True Martial World

Chapter 480: The third floor of the tower

The light shining from the sky is getting more and more beautiful. These rays are condensed into the skin of Yi Yun's arm, and the imprint of the Emperor begins to appear slowly.

One after another, like a beautiful dragon scale.

These dragon scales are condensed together and become more and more dense, which makes Yi Yun's skin feel a slight itching and stinging feeling, but it feels very comfortable.

When the light disappeared, Yi Yun took a few strokes and defeated the guardian of the third floor. He even gave himself 18 imprints of the emperor, plus the thirty-seven emperor’s mark that Yiyun had already had, Yi Yun’s The total number of Emperor imprints reached 55.

Yi Yun looked at the emperor's mark on his arm, and his heart was also emotional.

Originally, he only resisted the attack of the three-tiered guardian. One of the emperor's seals was not obtained, but he was defeated, but there were eighteen imprints of the emperor.

Fifty-five imprints of the emperor, this is the number that Shen Tu Nantian and others, when they first entered the secret of the female emperor, could not be seen at all. This sounds a lot. In fact, Yi Yun knows that he does not take much because he has completely met the requirements of the female emperor, but because those people like Shen Tu Nantian are farther apart.

His trials did not achieve perfection for the second time. He could only say that at some point he satisfied the rules of the female emperor's secrets.

In this way, as long as he enters the final treasure of the female emperor's secret, the number of imprints he has possessed may not be enough.

His path is still long.

The tower of the gods should be the highlight of this trial. This is where the opportunity lies.

Yi Yun made up his mind, he tried his best to perfection, so he could be recognized by the ancient female emperor.

Yi Yun went all the way, he slowly followed the ladder and walked up to the third floor of the tower.

Through the gate of the third floor of the tower, Yi Yun looks inside.

The third floor of the descending tower is a closed hall.

"The first floor is the main hall, the second floor is a wild world, and the third floor becomes a hall..."

Yi Yun slightly sinks and lifts his foot into it.

He looked around and wanted to find Lin Xinyi's figure. However, the three-story hall was empty and could not find Lin Xinyi.

It seems that either Lin Xinyi has left the third floor, or the third floor of the descending tower is for everyone. Here, everyone can only see themselves and not meet other people. people.

The three-story hall of the descending tower is not as magnificent as the first floor, but has a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

The floor tiles of the main hall seem to be a kind of material used for the floor tiles in the square in front of the tower. It is dark and inky, and you can feel the blood of the face when you step on it.

Yi Yun bypassed several pillars. In the middle of the hall, he saw a painting.

The painting was hung on a bluestone wall. After so many years, the paper has begun to yellow, but the characters on the painting are still clearly identifiable.

When I saw the picture, Yi Yun slammed. "This is..."

The picture is a man sitting on the ground, leaning against the big tree, one leg stretched out, and the other leg arched like a bridge.

His left arm was randomly placed on the knee that arched the leg, the right hand was holding the wine gourd, drinking in a big mouth, beside him, his sword was inserted obliquely on the ground, and the sword was on the front of the sword.

This painting has a rough style and a freehand line. It feels like a master of traditional Chinese painting. After drunkenness, it is a slap in the air.

Looking at this picture, Yi Yun can't tell what it feels like.

In the painting, the man in the green shirt is the blue-shirt swordsman who had watched the battle with the black armor.

Jianfeng blood, prove that this Tsing Yi swordsman has just experienced a big battle, it is likely to kill the enemy.

Then, he did not care about the recent war, but a person sitting on the grass, leaning against the big tree, facing the wilderness, drinking and drinking.

How is this a bohemian life?

Yi Yun stopped in front of this painting and watched it for a long time. On the first floor of the descending tower, he chose the shadow of the blue-shirt swordsman. On the third floor of the tower, he saw the portrait of the blue-shirt swordsman.

This is a coincidence, or because I have chosen the array left by the green shirt swordsman, this has seen the portrait of the green shirt swordsman?

Yi Yun can't figure out, and the secrets of the female emperor contain all kinds of mysteries.

Not to mention the ancient heavenly means of the female emperor, she can imagine and plan out all kinds of secrets in this mystery.

"This painting may help me with my sword..."

Yi Yun touched his chin. For the time being, he did not look at the picture. He walked behind the bluestone wall. Here, he saw a row of bookshelves.

