True Martial World

Chapter 632: Snake bone

The abandoned and **** moon, a new abandoned king of the abandon, the other is a enchanting reincarnation, the two women meet each other, to this point, there is nothing to say, only a battle.

"Less Lord, let me try and try her."

At this time, next to Jiang Xiaorou, the dust flies.

What is the strength of the reincarnation, the abandon is not clear.

The abandon only knows that the **** moon has the "Heavenly Reincarnation Dafa". Those who practice this set of exercises can reincarnate again and again, but who is the reincarnation? They don't know.

The reincarnation of the blood moon, every reincarnation is a secret, because in the past tens of millions of years, in a large period of time, in order to preserve the strength of the blood, the reincarnation of the world is often only one or two, or even none. .

These reincarnated people were very weak when they first came out. They had to cultivate from scratch. In childhood, a purple-blooded adult could kill them. If they die at this time, it would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, in the tens of millions of years when the blood is crouching, every reincarnation will be very low-key. Many reincarnated people, even if they become masters of the Tianyuan world, they will still be forbearing. It is not certain that those talents are reincarnations, and the true strength of these reincarnations is also very mysterious. Even the reincarnations do not understand each other's cards and limits.

In this case, Jiang Xiao soft snake Jijiao is undoubtedly an adventure.

Dust fly, is to help Jiang Xiaorou try the virtual reality of the snake Ji, at the same time, he also voiced down, let the "Tianhu" members prepare for the big battle.

"Tianhu" members, single out alone, the fighting ability is very general, but if it is formed into a large array, then the combat power is not the same, if possible, dust fly thinking to try to kill the demon girl snake Ji.

However, Jiang Xiaorou shook his head. She said: "Dust fly, you quit, she dares to appear here, and she must rely on it. How can it be easily killed by you? As for you, don't take it for now, be alert, I can Feeling... there are people around the snake..."

"I don't expect to really leave the snake Ji, I just want to give it a try. When the reincarnation is young, what is the strength?"

Jiang Xiaorou was wearing a red robe, and his eyes flickered in his eyes, which is quite different from the cloud-scarred girl ten years ago.

Although Snake Ji could not hear the voice of Jiang Xiaorou, she vaguely guessed what Jiang Xiaorou was saying with the dust.

She smiled softly and gently opened the veil on her face.

Under the veil, it was a charming and fascinating face. In her mouth, there was a touch of beauty, adding a fascinating atmosphere to her.

"I want to try, the strength of the modern king."

Snake Ji chuckled, and under her body, the huge snake bone suddenly trembled. With the sound of rumbling, buried in the ground, I don’t know how many years of snake bones came out from the ground.

"Peng! Peng!"

Two consecutive sounds, the hollow eye socket of the snake bone suddenly burned two groups of green flames, like a blind eye.

In the face of these situations, the Tianjiao arrogance has subconsciously stepped back a few steps. Among the souls, the most terrible thing is the yin and evil spirits, especially those who have slept in the corpse.

Now, is Snake Ji able to manipulate the bones in the soul?


The long whip smashed out, the **** little soft noodles did not change color, and the long lashes condensed the light, intertwined into a blue phoenix bird.

The phoenix bird flapped its wings and went straight toward the snake bone.

The giant snake roared and spit out a lot of green flames. The blue bird rushed into the flame. It doubled like a knife and cut the flame directly!

"Oh?" The snake's eyes lit up, and then a soft smile, the ten fingers repeatedly popped up, and more than a dozen bone spurs flew out.

These spurs shimmered in the cold, screaming and screaming, and screaming at the body of the phoenix.

"Hey!" The bird's wings vibrate, and these bones are cut open, and then they are rushed to the snake.

In the face of such a situation, Snake Ji is not in a hurry.

She provoked her mouth and smiled at Hu Mei: "Explosion!"

As she spit out the syllables, the bone spurs that had originally fallen to the surrounding ground burst open and turned into a cluster of green smoke.

The phoenix bird is surrounded by this smoke and quickly erodes.

Ginger Xiaorou’s eyes sank, and even the long whip, the road Guanghua flashed, dispelling the poisonous smoke.

At this time, in the eyes of Snake Ji, Li Mang flashed, pointing at the giant snake: "Go!"

