True Martial World

Chapter 612: Reincarnation

All the expressions of the mask man are hidden under the mask, and the appearance looks like his empty mask is always cold and ruthless.

For the genius in the presence, the mask people give people a sense of oppression, even if his appreciation, it also makes people feel a sense of horror.

"Two thousand blood jade, give you a reward! I appreciate the talented young people."

The mask man spoke to him, and one of his followers offered a jade box.

After opening, there are twenty-nine blood jade in the whole, and the remaining nine hundred blood jade is the reward for defeating Gongsunhong.

Starting with two thousand and nine hundred blood jade, Yi Yun’s wealth is more than all other newcomers.

Many geniuses have looked at the heat, and these blood jade can be exchanged for a large number of ancient heritage and heavenly treasures.

"From today onwards, each of you will have a corresponding blood jade and every month. At the beginning, each person will have ten pieces per month. If you join the Tianxue League, each person will have fifty pieces per month."

"In the Tiandao League, there are various trials. Through trials, there will be corresponding blood jade rewards, and Lulu will also be upgraded. The same level of trials, the Tianxue League awards will be five times that of Tiandao League!"

"Your Lulu can accumulate continuously. If you can become a core member of the Tianxue League, it is not unusual to reward a thousand blood jade a month, but... If you lose to a newcomer in the fight, such as Gong Sunhong, then... ...the reward for newcomers will be doubled out of your money!"

The mask man said this coldly, and then he looked at Yi Yun deeply. He smiled twice and turned away.

Double deduction bonus?

Many people secretly screamed, Yi Yun defeated Gong Sunhong, not counting the cost of qualification, winning a thousand blood jade.

Isn’t Gonghong Hongyu being detained with two thousand blood jade?

It is expected that the grandson of Gong Sunhong will not be high, and this loss can be disastrous.

Yi Yun smashed the blood jade in his hand, he couldn't see the cheats of the martial arts, but... the celestial treasures of the martial arts alliance, some are still good, no need to use white.

However, Yi Yun also knows that the cheapness of the martial arts alliance is not so good.

It is not too much to say that this place is a Longtan Tiger Cave.

The mask man left, and Gongsun Hong did not leave.

At this time, his heart is full of humiliation, and there is meat pain!

That is two thousand blood jade!

I think that Gong Sunhong is bleeding in his heart. He wants to understand now. Before, Yi Yun used him as an idiot.

He is not an opponent of Yi Yun at all, even if he goes all out from the beginning, he is afraid that he can't win.

"Kid, what is your name!"

Gong Sunhong gritted his teeth and asked Yi Yundao.

Yi Yun saw Gong Sunhong and said: "I don't have a name, but I have a title - Jiang Yidao!"

Ginger knife?

Gong Sunhong brows. He has been retreating in Tiandao League for several years. I really don't know that there is such a person.

However, Gongsun Hong did not know that the geniuses of the new Tiandao League were very familiar with the name Jiang Yidao.

This is a name that has been very popular in recent months.

Regarding the strength of Jiang Yidao, the outside is very powerful, but the presence of Tianjiao, many people just listen to the rumors, or some dissatisfaction.

Now I have witnessed the strength of Yi Yun, but I am somewhat convinced.

"He is a knife?"

"It’s really only a knife..."

People look at each other and are secretly screaming.

Although Gong Sunhong did not know the name of Jiang Yidao, but when he heard the opinions of the people, he could also know that Jiang Yidao was not a nameless person.

"Ginger knife, your name is very mad, do you think that I won't be very good when I won it? In Tianxue League, there is far more than you imagined. I am nothing at Tianxue League. Compared to them, you are nothing. You will soon be taught to be a man."

Gong Sunhong said sarcastically.

However, the ridicule of Gong Sunhong, the arrogant people present, did not agree with it.

Tianxue League, and the existence of being able to defeat Jiang Yidao at will?

You must know that Gongsun Hong had already made a name in Tianyuan before he entered the Tiandao League.

He can't say that he is the top genius, but it is also the first step.

On the top of Gong Sunhong, of course, there are more enchanting, but it will not be as big as a cloud.

In the eyes of many people, the talent of Jiang Yidao has already reached the top, saying that someone is more enchanting than Jiang, and people don't believe it.

Besides, the general Tianjiao is a teenager's fame, such as Gongsunhong, everyone has heard of it.

Occasionally, there are a few geniuses who are not born. No one knows it before, but it is normal.

But this kind of genius that is not born, appears in large quantities, which is unreasonable.

Listening to the meaning of Gong Sunhong, now the master of Tianxue League is like a cloud, and there are a lot of geniuses far beyond Gongsun Hong. How is this possible?

They can't come out of nowhere, where do they come from?

Is it difficult for the martial arts alliance to secretly establish a secret environment and cultivate them?

People feel strange in their hearts. Most people don't believe it. They only think that this is the scene that Gong Sunhong can't afford after losing. He wants to force himself to find some face.

