True Martial World

Chapter 629: Gods

In Jiang Xiaorou, who led the "Tianhu" members, into the soul, at the deepest point of the martial arts alliance, within a large hall, a pair of eyes opened in the darkness, a man wearing a thick black robe, standing in front of a demon sculpture.

The appearance of this black robe man was hidden in a shadow. There was a reddish scar between his eyebrows, and the scar radiated around him like a **** flame.

This person is the current ally of the martial arts alliance, and is currently the strongest of all reincarnations of the **** world.

He is the actual controller of the **** month.

"The barren began to act..."

The black robe man suddenly said.

The martial arts alliance does not completely block the many entrances to the soul, but once someone enters the soul, it will trigger the array in the soul, let the martial arts alliance know the first time.

Behind the black robe man, standing a figure, this person is a burly, Jianmei star, he is the candle dragon headed by the blood four son.


The candle dragon faintly responded, although in the face of the **** moon, the candle dragon does not need to salute, in the **** month, the status of the candle dragon is also very high.

In the reincarnation of the candle dragon up to four times, he once stood in the top of the Tianyuan world, and even once held the martial arts alliance, is a first-class character.

Now that the candle dragon is weak, it is only because of the reincarnation, he became a man like a flame-scarred man, just a matter of time.

Standing in this hall, although the candle dragon is young, his momentum is not much weaker.

"The moths are just a fire." The candle dragon didn't care. "I heard that the abbots have been prepared for these years and have trained many young people, but in my opinion, they are just **** haze, too. Only the new female king, can arouse my little interest."

The candle dragon mentions Jiang Xiaorou, and the eyes flashed a touch of playful color. If the new king is refining as a blood Dan, it will certainly help him to break through a level!

"You said it is good, tens of millions of years, it is time to end our grievances with the abandon, and your Tianxue League should also set off!" The man with the flame scar said lightly.

The candle dragon turned and left the hall, the desert, he did not care, for many years, the deserts have long known the location of the soul, but what can be?

The barbarians are good at the beasts, and in the soul, there are ways to limit the age of the bones. Not only humans, but also the beasts will be restricted. Only the young beasts can enter the soul, and the fighting power of those young wild animals It is simply ignored.

What's more, this month, the blood month will come up with all the cards, this is the foundation of their accumulation of thousands of years, the desert, will be defeated!


Into the night, in the boundless gods.

This is an area where no one has been in the past for millions of years. Everything here is quiet, like a paradise, a fairyland.

However, no creatures can be seen nearby, and they die in a dead place.

At this time, just above the dead ground, in a crystal clear water pool, a white woman wins the snow, and the girl with a creamy face sits on the water.

Her dress was spread out on the water, but it was wet and not wet.

On the water, the breeze blew, and the girl fluttered like a fairy.

She is Lin Xinyi.

After the descending of the tower, Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun were separated, went to the gods alone, and experienced themselves in the depths of the gods, and realized the heavens.

Unconsciously, it has been half a year.

In such a long period of time, Lin Xinyu’s "The Emperor's Heart Sutra" has reached its peak. Even, she has already produced a "Jade Psychic Spirit" recorded in the "Women's Heart Sutra".

We must know that the "Women's Heart Sutra" is almost tailor-made for Lin Xinyi. It has a pure Yin body and a natural yin vein. Lin Xinyi cultivates the "Emperor Heart Sutra", which is faster than Yi Yun.

At this time, the sky was alone, Lin Xinyi sat on a reef, in the heart of Lin Xinyi, on her body, a little silver is moving around.

These silver lights, under a closer look, are all connected to the sky.

These filaments come together to form a faint band of light that pours down from the sky, as if the star river is falling.

The light belt has been spreading for nine days, and it seems that it has reached the cold moon in the air, and a little bit of stars.

In this area, there is no daylight, and only the moonlight shines.

The yin here is far less powerful than the northernmost land, but it is incomparably pure.

The yin of the soul, with a kind of evil, breeding ghosts, corpse kings, haze, can engulf people's vitality, making people weak and sick.

The yin in this strange place is like a soft and cool spring water. It does not breed ghosts and evils, but it can nourish some yin-quality heavenly treasures and condense pure yin energy spar.

Of course, if the warrior who is not practicing the pure yin law is here, he still can't bear the yin here, including the **** wild beast.

Lin Xinyi is born with a natural pulse, not only will not be hurt here, but on the contrary, this is the perfect place for her cultivation.

The moonlight and the starlight here are all extremely yin powers. Lin Xinyi absorbs these forces here, and spits, perceives, and cultivates to grow with each passing day.

God's wildness is too great. There are many places of inconspicuousness here. They have never been covered by human beings. Lin Xinyi also found this by virtue of her understanding of the pure yin law and her keen sense of the heavens and the earth. Jedi.

Just as Lin Xinyi practiced quietly and spit in the heavens and the earth, suddenly, a transparent bird with a faint gleam flew to the heart of Lin Xinyi.

Lin Xinyi's eyelashes fluttered, her eyes opened, and one hand raised. The bird was falling on her slender white fingertips.

The bird gradually dissipated, and Lin Xin’s mouth showed a faint smile.

"Yi Yun..."

This transparent bird, Yi Yun's phonetic notes, Lin Xinyi and Yi Yun are separated by tens of millions of miles, but there are some special notes that can still span such a long distance.

However, the sounds used by Yi Yun and Lin Xinyu are better, not to mention tens of millions of miles, even if they are ten times farther away, this note can also convey the message within a few minutes.

This was originally a kind of symbol of the refining of the ancient female emperor. The cultivation of the above-mentioned ancient female emperor, even if it was just refining, was extremely good.

Not only is the distance far away, but the energy fluctuations during the sound transmission are extremely hidden and undetectable.

"The northernmost place, the soul?" Lin Xinyi's beautiful movement, this female emperor's notes, the amount of information transmitted is very large, Yi Yun will be the location of the soul, also marked out in the notes, including many entrances to the soul They all told Lin Xinyi in detail.

This information naturally comes from the memory of mask people.

Lin Xinyi turned his eyes to the north.

The northernmost place...

Lin Xinyu’s figure leaped gently, his toes stepped on the surface of the water, and then drifted away, leaving only the pool, and the circle gradually swayed...

... (to be continued.)

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