True Martial World

Chapter 652: Reunion

This tower of gods is as grand as an unattainable mountain, and it rotates downwards to suppress it.

Under the town, in the void, there are endless cracks!

The light of the gods shines on the square. Above the tower of the gods, there is a burst of Sanskrit. The mysterious curse is constantly condensed around the tower of the gods.

Just a moment, this piece of black void, all the golden curses everywhere, even the members of the abandonment around Lin Xinyi, have seen these wonders.

Beyond their energy shields, the golden curse of the sky is like a golden dragonfly.

this is……

The Tianjiao arrogant people are all surprised. This is the first time they have seen the light in this space. In this space maze, the power of space is distorted. Two people separated by two or three meters away, without perception. It is impossible to confirm the existence of the other party.

"There is a golden pagoda in the distance!"

A desert boy suddenly shouted.

The crowd looked up and saw that there was a golden tower in the distant sky.

The tower of the **** seems to be infinitely distant, but seeing it through such a long distance, but I do not know why, giving people a sense of shock that directly hits the soul.

In the space maze, because the force of space is distorted, the light will be blocked, but under the absolute power, the light of the tower will dispel all darkness.

Suddenly, all the "golden cymbals" flying in the air danced in the direction of the tower.

"蜻蜓" flutters too fast, and has become a strip of gold, the whole dark void, shining brightly!

Many members of the abandoned family are staring at the magnificent scenes in front of them, so that the dark and empty space of the darkness seems to have been given life.


Numerous golden curses were printed into the tower, and the entire tower of the gods burst into the glare of the sun.

The power of pure yang dispelled the power of darkness and distorted space at that moment, the maze of the whole space, trembled fiercely, "Hey!" The broken lines appeared out of thin air, more and more, like spider webs spread all over the world. .

With the sound of a loud explosion, the collapse of the large space barriers, the moment when these space barriers burst, the force of space lost its law, and it decomposed and turned into an energy storm, impacting all around!

Outside the space barrier, a series of mountains and rivers, canyons, are torn by this space storm, large pieces of gravel, broken and cracked in the storm, until it turns into fly ash!

Such a terrible storm swept out, hitting the energy shields that the members of the deserts joined together.

The energy shield trembled fiercely, and looked at the hill-sized rocks around it, turning into a fly-grey scene in the space storm. The members of the deserted were somewhat pale.

This is a real annihilation, which takes place in front of us and has a strong visual impact.

Many people were afraid of the presence. They had doubts about whether it was useful to hold up the energy shield. Now imagine that if they are alone, in the energy storm, the end is destined to be a smog.

They are also fortunate to have Lin Xinyi, the energy shield that joins Lin Xinyi's strength, and it is easy to resist the storm.

"This candle dragon... strength is terrible."

Lin Xinyu looked at these energy storms. She knew that most of the energy in the energy storm did not come from Yiyun, but from the space barrier, which is the power of the candle dragon.

The strength of the reincarnation, can not be underestimated, Yi Yun defeated the candle dragon, in fact, it also accounted for some of the cheaper weapons, the magical broken sword, restrained the candle of the hands of the day.

At this time, the golden pagoda suspended in the horizon has slowly disappeared, and the energy storm has slowed down. Lin Xinyi put away the energy shield.

Looking at the glory of the golden pagoda disappearing from the flash in the void, Lin Xinyi took a sigh of relief, she naturally knows that the golden pagoda is the tower of the gods.

Yi Yun got the tower of the gods in the secret of the female emperor. Now, Yi Yun can finally spur it.

Even if Yiyun calls only a small part of its power, it is also a start to surprise.

As the space storm stopped, the space maze was completely blasted. Yi Yun took up the tower and lowered his face, and his face paled on a black mountain.

In addition to being a cave house, the Tower of the Gods is also a killer. Its biggest effect is to seal the town.

It’s a good idea to shatter a piece of space and use the tower to make this happen.

It’s just that... just a few short moments of urging the tower of the gods, but Yi Yun feels exhausted, physical exhaustion, his consumption compared to the previous battle with the candle dragon, more than nothing.

Pushing the tower of the gods, for Yi Yun, it is still very reluctant. It is more difficult to use it to kill the enemy. After all, the enemy will not give Yiyun the time to revive the tower, plus Yiyun will control the gods. The tower itself is not attacking fast enough, and it is difficult to hit the opponent.

"If I break through the open world, it should be much easier to mobilize the tower."

Yi Yun thinks like this, and some can't wait to break through the open world.

Yi Yun’s mind crossed these thoughts, but suddenly saw that a red girl was flying over the mountain peaks not far away, and looked at herself like a watery scorpion.

The black lacquered coix, bright and beautiful, faintly tears...

"Little Sister..."

Seeing Jiang Xiaorou's slightly pale face because of burning blood, Yi Yun's heart was touched. Ten years of life and death, I don't know how Xiaorui sister lived in the abandon.

He was in shape and flew to Jiang Xiaorou.

The distance between the two peaks has passed away...

He opened his arms and hugged Jiang Xiaorou tightly.

He buried his head in the long hair of Jiang Xiaorou and felt the scent of Jiang Xiaorou. This long-lost feeling made his nose sour and almost fell into tears.

This is a pair of delicate and warm shoulders, even Yi Yun's face, can feel the shoulder bone of her skin faintly, holding Jiang Xiaorou, it is like holding a bunch of cockroaches.

However, this is the delicate shoulder... When Yi Yun just came to the world, when he was weak and hungry, he turned him back home a little bit.

It is also this shoulder, the cloud shortage that is lacking in coarse grains, propped up the burden of the family. Go all the way to the arrow, do the leather armor, and change that meager ration.

In the face of the bullying of the Lian tribe, she was silently endured.

Once, in Chuzhou City, Yi Yun almost thought to be different from Jiang Xiaorou.

To this day, he is tightly holding the body of Jiang Xiaorou. This familiar and soft touch reminds him that everything is over and their future is still in their own hands...

Yi Yun and Jiang Xiaorou hugged together. Behind them, there was a **** moon like a ruby ​​disc on the top of the mountain, and the moonlight enveloped them.

No one spoke in the whole mountain, everything was quiet, the cold wind in the soul blew gently, and the sound of rustling came out... (To be continued.)

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