True Martial World

Chapter 627: Perfect

"These people are deceiving too much!"

In a corner of the third floor of the Treasure Pavilion, Yi Yuwei said to Yi Yun.

Originally, he was excluded from the Tiandao League. He refused to sign the soul contract and was chased. Now he finally endured humiliation, signed the soul contract, and then returned to the Heavenly League. He was ridiculed and discriminated.

However, he can only endure and cannot leave. Thus, the grievances in his heart can be imagined.

However, for the complaints of Qi Weiwei, Yi Yun just smiled and did not speak. He chose a variety of heavenly treasures in the Treasure Pavilion. He also earned some blood jade before, even with the reward of joining the Tianxue League. Blood jade, all spent, is the resources of the martial arts alliance, no need to waste.

Moreover, it is not used now, and there is no chance to use it later.

"Do you exchange so many relics? Do you want to try to improve your strength and better accomplish the task? Master Jiang, I am not pouring cold water. Although we joined the Tianxue League, we are still discriminated against. Those people cannot understand us. Even if we make a contribution, I am afraid that we will not give us corresponding rewards." Yu Chiwei said with resentment.

Yi Yun did not explain, after spending the blood jade, he left the Treasure Pavilion.

At this time, from the beginning of the Blackstone trial, there are still ten days left, Yi Yun left the Jiujian Mountain directly. After becoming a member of the Tianxue League, he obtained some rights to free activities, and the **** month did not worry that these people who signed the soul contract would betray them.

Yi Yun has been flying all the way to a remote sea that does not cross the sea.

Here the wind whispers, the waves are soaring, and you can't see the shadow of any ship.

Yi Yun fell on a huge reef. His eyes were burning and his eyes were filled with fine eyes.

He took out a jade box and opened the jade box, which was full of glory and vitality.

Among the jade boxes, there are ten ancient relics taken from the tower of the gods, and a fruit that Yiyun exchanged in the treasure chest.

The Taobao Court’s exchange of fruit is not a problem, but the ten ancient relics, if they fall into the hands of any member of the Tianxue League, will make their heart beat faster.

These ancient relics can be much better than the emperor relics used in the practice of the emperor of the Tianyuanjie. Generally, Tianjiao, where is eligible to use such relics, is only in the breakthrough of the realm, will use a worse quality, it is already considered Extravagant.

Yi Yun looked at these heavenly treasures, urging the body of amethyst, a purple vortex generated in his body, the energy of the ancient relics was swallowed quickly, and the fruit was also a blink of an eye, it was sucked dry.

Yi Yun is planning to achieve a perfect accomplishment in one fell swoop, preparing for his real breakthrough in Kaiyuan.

The ancient relics were extremely bleak, and the energy absorbed by Amethyst was too large. Even if the Yiji’s Yuanji was ten times wider than the average Tianyuan martial arts, it could not be accommodated.

A lot of energy is purified by Amethyst, and its essence is taken to its dregs.

For a time, Yi Yun's whole body energy rose, and the nearby seas were all motivated by this energy, becoming wild waves and flying.

Even so, the energy is still too much, and the excess energy is all fed by Yi Yun to the nine-baby animal prints that lie in his body.

With the influx of energy, Yi Yun felt that the seeds of the law buried in the yuan base began to become more solid, and seemed to slowly sprout.

His path of the land has broken through the later stage and is moving towards perfection.

At this moment, Yi Yun took out a dark gold stone from the space ring.

This strange stone, the glory of the restraint, the surface of the faint law of the grain.

A few months ago, Yi Yun bought this strange stone from the hands of Ayu A Niu Sister in Tianwu City, and for this reason he was in conflict with the fire sect.

At that time, Yi Yun had the energy vision of Amethyst. He was more able to confirm the value of this strange stone than the young horse face from the fire.

This universe, formed at the beginning of a chaos, the essence of chaos is energy, from energy into yin and yang, into time and space, and then five lines appear, the world is separated, this is derived into rain and lightning, derived from all things.

But not all of the energy has evolved into everything, and there is some energy that has condensed and turned into a chaotic stone.

Chaos stone is an invaluable treasure.

Because the energy at the beginning of the formation of the universe is the most source of energy.

After the five elements are gradually formed, the energy has been divided into different types. These energy are scattered between the heavens and the earth, and are diluted and dirty, which is far less pure than the beginning of the formation of the universe.

The chaotic stone has been recorded in Qingyangjun's handwriting, because it is extremely rare, and it contains the original energy, which contains the original laws of the universe, so it is extremely precious.

However, this strange stone in Yi Yun’s hand is not a chaotic stone.

Chaos stone is too rare, even looking for the entire Tianyuan world, there may not be a chaotic stone.

This piece of Yi Yun’s hand is actually the stone of the world.

It is the beginning of the world where Tianyuanjie was formed. The original stone whose energy condensed is worse than the original energy of the chaotic stone and the original law, but it is also very precious.

The original stone reserves may be OK, but as time goes by, it has become less and less. Only in some strange places, you can find the true original stone, the two sisters A Niu and A Yu, by chance, I found a piece.