The ancient wooden bookshelf has stood still here for so many years, and it seems to witness the long history of the female emperor's mystery.

Yi Yun walked to the bookshelf and saw a row of dusty jade slips on the bookshelf.

He picks up a piece at will, and the perception sinks into it. In jade, it is an incomparably old-fashioned font. The complicated strokes look very embarrassing.

"Bishui Jing!"

The first piece of jade, Yi Yun saw these three words at the beginning.

Is it a practice?

Yi Yun’s eyes are bright, and the water is clear. It should be the name of the water system. It’s hard to be done. The jade slips on this shelf are all cheats.

Yi Yun picked up a few jade slips.

"Happy Yao Jian"!

"Ling Hidden Book"!

"Gathering Stars"!

Every jade is the name of the practice, and there are also many cheats, such as body methods, moves, and so on.

The ancient female emperor left her exercises on the third floor of the tower of the gods?

Yi Yun’s thoughts crossed this thought. At this time, the indifferent voice of the female emperor’s secret voice sounded: “You have two hours of time, choose two sets of cheats from here! After that, the bluestone wall is closed!”

Two hours!

Yi Yun’s heart is a glimpse, which is too short.

Picking up the market is not enough. Half an hour is barely enough. Basically, looking at the images in the array, you can determine whether you can withstand the pressure of the image and determine what is in the image. It is not suitable for your own cultivation.

However... picking cheats is not a simple matter.

At least you have to look at the cheats for a half, to determine whether this cheat is suitable for you. As for whether it is possible to learn, it is also difficult to see the content of the second half of the cheat.

These cheats, one book is difficult to understand, and it is not so easy to read a book.

"The secret of the female emperor, even picking a cheat, is a challenge and test, two hours, see so many cheats, how can you see it?"

Yi Yun slightly frowns, the rules are set by the ancient female emperor, he can only obey.

Only two hours, he quickly picked up the jade and began to browse the contents.

If there are obvious laws and tendencies in the cheats, such as the Five Elements Law, the Law of Creation, etc., it will be directly abandoned by Yi Yun.

He cultivated the law of pure yang, and the law is wrong. There is nothing to look at.

The weapon is wrong, don't look!

The practice itself is not profound enough, don't look!

The content is too short, don't look!

Too many exercises, Yi Yun in order to speed up the screening speed, can only use some poor screening methods, although some exercises are small, but the same deep, but Yi Yun can not control these.

He has used an hour, but has not found a really suitable exercise.

Looking at the unselected exercises, there are still more than half of them, and Yi Yun has to speed up again.

This kind of test is really tiring.

It tests the eyesight, analytical ability, judgment ability, and understanding of the tester!

A tester, can quickly read a cheat, is itself a manifestation of his cultivation ability.

Yi Yun looks more and more quickly, and a piece of sly text, like a lantern, flashes in Yi Yun’s mind. He chooses the best one for him.

Every cheatbook that I have seen, regardless of suitability, Yi Yun wants to choose it, he can remember the location and approximate content of this cheat.

This is convenient for later choices, which is a test for Yi Yun's memory.

It took another two quarters of an hour, and the end of the time was only half an hour.

Yi Yun’s forehead is slightly sweaty, and the collection of the female emperor’s secret is too rich. It’s all-encompassing.

Yi Yun came to Tianyuanjie and also touched on some secrets and cheats in Tianyuanjie. He felt that many of the cheats used in the power of Tianyuanjie may be related to the cheats before this age. Or it is simply the development of these cheats.

There are even some cheats, and the popular version of Tianyuan is not as good as here.

This may be because the cheats and cheats have experienced their own inadequacies and omissions in the long history.

Realizing this, Yi Yun sees more focus.

It was two quarters of an hour, only half an hour left.

Yi Yun refused to wipe the sweat, and he still had a quarter of the cheats did not see. He is very good at speed, and he should be able to read all the cheats before the end of time.

At this moment, in the moment when Yi Yun picked up a **** red jade, his hand suddenly froze.

"Well? This is..."

Yi Yun was taken aback. This jade slip is not a trick, but a totem secret, which is the secret method needed when the military condenses the totem.

This is nothing to be surprised, but the name of this martial art, it is awesome - "The Record of the Beasts!"



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