True Martial World

Chapter 664: Greed

At this time, the land of the extreme north, outside the soul.

The gloomy sun hangs high in the sky, and all the members of the Heavenly Blood Alliance who have escaped from the dead are grateful for their survival from the soul.

Originally they were pigs raised by the Heavenly Blood League. The so-called Blackstone trials were actually sent to the slaughterhouse for slaughter. They were destined to die. Now they can survive and rely on Yiyun.

For a time, Yi Yun became the focus of all members of the Tianxue League, and Yi Yun's strength is strong. His rise has become overwhelming. In the future, he will have to fly to the sky and become a figure comparable to a peerless female emperor.

Expected to think of the future of Yiyun, many people have already moved their minds. At this time, they will pay for Yiyun. Although they will not be expected to help them in the future, they will at least not be enemies with Yiyun.

"Yi Gongzi, Da En does not say thank you, this love, I remembered Sun Li."

"Yi Gongzi, in the south of Jianping, was born in the Nanjian family. He is the first heir to the Nanjian family. Although he is inferior in strength, he is a bit of energy in the south. In the future, Yizi has some small things like errands. Under the opening, despite the opening."

Many people have recovered a certain amount of physical strength, and the pain of the soul sea has subsided.

Yi Yun glanced at these people. He can see that some people are really grateful to him. In fact, they are present in the sky. Most people are not bad in nature. They are of course embarrassed and selfish, but they are also human nature. . Their previous hostility towards Yi Yun was mainly from the propaganda of the Budo Alliance.

However, there are also a few people, their gratitude to Yi Yun, and some of the elements of illusory and false, in which Yi Yun does not care.

He said: "You'd better go home quickly, take action separately, use the fastest speed to pass the array, understand the easy tolerance, and try to pick a sparsely populated place, don't let people find you!"

"I don't guarantee that the **** moon will kill you now, and you will be careful to get the ship. You should contact your family now and tell them what happened, let them send someone to meet you!"

Yi Yun said a few words, saying that this group of genius is in utter disappointment.

Yes, before the news, the news could not be delivered, they don't have to worry.

But now, I am afraid that the **** month has already got the news, to kill them!

Now that they are out of the soul, it is not difficult for them to contact the family. Many of the members of the Tianxue League are elites of major forces. In order to avoid sudden accidents, they all have special contact with the forces. At this time, they have come out. Precious musical notes, sound jade, ready to contact the family across tens of millions of miles.

"Yi Gongzi, you are not a betrayal of the Terran, and what is the bloodmoon?"

A member of the Tianxue League who wanted to pass the voice asked Yi Yun, he would decide what to say in the sound of Yu Yu according to Yi Yun’s answer.

Yi Yun glanced at Jiang Xiaorou around him and whispered: "Little Sister, you are..."

As a barren newcomer, Jiang Xiaorou explained this issue more appropriate.

Before, regarding the plan of the blood month, Jiang Xiaorou did not say a word, because it was useless, no one believed.

It is different now.

"Okay." Jiang Xiaorou nodded. At this time, she had no decisiveness and beauty in the face of the mortal world, but a little more ruddy and cute girl in the flower season. Because Yi Yun returned, she took the desert again. The members of the Tianhu team returned safely. At this time, Jiang Xiaorou’s heart was filled with happiness.

"So... let me explain to you..."

Jiang Xiaorou's words are concise, and they quickly explain the ins and outs of things.

When it comes to tens of millions of years ago, the bloodmoon destroyed a large number of historical records, hiding what happened in the past, and hiding many inheritances. The members of the Tianxue League were shocked and unbelievable for a time.

Even if the blood and the moon are evil, they can hardly believe the history of tens of millions of years ago. It is difficult to accept the good and evil stance of the abandon and the Terran.

is this real?

