True Martial World

Chapter 496: Blood month


The white woman’s heart glimpsed and the subconscious stepped back.

At this moment, the smiling face of the dark boy, and the horrible chill that is all over the place, I don’t know where to come from, the white woman’s heart suddenly tightened.

She suddenly realized what she was, and she extended her perception through the tower of the gods, all over the secrets of the female emperor, and extended beyond the secrets of the female emperor.

Then, the white woman saw a scene that made her soul solidify...

She saw that tens of thousands of miles away from the burial of the gods, the huge black whirlpool, quietly emerged a huge, cold and ruthless eyes.

This eye, filled with tens of thousands of miles of black vortex, feels like a star, turned into an eye.

It does not carry a trace of emotion, like it comes from the gods, and ignores all the creatures in the world.

After this huge eye appeared, the eternal black vortex became deeper and more horrible, and it seemed that a terrible storm was brewing.

The woman in white can clearly feel the vibration and roar of the sea. She also clearly sees the horrified face of the elders of major forces, thousands of miles away.

For them, this is undoubtedly like the end of the world.

At this time, from this eye, a black light is emitted. This light seems to be invisible and innocent. There is nothing to stop it. It shoots from the eternal vortex, penetrates the void, ignores the obscurity of the female emperor, directly Shot the tower of the gods!


The thick black light beam completely shrouds the tower of the gods!

The whole tower suddenly shocked!

At this moment, all the trials felt the tremors of their space. However, they did not know the reason and thought it was an earthquake in the secret. After they had a little investigation, they did not care, and they continued to care. Cultivation.

No one knows what kind of crisis is going on at the moment.


After the black light shrouded the tower of the gods, seven sculptures that had been banned and slammed against the dark teenagers had stopped and lost their ability to act.

Even with the runes on the ground of the Seven Kills Temple, the light faded and quickly disappeared.

The cage of the dark teenager was trapped and completely untied. The dark teenager was carrying a machete and smirking at the woman in white.

"I said, this tower, it is time to find a master. If your master is still, the tower of God is in her hands, of course, the power is great, but unfortunately... now she is gone, leaving you a spirit, Can you play the power of the towering tower? Want to motivate the towering tower to kill me? Haha, it’s ridiculous! The Lord God just cut a light and cut off your control of the tower.”

The dark-skinned teenager smiled, and the woman in white was pale. She shook her head gently and muttered: "The eye of destruction... His power has returned to this level?"

"The power of the Lord is not something you can speculate!" The dark boy looks proud. "If you surrender to me, I can spare you not to die. You can continue to be the spirit of the tower. After all, you are the tower of the gods. In the infinite years, the ingenuity that has evolved, I don’t want to erase you, erase you, and the tower of the gods will lose some spirituality. It is extremely difficult to cultivate a spiritual spirit. Are you considering? What about it?"

The dark teenager is very tempted to say.

However, after listening to the dark teenager, the white woman’s face is cold and cold, and her eyes are more prosperous!

The sinister teenager shook his head in regret. "If you know the time, you will be a good man. If you surrender, you can get endless benefits from God. You are a spiritual, but you can also cultivate. You are obsessed with a dead tower." Isn't it too much..."

The dark boy said this, suddenly, his figure swayed like a wolf to the white woman, his dark face, endless killing!

His whole body also exudes a black light, and behind him there is a strange **** moon. His magical totem is **** moon!

The moment when the blood moon appeared, it was integrated into his scimitar. To the realm of the dark boy, the French totem has been able to enter the body at will.

The scimitar in the black boy’s hand came out of his hand, and he burst into a strange red light and cut it into the white woman’s neck!

When the words have not been finished, suddenly sneak attack, obviously, he did not expect to persuade the white woman to change his mind!

The white woman's pupil shrinks, her body is like a blown feather, and then floats back, and at the same time, her sword is in her hand!


The horrible impact, the white woman's body suddenly shocked, above her long sword, flashing ice blue light, and these lights, constantly shredded by this round of machete!

A scimitar, like a death flywheel, is constantly approaching a woman in white.

At the same time, the dark-skinned teenager itself, like a ghost, appeared in front of the white woman in an instant. He opened his hands and there were eight long needles in the gap between the fingers! This long needle is more than a foot long, full of blood red, engraved with quirky runes, the top is a little strange blue, watching people shudder.

These long needles, along with the ghostly movements of the dark teenagers, are tied to the eyes and temples of the white woman!

"You are just a spirit, how to fight with me after cutting off and connecting with the tower!"

The dark teenager laughed and launched his stormy attack!


The sharp break sounded, and under the attack with the machete, the black-skinned steel needle was directly inserted into the white woman's spirit!

Ok! ?

In the darkness of the young boy, the steel needle broke into the flesh but was not stressed.


In an instant, a dazzling sword light suddenly appeared in the dark teenager's vision. The entire blood-colored hall was illuminated by this sword. However, this light contained a chill of sensation, a trace of blue frost, and an overwhelming Spread on the ground and walls.

The dark boy didn’t want to, and the body jumped forward.


At the moment when the dark boy jumped, his original standing position was completely frozen, and the biting cold spread. After the sword, the seven killing halls disappeared, and the dark red tiles, the seven sculptures, disappeared.

The dark boy and the white woman came to a vast and innocent world of ice and snow.

The wind blows ice, and the cold is in the air!

The dark boy reached out and the rotating scimitar flew back to his hand like a spiritual one.

He looked around and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth: "I can't think of it, you can control the tower of the gods in a small amount, let the space in our place change. Do you think that this space is more suitable for your battle? ?" (To be continued.)

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