True Martial World

Chapter 483: Jinwu Grab

Lin Xinyi’s natural veins are like a knot in her life. It is rooted in Lin Xin’s body, deep into every inch of flesh and blood, it usually lurks, and once it is nourished, it will sprout. Come out and swallow Lin Xin’s life.

Now, as the cold continually invades Lin Xinyi's body, she feels colder and colder, and her natural yin veins, like the weeds that have been moistened by rain and dew, are beginning to grow wild.

Lin Xin’s steps slowed down.

Cold, cold, cold to bone marrow.

She shrank her thin body, looked up, and I was not knowing where the end was.

When she remembered the test of the demons, the dreams of one after another, never ending.

In addition to the second dream, she and the teenager went to the world to find the way to continue the sacred veins, and finally repaired as Dacheng, and the same dreams as the sun and the moon, the rest of the dreams are endless death and depression.

She "woke up" again and again, but after "wake up," she found that she was still unable to get rid of her dreams. The dreams were boundless, people didn't know when it was a dream, when it was awake.

That kind of despair, probably similar to the present...

Behind Lin Xin’s body, above the sky, there is a faint shadow, overlooking the stunned figure on the ice sheet.

Lin Xinyi felt this shadow, she gently turned back, and at this time, the shadow disappeared in the wind.

Then, an ethereal woman's voice rang in Lin Xin's ear: "This ice sheet is like a vein in your body. If you just use the vitality of the body, you can't reach the end, and if you burn vitality, you I can go further, but I might die because of it. Do you think about it?"

Lin Xinyi's eyelashes move gently, "You are..."

The shadow of the wind that just appeared suddenly is similar to the ancient female emperor she saw in the three-layer painting of the descending tower, but... it seems to be different.

This shadow is not in a dream, nor in a painting. She really exists in this world.

She was seen by Lin Xinyi in the tower of the gods, the only one except the trial.

"I am the **** of the tower."

The cold voice of the woman came from the wind.

"Inspirit..." Lin Xinyi’s mind is clear, yes, such a god, there should be a spirit, "Through this piece of ice, can I see the opportunity to continue my pulse?"

"No!" The woman's voice was cold, "but it will bring you closer to that step."

Just closer?

Lin Xinyi sighed, her white clothes were like snow, and it seemed to blend with the surrounding ice fields. The long black hair fell from her cheeks like jade. Her eyes were closed and her eyelashes fluttered gently, like the elves in the snow. .

More recent? Then let me be closer to it!

Lin Xin’s tight-fitting thin clothes, with the wind and snow, went on without hesitation.

The road of martial arts, originally had no roads. It was the military who relied on perseverance, rushed forward, and bravely went forward. From the void, the road was opened up.

If you embark on the journey, you will have no regrets...


The second floor of the tower of the gods, on the wasteland!


A whistling sound like a phoenix traverses the sky, a dazzling light, shining directly from the cliff. In this light, the faint can see a figure of a young boy in Tsing Yi, stepping in the void, like a lightning bolt.

This young boy in Tsing Yi is Yi Yun. The body he used at this time is the "Golden Ugly" that he got in the third floor of the Tower of God.

The average person who cultivates "Jinwu Grab the Day", how can it take half a year to get started, this is still the speed of cultivation of Tianjiao.

However, Yi Yun, he has a near-perfect pure Yang body, pure Yang Gong Dacheng, and Amethyst help, he cultivated "Jinwu Grab the Day", it is a thousand miles.

His body crossed a golden light in the air and landed on a cliff. He borrowed strength on the mountain and rushed to the sky again!

His figure is like a rising sun, and it is unstoppable!

After practicing "Golden Ugly", the speed of Yi Yun is no longer the same.

In the rapid flight, Yi Yun looked like a light, he saw an iron wing eagle flying in the sky.

In this wilderness, many wild animals have their own territory. This iron-winged eagle is the hegemon of this small piece of sky. It is here to patrol, and now, its territory is suddenly breaking into a small human. Despise its authority.

The Iron Wing Eagle was angry, and it screamed and rushed to Yi Yun.

The iron wing eagle, known for its speed, flies in the air like a black lightning. It has wings like a knife and can cut mountains!

Seeing the iron wing eagle rushing in the face, Yi Yun’s eyes lit up, and his hand turned over. The too cang bow appeared in his hand. He spread his body in the air, and the speed became faster and faster, as if the body was integrated into the light of the sun. in!

"Howling -"

The iron-winged eagle opened its claws and grabbed it at Yiyun. Yiyun bent his bow in the air. The arrow in his hand was a chasing arrow. This is just the arrow made by the Taishen Kingdom bow and arrow family. It seems ordinary, but at this moment, when Yi Yun poured the power of pure Yang on the arrow, it condensed the gods of the next day, as if sublimated.


Bowstring tremors, cracking clouds!

The pursuit of the wind arrow blasted out, this arrow is integrated into Yi Yun's pure Yang rule, like a meteor falling from the sky, piercing the void.

The terrible whistling sound penetrated the sky, this arrow, passing the iron wing eagle's body at an incredible speed!

The Iron Wing Eagle, at this time, still maintains the embarrassing posture of Yi Yun, but in the moment when the arrow flies over its body, it is comparable to the body of the **** iron, but it bursts directly in the air!

call out!

The chasing arrow penetrated the iron wing eagle and flew for a few dozen miles. It swept through a deep canyon and shot directly on a mountain.


The violent explosion sounded, and Yi Yun, the arrow, shot through the Iron Wing Eagle and shot the mountain out of a big hole!

The meaning of the arrow is a word - fast!

When Yi Yun exhibited the "Golden Ugly" method, when the speed reached the limit, he bent the bow and put the arrow on the chasing arrow. The arrow he shot, the power was unimaginable!

Even Yi Yun himself, seeing such a terrible arrow, was also a surprise in his heart. His body slipped in the air and grabbed the body of the Iron Winged Eagle and flew down from the air.


The body of the Iron Winged Eagle fell heavily on the ground. Yi Yun’s body shape fell, and the mental power was connected to the body of the wild beast. He closed his eyes and began to run another set of secrets from the three layers of the God Tower. "The Beasts of the Beast"!

The full version of "The Beasts of the Beasts" has more things than Yiyun's previous practice. These explain many of the doubts in Yixin's mind.

The use of amethyst to condense the animal prints of the wild animal is of course more effective, but the defects that exist in the secret law itself are not compensated by Amethyst.

Now, with the complete Jade Book of the Beasts, these are no longer problems.


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