"Believe it or not, I have already finished, you should go, go back and report your respective forces. If you can convince your elders and elders, it will not be difficult to overwhelm the blood. ""

"And, perhaps you don't know, the **** moon is only a small part of the treasure house of Tiandaomeng. Tens of millions of years ago, the entire martial civilization of the Tianyuan world was destroyed almost because of that big battle. The original blood month It is far stronger than it is now, but only the elite members of the **** moon in the battle have been smashed."

"But the elites are dead, and the wealth they have accumulated is still there."

"Inheritance, medicinal herbs, relics, etc.. Tens of millions of years ago, it was a time of great destruction. I don’t know how many big forces have fallen. These forces of destruction, and the wealth they have accumulated, have fallen into the blood. In the hands of the month, otherwise you think that why can the bloodmoon come up with so much wealth as a reward for you, or even distribute it to the major forces in the Tianyuan world, and draw people's hearts?"

Jiang Xiaorou's words are very tempting. She said that many people are bright-eyed.

Yes! The foundation of the martial arts alliance is so deep and unimaginable!

Although the martial arts alliance has always been a big force, compared with the forces like the fire sect, the Shentu family, and the Lin family, people do not feel how strong it is.

It was only seven years ago that the Budo Alliance was suddenly born, giving people a feeling of great strength.

And this kind of power, in fact, think about it, in addition to one or two people from the core of the martial arts alliance, more, it is from wealth!

The martial arts alliance is strong because of its profound knowledge.

However, the analysis of the strength of the martial arts alliance, in addition to the martial arts alliance ally and his several right arm, the other martial arts alliance executives, no more than their family's elders.

So such a non-outrageous force, where did they get so much wealth and ancient heritage?

In particular, the "Tian Dao Reincarnation" and Yanshou Dan are completely beyond the current martial arts system in Tianyuan.

I am afraid that only Jiang Xiaorou said that everything in the martial arts alliance was plundered from the ancient times and can be explained clearly!

That's countless wealth and ancient heritage, if you get them...

They were all excited when they thought of it.

A large treasure house that has gathered many ancient martial arts civilizations and accumulated over tens of millions of years. If they let them go in and choose, what would it be like?

A young man in his twenties immediately became hot-headed. He said aloud: "Jiang Xianzi is right. The wealth of **** moon is a sinless fortune. It is plundered from the heavenly world. We should eradicate the **** moon and take back these wealth. , rational use, let the martial arts of Tianyuanjie become more civilized!"

"Yes, **** moons actually control the martial arts alliance, fool us, we must eradicate it, and it will be returned to everyone! It will be ushered in another martial arts in the Tianyuan world!"

Many members of the Tianxue League have said that the voice is even a bit of a righteous rhetoric.

However, Yi Yun is clear, saying that these are the greed in their hearts.

The original martial arts alliance is a right-handed organization. Plus it is powerful and mysterious. No one dares to move evil thoughts. Even if there are evil thoughts, it is very difficult to contact the people in the entire Tianyuan world to cooperate with them.

But now it is different. The wall is pushed by everyone. The members of the Tianxue League are not sure that Jiang Xiaorou is true, but the **** moon is evil.

Evil is eradicated, not to mention the fact that there are so many fortunes in this evil power!

Said to be returned to everyone, in fact, who do not want to take those things for themselves?

Jiang Xiaorou is using the greed of these people's hearts, so that their focus of attention, from the suspicion of Jiang Xiaorou's words, to the hatred of the **** month.

This agitation is obviously very effective.

The husband is guilty of sin, not to mention the **** month itself is guilty.

"Do not delay, go!"

"We acted separately, passing the message while passing, letting our respective families out, and welcoming us while fighting against the **** moon!"

"The power of my family is on the side of Tianwu City. I simply let the family out of the family and attack Tianwu City, so that the **** moon can't take care of us."

These arrogant people said, after bidding farewell to Yi Yun and Jiang Xiaolu, they flew out in all directions, and they flew while they crushed their notes and syllables!

The colorful light smashed out, which conveyed all kinds of information...

(To be continued.)

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