True Martial World

Chapter 662: Out of the soul

"Signing a soul contract?"

After Snake Ji and Feng Ming listened to the conditions of Yi Yun, they all suffered in the heart. They forced many members of the Tiandao League to sign the soul contract, but they did not expect that they would sign a soul contract.

When Yi Yun gave the soul contract, Snake Ji and Feng Ming were all white, and the contract was too overbearing.

The soul contract signed by the members of the original Tiandao League only required them not to attack the martial arts alliance, and not to violate the orders issued by the martial arts league executives. There are some restrictions on these orders, at least not the commands that know the mortal.

Signing such a contract, although more intangible constraints, but generally acceptable.

However, Yi Yun gave the contract signed by Snake Ji and Feng Ming, which can even be said to be the master servant contract.

At the beginning, Yi Yun got a lot of inheritance from Qingyang Jun in the secret of the female emperor. In the Tibetan on the second floor of the descending tower, there are also many miscellaneous books from the twelve emperors.

All kinds of cheats, exercises, body methods, arrays, alchemy, and ridicule are all available.

Yi Yun used to change the "Shixing Shitianshu" from where it came from.

The soul contract chosen by Yi Yun this time is also from the second layer of the descending tower.

As the collection of Qingyangjun, this set of soul contracts is not so well cracked. Once signed, the contract will be controlled along with the thoughts of snake Ji and Feng Ming, so that they have no way to give birth to the idea of ​​murdering Yi Yun, otherwise Yi Yunhui Know immediately, let them pay a heavy price.

And for Yi Yun's orders, they can't have any defiance. Even if they let them die, they can't refuse.

Such a hegemonic contract, the snake Ji sees a tender body, once signed, she is completely a female slave of Yi Yun.


She did not want to sign. As a warrior, she also had her own pride in her heart, but she died in this dark soul, and she was not reconciled, which made her fall into a painful inner struggle.

Yi Yun did not discourage the reaction of Snake Ji and Feng Ming. He said: "There is only one chance. I will give you 20 time to breathe. After that, you either choose to sign the contract or die. You are against me. It’s almost chicken, it’s not that important, so I’m too lazy to waste my tongue.”

"I just don't like being betrayed. As you think I'm going to use this contract to do something for you to make you feel bad, then you think too much, you don't deserve my mind."

"When I wait for my strength to go up a step in the future, when your strength is neglected, I will naturally not use you again. You can restore your freedom, and the decision is up to you. In addition, the time has passed."

Yi Yun talked very quickly, and Snake and Feng Ming heard the heart shaking.

Such a major decision is only a matter of time, and it takes half the time for Yi Yun to speak.

Indeed, for Yi Yun, killing them does not really need to be too tangled. Yi Yun only sets aside twenty interest rates. It is a waste of time and it is not worth it.

As for what Yi Yun said later, Snake Ji and Feng Ming have nothing to say. According to the growth speed of Yi Yun, the two of them went to the day when “power is neglected” and it is not far away.

In the end, under the pressure of death, Snake Ji and Feng Ming Duan signed the soul contract.

At this time, the entire canyon trembled even more, and a large amount of gravel rolled down the mountain.

"what happened?"

Lin Xinyi asked, the warriors of the local and the abandoned people were also a little scared.

Yi Yun felt the smoldering haze around him and said: "This place where the sun is sleeping is the center of the whole soul. The blood moon is arranged in the soul. This sleeping place is the eye. When I just destroyed these haze, I also smashed my heart, and let a lot of yin exude, causing the soul and earth to change. I have to leave quickly, otherwise I will be a little sleepy here. The dead servant and the corpse king are not good."

This Blackstone trial, the time of the weakest yin in the soul, and the timing of the corpse king sleeping, now the yin concentration changes, the sleeping corpse king may wake up.


Yi Yun waved his hand. At this time, many Terran warriors have not recovered. They have just been squandered by the haze, one by one, the soul is wounded, and the weak is extremely.

Injury in the flesh is tolerable to the warrior and the soul is hurt. It is really a great pain.

Now I have no breath in one breath, and the medicinal herbs are too late to eat. I have to flee. It is really a torment for the men and women of these big family.

However, at this time, no one dares to complain about anything. They are very clear. If they say a nonsense, they will be abandoned by Yi Yun without mercy.

If the injury on the body cannot be overcome and I can't keep up with Yi Yun, it will be abandoned.

Think about the various festivals with Yi Yun before, Yi Yun does not fall into the stone is already good, who dare to complain?

At this time, Yi Yun suddenly sounded a weak voice: "Take... bring me... Don't leave me here... I..."

This voice is somewhat familiar. Yi Yun looked back and saw a fire of souls slowly floating from a big soul.

Yi Yun recognized it, this is the soul of Gong Sunhong.

After Yi Yun killed Gong Sunhong’s body, his soul was preserved by the candle dragon. Originally, the candle dragon intended to use the soul of Gong Sunhong to refine the haze. Later, because of his life, he was again Change your mind and use the soul of Gongsunhong as the soul food for feeding the haze.

Now, Gong Sunhong’s soul has been swallowed up by the haze, and it has not completely collapsed. This makes Yi Yun somewhat surprised.

He probably supported the present with a unwilling mind, but unfortunately, only the lost soul of the public grandson is difficult to save. If he has a complete soul, he can still be transformed into a haze, and now he has not even done the haze.

A martial genius, who took the first place from the fire sects, had a good future, had a life span of at least tens of thousands of years, could have a high weight, and his wives were in groups, but because of his ambition, because he was desperate The greed of climbing up falls to the end of this...

This is really a kind of sorrow.


Yi Yun no longer looks at Gong Sunhong and gives orders.

At this time, the big hole in the space where the tower was opened was still there. A group of people followed Yi Yun and ran to the soul.

Like Yu Chiwei and the Chu sisters, who have friendship with Yi Yun, Yi Yun also specifically ordered several deserted warriors to take care of them.

As for other people, you can only ask for more happiness.

In the process of the soul, they will also encounter various dangers, such as the sneak attack of the ghosts. Of course, they are not afraid in the state of prosperity. Now, if they die, they can only blame themselves for their bad lives.

In the soul, the road is like a labyrinth, and Yi Yun relies on the memory in his mind, with a large group of people left and right.

Even sometimes, he will take a sword and break the mountain.

Yi Yun walks in front, and a person is like the tip of a sword. It is unstoppable. Any ghosts and ghosts fall in front of Yiyun, and as soon as they hit, they will be wiped out.

Most of the ghosts have been solved by Yiyun, which also makes the pressure behind the people greatly reduced. Otherwise, the group of Tianxue League is weak and sick, I am afraid that the casualties will be heavy.

In this way, Yi Yun took the time of the crowd for two hours. As he finally took out a sword, he opened a space barrier that was not strong. A ray of sunlight emerged from the breach of the space barrier. , fell on the faces of everyone.

Although it is a little weak sunshine, it is undoubtedly the warmth of the outside world.

Many people even have the urge to cry at this moment.

They finally came out!

A group of people rushed out of the space barrier. Touching the rough stone wall outside, the sun is shining in the dark sky, but there is a warm sunshine, even if it is a very desolate northern land, many people have a long-lost feeling in the heart.

The previous journey of the soul was too oppressive and too painful. They almost thought that they would be buried in the land of death until they saw the outside world. They still felt that some were unreal and there was a feeling of being a human being.

Finally survived...

Many of their companions became the dead bones in the soul.

This Blackstone trial, there is no chance, no reward, no ladder to climb up, only traps and death, they can survive without strength, just because of luck. Those who have lost their luck have turned into their souls with their ambitions... (to be continued.)

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