Gong Sunhong also saw the hearts of everyone.

He sneered: "The ant's gaze can only see a little road in front of you. How do you know the vastness of the world? In Tianxue League, there are a number of reincarnated people, the strongest of whom are nine. They are far beyond Your imagination, for them, you can’t count anything at all!”

Gong Sunhong slammed this sentence, and everyone listened to it.


Wushu martial arts, can also reincarnate?

From everything from scratch to the memory of life, this is too much against the sky, and it is impossible to think about it.

Seeing the horror on the faces of everyone, Gongsun Hong has a proud color: "It is the reincarnation! The superb method of the collection in the Heavenly Blood League is also the top-ranking magical work that can be ranked first - "Tiandao Reincarnation Dafa!"

"Unfortunately, with your qualifications, you can only look at the introduction, and there is no qualification at all!"

Gong Sunhong’s voice has a strong sense of superiority, but it is just a little funny with his ragged clothes at this time.

""Tiandao Reincarnation Dafa"?"

Yi Yun brows a pick, such a method, in the collection of Qingyang Jun, there are also a rough mention.

The words of Gong Sunhong have aroused the interest of many people. These exercises are powerful and terrifying. If you can really reincarnate and save your memory, then it’s not against the sky!

Even if you can't learn, you can see it.

Moreover, although they are not qualified now, who said that they will not qualify in the future.

Many people have bright eyes and can't help but look for "Tiandao Reincarnation Dafa" in this treasure chest.

Gong Sunhong smiled disdainfully and turned away from the Treasure Pavilion.

Before leaving, he looked at Yi Yun with a chill in his eyes.

For this hatred, Yi Yun did not care. In fact, the identity of Jiang Yidao, the offender is still nothing, the original Yi Yun's identity, it is really an enemy all over the world.

After Gong Sunhong left, he was on the scene of Tianjiao, and he was browsing various treasures in the Treasure Pavilion. Soon, someone found the "Tiandao Reincarnation Law."

"it's here!"

The person who found this cheat can't help but say it.

People immediately followed the sound.

The Heavenly Reincarnation Law was placed on the third floor of the Treasure House and the highest level.

Its location is also conspicuous, located in the middle of the third floor, which is why people can find it quickly.

Yi Yun is out of the curiosity, but also goes to the third floor to see the truth of this set of secrets.

This set of secrets, the whole is enclosed in a dark gold metal box, the box is locked in the array.

Most of the treasures of the Treasure House can also preview the first page, and this set of exercises, one word can not be previewed.

In addition to the box, you can only see the introduction of a few words.

Yi Yun saw that only the core members of the Tianxue League are eligible to redeem this set of secrets, and the exchange of this secret method is simply a high price.

One hundred thousand blood jade can only be exchanged for the first volume, and the next few volumes are getting more and more expensive.

Moreover, if there is enough blood jade, it will not work, and it must also contribute to Tiandao League.

Many people secretly shook their heads when they saw this demanding exchange.

This is too outrageous.

Just joined the Tianxue League, they bite their teeth and signed the soul contract.

However, hundreds of thousands of blood jade, as well as contributing to the Tiandao League, this is not something that ordinary people can achieve.

Basically, this set of secrets, that is, the mirrors and waters, can only be seen.

"There is still such a supreme method, I really want to see it, a page is good."

A good-looking girl couldn’t help but say.

Reincarnation reborn, it sounds tempting, this is not only the accumulation of strength, but also the rebirth of life.

For a woman who loves beauty, after she is old, she can return to the girlhood. Which girl is not tempted?

However, Yi Yun shook his head.

How can there be such a good thing in the world? If there is such a bad practice, how can Qingyang Jun be a rough mention, as described in detail, and in the description, he can also reflect his respect for these exercises. It is.

In fact, according to Qing Yangjun, there are often many restrictions on such reincarnation exercises.

For example, the fans in the tires.

When you reincarnate, you will lose a lot of memory. After the reincarnation, some of your personality will be missing. Although it does not say that you have completely changed one person, it is not entirely your own.

In addition, learning the reincarnation method will not prolong life, or even shorten it.

Reincarnation once, shortening one life, the more times you reincarnate, the faster you die.

In fact, the reincarnation of the law, to put it bluntly is to overdraw the potential of life.

Before the warriors were 100 years old, their life potential was strong, and the cultivation was the fastest. The advantage of reincarnation was to maximize the potential of life, so that the warriors who could only go to the path of the environment broke through the Kaiyuan, and the original limit of the Yuanyuan was sealed. Emperor.

This is also the reason why some people choose to reincarnate the exercises. Those who practice reincarnation are very much invincible because they have a lot of memories when they are young.

"The martial arts alliance has such reincarnation exercises. If the martial artists they cultivated all choose to reincarnate in this era, then they can explain why this group of people was not known before."

Yi Yun took a deep breath, and the reincarnation chose the current era, which undoubtedly means that the Bureau of the Budo Alliance has been closed for many years.


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