers are waiting.

The elders who entered the treasures of the female emperor came out as early as dozens of days ago.

Originally, they thought that the trial of the female emperor's secrets was only ten days to one month. It was not thought that it had been two months, but the group of the most outstanding heroes still showed no signs.

This has caused some family elders to worry a little.

"The second round of the female emperor's secret, the test is the speed of cultivation, and I don't know how long they will practice..."

Linjia Laotai Jun, watching the export of the female emperor's secret environment, can't feel relaxed.

When Lin Yu and others were eliminated, they came out and said the real content of the second trial, which turned out to be a practice.

The military practiced for one year and a half, and it was not too long for three years and five years.

During this period, they will have to wait here, otherwise, once these juniors come out, no strong ones will respond, then they may be torn into pieces by the huge vortex of the funeral gods.

In this huge whirlpool, even the elders of the major families, they are not easy to support.

Ten days and eight days are fine, but for two months, the unstoppable tearing force of the vortex is a great test for their endurance and heart.

Some people simply put a lineup on the bottom of the sea to help them withstand this pressure.

There are also some young elders who will wait for the burial of God, as cultivation, and use the pressure of vortex to temper their vitality.

However, even so, they slowly feel unable to support it, because the whirlpool of the burial gods has become more and more horrible, and the tearing force of the vortex is getting bigger and bigger!

All the major families are joined by several elders, and they support the big battles in turn, and they are under tremendous pressure.

Now, the time has passed two and a half months, and the end of the trial of the female emperor seems to be far away, and the elders of the major families are worried.

In accordance with this trend, in two or three months, the tearing power in the funeral spirits will be strong enough to make their respective forces too elders, unbearable.

If at that time, the trial juniors would not come out again, they would have no choice but to choose to leave the funeral.

At that time, the juniors of their respective forces will be inhaled into the funeral moments when they are transmitted from the secrets of the female emperor.

It is still the top elite of all major forces in the secret of the female emperor. Once lost, it is a heavy blow to many forces present.

Now, some forces have begun to regret it. They know that they will not let the juniors come to participate in this female emperor's secret journey.

Time lapses, and it is a few days. Every day, there are elders of all powers, anxiously watching the entrance of the female emperor's secret, waiting for the juniors in their power to appear.

Now they don't ask the juniors in the family to have any bright performances, just ask them to be eliminated soon.

On the side of the Huozong side, a seemingly younger elder of the outer door stood at the entrance to the secret of the female emperor, waiting to meet Gong Sunhong. He is the uncle of Gong Sunhong, and his family managed to cultivate such a good seed. Can not be confused and die here.

Just when he was restless, he casually looked at the huge black vortex of the burial god, and this is the eye. If he was shocked, the whole person was completely stunned!

Then... what is going on?

Through the layers of sea water, this young elder saw a scene that he would never forget!

The dark and distant burial gods, mostly hidden in the sea, reveal a huge hemispherical black hole, which is the black whirlpool.

However, at this time, the far-reaching, tens of thousands of miles in the black hemisphere, unexpectedly... a huge eye filled with black vortex!

Or, this black whirlpool with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles has turned into an eye!

It was like the eyes of a beast, the amber hazelnut, the spindle-shaped inverted pupil. When I saw this moment, the young elder's heartbeat was stagnant and the soul was frozen.

He completely lost his ability to think, and one eye filled the entire black whirlpool?

What the **** is that...what?


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