Rumble! The huge body of the serpent is lightning fast, and it is entangled with Jiang Xiaorou.

Snake Ji reveals a smug smile, she wants to take advantage of the phoenix bird, Jiang Xiaorou when the body is lacking, Jiang Xiaorou entangled, directly entangled.

After the beautiful body was crushed into meat, people who did not know these wild people would not look at the muddy skin with the look of the goddess.

Seeing this situation, dust flying, and those "Tianhu" members are concerned about chaos: "Less master, be careful!"

Jiang Xiaorou's delicate body is so fragile compared to this sturdy white bone snake.

The movement of the giant snake makes the mountain body vibrate, and there are always gravel falling, small as the size of the skull, and the big foot has the size of the grinding disc.

These gravel all contain amazing suffocating power and are powerful.

The members of "Tianhu" had to avoid and crush these falling rocks. In the falling rocks, in the middle of the body of the serpent, Jiang Xiaorou, who was in red, stood in the air and did not move.

Suddenly, her hands slowly opened, and the wide sleeves floated in the air. The whole person seemed to go with the wind.

A mysterious singer from ancient times whispered from her lips and teeth, as if from the wind around her, a trace of blue air began to flow around her body.

"Looking at the mystery! Go! Kill her!" Snake Ji drives the serpent faster.

Even if Jiang Xiaorou has any means, but in the face of the overwhelming power of the serpent, he must also be seriously injured!

At this moment, these cyan airflows have been plunged into the body of the giant snake, connecting the **** and soft snakes.

The mighty giant snake, the two beating green flames in his eyes suddenly flashed, seemingly disturbed by the cyan energy. Immediately, the speed of the snake was slower and slower, and it slowly stopped.

Snake Ji suddenly stunned, what is going on?

She continued to drive, but the serpent still did not move, only the head continued to swing, seems to be struggling.

Jiang Xiaofei flew in front of this giant snake. She looked very weak before the head of the giant snake. However, her breath was like the ancestors of this giant snake, so that the giant snake would not dare to raise her head.

"What? This is..." The word "snake" in the name of Snake is not made casually. She has the ability to drive snakes. Even if it is a snake bone, Snake will give her strength by virtue of the law of the undead she understands. On it, it can also be motivated.

She never thought of it, but it suddenly failed today.

"Is it strange?" Jiang Xiaorou stretched his hand and stroked the head of the serpent, smiling and looking at the snake Ji. "The connection between my family and the wild beast is through the soul. The snake is dead now, but because it is buried In this soul, its soul is dead and not scattered. Although it has been so many years past, this soul has been weakened much more than before, but for me, it is enough."

Jiang Xiaorou said that he actually stepped on the head of the giant snake. The giant snake suddenly felt a shock. The two eyes were burning green and smoldering. It no longer struggled. On the contrary, it raised its head and held Jiang Xiaoru up.

Then, this giant snake looks at the snake Ji, killing.

Seeing this situation, the heart of the snake Ji suddenly cools down. This snake bone is not something she has just found. She has been in the soul for a few years in a reincarnation, this snake The bones were carefully selected and refining in the past, but today, Jiang Xiaorou was so easily taken away?

Not to mention the snake cat, even the people of the desert, are so shocked and wide-eyed that they can't believe everything they see.

The barbarians do rely on the soul to control the wild beasts, but... just a little bit of remnant soul to control a wild animal that has been dead for many years?

This really subverts their past cognition. If they come, let alone the waned beast that has not been known for many thousand years, that is, the dead animal that is dead, can not control it.

The control of Jiang Xiaorou is really against the sky!

Seeing Jiang Xiaorou stepping on the snake, Snake Ji was a little confused at one time. Her eyeballs moved a little under the gaze and looked at a certain direction in the void.

This extremely inconspicuous glimpse was captured by Jiang Xiaorou, and there are still people hiding here...

In the darkness, Jiang Xiaorou has a feeling of being peeped.

"Interesting... It’s really interesting. I thought that she just awakened the ancient genius of ancient blood. Now it seems that it doesn’t stop there..."

"This kind of blood is really fascinating..."

A voice muttered to himself in the dark, his breath was completely hidden in the darkness, and Jiang Xiaorou could hardly confirm the exact position of the person.

... (to be continued.)

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