True Martial World

Chapter 493: Red lotus to hand

Yi Yun’s hand interrupted the sword faster and faster. As the rock vibrated, the cracks expanded and the lotus root of Honglian was completely exposed to Yiyun.

The lotus root has only the thickness of the child's arm, and the surface is covered with meridians. It is like a dozen crystal clear blood vessels attached to it, and the texture is like jade.

Time is tight, Yi Yun does not hesitate to reach out, grabbed the lotus root and pulled it out!

Finally got the hand!

Yi Yun formed a protective layer with vitality, and put the red lotus into the medicine box that was already prepared. The idea was moved and it was included in the space ring.

Then, Yi Yun rushed out of the magma lake along the original road and returned to the magma gorge he started.

When turning back, Yi Yun’s vitality is only less than 30%. He fights hard and goes back all the way. Fortunately, this time it is down the river and it takes a lot of effort.

After a musk time, in the magma canyon hundreds of meters away, Yi Yun finally emerged from the magma flow with the sound of "Yu Tong", and he climbed the shore effortlessly.

He lay on his back on the hot rock, gasping with a big mouth, his vitality has been consumed to the limit!

The pungent and hot magma sulphur smell flows into the lungs along the nose of Yiyun. Some of them are sultry, but this smell makes Yiyun have an inexplicable excitement. This adventure on the second floor of the tower is really worth mentioning. It is full of rewards!

He sat up and swallowed a bone relic, meditating a little and adjusting his strength.

The battle in the distance is still going on. Yi Yun must adjust his own state to cope with possible crises.

At this moment, Yi Yun suddenly heard a scream of screaming, that is the whistling of three-legged birds!

This howling, wearing a cloud crack, formed a terrible shock wave, flying around!

Hey! !

Under the cloud of Yi Yun, a rock was shocked by the shock wave, and it suddenly broke open.

Including Yi Yun itself, it was also shocked and white, and the ears shed a trace of blood.

A terrible howling!

Yi Yun’s heart was shocked. The three-legged strange bird is too powerful. It’s just like its screaming. It’s so far away that it has such power, so that the eardrum in the weak state is injured, which is weaker. It is not impossible for a warrior to be smashed by the internal organs.

After the screaming, the whistling sound came one after another, frequently bombarding the eardrum of Yi Yun. It seems that the three-legged strange bird has found that the red lotus is gone!

There are so many strange birds in the sky, although they are all fighting the giant tortoises, but there are so many pairs of eyes, it is sooner or later to find that the red lotus disappears.

At this time, Yi Yun did not dare to continue to meditate, and God knows what the strange bird is supposed to do.

At this time, he had recovered about two or three percent of his strength, and he quickly and silently climbed the rock wall of the canyon.

Hidden behind a large stone and looked at the battlefield.

This look, Yi Yun was greatly surprised.

In the sky, the strange bird has turned into a red gold, it burns a pure sun flame on the surface, and attacks the giant turtle with a storm!

The sky is pure and the sea is full of fire, and there has been a piece of fire cloud, and you can't see the margin!

And the giant tortoise, its body is full of black, the head is full of blood, its tongue, but also by the strange bird cut off!

Now there is only one broken tongue in the mouth of the giant tortoise. The snake head has disappeared and lost the long tongue of the snake head. It is impossible to attack.

But...the giant tortoise is not vegetarian. The strange bird is also extremely bad. The strange bird now looks like a powerless one, but Yi Yun finds in the energy field that the strange bird is in a state of energy disorder and is in a very unstable state. It seems to be exploding at any time.

In order to defeat the giant tortoise, the strange bird may have overdrafted its vitality, and it has many scars on it. These scars are likely to be the bite of the giant tortoise's tongue.

Yi Yun knows that the giant tortoise's tongue is very poisonous.

These toxins invade the body of the three-legged bird, which certainly has a significant impact on it.

If you continue to fight like this, the top hegemons of the two towers of the two towers will pay a very painful price. It is very likely that one party will die, and the other will overdraw life and suffer a long life.

The two overlords are aware of this possibility, but at this moment, after the three-legged bird finds that the red lotus is lost, it has entered a state of anger and anger, but it is a giant turtle, which is already scared.

It was angered by Yi Yun from the beginning, and now it has been killed with three-legged monsters. It has been completely awakened after being frustrated.

Although it is slow-headed, it is still very sensitive to the fear of death. It was desperate to attack because it felt that it was the master of the second floor of the tower, and it was free to kill the ants that blocked themselves. Now, it Found something wrong.

It doesn't want to die here unclearly, and it's the same with this strange bird that is already crazy.

The giant tortoise began to retreat.

It fled back and began to flee down the mountain.

Seeing this scene, Yi Yun knows that he should also evacuate. When the giant torto walks, the mad three-legged bird is afraid to open the mountain.

Although it is said that no matter whether it is a giant tortoise or a three-legged monster, it has already been hit hard. It is the best time to kill them, but Yi Yun’s own strength is far from the opponent of these two super wild beasts, even if They are fighting against the seriously injured, and they are also hitting the stone with eggs.


Yi Yun shook his head. He looked at the three-legged birds flying in the sky. Within a few dozen miles, all the pure yang was called by it. Such a wild animal born in Magma Lake, which can be used to kill pure essence in the day and night, if it can kill it and extract the animal print, it will greatly promote its own "The Beasts of the Beast", and it is even possible Let your own gold Ufa phase totem evolution, however, the strength of the three-legged monster is too strong, Yi Yun can only look at it.

Yi Yun quietly returned to the magma canyon, and he jumped into the magma again, drifting down the lava flow.

The more the magma flows to the bottom of the mountain, the faster it is.

However, at this time, Yi Yun suddenly felt a whole body upside down. At that moment, he felt a cold killing and swept through him!

At this point, Yi Yun is in the hot magma pool, but this killing makes Yi Yun's blood frozen!

This killing, is it from the three-legged bird! ?

Yi Yun passed this thought in his heart, he felt that this is not possible, but the direction of the source of killing is the direction of the three-legged bird!

That strange bird, how do you find yourself in this situation?

Among the second floor of the tower, there is only Yiyun alone. On top of this mountain, it is able to threaten Yiyun, and only the three-legged bird.

Regardless of whether it is not the case, Yi Yun is clear, once he is discovered, there is no possibility of running away. (To be continued.)

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