In the great universe where the twelve emperors are located, there are many worlds, and the birth of each world, at the beginning of its birth, will leave behind the world stone.

In the 12th Emperor's Day, the bones of the bony and the stone of the world can be used as hard currency, but in fact, only when you buy a treasure that has no price in the city, will someone use the stone of the world, because it is too rare. .

As for the more precious chaotic stone, there is basically no one willing to spend it.

Yi Yun put this piece of stone in the eyebrows, he took a deep breath, the original energy contained in the stone of the world, flowing into the body of Yi Yun, along his body meridians, into Dantian.

For a time, Yi Yun only felt that the whole body was light and the body and mind were purified.

This absorption lasted for two hours. Under the coordination of Amethyst, Yi Yun felt that his body seemed to be completely transformed into an energy body with no half impurities.

His cultivation has completely broken through the late stage of the road, and he has achieved a complete path of the Tao, and he is only half a step away from Kaiyuan.

When Yi Yun was about to receive his work, suddenly, the nine-baby beasts in Yiyun’s body were all released, and a black air like a tornado blew out from its body and went straight to the dome!

It has absorbed a lot of energy that Yun Yun can't absorb before, and at this moment, it has completely integrated with it!

In the process of the fusion of nine infants and energy...


The black air flow stirred the sky, and the thick black clouds came together from all directions.

In the clouds, the electric snake dances! A huge lightning bolt as thick as a bucket of paper continued to flash.

Yi Yun narrowed his eyes and looked at the thunderclouds in the sky.

He knows that this is the annihilation of the nine infants!

The day of the robbery finally came, originally had nothing to do with Yi Yun, but Yi Yun is now the owner of the nine-infant, this day robbery, he also has a copy.

The wind is bigger and the waves are more urgent. Under the prestige of this world, the creatures in this sea are hiding under the rocks, crouching on the bottom of the sea, and they are afraid to move.

This is the murderousness of Heaven, and the nine infants must practice against the sky, and it will obliterate it.

The nine-infant roaring, the totem of the law that turned into a cloud after Yi Yun, raised nine heads high.


The first lightning, suddenly slammed from the clouds!

The black sky and the tumbling black ocean seemed to be crowded into one piece, and between them, the huge lightning that was bombarded by the road illumined the sky and illuminated the ocean.

As soon as the lightning broke down, Yi Yun immediately felt that the skin was stinging.

Nine infants did not hide, but instead took the initiative to meet this lightning.


The current entered the body, nine infants, together with Yi Yun, suffered this electric shock.

Yi Yun's body is already a pure energy body. Thunder and electric quenching. Under his whole body pain, it seems that every cell has come alive and began to breathe the strength of the heavens and the earth.

This thunder and lightning, tempered Yi Yun's body, soul, suppressed Yi Yun's thoughts, thoughts, but in this pain and depression, Yi Yun feels, as if there are some mysterious and mysterious things, in The thunder and lightning are destroyed.

Thunder and lightning are the power of destruction, but also the power of life. The first life of rumors is that thunder and lightning broke into the ocean and was born.

Yi Yun closed his eyes and began to bear the power of this world.


Lightning fell in succession.

Huge as a nine-infant, under this horrible Tianwei is also as small as an ant.

However, it is still holding its head high, and is still actively welcoming Tianwei, still angry!

Its body was squatted down, and its nine heads were already bloody, with traces of burnt black everywhere.

The practice of the wild beast will suffer from catastrophe. The military repairs the military, but also the rebellious heaven.

Yi Yun stood in front of the nine infants, and the nine infants behind him roared at the sky.


Huge bursting sound, deafening!

This lightning was shattered and turned into countless tiny currents!

Yi Yun did not pull the knife, nor did he resist it, letting these lightnings pour out overwhelmingly!


The rock at the foot of Yi Yun completely burst, the sea water surged, surrounded by Yi Yun body, and then evaporated instantly.

Yi Yun's full-body clothes were turned into ashes. He was shed with his head, his body was paralyzed, and his body was bloody.

The nine infants behind Yi Yun are even worse. This thunder is after all it is motivated. It is the main body that bears the thunder, its whole body is scorched, and those old skins are peeled off and exposed. Bloody red flesh...

The lightning strike lasted for a quarter of an hour, a total of nine, when the thunderclouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

The sky is clear again, Yi Yun takes a deep breath, this thunder is really extraordinary, no wonder the nine baby can not grow up in the Tianyuan world.

The nine infants raised by themselves have such a lot of natural resources to support the ferry, and the injury is so serious.

This is the first time of robbery. Although there are nine hijackings, the power of each robbery is not much different. If the robbery is followed by a robbery, it is hell.

However, although the process is painful, the benefits of thunder robbery are enormous. In addition to the evolution of the nine infants, they become more powerful. The owner of Yi Yun also tempered the flesh in the thunder, and he looked inside the body. It was discovered that he had already perfected the pure yang body, and that... there was another change! (~^~)

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