True Martial World

Chapter 649: Space devour

There is endless space in this universe.

In some spaces, the big world was born, and everything grows here and thrives.

But there is also room for desolateness, only endless gravel, dust, and death like a grave.

The different space of the candle dragon is to find such a dead space, brand its coordinates in its own dantian, you can use the space law to open such a passage at any time, and inhale the person he wants to kill into this space. In the middle, let him drift in this strange space forever.

However, it is extremely difficult to open the space channel with the strength of the candle dragon. He must use the mystery that is harmful to his body to do it.

After Yi Yun’s body, the door of the empty space is getting bigger and bigger. It is like the giant mouth of the ancient wild animal, and it will be swallowed by Yi Yun.

Yi Yun feels that he has been locked by countless invisible energy tentacles, and the body seems to be trapped in the mud, unable to move.

"This move..."

Yi Yun thought of a sinking, urging "The Emperor's Heart Sutra", pure Yang vitality burning in his body.

"call out!"

Yi Yunyi raised his hand, and a flaming rope made of pure yang condensed was shot out. Like a sharp arrow, it was cut through the void and wrapped around a mountain.

However, only in an instant, the huge pulling force made the flame rope crush the mountain and sink deep.

A mountain, it is seen that this flame rope will be pulled into two pieces.


From Yiyun's body, dozens of flame ropes are shot, some are wrapped around the mountains, some are shot into the ground, and every flame rope is brought to Yiyun. With absolute power, Yiyun forcibly resists the alien space. Suction.

He barely resisted this power.

In Yi Yun’s heart, he was secretly surprised by the moves of the candle dragon. The space law is indeed profound and profound, and there is such a move.

Space 冢 seems to be swallowing Yiyun, but it is a little worse.

This, but it is fatal, because the candle dragon used the secret technique, this move may not be able to support for a long time, once he can't hold it, he will lose all.

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, the members of the Tianxue League are nervous, they are afraid that the candle dragon lost to Yi Yun.

On the other side, Jiang Xiaorou is a heartbeat, and his eyes are staring at Yi Yun. For another ten years, she reunited with Yi Yun. If Yi Yun had any mistakes, she did not know how to survive.

At this time, Lin Xinyu, who was above the distant mountain, flew up.

Although she believes that Yi Yun should persist longer than the candle dragon, even so, she will not tolerate the word "should" exist, she can not allow Yi Yun to have any accidents.

If it is two people fighting, Yi Yun suffered a heavy blow, it is only an injury.

However, if she is inhaled into this heterodyne space, she does not ensure that Yi Yun can return.

Lin Xinyi shakes the sword in his hand, the body's ice blue color is like a mist, and it spreads all around, and the water vapor condenses continuously in the air, forming a blue jade belt.

Lin Xinyi wants to shoot.

On the spot, the members of the Tianxue League saw Lin Xinyu flying, and they were a little dumbfounded.

Yes, Yi Yun has a companion!

Lin Xinyi's strength, although not sure how she is better than Yi Yun, but killing them, it is estimated that it is not much harder than slaughtering chickens.

The candle dragon has dealt with Yi Yun, which is quite reluctant, plus Lin Xinyi...

Even if Lin Xinyi’s strength is not as good as Yi Yun, I am afraid that the candle dragon may not be able to stop it.

Knowing this, but no one dares to stop, joking, to block Lin Xinyi with their strength, that is to find their own death.

The blue jade belt flies, the sword light flashes, and Lin Xinyi is like a fairy flying to the moon, flying to the candle dragon.

Seeing this scene, the face of the candle dragon changed. Now, of course, he can't draw strength to fight Lin Xinyi.

His expression suddenly became awkward.

"Do you think that this will set me to death? I wonder!"

The candle dragon spoke, slammed the tip of his tongue and spit out a blood. At the same time, the radioactive blood lines that he burst from his eyebrows spurted a scarlet flame.

On the basis of the secret technique, the candle dragon burned the blood, and his power increased instantly!


Lin Xinyi's eyes were condensed, and she felt a danger. She didn't think that it was this time. The candle dragon had such a killer.

The candle dragon lived for a long time, and it was the first **** month. The hidden means of life preservation made Lin Xinyi surprised.

Lin Xinyi naturally will not let the candle dragon display his last means to take the adventure of Yi Yun's life.

In her hand, the sword was held high, and the power of the heavens and the earth gathered on the sword. On the nine days, the starry sky appeared out of thin air, and the star-shaped light of the silver was sprinkled.

The next day is yang, the moon and the moon are yin, and the power of the stars is one of the forces that Lin Xinyi realized in the gods.

"The moon is hazy and the wind is like water!"

Lin Xin took out the sword, and the sword broke out. It seems that there is a star river falling in the sky, such as silver pours toward the candle dragon.

In the face of Lin Xinyi's sword, the candle dragon became mad: "Go to hell!"

The space energy compressed in his body exploded in an instant, and the entrance to the alien space behind Yi Yun suddenly exploded!

This is the expansion of space, which is so unbelievable that it cannot be evaded.

Originally, the heterogeneous space attracted Yiyun, and Yiyun resisted this suction.

Now, the expansion of the heterosexual space has taken the initiative to swallow it!

Resistance is easy, but the rapid expansion and devouring of space...

Just for a moment, the mountains, black rocks and the earth in the surrounding environment all disappeared, replaced by the endless dark void, and the light of the full moon in the sky was swallowed up, and the fingers were not seen.

Ok! ?

Yi Yun was shocked by the heart, this space is different, can even reverse expansion, swallowing himself?

Seeing that he was trapped in a different space, Yi Yun did not feel fear. He felt that things were wrong. If the candle dragon could use such a means to send him into a different space, why did he go early? Even if you use the secret method and burn the blood, if you can solve it with Lin Xinyi, he is willing.

However, the candle dragon is used at the last minute, or this is the same move, or there is a flaw in this space!

Yi Yun immediately let his mental power radiate in all directions.

"Heart! Little Sister!"

The degree of spatial expansion is too fast, and it is unstoppable. It is easy to settle, and this expansion of the heterogeneous space is afraid that it has swallowed up this large area.

In that case, Lin Xinyi and Jiang Xiaorou will be swallowed by the alien space!

What Yi Yun cares most is naturally these two girls, who are the most important people in Yi Yun’s life.

Fortunately, just after a break, Yi Yun touched Lin Xinyi’s perception.

The law of this heterosexual space is extremely strange. Although the two people are very close together, they cannot see each other and can only be connected by spiritual power. In their mental stimulation, the two seem to be far apart from each other. (To be continued.)

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